Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

We're the richest nation on the planet. We can afford to help our fellow Americans out.

We're the richest nation in the world BECAUSE anyone and everyone is allowed to work hard, advance and enrich THEMSELVES more than they ever dreamed possible. If someone makes bad decisions in their life, that's on them, not me.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama worked hard to shift as many people as possible from the payrolls to the welfare rolls. By enticing workers to the welfare rolls as opposed to payrolls he made them dependent. When welfare ran out, they applied, and millions fraudulently got themselves onto the disability rolls. This fraud hurts not only the taxpayer but also those legitimately in need of the disability payments.

And our current Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. We can and should do much better.

You have done nothing to justify your allegations.

Refuse to pay the surcharge. I did.

Leave the tip in cash but use a credit card to pay the bill and on the Total line, deduct the surcharge.

Let the smartass owner spend $.35 of his time reconciling his books.

The owner will probably make the server pay the surcharge. I ask for the manager and had it removed from the check.

Right. So you support a forced increase of wages, but don't want to pay for it yourself. Brilliant.

I'm not their employer.
Min wage used to buy more. It used to be livable, but it has not kept up with the cost of living.

Flat out lie. The minimum wage has NEVER been intended to be a "livable" wage. It is intended as an entry point for a young, unskilled, inexperienced worker to enter the job market.

Drop the minimum wage entirely and open up entry jobs to millions of unemployed youth.

Share with us the average household income where one of the workers is earning the minimum wage. If you cannot, or will not, then you really don't know diddly squat about the topic, do you?
And then there's the horse who never gets a decent bite of the carrot and falls down dead from exhaustion. But by God, that horse had self-respect!

I don't know about you but I would work 3 jobs and pick up dog shit for a penny a pile before I ever took a handout

it's called pride

get some

First, that reminds me of when I had a dog, and I would think, "if I had a nickel for every shit I picked up......"

Second, I did the math, and over two years, I would have 73 dollars. So would you really do that for a penny a pile? Or would you be that proverbial dead horse?

you forgot the part where I said work 3 jobs AND pick up dog shit for a penny a pile

So the dog shit job would be the first to go?

Would you also forgo sleep? Would you literally kill yourself ith work to survive?

Great. Have at it.

People don't need as much sleep as they think they do.

My 4 years as an undergrad I worked full time nights 11-7 while taking 18 credits on days I didn't have class I cleaned 4 houses a day on weekends I waited tables and in the summer I worked even more

I got 4 hours sleep a day for years on end and still graduated with a 3.9

So you see your sob stories don't really resonate with me.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not merely minimum wages; why do alleged modern capitalists with high grade point averages but no drug use; have a problem, doing what Henry Ford did, last millennium?
There's a reason some would prefer that more limited conversation. For most Americans, payroll and state and local taxes make up the majority of their tax bill. The federal income tax, by contrast, is our most progressive tax -- it's the tax we've designed to place the heaviest burden on the rich while bypassing the poor. And we've done that, again, because the working class is already paying a fairly high tax bill through payroll and state and local taxes.

But most people don't know very much about the tax code.

Boy, you could say that again.

Those payroll taxes you speak of are more like savings accounts. Unless you pass away before retirement, you will get your Social Security money back, you will get your FICA back because FICA is just a fancy word for Social Security. You will get you medicare deductions back. And if you live to the average lifespan, you will get much more back than you put in.

Your city and state taxes provide you with services YOU use every day.

Outside of entitlements, Congress spends income tax money for everything else, and nearly half of the people in this country don't pay that tax.
Who's fault is that? The rich have a capital gains tax preference, to help create Jobs Booms, so the poor can also be Patriotic, and pay personal income taxes through a work ethic from the Age of Iron.

Democrats would never allow it. When they promise people more goodies, they do so with the expectation it will cost somebody else. If we all had to pay for those goodies, the Democrats would not be able to offer them anymore.
why not end the capital gains tax preference?

Because that would have a negative effect on the stock market and other investments.
so, no Jobs Boom is better?
And our current Minimum Wage is an absolute embarrassment. We can and should do much better.

You have done nothing to justify your allegations.

just hearsay and soothsay from the right wing.

three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.
Apparently math isn't your strong suit. The first wrong assumption you're making is that the higher wage person has a job at all. 3-4% increased not inflation but wages is a problem if your entire business is making 5%. Are you too dumb to follow that?
Min wage used to buy more. It used to be livable, but it has not kept up with the cost of living.

Flat out lie. The minimum wage has NEVER been intended to be a "livable" wage. It is intended as an entry point for a young, unskilled, inexperienced worker to enter the job market.

Drop the minimum wage entirely and open up entry jobs to millions of unemployed youth.

Share with us the average household income where one of the workers is earning the minimum wage. If you cannot, or will not, then you really don't know diddly squat about the topic, do you?

Absolute truth. Minimum wage was once enough to bring a family of three over the poverty line. I provided links to support that. Maybe you missed them or you would like to keep your hands over your ears and eyes and yell, "lie" some more.
And then there's the horse who never gets a decent bite of the carrot and falls down dead from exhaustion. But by God, that horse had self-respect!

I don't know about you but I would work 3 jobs and pick up dog shit for a penny a pile before I ever took a handout

it's called pride

get some

First, that reminds me of when I had a dog, and I would think, "if I had a nickel for every shit I picked up......"

Second, I did the math, and over two years, I would have 73 dollars. So would you really do that for a penny a pile? Or would you be that proverbial dead horse?

you forgot the part where I said work 3 jobs AND pick up dog shit for a penny a pile

So the dog shit job would be the first to go?

Would you also forgo sleep? Would you literally kill yourself ith work to survive?

Great. Have at it.

People don't need as much sleep as they think they do.

My 4 years as an undergrad I worked full time nights 11-7 while taking 18 credits on days I didn't have class I cleaned 4 houses a day on weekends I waited tables and in the summer I worked even more

I got 4 hours sleep a day for years on end and still graduated with a 3.9

So you see your sob stories don't really resonate with me.

I didn't tell any stories. I asked questions. But maybe you're extraordinary. I don't want to live in a country where it takes extraordinary measures just to survive, especially when we can easily make life more livable for ordinary citizens. We're not a third-world country.
We're the richest nation on the planet. We can afford to help our fellow Americans out.

We're the richest nation in the world BECAUSE anyone and everyone is allowed to work hard, advance and enrich THEMSELVES more than they ever dreamed possible. If someone makes bad decisions in their life, that's on them, not me.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama worked hard to shift as many people as possible from the payrolls to the welfare rolls. By enticing workers to the welfare rolls as opposed to payrolls he made them dependent. When welfare ran out, they applied, and millions fraudulently got themselves onto the disability rolls. This fraud hurts not only the taxpayer but also those legitimately in need of the disability payments.

Did you hear about the corrupt Booosh economic meltdown? lol
three to four percent price inflation, is what the right wing has a problem with.

Where has there been 3-4% inflation? What does that have to do with the minimum wage?

My first "job" I earned $0,75 per hour working at a tropical fish farm in South Miami, before that I delivered newspapers. At sixteen I started working for $0.85 per hour bagging groceries at a large grocery store near our home. The minimum wage was $1.00 per hour. Because we also earned tips, we could be paid less. It was GREAT we made a LOT of money.

Tell me, at any point did I merit a "living wage"? Of course NOT. I was learning how to work.

We're the richest nation on the planet. We can afford to help our fellow Americans out.

We're the richest nation in the world BECAUSE anyone and everyone is allowed to work hard, advance and enrich THEMSELVES more than they ever dreamed possible. If someone makes bad decisions in their life, that's on them, not me.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama worked hard to shift as many people as possible from the payrolls to the welfare rolls. By enticing workers to the welfare rolls as opposed to payrolls he made them dependent. When welfare ran out, they applied, and millions fraudulently got themselves onto the disability rolls. This fraud hurts not only the taxpayer but also those legitimately in need of the disability payments.

Did you hear about the corrupt Booosh economic meltdown? lol

How did that disable people?

If President Obama's economy is so grand, why are they not working again? Why are they still out of the labor market?
I don't know about you but I would work 3 jobs and pick up dog shit for a penny a pile before I ever took a handout

it's called pride

get some

First, that reminds me of when I had a dog, and I would think, "if I had a nickel for every shit I picked up......"

Second, I did the math, and over two years, I would have 73 dollars. So would you really do that for a penny a pile? Or would you be that proverbial dead horse?

you forgot the part where I said work 3 jobs AND pick up dog shit for a penny a pile

So the dog shit job would be the first to go?

Would you also forgo sleep? Would you literally kill yourself ith work to survive?

Great. Have at it.

People don't need as much sleep as they think they do.

My 4 years as an undergrad I worked full time nights 11-7 while taking 18 credits on days I didn't have class I cleaned 4 houses a day on weekends I waited tables and in the summer I worked even more

I got 4 hours sleep a day for years on end and still graduated with a 3.9

So you see your sob stories don't really resonate with me.

I didn't tell any stories. I asked questions. But maybe you're extraordinary. I don't want to live in a country where it takes extraordinary measures just to survive, especially when we can easily make life more livable for ordinary citizens. We're not a third-world country.

We don't have a government that has the responsibility to "make life more livable" for anybody. We have a government that allows people to do that for themselves. If we ever get to the point where governments job is to make life more livable for everybody, then we will be a third world country.

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