Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

. Only difference is everyone in the UK is coverecovered
yes UK is socialist and thus has 65% of our standard of living and would have 40% if they could not copy our capitalist inventions. Do you understand?

According to this, the U.K. had a higher standard of living than the U.S.

The 19 countries with the highest standard of life
yeah done by the Social progress Imperative
not biased at all I'm sure
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.

Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.
Of course you don't know what's in ACA. It IS a well kept secret from the dupes and many others...
FACT: At least 15 free preventive services and one wellness visit are covered on Major Medical Plans sold after 2014 without copays and coinsurance, regardless of whether you have met your deductible yet. Services must be done in-network to avoid cost sharing.

That has nothing to do with getting an X-ray, MRI, and could on blood work, only if it is ordered at the time of your wellness check, so thanks for clarifying that people still have outrageous deductibles that poor people can't afford. No go get your dunce cap and put it on skippy.
You talk a lot, but YOU'RE WRONG, dupe. And all the good insurers were going in the high deductible direction anyway.
no you used to actually have a choice whether or not you had a high deductible now you don't
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.

Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.
Of course you don't know what's in ACA. It IS a well kept secret from the dupes and many others...
FACT: At least 15 free preventive services and one wellness visit are covered on Major Medical Plans sold after 2014 without copays and coinsurance, regardless of whether you have met your deductible yet. Services must be done in-network to avoid cost sharing.

That has nothing to do with getting an X-ray, MRI, and could on blood work, only if it is ordered at the time of your wellness check, so thanks for clarifying that people still have outrageous deductibles that poor people can't afford. No go get your dunce cap and put it on skippy.
You talk a lot, but YOU'RE WRONG, dupe. And all the good insurers were going in the high deductible direction anyway.

Look up the cost, good grief, you that have great insurance know nothing of what people that have poor insurance go through and I hope you don't. But with the high deductibles and the cost of insurance a lot of people think twice before they go. So play a defender of a bad piece of legislation that gave people insurance and can't afford to use it. I cite facts and you cite what you think it does. You are wrong.
. Only difference is everyone in the UK is coverecovered
yes UK is socialist and thus has 65% of our standard of living and would have 40% if they could not copy our capitalist inventions. Do you understand?

According to this, the U.K. had a higher standard of living than the U.S.

The 19 countries with the highest standard of life

Good for them, I will never live there, but glad they are doing well after exiting the EU, good for them!
When they leave, they're going down duh. You CAN'T live there.

Sure they will and yes I can live there, my son currently resides there and is ready to move to the states, so I don't want to live there. So unless you know my circumstances you have no clue where I can and cannot not move to. Nutter!
Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.

You are such a sap.

Poor people don't care about bankruptcy because they never had anything to begin with, and Commie Care was designed so poor people can get insurance. It's us middle--class that can't afford plans because we are paying for theirs. But you socialist commies could care less about the working because many of us vote Republican.

The poor can't afford the deductibles, so even though they have healthcare, they really can't use it. Funny how great liberals think it is great people have health care, except they can't use it. Pretty worthless and the middle class gets to pay the premiums.
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.

Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.
Because most years they don't spend $3500. Most years they only go get their free visit and if the get bronchitis maybe they pay $200 out of pocket.

So much to ask that if you get sick you owe $3500 when it costs $1 mill?

Unless you don't have it, then $3500 might as well be a million.
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.

Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.
Jefferson's Republican Party started in 1793. Want to bet $10,000????

You would never do that, would you? Franko here claims he was a history teacher. He's retired now of course, that's how he can afford too spend all day here during the work week. But you're taking on a real challenge asking Franko about history. :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Democratic-Republican Party - Wikipedia

Now you are posting questions and answering them? Lol! You are a complete moron. My you are continuing to prove how stupid many teachers really are.
Can you read? LOL. I can see why you'd be frustrated. Totally misinformed. Duped.

You are a total liar.
. Only difference is everyone in the UK is coverecovered
yes UK is socialist and thus has 65% of our standard of living and would have 40% if they could not copy our capitalist inventions. Do you understand?

According to this, the U.K. had a higher standard of living than the U.S.

The 19 countries with the highest standard of life

Good for them, I will never live there, but glad they are doing well after exiting the EU, good for them!
When they leave, they're going down duh. You CAN'T live there.
Republicans don't have a better solution. Let's not forget before the aca Republicans didn't even want to do away with pre existing conditions. That's because they get healthcare thru their employers. Most of them have never lost a job and they lack empathy.

So why believe they want to fix it now?

Republicans serve the insurance companies and drug companies. They hate pre existing conditions and insuring the sick. It's an expense but isn't that their business? To pay for health needs? But they're in business to max profits.

Republicans are evil or stupid. One or the other or both

You are such a partisan nutjob.
. Only difference is everyone in the UK is coverecovered
yes UK is socialist and thus has 65% of our standard of living and would have 40% if they could not copy our capitalist inventions. Do you understand?

According to this, the U.K. had a higher standard of living than the U.S.

The 19 countries with the highest standard of life

Good for them, I will never live there, but glad they are doing well after exiting the EU, good for them!
Did you see the way trump acted with Merkel? Omg he is ruining our standing with the rest of the world. You guys think it's important Putin likes us but you don't care about Germany?

What the hell are you talking about, I have never liked Putin, your pot leaves your fucking brain in a fog. Unless you have an informed opinion fuck off! I am tired of your generalizations when you try to make my opinions based on a fucking 70's tv series.
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.

Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.

Hell, as bad as DumBama and the Democrats Fd up our healthcare, I would love a plan that had a $3,500 deductible.
FACT: At least 15 free preventive services and one wellness visit are covered on Major Medical Plans sold after 2014 without copays and coinsurance, regardless of whether you have met your deductible yet. Services must be done in-network to avoid cost sharing.
Obamacare Prevent
Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.

Hell, as bad as DumBama and the Democrats Fd up our healthcare, I would love a plan that had a $3,500 deductible.
FACT: At least 15 free preventive services and one wellness visit are covered on Major Medical Plans sold after 2014 without
copays and coinsurance, regardless of whether you have met your deductible yet. Services must be done in-network to avoid cost sharing.
Obamacare Preventive Care

ive Care

Really? So what are these 15 things that you claim? Let me tell ya. They will check your blood pressure. They will tell you to ingest low dose aspirin. They will tell you not to drink or smoke (yes, that counts as two separate items.) They will test you for type 2 diabetes which means pricking your finger and using a two dollar test strip to see how high your sugar is. If you are too fat, they will give you counseling which means somebody to tell you that you're too fat. In fact out of those 15 things, four of them have to do with "Counseling" which does nobody any good.

It's a joke to bring this up--even for a liberal.
Shove it up your free colonoscopy. lol. A doctor telling you you're too fat is called preventive medicine, with solutions. Cancer testing is no joke either. People like you make us about #30 in everything but military and being megarich GOP a-holes. Going down with a bullet when the New BS GOP is in power. Link to your stupid BS?

You dummy, a doctor telling you that you're too fat, drink too much, smoke too much are just passing comments--not treatments. You don't need a doctor to tell you those things, all you need to do is get married and it's for free. Oh yes, and most drug stores will test your blood pressure no charge, or if you have blood pressure problems, your cheap ass can spend the thirty or forty bucks for a blood pressure monitor.
That's a lie. It's about $300 a month which is still too much I agree.

We need single payer.

Are Republicans willing to fix the problem? The only way they know how is to let insurance companies deny insuring the sick and not cover the poor.

Some things shouldn't be for profit
single payer has failed everywhere it's been tried
U.S. Shouldn't Copy U.K.'s Failed Single-Payer Health Care System
Socialized medicine a global failure
"Father" of Canadian Health Care Admits its a Failure - Civitas Review
How Single-Payer Health Care Failed in Progressive Paradise
Yet, equal protection of the law for unemployment compensation to ensure capital circulates in our markets; is something the right wing, has a problem with.

if you want to collect unemployment you have to have a job first you should try it give your hand a break and I;m sure your Mommy would love to get you out of her basement for 8 hours a day
I don't take the right wing seriously about economics of the law.

if you want to collect unemployment you have to have a job first you should try it give your hand a break and I;m sure your Mommy would love to get you out of her basement for 8 hours a day
I don't take the right wing seriously about economics of the law.

That's fine, no one takes you seriously about anything.
yet, the right wing insists on a "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron.

You are aware that the 1996 Welfare Reform Act required work for welfare and was extremely effective, aren't you? Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's failed stimulus plan voided that act. As you know too, that has led to record numbers of people on welfare, food stamps, and other government handouts. How is that good for America?

if you want to collect unemployment you have to have a job first you should try it give your hand a break and I;m sure your Mommy would love to get you out of her basement for 8 hours a day
I don't take the right wing seriously about economics of the law.
and no one takes you seriously
Now where did I complain about the victims? Look in the mirror.
The poor and middle class are the victims, dolt. We have the worst rich poor gap and upward mobility ever TODAY. Reaganism, not obstructed Obama, dupe.
So you CAN'T find where I complained about the victims, yet continue regurgitating nonsense about dupes. Interesting, indeed.
You do and will, methinks.
Oh, but please do show where. Go ahead, I'll wait. If you'd like, I can keep reminding you that you have yet to show it.
Yes, Bill went along with the a-hole GOP too much. Nothing like the GOP disasters when they're in office.
the GOP was willing to "shut down" government, if they didn't get their way.
Takes two to tango.
The debt ceiling crises were all "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME). Dupe. lol
And the democrats refused to negotiate anything.
Sure they did, but not in dupe world. But the whole idea was GOP crap and cost the economy 1% in GDP growth each time. Great job. For NOTHING.
Did you find yet where I complained about the victims?
Tests and doctor visits are cheap. If something bad happens, no bankruptcy. That's the way it was going BEFORE ACA. Only ACA would bring down costs. Of course, you just totally changed the subject. lol. GOP USA is a disgrace.

You are such a sap.

Poor people don't care about bankruptcy because they never had anything to begin with, and Commie Care was designed so poor people can get insurance. It's us middle--class that can't afford plans because we are paying for theirs. But you socialist commies could care less about the working because many of us vote Republican.

The poor can't afford the deductibles, so even though they have healthcare, they really can't use it. Funny how great liberals think it is great people have health care, except they can't use it. Pretty worthless and the middle class gets to pay the premiums.
They get the cheap doctor visits and tests and if disaster strikes, they don't lose everything or die. The way it was going BEFORE ACA. No get the feq out of the way and let the adults go after COSTS the GOP has been protecting forever, dupes.

Hey don't get cheaper doctor visits, what the hell are you smoking. You have a $3500 deductible, X-rays cost $100 - $1500, blood work starts at $250-$3000, MRI's $3500. How the in the hell do the poor afford $3500 a year in deductibles? You are a special kind of stupid, extreme right and extreme left isn't the answer and your stupidity will never be the answer, glad you are retired, you are done screwing up kids minds.
Of course you don't know what's in ACA. It IS a well kept secret from the dupes and many others...
It was a stool sample. We had to pass it before we could see what was in it.
. Only difference is everyone in the UK is coverecovered
yes UK is socialist and thus has 65% of our standard of living and would have 40% if they could not copy our capitalist inventions. Do you understand?

According to this, the U.K. had a higher standard of living than the U.S.

The 19 countries with the highest standard of life

Good for them, I will never live there, but glad they are doing well after exiting the EU, good for them!
When they leave, they're going down duh. You CAN'T live there.
Republicans don't have a better solution. Let's not forget before the aca Republicans didn't even want to do away with pre existing conditions. That's because they get healthcare thru their employers. Most of them have never lost a job and they lack empathy.

So why believe they want to fix it now?

Republicans serve the insurance companies and drug companies. They hate pre existing conditions and insuring the sick. It's an expense but isn't that their business? To pay for health needs? But they're in business to max profits.

Republicans are evil or stupid. One or the other or both
Wow, you said that like you really believe it.

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