Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases

.The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care

this is because liberal tax and regulation policies shipped their jobs offshore. 1+1=2
Even trump agrees you were stupid to not punish them for leaving. So is he wrong? Because that's one of the truths he said that got him elected.

So I can see how a con doesn't really like trump other than the things that make him just like bush. But you liars couldn't get another bush elected so you found a good liar
Actually, a lot of socialism is better than free, like birth control and preventive care under ACA. And that's why the Brits threw out WSC as WWII ended. And why they got NHS back then.

Yes, with typical results for Socialism.

Rationing care is a fact of life for the NHS
Richard Vize
Friday 24 April 2015 04.54 EDT

This week’s survey by HSJ revealing that 39% of clinical commissioning groups it contacted were considering rationing care to save money in the coming year highlights one of the murkier areas of health policy and raises a number of difficult questions.

Rationing is nothing new, of course. When waiting lists stretched to many months and even years, treatment was often rationed simply by the patient dying before they reach the operating table. Heart surgery was a striking example of this. The long waits in A&E departments acted as another form of rationing.


Rationing care is a fact of life for the NHS
Actually, a lot of socialism is better than free, like birth control and preventive care under ACA. And that's why the Brits threw out WSC as WWII ended. And why they got NHS back then.

Yes, with typical results for Socialism.

Rationing care is a fact of life for the NHS
Richard Vize
Friday 24 April 2015 04.54 EDT

This week’s survey by HSJ revealing that 39% of clinical commissioning groups it contacted were considering rationing care to save money in the coming year highlights one of the murkier areas of health policy and raises a number of difficult questions.

Rationing is nothing new, of course. When waiting lists stretched to many months and even years, treatment was often rationed simply by the patient dying before they reach the operating table. Heart surgery was a striking example of this. The long waits in A&E departments acted as another form of rationing.


Rationing care is a fact of life for the NHS
And yet polls show most Americans don't want to repeal obamacare
Republicans don't have a better solution. Let's not forget before the aca Republicans didn't even want to do away with pre existing conditions. That's because they get healthcare thru their employers. Most of them have never lost a job and they lack empathy.

So why believe they want to fix it now?

Republicans serve the insurance companies and drug companies. They hate pre existing conditions and insuring the sick. It's an expense but isn't that their business? To pay for health needs? But they're in business to max profits.

Republicans are evil or stupid. One or the other or both

You are such a partisan nutjob.
Yet I get along with rational republicans like you. Huh. Must be some truth to what I'm saying.

Only because I choose to tolerate you. Lately you have said some pretty stupid stuff.
Nothing compared to you dupes and their brainwashed idiocy. I don't think there's any evil ones here. Just brainwashing and ignorance. But God won't care. See sig last line.

LOL! I can see you didn't teach English.

As far as your sig? I block them as they are nothing but propaganda with little or no truth to them.
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...
the top 10% of earners pay just over 70% of all income taxes leaving 30% to be paid by the bottom 90% of earners

why the hell would anyone complain about that?

Do you mean other than the 10% carrying who are carrying the load?
You are such a partisan nutjob.
Yet I get along with rational republicans like you. Huh. Must be some truth to what I'm saying.

Only because I choose to tolerate you. Lately you have said some pretty stupid stuff.
Nothing compared to you dupes and their brainwashed idiocy. I don't think there's any evil ones here. Just brainwashing and ignorance. But God won't care. See sig last line.

LOL! I can see you didn't teach English.

As far as your sig? I block them as they are nothing but propaganda with little or no truth to them.
No, I taught French, History, and Spanish. Not my sig- FACTS are all I care about- too bad GOPers don't know any...
Let's give papa an example how Republicans lie.

We've said for years fox lies. Trump tweets that he heard on fox Obama wiretapped him. Fox lies. Who's spreading the fake news papa?
.The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care

this is because liberal tax and regulation policies shipped their jobs offshore. 1+1=2
And the GOP reneged on promised training and ed. for the good jobs we should have gotten out of it, dupe. Must save the rich!

so lack of job training is why our jobs went off shore???
Those were all highly paid union jobs with pensions. We know why your elites sent those jobs overseas.

Even went bankrupt first so they could renig on pensions. All by design.
the top 10% of earners pay just over 70% of all income taxes leaving 30% to be paid by the bottom 90% of earners

why the hell would anyone complain about that?

Do you mean other than the 10% carrying who are carrying the load?

yes its very unfair that the top 1% pay 44% of all federal income tax when they should pay 1%. LIberals steal money from those who know how to invest it best, and, create class warfare teaching the lower class that they deserve a free ride and don't have to contribute.
BUT BUT BUT Libtards laughed when Republicans said higher minimum wages will drive up food costs.

Restaurant diners are footing the bill for rising minimum wages.

In lieu of steep menu price increases, many independent and regional chain restaurants in states including Arizona, California, Colorado and New York are adding surcharges of 3% to 4% to help offset rising labor costs. Industry analysts expect the practice to become widespread as more cities and states increase minimum wages.

More on this...

Wendy's installing self-ordering kiosks in 1,000 restaurants
US retail sales rise in January, led by gas and restaurants
What does 'A Day Without a Woman' mean for restaurants?
“It’s the emerging new norm,” said Sharokina Shams, spokeswoman for the California Restaurant Association. She said California restaurants are adding surcharges as the state lifts the minimum wage every year until it reaches $15 an hour by 2023. It is currently at $10.50 an hour for employers with 26 or more workers.
Restaurants are adding labor surcharges to help offset minimum wage increases
So business raises prices when costs go up. What a revelation.

Do you need a buck so you can buy the grand slam?
Costco is known for its better-than average pay of employees.

Actually, that is FAKE NEWS. Their pay is comparable to other similar businesses.

Costco Wholesale Company Hourly Pay | PayScale
Nothing of the sort. And no comparison to others at all. Pfffft!!!

Employer: Costco Wholesale Company
Hourly Rate Range by Job
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Job (Number Reporting)
National Data

$0 $8 $16 $24

[-] Cashier (43)

Hourly Rate
$9.04 - $20.65

Go to Cashier at Costco Wholesale Company salaries »
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[+] Stocker (26)
$10.16 - $21.68

[+] Pharmacy Technician (11)
$11.46 - $23.84
[+] Cake Decorator (12)
$9.63 - $21.53

See 43 more jobs for Costco Wholesale Company Employer »


You have no clue as to the criteria used in compiling this bogus list, do you?

Besides, what you're saying is that EIGHT YEARS of petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama and his Progressive cabal pushing us toward Socialism/Communism has made us "LESS HAPPY".
BS. Everything was blocked but ACA- which helped the unhappy.
From 2007: The USA is the only modern country in the world where full time workers live in poverty and have no health care (750k bankruptcies a year, most HAVE insurance - crap insurance!)After 30 years of Voodoo: worst min. wage, work conditions, illegal work safeguards, vacations, work week, college costs, rich/poor gap, upward social mobility, % homeless and in prison EVAH, and in the modern world!!

We've said for years fox lies. Trump tweets that he heard on fox Obama wiretapped him. Fox lies. Who's spreading the fake news papa?

and it was true Obama wire tapped Merkel Flynn and all communication going into and out of USA. Thats how transcripts were always made available the next day. Now do you understand?
Those were all highly paid union jobs with pensions. We know why your elites sent those jobs overseas.


yes to avoid bankruptcy by selling union made crap and paying rip off union wages.
You hurt blue collar because they were cutting into your profits. Labor and the middle class had it too good. You waged class warfare on the middle class. We made too much.

Now you say you're going to make America great again just not that great.

We made America greater. You sent that away because you wanted more profits. Of course you caused the recession.

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