Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.

You are such a sap.

Poor people don't care about bankruptcy because they never had anything to begin with, and Commie Care was designed so poor people can get insurance. It's us middle--class that can't afford plans because we are paying for theirs. But you socialist commies could care less about the working because many of us vote Republican.
Total bs, dupe. It's your GOP dupe boss who suqs. Poor people have houses and assets they don't like losing either, dupe. That's also why the middle class should support it. Stop sabotaging it. Medicaid expansion is good for states' economies and the GOP has also blocked more subsidies and going after ridiculous hospital costs. Mindless opposition to anything Dem.

It will need to be worked on FOREVER. Repeal is just a tax cut for the rich and back to a no system rape of everyone BUT the rich. Great job. No matter what, Americans know now what they should get for the system now.

Maybe you can explain how the biggest burden to most states (Medicaid) is good for the states economy. It's left many in the red and had them scrambling around to try and find a way to fund it.

I'm not worried about people that don't work or don't work full-time and don't have healthcare. They are not an asset to our society anyway. I'm concerned about myself and the middle-class that Commie Care was designed to attack. Screw the poor, I'm sick of supporting them anyway.
Then they go back to ER care and you pay for them that way- the stupidest way possible way- with them now on Welfare to get Medicaid!. The ONLY way forward that works is something like ACA. Sorry your boss is a GOP dupe chicken you. Looking for help from Trumpcare? LOL!

Actually I've had coverage my entire life until that big-eared dope invaded the White House. But what do you expect anytime government gets involved in the private sector? They always make it worse for good people.
You and your boss did it to yourselves, because you believed the Pubcrappe, AND the GOP sabotaged ACA for politics. Your party is a disgrace, Mr Bromide bs blame the poor hater dupe. lol
Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.

You are such a sap.

Poor people don't care about bankruptcy because they never had anything to begin with, and Commie Care was designed so poor people can get insurance. It's us middle--class that can't afford plans because we are paying for theirs. But you socialist commies could care less about the working because many of us vote Republican.
Total bs, dupe. It's your GOP dupe boss who suqs. Poor people have houses and assets they don't like losing either, dupe. That's also why the middle class should support it. Stop sabotaging it. Medicaid expansion is good for states' economies and the GOP has also blocked more subsidies and going after ridiculous hospital costs. Mindless opposition to anything Dem.

It will need to be worked on FOREVER. Repeal is just a tax cut for the rich and back to a no system rape of everyone BUT the rich. Great job. No matter what, Americans know now what they should get for the system now.

Maybe you can explain how the biggest burden to most states (Medicaid) is good for the states economy. It's left many in the red and had them scrambling around to try and find a way to fund it.

I'm not worried about people that don't work or don't work full-time and don't have healthcare. They are not an asset to our society anyway. I'm concerned about myself and the middle-class that Commie Care was designed to attack. Screw the poor, I'm sick of supporting them anyway.
That's not how Medicaid is funded under ACA, dingbat. The Feds pay, BUT all the new patients covered bring big money and jobs into your rancid, backward base red states. And actually gets people off welfare they have to take to get Medicaid under the old system.

Yes, Medicaid is funded by both the federal government and state government.

What money and jobs are you talking about? Commie Care is responsible for closing all kinds of health facilities and layoffs of healthcare workers. Our healthcare today is in worse shape than ever before. The only way for insurance companies to survive is offering garbage plans for big money; that is the ones that didn't drop out of Commie Care already.
Medicaid expansion was 100% funded by the Feds, then 90% after a few years. You think all these new cheap clinics are just a coincidence? Oh right, maybe are you in a dunce red state? Or just blinded by bs?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit
single payer has failed everywhere it's been tried
U.S. Shouldn't Copy U.K.'s Failed Single-Payer Health Care System
Socialized medicine a global failure
"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
How Single-Payer Health Care Failed in Progressive Paradise
It's funny but the one thing most conservatives i know seem to be liberal about is healthcare. They seem to understand we should have single payer aka nationalized healthcare.

wow only a complete idiot would want a system that has failed everywhere it has been tried
Youre a brainwashed american. For one they like it and two, ours is failing.

My healthcare is good becauhave a good job. In England people with money have good insurance too. Only difference is everyone in the UK is coverecovered
They are already comparable to the rest of the world.

The so called poor here are no worse off than the so called poor in any other first world country and they are far better off than the actual poor
BS- The min wage here is 7.25 vs 11, Medicaid suqs and even that may disappear again. College costs, city schools suq here. You just don't have a clue, dupe.

That's rich, the guy that thinks people that can't afford insurance premiums have $3500 a year to pay for medical? What a idiot you are.
Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.

You are such a sap.

Poor people don't care about bankruptcy because they never had anything to begin with, and Commie Care was designed so poor people can get insurance. It's us middle--class that can't afford plans because we are paying for theirs. But you socialist commies could care less about the working because many of us vote Republican.

The poor can't afford the deductibles, so even though they have healthcare, they really can't use it. Funny how great liberals think it is great people have health care, except they can't use it. Pretty worthless and the middle class gets to pay the premiums.
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.
You are such a sap.

Poor people don't care about bankruptcy because they never had anything to begin with, and Commie Care was designed so poor people can get insurance. It's us middle--class that can't afford plans because we are paying for theirs. But you socialist commies could care less about the working because many of us vote Republican.
Total bs, dupe. It's your GOP dupe boss who suqs. Poor people have houses and assets they don't like losing either, dupe. That's also why the middle class should support it. Stop sabotaging it. Medicaid expansion is good for states' economies and the GOP has also blocked more subsidies and going after ridiculous hospital costs. Mindless opposition to anything Dem.

It will need to be worked on FOREVER. Repeal is just a tax cut for the rich and back to a no system rape of everyone BUT the rich. Great job. No matter what, Americans know now what they should get for the system now.

Maybe you can explain how the biggest burden to most states (Medicaid) is good for the states economy. It's left many in the red and had them scrambling around to try and find a way to fund it.

I'm not worried about people that don't work or don't work full-time and don't have healthcare. They are not an asset to our society anyway. I'm concerned about myself and the middle-class that Commie Care was designed to attack. Screw the poor, I'm sick of supporting them anyway.
That's not how Medicaid is funded under ACA, dingbat. The Feds pay, BUT all the new patients covered bring big money and jobs into your rancid, backward base red states. And actually gets people off welfare they have to take to get Medicaid under the old system.

Yes, Medicaid is funded by both the federal government and state government.

What money and jobs are you talking about? Commie Care is responsible for closing all kinds of health facilities and layoffs of healthcare workers. Our healthcare today is in worse shape than ever before. The only way for insurance companies to survive is offering garbage plans for big money; that is the ones that didn't drop out of Commie Care already.
Medicaid expansion was 100% funded by the Feds, then 90% after a few years. You think all these new cheap clinics are just a coincidence? Oh right, maybe are you in a dunce red state? Or just blinded by bs?

Nope, the states share to fund the program went up every year--especially since the passage of Commie Care:

2 options

$3500 deductible and survive cancer or don't have insurance so you can't afford the million dollar cure.

That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit
single payer has failed everywhere it's been tried
U.S. Shouldn't Copy U.K.'s Failed Single-Payer Health Care System
Socialized medicine a global failure
"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
How Single-Payer Health Care Failed in Progressive Paradise
Yet, equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation to ensure capital circulates in our markets; is something the right wing, has a problem with.
BS- The min wage here is 7.25 vs 11, Medicaid suqs and even that may disappear again. College costs, city schools suq here. You just don't have a clue, dupe.

That's rich, the guy that thinks people that can't afford insurance premiums have $3500 a year to pay for medical? What a idiot you are.
Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.

You are such a sap.

Poor people don't care about bankruptcy because they never had anything to begin with, and Commie Care was designed so poor people can get insurance. It's us middle--class that can't afford plans because we are paying for theirs. But you socialist commies could care less about the working because many of us vote Republican.

The poor can't afford the deductibles, so even though they have healthcare, they really can't use it. Funny how great liberals think it is great people have health care, except they can't use it. Pretty worthless and the middle class gets to pay the premiums.
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.

Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.
Total bs, dupe. It's your GOP dupe boss who suqs. Poor people have houses and assets they don't like losing either, dupe. That's also why the middle class should support it. Stop sabotaging it. Medicaid expansion is good for states' economies and the GOP has also blocked more subsidies and going after ridiculous hospital costs. Mindless opposition to anything Dem.

It will need to be worked on FOREVER. Repeal is just a tax cut for the rich and back to a no system rape of everyone BUT the rich. Great job. No matter what, Americans know now what they should get for the system now.

Maybe you can explain how the biggest burden to most states (Medicaid) is good for the states economy. It's left many in the red and had them scrambling around to try and find a way to fund it.

I'm not worried about people that don't work or don't work full-time and don't have healthcare. They are not an asset to our society anyway. I'm concerned about myself and the middle-class that Commie Care was designed to attack. Screw the poor, I'm sick of supporting them anyway.
That's not how Medicaid is funded under ACA, dingbat. The Feds pay, BUT all the new patients covered bring big money and jobs into your rancid, backward base red states. And actually gets people off welfare they have to take to get Medicaid under the old system.

Yes, Medicaid is funded by both the federal government and state government.

What money and jobs are you talking about? Commie Care is responsible for closing all kinds of health facilities and layoffs of healthcare workers. Our healthcare today is in worse shape than ever before. The only way for insurance companies to survive is offering garbage plans for big money; that is the ones that didn't drop out of Commie Care already.
Medicaid expansion was 100% funded by the Feds, then 90% after a few years. You think all these new cheap clinics are just a coincidence? Oh right, maybe are you in a dunce red state? Or just blinded by bs?

Nope, the states share to fund the program went up every year--especially since the passage of Commie Care:

View attachment 117531
That's before Medicaid expansion HAPPENED, dupe, and ACA went into effect... That's how fast medical costs were going up BEFORE ACA...
That's rich, the guy that thinks people that can't afford insurance premiums have $3500 a year to pay for medical? What a idiot you are.
Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.

You are such a sap.

Poor people don't care about bankruptcy because they never had anything to begin with, and Commie Care was designed so poor people can get insurance. It's us middle--class that can't afford plans because we are paying for theirs. But you socialist commies could care less about the working because many of us vote Republican.

The poor can't afford the deductibles, so even though they have healthcare, they really can't use it. Funny how great liberals think it is great people have health care, except they can't use it. Pretty worthless and the middle class gets to pay the premiums.
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.

Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.
Of course you don't know what's in ACA. It IS a well kept secret from the dupes and many others...
Jefferson's party my arse, dingbat dupe. They started as an anti-slavery party, to some in my town here in WNY. And went all to hell under Nixon and Raygun...
Jefferson's Republican Party started in 1793. Want to bet $10,000????

You would never do that, would you? Franko here claims he was a history teacher. He's retired now of course, that's how he can afford too spend all day here during the work week. But you're taking on a real challenge asking Franko about history. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
That's rich, the guy that thinks people that can't afford insurance premiums have $3500 a year to pay for medical? What a idiot you are.
Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.

You are such a sap.

Poor people don't care about bankruptcy because they never had anything to begin with, and Commie Care was designed so poor people can get insurance. It's us middle--class that can't afford plans because we are paying for theirs. But you socialist commies could care less about the working because many of us vote Republican.

The poor can't afford the deductibles, so even though they have healthcare, they really can't use it. Funny how great liberals think it is great people have health care, except they can't use it. Pretty worthless and the middle class gets to pay the premiums.
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.

Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.

Hell, as bad as DumBama and the Democrats Fd up our healthcare, I would love a plan that had a $3,500 deductible.
That's rich, the guy that thinks people that can't afford insurance premiums have $3500 a year to pay for medical? What a idiot you are.
Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.

You are such a sap.

Poor people don't care about bankruptcy because they never had anything to begin with, and Commie Care was designed so poor people can get insurance. It's us middle--class that can't afford plans because we are paying for theirs. But you socialist commies could care less about the working because many of us vote Republican.

The poor can't afford the deductibles, so even though they have healthcare, they really can't use it. Funny how great liberals think it is great people have health care, except they can't use it. Pretty worthless and the middle class gets to pay the premiums.
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.

Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.
Jefferson's party my arse, dingbat dupe. They started as an anti-slavery party, to some in my town here in WNY. And went all to hell under Nixon and Raygun...
Jefferson's Republican Party started in 1793. Want to bet $10,000????

You would never do that, would you? Franko here claims he was a history teacher. He's retired now of course, that's how he can afford too spend all day here during the work week. But you're taking on a real challenge asking Franko about history. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

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