Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Boy, you could say that again.

Those payroll taxes you speak of are more like savings accounts. Unless you pass away before retirement, you will get your Social Security money back, you will get your FICA back because FICA is just a fancy word for Social Security. You will get you medicare deductions back. And if you live to the average lifespan, you will get much more back than you put in.

Your city and state taxes provide you with services YOU use every day.

Outside of entitlements, Congress spends income tax money for everything else, and nearly half of the people in this country don't pay that tax.
Who's fault is that? The rich have a capital gains tax preference, to help create Jobs Booms, so the poor can also be Patriotic, and pay personal income taxes through a work ethic from the Age of Iron.

Democrats would never allow it. When they promise people more goodies, they do so with the expectation it will cost somebody else. If we all had to pay for those goodies, the Democrats would not be able to offer them anymore.
why not end the capital gains tax preference?

Because that would have a negative effect on the stock market and other investments.
so, no Jobs Boom is better?

Jobs rely on successful investments. That's why business puts their company in the stock market in the first place. If you have a failing stock market, then you have a failing employment problem.
Refuse to pay the surcharge. I did.

Leave the tip in cash but use a credit card to pay the bill and on the Total line, deduct the surcharge.

Let the smartass owner spend $.35 of his time reconciling his books.

The owner will probably make the server pay the surcharge. I ask for the manager and had it removed from the check.

Right. So you support a forced increase of wages, but don't want to pay for it yourself. Brilliant.

I'm not their employer.

Irrelevant. What you don't understand about business is that ALL COSTS have to be paid for by somebody. The leftists notion that increased costs to a business will force a business owner to absorb those costs is just ridiculous. They pass those costs onto us, the consumer. Either that, or they recoup the loss on their employees.

Either way, the big guy never loses. It's only in the liberal mind that he does.
First, that reminds me of when I had a dog, and I would think, "if I had a nickel for every shit I picked up......"

Second, I did the math, and over two years, I would have 73 dollars. So would you really do that for a penny a pile? Or would you be that proverbial dead horse?

you forgot the part where I said work 3 jobs AND pick up dog shit for a penny a pile

So the dog shit job would be the first to go?

Would you also forgo sleep? Would you literally kill yourself ith work to survive?

Great. Have at it.

People don't need as much sleep as they think they do.

My 4 years as an undergrad I worked full time nights 11-7 while taking 18 credits on days I didn't have class I cleaned 4 houses a day on weekends I waited tables and in the summer I worked even more

I got 4 hours sleep a day for years on end and still graduated with a 3.9

So you see your sob stories don't really resonate with me.

I didn't tell any stories. I asked questions. But maybe you're extraordinary. I don't want to live in a country where it takes extraordinary measures just to survive, especially when we can easily make life more livable for ordinary citizens. We're not a third-world country.

We don't have a government that has the responsibility to "make life more livable" for anybody. We have a government that allows people to do that for themselves. If we ever get to the point where governments job is to make life more livable for everybody, then we will be a third world country.

Right. Nothing the government does is ever for the common good.

Except roads, public schools, snow plowing, environmental protection, OSHA regulations, food and drug inspection, fire departments, police forces, public libraries, and the national emergency broadcast system.
Right, I just work with industry all day long five days a week. Only "a few" place I went to told me this same story not to mention a personal friend of mine.

Sorry, but it happens constantly with temporary workers. What they do is three or four of them live in one place and pool their SNAP's cards together. Four people can live off of two of the cards for the month, and they sell the other two for extra money.

Ok, Archie Bunker. Sure thing. Stop beating Edith and get real. You're just demonizing so you can feel 'justified' in being so hateful and greedy.

Food Stamps Exchanged For Drugs, Weapons, Contraband - Judicial Watch

Detroit Lotto winner found dead.

Incredibly rare scenario. One that you personally will never encounter. So stop trying to play it off that all struggling fellow Americans are like this woman. Because that's just not reality. You just wanna believe it's the norm so you can justify treating fellow Americans poorly.

What can I do? If you want to live in your own make believe world, there is nothing I can do to help you. I can post ten thousand stories just like this one, and as long as you insist on putting the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud, then you're not going to acknowledge one of them.

I told you about my experiences at work, I told you about my experiences with these people at the store, I told you about my experiences with these people in my very own neighborhood, and everything I told you were anomalies in your mind.

In your mind, poor people are dad and the kids sitting at the kitchen table under a light socket hanging from it's wires with a 25 watt bulb in it. Dad is in his dirty torn tee shirt tired from working 12 hour days, and the kids too are dirty wearing hand me down clothing. Everybody is skinny because they don't eat properly, and mom is sweating over a pot of stew trying to sneak in more water to make it go farther. In your mind, this is reality to you.

This woman isn't the norm. And i'm sure you greedy white Republican folks know that. She isn't representative of average struggling fellow Americans. Y'all just wanna live your hate fantasies. It helps you feel you're justified in hating fellow Americans. You see them as the 'Bad Guy.' But in reality, you're the Bad Guy.

Yes, I am the bad guy that thinks people who are physically and mentally capable of working should work. I'm the bad guy that thinks if you force employers to pay more for labor than the labor is worth, it will have a negative effect on our economy, and may drive even more jobs overseas as we have witnessed the last couple of decades.

Maybe this woman isn't "the norm" but there are plenty like her who just never took it to the limit. I see them at my grocery store with the SNAP's card with four kids and a SUV she puts her groceries in.

I would love to have a SUV; even one with a plow. But I can't afford it. I can't afford to buy expensive vehicles, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to afford the gas.

There is something seriously wrong in a society where the so-callled poor have more than the working. As I stated, I work every day to live in the suburbs, and the lowlifes next door to me don't work a day and can do the same. But in reality, I'm the bad guy???
you forgot the part where I said work 3 jobs AND pick up dog shit for a penny a pile

So the dog shit job would be the first to go?

Would you also forgo sleep? Would you literally kill yourself ith work to survive?

Great. Have at it.

People don't need as much sleep as they think they do.

My 4 years as an undergrad I worked full time nights 11-7 while taking 18 credits on days I didn't have class I cleaned 4 houses a day on weekends I waited tables and in the summer I worked even more

I got 4 hours sleep a day for years on end and still graduated with a 3.9

So you see your sob stories don't really resonate with me.

I didn't tell any stories. I asked questions. But maybe you're extraordinary. I don't want to live in a country where it takes extraordinary measures just to survive, especially when we can easily make life more livable for ordinary citizens. We're not a third-world country.

We don't have a government that has the responsibility to "make life more livable" for anybody. We have a government that allows people to do that for themselves. If we ever get to the point where governments job is to make life more livable for everybody, then we will be a third world country.

Right. Nothing the government does is ever for the common good.

Except roads, public schools, snow plowing, environmental protection, OSHA regulations, food and drug inspection, fire departments, police forces, public libraries, and the national emergency broadcast system.

Most of which you listed are local issues and not national. As far as national issues go, OSHA is an expensive burden on our job creators. What does the National Broadcast System do besides annoy us with their "tests" on the radio and television???

Creating roads, bridges, maintenance is different than the federal government forcing wage increases on our businesses. We all use these things, but increased minimum wage only targets less than 4% of our society. In our US Constitution, our founders wrote what the federal government is to provide people. Minimum wage was never mentioned.
Ok, Archie Bunker. Sure thing. Stop beating Edith and get real. You're just demonizing so you can feel 'justified' in being so hateful and greedy.

Food Stamps Exchanged For Drugs, Weapons, Contraband - Judicial Watch

Detroit Lotto winner found dead.

Incredibly rare scenario. One that you personally will never encounter. So stop trying to play it off that all struggling fellow Americans are like this woman. Because that's just not reality. You just wanna believe it's the norm so you can justify treating fellow Americans poorly.

What can I do? If you want to live in your own make believe world, there is nothing I can do to help you. I can post ten thousand stories just like this one, and as long as you insist on putting the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud, then you're not going to acknowledge one of them.

I told you about my experiences at work, I told you about my experiences with these people at the store, I told you about my experiences with these people in my very own neighborhood, and everything I told you were anomalies in your mind.

In your mind, poor people are dad and the kids sitting at the kitchen table under a light socket hanging from it's wires with a 25 watt bulb in it. Dad is in his dirty torn tee shirt tired from working 12 hour days, and the kids too are dirty wearing hand me down clothing. Everybody is skinny because they don't eat properly, and mom is sweating over a pot of stew trying to sneak in more water to make it go farther. In your mind, this is reality to you.

This woman isn't the norm. And i'm sure you greedy white Republican folks know that. She isn't representative of average struggling fellow Americans. Y'all just wanna live your hate fantasies. It helps you feel you're justified in hating fellow Americans. You see them as the 'Bad Guy.' But in reality, you're the Bad Guy.

Yes, I am the bad guy that thinks people who are physically and mentally capable of working should work. I'm the bad guy that thinks if you force employers to pay more for labor than the labor is worth, it will have a negative effect on our economy, and may drive even more jobs overseas as we have witnessed the last couple of decades.

Maybe this woman isn't "the norm" but there are plenty like her who just never took it to the limit. I see them at my grocery store with the SNAP's card with four kids and a SUV she puts her groceries in.

I would love to have a SUV; even one with a plow. But I can't afford it. I can't afford to buy expensive vehicles, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to afford the gas.

There is something seriously wrong in a society where the so-callled poor have more than the working. As I stated, I work every day to live in the suburbs, and the lowlifes next door to me don't work a day and can do the same. But in reality, I'm the bad guy???

Yep, you are. Because you pretend to know those people's financial business, when all you can really do is guess. If those "so-called poor" people are scamming the system, then they are criminals. But let's not let that be an indictment of all working poor in the country.
So the dog shit job would be the first to go?

Would you also forgo sleep? Would you literally kill yourself ith work to survive?

Great. Have at it.

People don't need as much sleep as they think they do.

My 4 years as an undergrad I worked full time nights 11-7 while taking 18 credits on days I didn't have class I cleaned 4 houses a day on weekends I waited tables and in the summer I worked even more

I got 4 hours sleep a day for years on end and still graduated with a 3.9

So you see your sob stories don't really resonate with me.

I didn't tell any stories. I asked questions. But maybe you're extraordinary. I don't want to live in a country where it takes extraordinary measures just to survive, especially when we can easily make life more livable for ordinary citizens. We're not a third-world country.

We don't have a government that has the responsibility to "make life more livable" for anybody. We have a government that allows people to do that for themselves. If we ever get to the point where governments job is to make life more livable for everybody, then we will be a third world country.

Right. Nothing the government does is ever for the common good.

Except roads, public schools, snow plowing, environmental protection, OSHA regulations, food and drug inspection, fire departments, police forces, public libraries, and the national emergency broadcast system.

Most of which you listed are local issues and not national. As far as national issues go, OSHA is an expensive burden on our job creators. What does the National Broadcast System do besides annoy us with their "tests" on the radio and television???

Creating roads, bridges, maintenance is different than the federal government forcing wage increases on our businesses. We all use these things, but increased minimum wage only targets less than 4% of our society. In our US Constitution, our founders wrote what the federal government is to provide people. Minimum wage was never mentioned.

Neither were public schools. Or clean air. Or worker protections.
First, that reminds me of when I had a dog, and I would think, "if I had a nickel for every shit I picked up......"

Second, I did the math, and over two years, I would have 73 dollars. So would you really do that for a penny a pile? Or would you be that proverbial dead horse?

you forgot the part where I said work 3 jobs AND pick up dog shit for a penny a pile

So the dog shit job would be the first to go?

Would you also forgo sleep? Would you literally kill yourself ith work to survive?

Great. Have at it.

People don't need as much sleep as they think they do.

My 4 years as an undergrad I worked full time nights 11-7 while taking 18 credits on days I didn't have class I cleaned 4 houses a day on weekends I waited tables and in the summer I worked even more

I got 4 hours sleep a day for years on end and still graduated with a 3.9

So you see your sob stories don't really resonate with me.

I didn't tell any stories. I asked questions. But maybe you're extraordinary. I don't want to live in a country where it takes extraordinary measures just to survive, especially when we can easily make life more livable for ordinary citizens. We're not a third-world country.

We don't have a government that has the responsibility to "make life more livable" for anybody. We have a government that allows people to do that for themselves. If we ever get to the point where governments job is to make life more livable for everybody, then we will be a third world country.
Yup, our gov't should make life as hard as possible for regular people, to toughen them up.
Ok, Archie Bunker. Sure thing. Stop beating Edith and get real. You're just demonizing so you can feel 'justified' in being so hateful and greedy.

Food Stamps Exchanged For Drugs, Weapons, Contraband - Judicial Watch

Detroit Lotto winner found dead.

Incredibly rare scenario. One that you personally will never encounter. So stop trying to play it off that all struggling fellow Americans are like this woman. Because that's just not reality. You just wanna believe it's the norm so you can justify treating fellow Americans poorly.

What can I do? If you want to live in your own make believe world, there is nothing I can do to help you. I can post ten thousand stories just like this one, and as long as you insist on putting the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud, then you're not going to acknowledge one of them.

I told you about my experiences at work, I told you about my experiences with these people at the store, I told you about my experiences with these people in my very own neighborhood, and everything I told you were anomalies in your mind.

In your mind, poor people are dad and the kids sitting at the kitchen table under a light socket hanging from it's wires with a 25 watt bulb in it. Dad is in his dirty torn tee shirt tired from working 12 hour days, and the kids too are dirty wearing hand me down clothing. Everybody is skinny because they don't eat properly, and mom is sweating over a pot of stew trying to sneak in more water to make it go farther. In your mind, this is reality to you.

This woman isn't the norm. And i'm sure you greedy white Republican folks know that. She isn't representative of average struggling fellow Americans. Y'all just wanna live your hate fantasies. It helps you feel you're justified in hating fellow Americans. You see them as the 'Bad Guy.' But in reality, you're the Bad Guy.

Yes, I am the bad guy that thinks people who are physically and mentally capable of working should work. I'm the bad guy that thinks if you force employers to pay more for labor than the labor is worth, it will have a negative effect on our economy, and may drive even more jobs overseas as we have witnessed the last couple of decades.

Maybe this woman isn't "the norm" but there are plenty like her who just never took it to the limit. I see them at my grocery store with the SNAP's card with four kids and a SUV she puts her groceries in.

I would love to have a SUV; even one with a plow. But I can't afford it. I can't afford to buy expensive vehicles, and even if I could, I wouldn't be able to afford the gas.

There is something seriously wrong in a society where the so-callled poor have more than the working. As I stated, I work every day to live in the suburbs, and the lowlifes next door to me don't work a day and can do the same. But in reality, I'm the bad guy???

You have no idea how they do it, but assume the worst. So you are the bad guy. They probably borrowed the SUV. etc etc
Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

I go out to dinner and lunch (or have it delivered in) quite a lot -- six to ten times a week. I haven't noticed any material increase in the prices I've been paying. Fast food restaurants seem to be moving toward automation as a way to keep operating costs low.

I have to wonder whether the people working in the restaurants I frequent are even affected by the minimum wage increase. AFAIK, the waiters don't earn minimum wage as their earnings are mostly tip-based. The hosts are paid more than minimum wage as are the kitchen staff -- chef, sous chefs and line prep person -- except perhaps the dishwasher(s).

From the OP's cited article:
Many restaurant owners say they have added surcharges because jacking up menu prices can turn off customers who are sensitive to how much a sandwich or bowl of soup should cost.

How absurd! Does a customer have an option whereby they can obtain the bowl of soup without paying the surcharge? If not the bowl of soup still costs the same thing. Moreover, have any of you actually made soup? The way restaurants do it, it's not a labor intensive take leftovers and scraps from the stuff you serve as entrees and appetizers, add water salt, pepper, maybe toss in rice, noodles or beans, and heat it at a low temp for a long time. It's not like a steak or rack of lamb or whatever that's made to order.

To the extent restaurants are separating their charges by labor and food, they are doing so to make a point, but what they aren't doing is showing anyone what their "before and after" food and labor costs were. They are just leveraging the fact that the wage hike has been widely publicised and is a "thing" as a result.

the average customer check at casual-dining restaurants, which doesn’t include surcharges, rose to $14.70 last year, up nearly 11% from 2012.

Okay....So we're talking a $1.62 increase. Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not buying that a $1.62 is a great burden to the customers of the those restaurants. I realize I'm being a bit callous with other people's money by writing that, but the fact remains that we're still talking about $1.62. It's just not enough to alter the business viability of the restaurants or their customers' willingness to spend it to have a time out with friends or family.​
I don't know about you but I would work 3 jobs and pick up dog shit for a penny a pile before I ever took a handout

it's called pride

get some

First, that reminds me of when I had a dog, and I would think, "if I had a nickel for every shit I picked up......"

Second, I did the math, and over two years, I would have 73 dollars. So would you really do that for a penny a pile? Or would you be that proverbial dead horse?

you forgot the part where I said work 3 jobs AND pick up dog shit for a penny a pile

So the dog shit job would be the first to go?

Would you also forgo sleep? Would you literally kill yourself ith work to survive?

Great. Have at it.

People don't need as much sleep as they think they do.

My 4 years as an undergrad I worked full time nights 11-7 while taking 18 credits on days I didn't have class I cleaned 4 houses a day on weekends I waited tables and in the summer I worked even more

I got 4 hours sleep a day for years on end and still graduated with a 3.9

So you see your sob stories don't really resonate with me.
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not merely minimum wages; why do alleged modern capitalists with high grade point averages but no drug use; have a problem, doing what Henry Ford did, last millennium?

Putting burgers in bags in this day and age is not comparable at all to what Ford did
Ford was a mogul in a new burgeoning and extremely profitable industry

if you think that simply doubling everyone's wages will solve everything you are naive to the point of mental retardation
Henry Ford doubled autoworker wages not merely minimum wages; why do alleged modern capitalists with high grade point averages but no drug use; have a problem, doing what Henry Ford did, last millennium?
Um, because they're facing intense and growing competition, both domestically and globally.

Was this actually a serious question?
I don't know about you but I would work 3 jobs and pick up dog shit for a penny a pile before I ever took a handout

it's called pride

get some

First, that reminds me of when I had a dog, and I would think, "if I had a nickel for every shit I picked up......"

Second, I did the math, and over two years, I would have 73 dollars. So would you really do that for a penny a pile? Or would you be that proverbial dead horse?

you forgot the part where I said work 3 jobs AND pick up dog shit for a penny a pile

So the dog shit job would be the first to go?

Would you also forgo sleep? Would you literally kill yourself ith work to survive?

Great. Have at it.

People don't need as much sleep as they think they do.

My 4 years as an undergrad I worked full time nights 11-7 while taking 18 credits on days I didn't have class I cleaned 4 houses a day on weekends I waited tables and in the summer I worked even more

I got 4 hours sleep a day for years on end and still graduated with a 3.9

So you see your sob stories don't really resonate with me.

I didn't tell any stories. I asked questions. But maybe you're extraordinary. I don't want to live in a country where it takes extraordinary measures just to survive, especially when we can easily make life more livable for ordinary citizens. We're not a third-world country.
no we're not and our so called poor do not have it any worse than the so called poor in any other first world nation and they have it far far better than the actual poor in third world countries

Have you ever been to a third world country I wonder. I have and I have seen real poverty and we don't have it

and I do not think there is anything special about me I'm just an average guy who had a plan and followed it. I always knew that I was responsible for my own life and didn't depend on a job or anyone else to provide what I needed. I did whatever it took to work my plan. At 16 I got a job and worked 38 hours a week my last 3 years of HS because I knew I would need the money because no one was going to pay for my college but me summers I worked 2 jobs while my friends were hanging around doing nothing and begging their parents for spending money

and so what if people take extraordinary effort for a few years to get something better?
I kept the full time night job until I was in my late 30s. I worked full time during the day as well. Still managed to get a second degree and an MBA My wife worked almost as much we saved every cent from my day job and her 30 hour a week part time job for 10 years. We opened a business had plenty of capital and didn't have to go very deep in debt to do it. I kept the night job for the first 3 years our business was opened we both worked upwards of 90 hours a week for the first 5 years we were open

we put the work in up front and now work less than 40 hours a week each in a couple more years I'll be working about 20 I'll be semi retired by the time I'm 52 and the business will continue to pay us very well.

no one and I mean no one who ever accomplished anything worth while in a career only ever worked just 40 hours a week.

So when people whine they don't make enough money while they're buying 10 dollar coffees and smoking a pack a day I tune them out
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Labor is an average of 20% of cost, so no. TY for the stupid GOP spam, dupe.

Your feigned ignorance is amusing.

As you know too, labor cost for a restaurant is far more than 20%.
idiots who never ran a business or met a payroll think they know everything there is about it.

I wonder if all these armchair QBs are so business savvy why they still punch a time clock for someone else
Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

No it isn't, the poor still pay the first $3500, they still can't afford the visits, but hey clown, it is your illusion.
BS. Read something. Visits and tests are cheap. They pay 3500 over time, get $75k free. Better than losing everything. While cost curve bends down if GOP stops the sabotage...

More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.

So Lewis who evade taxes is the good rich? Kerry who poisons his fellow Americans are the good rich? Buffett who takes every deduction available is the good rich? Gore who pretends to care about the environment while flying in his private jet is the good rich? Are you one big dupe.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.

So Lewis who evade taxes is the good rich? Kerry who poisons his fellow Americans are the good rich? Buffett who takes every deduction available is the good rich? Gore who pretends to care about the environment while flying in his private jet is the good rich? Are you one big dupe.

You forgot Robert Redford who flies around in his private jet telling the downtrodden to save fuel.
I didn't sign up for anything, I don't care for Trump. But he is a hell of a lot better than the slimy Clinton. Funny how it is okay for Democrats to fuck you over but you don't like it when Republicans do.
Slimy only in dupe world. When did Dems fuck us? LOL.

Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
That doesn't make the GOP the party of the middle class.

By the way us sales guys are in Florida for a sales conference. Going to dinner on a yacht tonight.

It doesn't make the Democrats the party of the middle class either. What is so cool about dinner on someone else's yacht? You spending a night with a lot of assholes who lie to each other all night. BFD!
Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
Democrats understand owners and labor are important. Republicans see labor as strictly a cost. Not an asset

Tell that to Kerry who is killing people with his products, dumb ass!
Seriously? You have to ask? Lol! Even Sealy will tell you the Dems have screwed us over, only a dishonest partisan hack would claim otherwise. Wake up dupe, both the Dems and the GOP love your ignorance.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

And the worst thing that ever happened to middle-class workers.
Unions brought everyone's wages up. The GOP have destroyed unions and no coincidence wages have gone down

Claims the asshole who is not in a union nor is he trying to unionize? Man your BS is deep tonight.

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