Restoration of Civil Rights should include the 2nd Amendment


From a BBC article on the subject, free of NRA influence, pertaining to 2016...

Based on US Center for Disease Control figures, as relayed by Mother Jones...

Lots of other relevant charts where that came from...
Okay. I`m convinced that mass shootings are acceptable and a symbol of our freedom.
Dilligently focusing on the 2nd as some constitutional epitome of freedom, while taking the other 26 amemdments out of context is rather ingenious social engineering for the insiduous spectre of fasicm to creep in.

Why doesn't it? Do we want voters that cannot be trusted defend themselves?

I've long been of the opinion that a convict who has completed his sentence ought to have all of his rights restored, including the right to keep and bear arms; that once he has “paid his debt to society”, he no longer owes society any loss of his freedoms.

For those who have achieved a sufficient level of criminality that they cannot be trusted with full freedom, the only valid solution is to permanently remove them from free society; either by putting them to death, or else by keeping them in prison for life, with no possibility of parole or other release.

It used to be that the most serious criminal served their sentences at the end of a rope, after which it would be rendered moot what rights they could be trusted with. If such a criminal wants to keep his guns, then I am OK with allowing them to be buried with him in his grave. He won't be doing much harm with them anyway.
Crazy people do awful things both with and without guns. Why not lock up the crazy people?

Because I don't want to live in a police state...

do you?

Locking up “crazy people”, criminals who have proven an inclination to harm others, constitutes “a police state”, but depriving honest, law-abiding citizens of one of their most basic and essential Constitutional rights does not?

A perfect example of JoeB131 logic.
It used to be that the most serious criminal served their sentences at the end of a rope, after which it would be rendered moot what rights they could be trusted with. If such a criminal wants to keep his guns, then I am OK with allowing them to be buried with him in his grave. He won't be doing much harm with them anyway.

You do realize that the leader of your cult was lynched, right? Was that okay by you?
Locking up “crazy people”, criminals who have proven an inclination to harm others, constitutes “a police state”, but depriving honest, law-abiding citizens of one of their most basic and essential Constitutional rights does not?

A perfect example of JoeB131 logic.

The thing is, who is "Crazy" enough to be locked up? The homeless guy who screams at a lamp post is crazy, but largely harmless... but the guy who collects a shitload of guns and then takes them to work the day after he gets fired... not so much.

We already lock up 2 million people, more than any other country in the world. Do you feel safer, Mormon-boi? I don't. If anything, it perpetuates the problem of creating a permanent stigmatized class.
Why doesn't it? Do we want voters that cannot be trusted defend themselves?

There should be no restoration of Rights. Criminals have proven themselves unable to live within Society’s rules; why would we welcome them back into Society?

Besides, mostvofctgem shouldn’t be getting out of prison in anything other than a plastic bag.
Locking up “crazy people”, criminals who have proven an inclination to harm others, constitutes “a police state”, but depriving honest, law-abiding citizens of one of their most basic and essential Constitutional rights does not?

white/back hat two dimensional philospophies make about as much sense as a chcken w/ a kickstand Bob

IMHO, America became a police state after 9/11 , fueled by extreemist azzholes ,most of which are armed, as well as defended on the USMB as our saviors

Nothing could possibly be more inversely proportional to our 'freedoms' than watching our GubMit deal with these sorts

Does matter

No, it really doesn't. If there hadn't been a gun in the house that day, that person would still be alive.

Are you claiming there is no other way to commit suicide?

I just want to know where you are coming from.

A gun is the only way to kill yourself?

Gun is a far more effective way of committing sucide...

Most lethal methods of suicide | Lost All Hope: The web's leading suicide resource

Other methods are more painful and less lethal...

That doesn’t mean it should be included in the gun violence stats.

Self inflicted gunshots is the not the same as a cop shooting a black man.
Taking away our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms should be considered a hate crime.

I’m a gun owner myself, but I honestly believe that those who cannot live within our Society (criminals) should be granted the fruits of thst Society (Rights, Constitutional or otherwise).
Why doesn't it? Do we want voters that cannot be trusted defend themselves?

33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries every year...

Only a handful involve "people defending themselves". Most of them are 'some idiot who never should have had a gun hurting themselves or others'.
Most people don't shoot themselves when they are defending themselves, moron. Something like 2 million people use a gun to defend themselves every year, and none of them got shot or killed anyone!
Are you claiming there is no other way to commit suicide?

I just want to know where you are coming from.

A gun is the only way to kill yourself?

Not going to waste time on you... had this argument with tons of gun nuts before, and it's a waste of time.

They didn't walk out in front of a car, they shot themselves with a gun someone in that house bought for protection. Maybe if they walked out in front of the car, they'd have had time to think about it. Maybe someone would have stopped them. Maybe the car impact wouldn't have been fatal and they'd have gotten the help they need.

Guns eliminate all those possibilities. While most suicide attempts never try again, gun suicide is 96% fatal.
Japan has a very high suicide rate, but guns are illegal there. Your theory is bullshit.
Joe wants to abolish gun ownership.

He is entitled to his opinion, but arguing to abolish the 2nd amendment is the same as arguing to abolish the first amendment.
Dilligently focusing on the 2nd as some constitutional epitome of freedom, while taking the other 26 amemdments out of context is rather ingenious social engineering for the insiduous spectre of fasicm to creep in.


Since Ds generally support gun control you have reversed causality.
Taking away our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms should be considered a hate crime.

I’m a gun owner myself, but I honestly believe that those who cannot live within our Society (criminals) should be granted the fruits of thst Society (Rights, Constitutional or otherwise).

I just don't want a stupid hateful Liberal deciding who should own firearms and who shouldn't. You can't trust them because their agenda is not public safety. Their agenda is to take away the ability of the people to defend themselves so that this country can more easily become the socialist shithole they desire so much.

Reasonable gun control is just like reasonable abortion laws. We can't have reasonable abortion laws because the filthy murderous Liberals insist that women be able to kill their child on demand for any reason whatsoever. We can't have reasonable gun control laws because the Liberals insist on unreasonable things.
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Why doesn't it? Do we want voters that cannot be trusted defend themselves?

33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries every year...

Only a handful involve "people defending themselves". Most of them are 'some idiot who never should have had a gun hurting themselves or others'.
So, you don't believe in resorting civil rights to felons?
I'm not sure Joe's really asking the question, but isn't it just that there's a real difference in being convicted of a drug felony in a country with the stupidest prohibition on drugs in history, while its pharamacuticals just made hundreds of millions by creating literally synthetic heroin, and committing manslaughter or aggravated assault or armed robbery?

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