Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

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“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases


because you have to pay 5 cents more for your disgusting fast food, they should work for subpar wages?
you'll just have to pay five cents more for your fat and salt.

automatic of certain places would have happened anyway. they didn't close normal places they just added income.

stop whining because you can't earn a decent wage and are bitter
/---- I make plenty of money. I'm one of those evil rich people you Libs harp about all of the time. I don't eat any type of fast food. And it's not 5 cents. Why do you Libs have to lie about everything?

no one thinks rich people are evil.

rich people who don't pay their fair share of taxes and don't want to... that's another subject.

and I'm pretty sure you're not rich. but whatever
define fair share

the top 10% of earners pay just over 70% of all income taxes leaving 30% to be paid by the bottom 90% of earners

why the hell would anyone complain about that?
Of course income taxes are the only taxes that are fair that way. PLUS, the top 10% EARN more than that much after 35 years of pander to the rich Reaganism...dupe.
yes UK is socialist and thus has 65% of our standard of living and would have 40% if they could not copy our capitalist inventions. Do you understand?

According to this, the U.K. had a higher standard of living than the U.S.

The 19 countries with the highest standard of life

Good for them, I will never live there, but glad they are doing well after exiting the EU, good for them!
When they leave, they're going down duh. You CAN'T live there.
Republicans don't have a better solution. Let's not forget before the aca Republicans didn't even want to do away with pre existing conditions. That's because they get healthcare thru their employers. Most of them have never lost a job and they lack empathy.

So why believe they want to fix it now?

Republicans serve the insurance companies and drug companies. They hate pre existing conditions and insuring the sick. It's an expense but isn't that their business? To pay for health needs? But they're in business to max profits.

Republicans are evil or stupid. One or the other or both
Wow, you said that like you really believe it.
You're one of the brainwashed functionally stupid ones. Otherwise you'd be out lying, cheating, discriminating, and stealing from the
The poor and middle class are the victims, dolt. We have the worst rich poor gap and upward mobility ever TODAY. Reaganism, not obstructed Obama, dupe.
So you CAN'T find where I complained about the victims, yet continue regurgitating nonsense about dupes. Interesting, indeed.
You do and will, methinks.
Oh, but please do show where. Go ahead, I'll wait. If you'd like, I can keep reminding you that you have yet to show it.
the GOP was willing to "shut down" government, if they didn't get their way.
Takes two to tango.
The debt ceiling crises were all "no compromise, un-American TP GOP" (TIME). Dupe. lol
And the democrats refused to negotiate anything.
Sure they did, but not in dupe world. But the whole idea was GOP crap and cost the economy 1% in GDP growth each time. Great job. For NOTHING.
Did you find yet where I complained about the victims?
Yup- the next post.
yet, the right wing insists on a "work or die" ethic from the Age of Iron.

You are aware that the 1996 Welfare Reform Act required work for welfare and was extremely effective, aren't you? Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama's failed stimulus plan voided that act. As you know too, that has led to record numbers of people on welfare, food stamps, and other government handouts. How is that good for America?
Did you hear about the 2008 Booosh WORLD DEPRESSION, dingbat dupe? Ay caramba! lol
According to this, the U.K. had a higher standard of living than the U.S.

The 19 countries with the highest standard of life

Good for them, I will never live there, but glad they are doing well after exiting the EU, good for them!
When they leave, they're going down duh. You CAN'T live there.
Republicans don't have a better solution. Let's not forget before the aca Republicans didn't even want to do away with pre existing conditions. That's because they get healthcare thru their employers. Most of them have never lost a job and they lack empathy.

So why believe they want to fix it now?

Republicans serve the insurance companies and drug companies. They hate pre existing conditions and insuring the sick. It's an expense but isn't that their business? To pay for health needs? But they're in business to max profits.

Republicans are evil or stupid. One or the other or both

You are such a partisan nutjob.
Yet I get along with rational republicans like you. Huh. Must be some truth to what I'm saying.

Only because I choose to tolerate you. Lately you have said some pretty stupid stuff.
Good for them, I will never live there, but glad they are doing well after exiting the EU, good for them!
When they leave, they're going down duh. You CAN'T live there.
Republicans don't have a better solution. Let's not forget before the aca Republicans didn't even want to do away with pre existing conditions. That's because they get healthcare thru their employers. Most of them have never lost a job and they lack empathy.

So why believe they want to fix it now?

Republicans serve the insurance companies and drug companies. They hate pre existing conditions and insuring the sick. It's an expense but isn't that their business? To pay for health needs? But they're in business to max profits.

Republicans are evil or stupid. One or the other or both

You are such a partisan nutjob.
Yet I get along with rational republicans like you. Huh. Must be some truth to what I'm saying.

Only because I choose to tolerate you. Lately you have said some pretty stupid stuff.
Nothing compared to you dupes and their brainwashed idiocy. I don't think there's any evil ones here. Just brainwashing and ignorance. But God won't care. See sig last line.
regular wages for regular employees; there should be no exception for persons in the restaurant business.

People work in a job which pays tips because they earn far more than they could in an hourly wage job.

My first job paid $0.85 per hour because we received tips. The minimum wage was $1.00 per hour. We made FAR more than $1.00 an hour in tips and we gave superior service BECAUSE we got tips. Wait staff in some very exclusive restaurants pay the restaurant to work in the establishment. I know, you're horrified and the owner's of the restaurant should be crushed at once!
sounds like capitalists "envying" the poor.
so what; that does not let an employer off the hook unless they are independent contractors.

Off the hook for...?
regular wages for regular employees; there should be no exception for persons in the restaurant business.

the rich should not care how much the poor make in tips.
the rich don't care but you bet your ass the government does
why do capitalists get a wage break for their employees?

taxes and tips could both be considered regular wages; with wages being covered by employers, in the usual and customary manner for all other businesses.
Good for them, I will never live there, but glad they are doing well after exiting the EU, good for them!
When they leave, they're going down duh. You CAN'T live there.
Republicans don't have a better solution. Let's not forget before the aca Republicans didn't even want to do away with pre existing conditions. That's because they get healthcare thru their employers. Most of them have never lost a job and they lack empathy.

So why believe they want to fix it now?

Republicans serve the insurance companies and drug companies. They hate pre existing conditions and insuring the sick. It's an expense but isn't that their business? To pay for health needs? But they're in business to max profits.

Republicans are evil or stupid. One or the other or both

You are such a partisan nutjob.
Yet I get along with rational republicans like you. Huh. Must be some truth to what I'm saying.

Only because I choose to tolerate you. Lately you have said some pretty stupid stuff.

And I tolerate your right wing stupidity. I know you aren't 100% wrong. Just 89%.

And by the fucking way. I went to a horrible chinese buffet in Florida. It wasn't the fucking $21 a person bill that makes me never want to go there again. It was their shitty food. I can get that quality for $9 down here in Michigan. So you con nuts can stop crying about a fucking surcharge. Any cock sucker restaurant owner who adds a "surcharge" needs to go out of fucking business because they suck and so their entire business probably sucks. Don't cry about paying the fucking employees you fucking losers.

And I was serious about $3500. Boy, you cons sure have changed. Now you are worrying about how the poor person is going to come up with $3500? Is that our problem? But just like a student loan, they should be on the hook to pay that $3500 should they get sick and max out their premium. But before you didn't give a fuck if they had insurance and got cancer. We asked you idiots how they were going to pay the million dollars it costs to cure cancer. You didn't fucking care. So we came up with Obamacare and now you are fucking worrying about how the poor person is going to come up with $3500? Ha! That's a hoot.

And my former employer had a $5K deductable. $5K before the insurance kicks in. If you had a spouse it was $10K. My buddies with has leukemia so they pay $10K on the first day every year and the rest of the year they are covered. So $3500 isn't too much to ask. Actually, I agree with you it is too much to ask but what do you think is fair to ask a poor person to pay before the insurance kicks in? Sounds to me like you want universal free socialized nationalized single payer healthcare.
If you are poor and can't pay your $3500 premium they should still cure you but then you owe that $3500. Make payments. If you don't, then you owe that money when you are 65 years old and go to retire. The government should tell you that you can't draw ss until you've paid back what you owe. So lets say the person gets $100 a month in ss. Then it will be 35 months after they turn 65 that they can draw ss. Make sense?
When they leave, they're going down duh. You CAN'T live there.
Republicans don't have a better solution. Let's not forget before the aca Republicans didn't even want to do away with pre existing conditions. That's because they get healthcare thru their employers. Most of them have never lost a job and they lack empathy.

So why believe they want to fix it now?

Republicans serve the insurance companies and drug companies. They hate pre existing conditions and insuring the sick. It's an expense but isn't that their business? To pay for health needs? But they're in business to max profits.

Republicans are evil or stupid. One or the other or both

You are such a partisan nutjob.
Yet I get along with rational republicans like you. Huh. Must be some truth to what I'm saying.

Only because I choose to tolerate you. Lately you have said some pretty stupid stuff.
Nothing compared to you dupes and their brainwashed idiocy. I don't think there's any evil ones here. Just brainwashing and ignorance. But God won't care. See sig last line.

LOL! I can see you didn't teach English.

As far as your sig? I block them as they are nothing but propaganda with little or no truth to them.
Republicans don't have a better solution. Let's not forget before the aca Republicans didn't even want to do away with pre existing conditions. That's because they get healthcare thru their employers. Most of them have never lost a job and they lack empathy.

So why believe they want to fix it now?

Republicans serve the insurance companies and drug companies. They hate pre existing conditions and insuring the sick. It's an expense but isn't that their business? To pay for health needs? But they're in business to max profits.

Republicans are evil or stupid. One or the other or both

You are such a partisan nutjob.
Yet I get along with rational republicans like you. Huh. Must be some truth to what I'm saying.

Only because I choose to tolerate you. Lately you have said some pretty stupid stuff.
Nothing compared to you dupes and their brainwashed idiocy. I don't think there's any evil ones here. Just brainwashing and ignorance. But God won't care. See sig last line.

LOL! I can see you didn't teach English.

As far as your sig? I block them as they are nothing but propaganda with little or no truth to them.
Tell us again how you liked colms?
Republicans don't have a better solution. Let's not forget before the aca Republicans didn't even want to do away with pre existing conditions. That's because they get healthcare thru their employers. Most of them have never lost a job and they lack empathy.

So why believe they want to fix it now?

Republicans serve the insurance companies and drug companies. They hate pre existing conditions and insuring the sick. It's an expense but isn't that their business? To pay for health needs? But they're in business to max profits.

Republicans are evil or stupid. One or the other or both

You are such a partisan nutjob.
Yet I get along with rational republicans like you. Huh. Must be some truth to what I'm saying.

Only because I choose to tolerate you. Lately you have said some pretty stupid stuff.
Nothing compared to you dupes and their brainwashed idiocy. I don't think there's any evil ones here. Just brainwashing and ignorance. But God won't care. See sig last line.

LOL! I can see you didn't teach English.

As far as your sig? I block them as they are nothing but propaganda with little or no truth to them.
Sure, ignorant dupe lol. Here's my sig- ALL FACTS you dupes don't KNOW. First paragraph is from 2007 and the USA just gets worse under ongoing pander to the greedy idiot rich Raygunism- and here we go again.

Read it and learn something today for a change.The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010. Obama had control for THREE WEEKS in session, chumps.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
You are such a partisan nutjob.
Yet I get along with rational republicans like you. Huh. Must be some truth to what I'm saying.

Only because I choose to tolerate you. Lately you have said some pretty stupid stuff.
Nothing compared to you dupes and their brainwashed idiocy. I don't think there's any evil ones here. Just brainwashing and ignorance. But God won't care. See sig last line.

LOL! I can see you didn't teach English.

As far as your sig? I block them as they are nothing but propaganda with little or no truth to them.
Sure, ignorant dupe lol. Here's my sig- ALL FACTS you dupes don't KNOW. First paragraph is from 2007 and the USA just gets worse under ongoing pander to the greedy idiot rich Raygunism- and here we go again.

Read it and learn something today for a change.The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!! And you complain about the victims? Are you an idiot or an A-hole? :cuckoo:
Pubs have blocked EVERYTHING since 2/4/2010- don't be duped...again.:eusa_whistle: Stimulus worked-ran out in 2010. Obama had control for THREE WEEKS in session, chumps.
Total Pub Propaganda BS: ACORN, Kenyan Muslim Marxist,Tides, Mosque, Death Panel, lose your doctor, huge costs, DEBT CRISIS, Obama Recession, stimulus failed, Barney Frank, Nazi Soros, Nazi socialists, Volt suqs, Iran making bomb etc etc. :eusa_liar::cuckoo::lol:
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry
Think about how bush and trump are so different yet both of them ruined our standing with the rest of the free world.
Raygunism- and here we go again.

Raygun was a term to mock Reagan's star wars defense idea. Now that we are about to go to war with North Korea we would give anything to have funded it 10 times more than Reagan wanted in order to shoot down nuke missiles that can kill 10's of millions!!
I'm sorry- dupes are lovely people- but I can't take their lazy, ignorant, careless, stupid politics a minute longer. Sorry

can you present one Jeffersonian/Republican policy with which you have a particular agreement and tell us what it is? How will you learn if you are afraid to try?
Raygunism- and here we go again.

Raygun was a term to mock Reagan's star wars defense idea. Now that we are about to go to war with North Korea we would give anything to have funded it 10 times more than Reagan wanted in order to shoot down nuke missiles that can kill 10's of millions!!
And Russia would have it, Israel, Pakistan, India and everyone else.

Let's see what tough guy trump and Republicans do about it. They armchair qb'ing you did on Obama now we do to you.

Trump talked so tough before the election. He knew more than the generals remember?

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