Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.
Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
They want to pay more, dupe. It's called REAL patriotism, not your GOP style flag pins and bs...

No they don't, they take every deduction they can, hell Democratic Congressman Lewis avoids his property taxes altogether! Spare me you damn BS, it is old and it is all lies. I see you still avoided answering my links proving you are full of it. So either you are the biggest idiot in the world or you are dishonest.
The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.
Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
Like Hollywood rich. They aren't usually greedy or conservative. They know they hit the work lotto and don't mind paying a progressive tax

Like Willie Nelson who didn't pay his taxes? Like the Hollywood elitist that have accountants that make sure they get every deduction? Like Lewis that avoided his property taxes? That is "GOOD" rich? You honestly believe that?
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

And the worst thing that ever happened to middle-class workers.
Unions brought everyone's wages up. The GOP have destroyed unions and no coincidence wages have gone down

The GOP had nothing to do with the unions. That's just urban legend. The Republicans never supported unions, but that's a far cry from destroying them.

Unions destroyed themselves. They were good at the beginning, but got too greedy as time went on.
Yup, Reagan was a Dem and the GOP is against Right to Work etc etc...

You liberals are all for pro-choice except when it comes to working.
We know collective bargaining raises wages. You don't get to go work for a union shop, benefit from the union and then not participate.

We know what a company would do with that.

You have a choice. Work for another company
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.
Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
They want to pay more, dupe. It's called REAL patriotism, not your GOP style flag pins and bs...

No they don't, they take every deduction they can, hell Democratic Congressman Lewis avoids his property taxes altogether! Spare me you damn BS, it is old and it is all lies. I see you still avoided answering my links proving you are full of it. So either you are the biggest idiot in the world or you are dishonest.

My house sits on 2.5 acres in rural Ohio and my property tax is $7,200 per year. How on gods green earth does Lewis avoid property tax? My neighbor has 2.5 acres that his house sits on and his property tax is $16,800 per year. His new Cadillacs are 'company cars' that he and his family drive around for free. A company car is only supposed to be used for business purposes and not for private purposes. That rich dirty bastard stole my metal grinder but I will get it back come hell or high water.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.
Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
Like Hollywood rich. They aren't usually greedy or conservative. They know they hit the work lotto and don't mind paying a progressive tax
You know this, how? Got a source or just imagination?
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars. You guys call them Hollywood liberals.

I think 2 people in Hollywood are Republicans
And then there's the horse who never gets a decent bite of the carrot and falls down dead from exhaustion. But by God, that horse had self-respect!
The part you can't see is that people come here barely speaking the language and do well. some very well. If you can't get a decent bite of the carrot it's not the carrot's fault. It means you lived life as a victim in a land of opportunity.
Most do not say yes
I know because I have experience in the matter and you don't

and please quote me where I used the word lazy anywhere in this thread

That's all you Asshole

They just don't like you. And gee, i wonder why? Most do say yes. Most Workers grab any extra hours they can get. And most of those who do say no, have valid reasons.

You're just choosing to fixate on the very few who are lazy. Again, that's part of your 'Their All Evil Lazy Welfare People' fantasy. You live in the fantasy to justify mistreating fellow Americans. I bet you consider yourself a 'Good Christian' too.

You are wrong of course.

I used to be a shift manager for a company in my late 20s and I used to make overtime calls all the time I got far more nos than yeses

if you were right I would have always found someone to work OT on my very first call

Well in my experience, most Workers i've known gladly accepted more hours. I can only speak for myself on it though. My experience is the complete opposite of yours. I think you just enjoy seeing that 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman at every turn. It helps you justify being greedy and hateful.
He's got some stoners renting from him, so all the poor are like them...

Yeah, old white Republican dude sure does see that 'Evil Lazy Welfare' Boogeyman hiding under every bed, huh? So much hate & greed. They have to demonize though. It helps them feel 'justified' in being so hateful.
You're a blatant hypocrite. All you do is hurl your worse shortcomings onto others and think we are all too stupid to see it.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

No it isn't, the poor still pay the first $3500, they still can't afford the visits, but hey clown, it is your illusion.
BS. Read something. Visits and tests are cheap. They pay 3500 over time, get $75k free. Better than losing everything. While cost curve bends down if GOP stops the sabotage...

More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

And the worst thing that ever happened to middle-class workers.
Unions brought everyone's wages up. The GOP have destroyed unions and no coincidence wages have gone down

Claims the asshole who is not in a union nor is he trying to unionize? Man your BS is deep tonight.
I have worked for companies I would have loved to unionize. My company doesn't need to be unionized. Too small and they pay well. Not a lot of turnover.

If I never worked for shitty companies maybe I'd think like you
you forgot the part where I said work 3 jobs AND pick up dog shit for a penny a pile

So the dog shit job would be the first to go?

Would you also forgo sleep? Would you literally kill yourself ith work to survive?

Great. Have at it.

People don't need as much sleep as they think they do.

My 4 years as an undergrad I worked full time nights 11-7 while taking 18 credits on days I didn't have class I cleaned 4 houses a day on weekends I waited tables and in the summer I worked even more

I got 4 hours sleep a day for years on end and still graduated with a 3.9

So you see your sob stories don't really resonate with me.

I didn't tell any stories. I asked questions. But maybe you're extraordinary. I don't want to live in a country where it takes extraordinary measures just to survive, especially when we can easily make life more livable for ordinary citizens. We're not a third-world country.

We don't have a government that has the responsibility to "make life more livable" for anybody. We have a government that allows people to do that for themselves. If we ever get to the point where governments job is to make life more livable for everybody, then we will be a third world country.

Right. Nothing the government does is ever for the common good.

Except roads, public schools, snow plowing, environmental protection, OSHA regulations, food and drug inspection, fire departments, police forces, public libraries, and the national emergency broadcast system.
You missed the point. Government was formed for a reason, it should do the things it was created for. Our government was not formed to be our nanny and caretaker. I don't like what it's doing to the population. They are creating many needy, weak dependent victims. We need more self reliant hard working employees and entrepreneurs. The things that made us great. The government has been standing on our necks, it's time for some fresh air not more commie state failures.
The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

And the worst thing that ever happened to middle-class workers.
Unions brought everyone's wages up. The GOP have destroyed unions and no coincidence wages have gone down

Claims the asshole who is not in a union nor is he trying to unionize? Man your BS is deep tonight.
I have worked for companies I would have loved to unionize. My company doesn't need to be unionized. Too small and they pay well. Not a lot of turnover.

If I never worked for shitty companies maybe I'd think like you

America is the land of opportunity. When I got out of the Navy started at the bottom of the ladder and sixteen years later was at the top of the ladder. Young people today want to start at the top of the ladder and that is an exercise in futility.
Actually the dems didn't fuck the people the people fucked themselves by voting GOP or even worse, not showing up to vote.
We have the government we have because only right and left wingers are the only ones who vote every 2 years

The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.

So Lewis who evade taxes is the good rich? Kerry who poisons his fellow Americans are the good rich? Buffett who takes every deduction available is the good rich? Gore who pretends to care about the environment while flying in his private jet is the good rich? Are you one big dupe.
Rick Snyder poisoned his citizens. Who's Kerry and when did he poison people?

And yes gore is a good guy. He wanted all the corporations who pollute to cut down because he believes gw is real. The dupes are the right wing voters (you) who have swallowed the right wing talking point that he has 3 homes and uses a lot of electricity. Irrilivent. Him selling 2 homes isn't going to solve the problem.

Again you cons can't grasp the concept of we are in this together. You're mentality is always every man for himself including gw. Well it doesn't work that way.

Gore should have never picked that Jew. That's why he lost tennessee
The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.

So Lewis who evade taxes is the good rich? Kerry who poisons his fellow Americans are the good rich? Buffett who takes every deduction available is the good rich? Gore who pretends to care about the environment while flying in his private jet is the good rich? Are you one big dupe.
Rick Snyder poisoned his citizens. Who's Kerry and when did he poison people?

And yes gore is a good guy. He wanted all the corporations who pollute to cut down because he believes gw is real. The dupes are the right wing voters (you) who have swallowed the right wing talking point that he has 3 homes and uses a lot of electricity. Irrilivent. Him selling 2 homes isn't going to solve the problem.

Again you cons can't grasp the concept of we are in this together. You're mentality is always every man for himself including gw. Well it doesn't work that way.

Gore should have never picked that Jew. That's why he lost tennessee

Kerry = Stolen Valor. His Silver Star is bogus.
The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

No it isn't, the poor still pay the first $3500, they still can't afford the visits, but hey clown, it is your illusion.
BS. Read something. Visits and tests are cheap. They pay 3500 over time, get $75k free. Better than losing everything. While cost curve bends down if GOP stops the sabotage...

More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care
Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

I go out to dinner and lunch (or have it delivered in) quite a lot -- six to ten times a week. I haven't noticed any material increase in the prices I've been paying. Fast food restaurants seem to be moving toward automation as a way to keep operating costs low.

I have to wonder whether the people working in the restaurants I frequent are even affected by the minimum wage increase. AFAIK, the waiters don't earn minimum wage as their earnings are mostly tip-based. The hosts are paid more than minimum wage as are the kitchen staff -- chef, sous chefs and line prep person -- except perhaps the dishwasher(s).

From the OP's cited article:
Many restaurant owners say they have added surcharges because jacking up menu prices can turn off customers who are sensitive to how much a sandwich or bowl of soup should cost.

How absurd! Does a customer have an option whereby they can obtain the bowl of soup without paying the surcharge? If not the bowl of soup still costs the same thing. Moreover, have any of you actually made soup? The way restaurants do it, it's not a labor intensive take leftovers and scraps from the stuff you serve as entrees and appetizers, add water salt, pepper, maybe toss in rice, noodles or beans, and heat it at a low temp for a long time. It's not like a steak or rack of lamb or whatever that's made to order.

To the extent restaurants are separating their charges by labor and food, they are doing so to make a point, but what they aren't doing is showing anyone what their "before and after" food and labor costs were. They are just leveraging the fact that the wage hike has been widely publicised and is a "thing" as a result.

the average customer check at casual-dining restaurants, which doesn’t include surcharges, rose to $14.70 last year, up nearly 11% from 2012.

Okay....So we're talking a $1.62 increase. Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not buying that a $1.62 is a great burden to the customers of the those restaurants. I realize I'm being a bit callous with other people's money by writing that, but the fact remains that we're still talking about $1.62. It's just not enough to alter the business viability of the restaurants or their customers' willingness to spend it to have a time out with friends or family.​
/---- Only $1.62? Do you recall the discussion about throwing a frog into boiling water and he will jump out, but put him in cold water and slowly raise the heat and the frog will cook without realizing it. Only $1.62??? What happens in a year when they decide $16.00 minimum wage is only fair? What will the price increase be then?
Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.
Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
They want to pay more, dupe. It's called REAL patriotism, not your GOP style flag pins and bs...

No they don't, they take every deduction they can, hell Democratic Congressman Lewis avoids his property taxes altogether! Spare me you damn BS, it is old and it is all lies. I see you still avoided answering my links proving you are full of it. So either you are the biggest idiot in the world or you are dishonest.

My house sits on 2.5 acres in rural Ohio and my property tax is $7,200 per year. How on gods green earth does Lewis avoid property tax? My neighbor has 2.5 acres that his house sits on and his property tax is $16,800 per year. His new Cadillacs are 'company cars' that he and his family drive around for free. A company car is only supposed to be used for business purposes and not for private purposes. That rich dirty bastard stole my metal grinder but I will get it back come hell or high water.

What the hell does any of that have to do with the Democratic Congressmen Lewis not paying taxes?
The Dems are now the other party for the rich, it happened during the Clinton administration and in 2009 people were losing their homes at record rates and what did the democrats do? Bailout the rich and let the middle class suffer. Read the links I gave Franco, there are liberals that realize what has happened to the Democratic Party, only the dupes that can't see it.
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.

So Lewis who evade taxes is the good rich? Kerry who poisons his fellow Americans are the good rich? Buffett who takes every deduction available is the good rich? Gore who pretends to care about the environment while flying in his private jet is the good rich? Are you one big dupe.
Rick Snyder poisoned his citizens. Who's Kerry and when did he poison people?

And yes gore is a good guy. He wanted all the corporations who pollute to cut down because he believes gw is real. The dupes are the right wing voters (you) who have swallowed the right wing talking point that he has 3 homes and uses a lot of electricity. Irrilivent. Him selling 2 homes isn't going to solve the problem.

Again you cons can't grasp the concept of we are in this together. You're mentality is always every man for himself including gw. Well it doesn't work that way.

Gore should have never picked that Jew. That's why he lost tennessee

You don't know who Kerry is? Lol!

Gore is out for Gore, he lives his life in luxury and wealth with a carbon footprint bigger than 20 people put together. If he really cared about the environment he would employ ways to reduce his footprint.

We aren't in it together, you don't report your illegal income, you are out for yourself. I pay my taxes and take my legal deductions. I pay my share of taxes, you don't, so spare me your BS Pubs are only in it for themselves. Fucking hypocrite!
All because the New BS GOP BLOCKED everything, stupid. Except ACA, the best thing that ever happened for poor workers.

No it isn't, the poor still pay the first $3500, they still can't afford the visits, but hey clown, it is your illusion.
BS. Read something. Visits and tests are cheap. They pay 3500 over time, get $75k free. Better than losing everything. While cost curve bends down if GOP stops the sabotage...

More BS! A doctors visit is $75-$100, then you have tests and blood work which can jump up to a couple hundred bucks. The poor and middle class don't have that money to throw around. An MRI, an x-ray, you get referred to another doctor, that isn't cheap. What imaginary world do you live in?
Do you believe Republicans are going to bring prices down?
the only way to bring the price of medical costs down is to let the public know what the costs are in the first place.

The single biggest scam is the hiding of the costs. No one knows what medical care costs up front so they can't make informed decisions on where to get care

That is the key. When I go to the doctor, I ask costs, they tell me they bill my insurance and I still want the cost. It blows their mind.
Also noticed how you side stepped all the links proving your Democrats are the party of the rich.
The party of the GOOD rich who want to raise their own taxes and invest in America. Not
the lying cheating greedy idiot GOP rich, dupe.
Democrats the GOOD kind of rich? That's rich.
Like Hollywood rich. They aren't usually greedy or conservative. They know they hit the work lotto and don't mind paying a progressive tax
You know this, how? Got a source or just imagination?
Just look at how you Republicans attacked them during the Oscars. You guys call them Hollywood liberals.

I think 2 people in Hollywood are Republicans
They ARE Hollywood liberals. The entire motion picture industry is built on people pretending to be what and who they are not. For that, a handful of actors, producers and directors are paid huge amounts of money. Most of them are modern liberals, which of course is as far from classic liberalism as it can get. In fact, today's conservatives are closer to classic liberalism than modern liberals. Anyway, most of Hollywood does deserve a healthy dose of mocking, marginalizing, and maligning. As for being a good kind of wealthy, they are not.
Not all restaurants will be adding the surcharge. If you have that much of a problem with it, eat where it isn't imposed.

If you increase labor costs to restaurants of 40% then those costs WILL get passed along to the consumer. The profit margins for the restaurant industry are far too small to absorb such a massive hit.

But why are restaurants letting it get to that point in the first place? You put up prices to go in line with what is happening around you. You can't force your workers to live below the poverty line just so you can have great profits.
You know nothing of the restaurant business.

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