Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

With healthcare the Democrats are wrong, what we have is free premiums with people not being able to afford the deductible. See if you give people with no money health insurance and a $3500 deductible, it does them no good. So really the Democrat party was wrong. You have no proof that we were worse off, that is an opinion.

Also, it wasn't just Republicans that voted in 2010, so your blame game is also a flawed opinion.

We have more than two party's in fact there are several hundred. Just your way of not taking blame for a mess that all helped create. If you have voted either Republican or Democrat, you helped get us into this mess because you only hold the Republicans accountable.
2 options

$3500 deductible and survive cancer or don't have insurance so you can't afford the million dollar cure.

That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit
single payer has failed everywhere it's been tried
Socialized medicine a global failure
"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
How Single-Payer Health Care Failed in Progressive Paradise
If you have nothing more to add to the profit margin and productivity of a company, why do you deserve more pay?

Go to night school, take a part time job, work overtime, take courses online, get off your duff and quit acting like a victim.


If an employee had nothing to add to the profit margin, why are they hired in the first place?

Who is acting like a victim? Low-wage employees are asserting how much their time, effort, and skills are worth. That's advocating for themselves, not being victims.

and just how much profit do you think an employer makes on a MW employee?

It ain't much

and the skills needed to perform MW work aren't worth much
If you want to make more than MW then you have to make the time you sell to your employer worth more

Funny I always thought of my employers (when I had them) as customers who I sell a product to and I always wanted to give them the highest quality product I could which means that in every entry level job I had the first thing I ever did was find out exactly what I had to do to get a promotion.

That's how I was managing the entire dairy section of a large supermarket when I was 17 and still in high school and was making almost twice as much as the guys who just wanted to stock shelves

Either this happened decades ago, or I call bullshit. In the last 20 years, a manager of one section of a supermarket would not make twice (or "almost twice") what the min. wage employees make.

It was when I was 17. and you don't think a department manager in a super market can make 2 times MW?

Today's min wage is 7.25? So, a department manager makes 14.50/ hr? Not even close in my area.

How long ago were you 17?

Salary: Grocery Department Manager | Glassdoor

plenty of department manager jobs pay double the MW or more

but I suppose your little neighborhood is representative of the entire country right?
Last edited:
The poor and middle class are the victims, dolt. We have the worst rich poor gap and upward mobility ever TODAY. Reaganism, not obstructed Obama, dupe.
So all that money spent on the war on poverty accomplished...what exactly?
we have "poor" people that are richer than 70% of the entire population of the planet

Are you a globalist? Because you are so concerned about the poor on other countries.

because I happen to know the FACT that our so called poor are far richer than 70% of the entire world population that makes me a globalist?

no it doesn't it makes me informed and gives me a perspective that extends beyond the walls of your little 2 dimensional echo chamber
They're also a helluva lot poorer than the poor in other MODERN countries. GOPers LOVE comparing with 3rd world countries...

no they're actually not

Astonishing Numbers: America's Poor Still Live Better Than Most Of The Rest Of Humanity

the US bottom 10% have a living standard very similar to those of Finland and Denmark: you know, those icy social democracies where they care more about the poor.

That is, the typical person in the bottom 5 percent of the American income distribution is still richer than 68 percent of the world’s inhabitants.

Even if you're in the bottom 10% your standard of living is about the same as that of the bottom 10% in other rich countries (which, so we are told, care so much more and do so much more) like Sweden and Finland. And when we sweep everything together into some sort of quality of life measure the American poor are better off than the French or German poor.
Today's min wage is 7.25? So, a department manager makes 14.50/ hr? Not even close in my area.
How do you know? You consistently speak as if you were god.

No, I speak as if I read. And I know working people. It's not that hard to find out the wages of a particular industry in a particular area.
and yet you couldn't find a supermarket dept manger job that paid 14.5 an hour

I found plenty of them
So all that money spent on the war on poverty accomplished...what exactly?
we have "poor" people that are richer than 70% of the entire population of the planet

Are you a globalist? Because you are so concerned about the poor on other countries.

because I happen to know the FACT that our so called poor are far richer than 70% of the entire world population that makes me a globalist?

no it doesn't it makes me informed and gives me a perspective that extends beyond the walls of your little 2 dimensional echo chamber

I understand that fact, too. I haven't disputed that fact. That doesn't mean that we should work to make our poor more comparable to the poor of the rest of the world.

They are already comparable to the rest of the world.

The so called poor here are no worse off than the so called poor in any other first world country and they are far better off than the actual poor
BS- The min wage here is 7.25 vs 11, Medicaid suqs and even that may disappear again. College costs, city schools suq here. You just don't have a clue, dupe.
2 options

$3500 deductible and survive cancer or don't have insurance so you can't afford the million dollar cure.

That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit
single payer has failed everywhere it's been tried
Socialized medicine a global failure
"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
How Single-Payer Health Care Failed in Progressive Paradise
It's funny but the one thing most conservatives i know seem to be liberal about is healthcare. They seem to understand we should have single payer aka nationalized healthcare.
That may be so if you could get a crap policy like that for around $200.00 a month. But the last plan I checked out on Commie Care wanted $725.00 a month with a $7,000 deductible and a $7,100 out of pocket. No prescription coverage, no dental or eye, and a $50.00 copay for all doctors visits.

How would I be able to pay that, pay for all my prescriptions, and pay my medical bills since the insurance didn't cover anything?
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit
single payer has failed everywhere it's been tried
Socialized medicine a global failure
"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
How Single-Payer Health Care Failed in Progressive Paradise
It's funny but the one thing most conservatives i know seem to be liberal about is healthcare. They seem to understand we should have single payer aka nationalized healthcare.

I don't know that it's a conservative view, but since DumBama F'd things up so badly, there may be no other way to turn now. It's like when a tornado rips through a town causing millions of dollars in damage. It's a real struggle to try and rebuild it back the way it was.
we have "poor" people that are richer than 70% of the entire population of the planet

Are you a globalist? Because you are so concerned about the poor on other countries.

because I happen to know the FACT that our so called poor are far richer than 70% of the entire world population that makes me a globalist?

no it doesn't it makes me informed and gives me a perspective that extends beyond the walls of your little 2 dimensional echo chamber

I understand that fact, too. I haven't disputed that fact. That doesn't mean that we should work to make our poor more comparable to the poor of the rest of the world.

They are already comparable to the rest of the world.

The so called poor here are no worse off than the so called poor in any other first world country and they are far better off than the actual poor
BS- The min wage here is 7.25 vs 11, Medicaid suqs and even that may disappear again. College costs, city schools suq here. You just don't have a clue, dupe.

That's rich, the guy that thinks people that can't afford insurance premiums have $3500 a year to pay for medical? What a idiot you are.
If an employee had nothing to add to the profit margin, why are they hired in the first place?

Who is acting like a victim? Low-wage employees are asserting how much their time, effort, and skills are worth. That's advocating for themselves, not being victims.

and just how much profit do you think an employer makes on a MW employee?

It ain't much

and the skills needed to perform MW work aren't worth much
If you want to make more than MW then you have to make the time you sell to your employer worth more

Funny I always thought of my employers (when I had them) as customers who I sell a product to and I always wanted to give them the highest quality product I could which means that in every entry level job I had the first thing I ever did was find out exactly what I had to do to get a promotion.

That's how I was managing the entire dairy section of a large supermarket when I was 17 and still in high school and was making almost twice as much as the guys who just wanted to stock shelves

Either this happened decades ago, or I call bullshit. In the last 20 years, a manager of one section of a supermarket would not make twice (or "almost twice") what the min. wage employees make.

It was when I was 17. and you don't think a department manager in a super market can make 2 times MW?

Today's min wage is 7.25? So, a department manager makes 14.50/ hr? Not even close in my area.

How long ago were you 17?

Salary: Grocery Department Manager | Glassdoor

plenty of department manager jobs pay double the MW or more

but I suppose your little neighborhood is representative of the entire country right?

Since your page doesn't have a lot of info, I don't know what areas the high end of the pay scale come from. Some states have set their own higher min wages, so there's no way of knowing if those jobs are 2x that amount. Of course, they are higher than the national min wage, which is something. My state's min wage is now $11/hr, and I found one listing (undated) on Glassdoor for a grocery department manager in my city, and the pay reported is ......... $11/ hr.
and just how much profit do you think an employer makes on a MW employee?

It ain't much

and the skills needed to perform MW work aren't worth much
If you want to make more than MW then you have to make the time you sell to your employer worth more

Funny I always thought of my employers (when I had them) as customers who I sell a product to and I always wanted to give them the highest quality product I could which means that in every entry level job I had the first thing I ever did was find out exactly what I had to do to get a promotion.

That's how I was managing the entire dairy section of a large supermarket when I was 17 and still in high school and was making almost twice as much as the guys who just wanted to stock shelves

Either this happened decades ago, or I call bullshit. In the last 20 years, a manager of one section of a supermarket would not make twice (or "almost twice") what the min. wage employees make.

It was when I was 17. and you don't think a department manager in a super market can make 2 times MW?

Today's min wage is 7.25? So, a department manager makes 14.50/ hr? Not even close in my area.

How long ago were you 17?

Salary: Grocery Department Manager | Glassdoor

plenty of department manager jobs pay double the MW or more

but I suppose your little neighborhood is representative of the entire country right?

Since your page doesn't have a lot of info, I don't know what areas the high end of the pay scale come from. Some states have set their own higher min wages, so there's no way of knowing if those jobs are 2x that amount. Of course, they are higher than the national min wage, which is something. My state's min wage is now $11/hr, and I found one listing (undated) on Glassdoor for a grocery department manager in my city, and the pay reported is ......... $11/ hr.

Your information shows you are from New York. According to this site, Grocery store managers make over three times your minimum wage, anywhere from 70K to 85K depending on the city. $11.00 per hour grosses you at about 22K a year.

Grocery Store Manager Salaries in New York and by education, experience, Location and more -
Either this happened decades ago, or I call bullshit. In the last 20 years, a manager of one section of a supermarket would not make twice (or "almost twice") what the min. wage employees make.

It was when I was 17. and you don't think a department manager in a super market can make 2 times MW?

Today's min wage is 7.25? So, a department manager makes 14.50/ hr? Not even close in my area.

How long ago were you 17?

Salary: Grocery Department Manager | Glassdoor

plenty of department manager jobs pay double the MW or more

but I suppose your little neighborhood is representative of the entire country right?

Since your page doesn't have a lot of info, I don't know what areas the high end of the pay scale come from. Some states have set their own higher min wages, so there's no way of knowing if those jobs are 2x that amount. Of course, they are higher than the national min wage, which is something. My state's min wage is now $11/hr, and I found one listing (undated) on Glassdoor for a grocery department manager in my city, and the pay reported is ......... $11/ hr.

Your information shows you are from New York. According to this site, Grocery store managers make over three times your minimum wage, anywhere from 70K to 85K depending on the city. $11.00 per hour grosses you at about 22K a year.

Grocery Store Manager Salaries in New York and by education, experience, Location and more -

Skull pilot was talking about a department manager, not a store manager.
Are you a globalist? Because you are so concerned about the poor on other countries.

because I happen to know the FACT that our so called poor are far richer than 70% of the entire world population that makes me a globalist?

no it doesn't it makes me informed and gives me a perspective that extends beyond the walls of your little 2 dimensional echo chamber

I understand that fact, too. I haven't disputed that fact. That doesn't mean that we should work to make our poor more comparable to the poor of the rest of the world.

They are already comparable to the rest of the world.

The so called poor here are no worse off than the so called poor in any other first world country and they are far better off than the actual poor
BS- The min wage here is 7.25 vs 11, Medicaid suqs and even that may disappear again. College costs, city schools suq here. You just don't have a clue, dupe.

That's rich, the guy that thinks people that can't afford insurance premiums have $3500 a year to pay for medical? What a idiot you are.
Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.
In the political arena, the rich and their conservative (duped) allies from the middle class have always blamed the poor for the nation's problems. That will never change.
The funny thing is, you said that like you believed it.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Now where did I complain about the victims? Look in the mirror.
The poor and middle class are the victims, dolt. We have the worst rich poor gap and upward mobility ever TODAY. Reaganism, not obstructed Obama, dupe.
So you CAN'T find where I complained about the victims, yet continue regurgitating nonsense about dupes. Interesting, indeed.
No, I didn't say what you said I said. Why lie? Conservatives have no problem with legal immigrants that earn a living, in fact many are conservatives. Liberals just can't see them because they don't fit their old rich white man template.

But you did an excellent job of illustrating the victims of life. Can't get ahead so why bother? Like I said, many are passing you up while you're feeling sorry for yourself.

My point was not and will never be, why bother? My point is if you have to be extraordinary just to survive (not get ahead, but just to tread water) that's not a quality life. It's not about everyone being some great success. It's about rewarding a work ethic.

When I was growing up, poor people were told to "get a job." Now the working poor are told, "Tough shit, get a better job." It's moving the goal posts. Not everyone wants to get rich, but a work ethic should be rewarded.

Nobody gets rewarded just for having a good work ethic. Workers get rewarded for doing jobs that not everybody can do. If you do have a job anybody can do (work ethic or not) there is not much of a reward to be had.

The thing is businesses don't do anything different than you or I. When we use labor, we look for the cheapest labor we can.
I prefer a general tax on Firms, for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis.

Yes, I know, you've said that about a hundred times, and about a hundred times I TRIED to explain to you what unemployment was, but obviously, you don't get it.
that is why. I prefer a general tax on Firms, for unemployment compensation on an at-will basis.
Translation: You want to be paid for not working.
because I happen to know the FACT that our so called poor are far richer than 70% of the entire world population that makes me a globalist?

no it doesn't it makes me informed and gives me a perspective that extends beyond the walls of your little 2 dimensional echo chamber

I understand that fact, too. I haven't disputed that fact. That doesn't mean that we should work to make our poor more comparable to the poor of the rest of the world.

They are already comparable to the rest of the world.

The so called poor here are no worse off than the so called poor in any other first world country and they are far better off than the actual poor
BS- The min wage here is 7.25 vs 11, Medicaid suqs and even that may disappear again. College costs, city schools suq here. You just don't have a clue, dupe.

That's rich, the guy that thinks people that can't afford insurance premiums have $3500 a year to pay for medical? What a idiot you are.
Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.

Tests are not cheap, where the hell do you go to a doctor. A doctors visit is $100 and up, simple blood work start at $250 and go up from there and the top end is $3000 most run around $1500. MRI $400 to $3500, $100 to $1000, if you have no money, free insurance won't help, because the deductibles are so high. Please quit lying it is pretty stupid on your part.

The GOP and the Democratic Party are a disgrace and you are a dupe.
The only people the carrot is out of reach for are those physically or mentally disabled, and we take care of those people. Everybody else? It's up to you if you want that carrot or a bushel of carrots.
I would have more confidence in the sincerity of the right, if corporate welfare did not exist in modern times. why not end that, first?

Why would I want to end people keeping more of their very own money? DumBama had two years with a Democrat led Congress to do whatever he desired. Why didn't he end it?
every bailout for the rich, inspires less confidence in the sincerity of the right

You mean the bailout the left helped carry through? You are a no thinker, you are a propagandist with no honesty.
the left is also for a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation simply for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.
IOW, getting paid for not working.
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases
Big deal cheap ass. You can't afford $3 more for your dinner?
Hardly the point.
The states that mandate this are forcing their ideology down the throats of business owners, something you know nothing about, nor care to, for the sole purpose of building a political base.
And then you get pissed off when businesses react to protect their already thin margins.
Tell ya what. Open a business. Then pay your employees non competitive wages. Let us know how that works out for you.
Until you have walked the walk, you have no right to criticize.
/---- For years, I have thrown down the challenge for the Libtard Moonbats to open their own restaurant and show us how much they pay their employees yet they never answer.
social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour; that is the reason for the fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage. only the right wing, never gets it.
It's society's, not business's, responsibility then to ensure that.
Why are those tricks in the book? Oh yes because poor people are the problem. Lol. It's never the rich. You can't fault who you worship.

It isn't the rich, Congress can say no to the rich, they choose to say yes. Again, both parties are to blame, yet you can't seem to blame the Democrats, because then you would have to take responsibility.
Maybe because they've been trying to raise taxes on the rich for 30 years, dupe. Keep voting for bought off lying cheating brainwashers.

Already gave several links showing that Democrats are just as giving to the rich as the Republicans. Why they heck are you being duped by Congress, Democrats and Republicans? I didn't vote for a Republican or Democrat incumbent, you are the problem because you support a party that sold you out in the 90's and to prove how stupid you are, you will continue to vote for them. Congrats!
Yes, Bill went along with the a-hole GOP too much. Nothing like the GOP disasters when they're in office.
the GOP was willing to "shut down" government, if they didn't get their way.
Takes two to tango.
In the political arena, the rich and their conservative (duped) allies from the middle class have always blamed the poor for the nation's problems. That will never change.
The funny thing is, you said that like you believed it.
After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Now where did I complain about the victims? Look in the mirror.
The poor and middle class are the victims, dolt. We have the worst rich poor gap and upward mobility ever TODAY. Reaganism, not obstructed Obama, dupe.
So you CAN'T find where I complained about the victims, yet continue regurgitating nonsense about dupes. Interesting, indeed.
You do and will, methinks.
It isn't the rich, Congress can say no to the rich, they choose to say yes. Again, both parties are to blame, yet you can't seem to blame the Democrats, because then you would have to take responsibility.
Maybe because they've been trying to raise taxes on the rich for 30 years, dupe. Keep voting for bought off lying cheating brainwashers.

Already gave several links showing that Democrats are just as giving to the rich as the Republicans. Why they heck are you being duped by Congress, Democrats and Republicans? I didn't vote for a Republican or Democrat incumbent, you are the problem because you support a party that sold you out in the 90's and to prove how stupid you are, you will continue to vote for them. Congrats!
Yes, Bill went along with the a-hole GOP too much. Nothing like the GOP disasters when they're in office.
the GOP was willing to "shut down" government, if they didn't get their way.
Takes two to tango.
The debt ceiling crises were all "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME). Dupe. lol

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