Restoration of Civil Rights should include the 2nd Amendment

Really??!! And I guess those individuals couldn’t have found sleeping pills or a piece of rope. So sure are you in your arrogance.

The chances of surviving an overdose or hanging are a lot better than surviving a self-inflicted gunshot... and when most people fail at suicide, they don't try again.

Joe wants to abolish gun ownership.

He is entitled to his opinion, but arguing to abolish the 2nd amendment is the same as arguing to abolish the first amendment.

Not really. You really can't have a free country without freedom of expression.

But nearly every other democratic free society limits gun ownership... and they are just as free as we are.

Opioid overdoses ending in death in the U.S. per year: 72,000 +

Firearms (all categories): 33,000

That is just ONE category of drug. Nope. You got nothing there.
It matters deeply.

You seek to strip people of civil rights based on a lie.

Compensating for a tiny dick isn't a civil right.


Stalin, you demand that people submit to violence. because you are a thug and a coward. BUT the right to defend ourselves and our families is THE most fundamental of all rights.

Look, you want absolute power. The ONLY way you will get that is in battle. I get that you're scared. we're smarter and better shots than you evil fucks. But you're going to have to pick up a rifle. You're right to be afraid. But you're party is more than willing to sacrifice your life for their power...
Some say you cannot fix stupid. With you, I do not know whether we're talking ignorance or stupidity. I'm almost positive that I cannot possibly be the first to make this argument, but yes owning a firearm is a Right. Just in case nobody told you, this is a road map to understanding the Right:

Again, if the Founding Slave Rapists really believed that shit... they'd have let their slaves own guns.. Then Sally Hemmings would have shot Tommy Jefferson out of pure disgust with his hypocrisy.

So I don't worry about why guys who shit in chamberpots thought something was a good idea. Maybe militias in 1787 were a good idea before we had professional standing armies and police forces. Is it a good idea for Nicholas Cruz or Adam Lanza to own a semi-automatic weapon designed for a battlefield? Nope.

Why do you advocate for criminally insane people to be able to run amok in society without supervision?
Joe wants to abolish gun ownership.

He is entitled to his opinion, but arguing to abolish the 2nd amendment is the same as arguing to abolish the first amendment.
Joe also wants to abolish the First Amendment.

He's repeatedly condemned the Constitution as a whole, as the work of “slave rapers”. I don't think there's any part of it that he wouldn't be glad to abolish, if he could.

One has to wonder why someone who so deeply hates this country, who so deeply hates the principles on which it was founded, and for which it stands, doesn't just leave. Surely, he'd be much happier in some place like Cuba or China or Venezuela; and this country would be better off without him.
Indeed. The drive to restrict the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms nearly always stems from motives and intents which, if acted on, would give these citizens just cause to use these arms in opposition. Gun control is most supported by those who know that a well-armed populace is the greatest obstacle to their tyrannical agenda.

By your logic, black folks have a right to shoot at police officers any time they feel like it...
Opioid overdoses ending in death in the U.S. per year: 72,000 +

Firearms (all categories): 33,000

That is just ONE category of drug. Nope. You got nothing there.

1) Link?
2) We actually control the distribution of Opiods, and are taking measures to combat the epidemic.
3) Opiods have a legitimate use. Guns really don't.
I think most of us wouldn't know about that. We'll leave it to you to be the recognized expert on having a tiny dick, and trying to compensate for it.

Quite the contrary, Mormon boy, your insecurities come through loud and clear... you are just a bunch of scared little white boys.
Non violent criminals should be able to get ALL their rights back after paying their debt to society.
He's repeatedly condemned the Constitution as a whole, as the work of “slave rapers”. I don't think there's any part of it that he wouldn't be glad to abolish, if he could.

One has to wonder why someone who so deeply hates this country, who so deeply hates the principles on which it was founded, and for which it stands, doesn't just leave. Surely, he'd be much happier in some place like Cuba or China or Venezuela; and this country would be better off without him.

America isn't it's constitution, it's her people... Most of whom are pretty decent.

The Constitution, of course, is deeply flawed, and the Slave Rapists would probably wonder why we didn't draft a new one every fifty years instead of continuing to make the flawed one we have work.

Do you really think the Founders wanted Adam Lanza to have a machine gun? Yes or no?

Stalin, you demand that people submit to violence. because you are a thug and a coward. BUT the right to defend ourselves and our families is THE most fundamental of all rights.

A gun in the home is 42 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy, Derp...

The solution is much worse than the problem.

If you had a rabid pit bull that mauled the neighborhood kids, the argument you "need it for protection" would be laughable.

Look, you want absolute power. The ONLY way you will get that is in battle. I get that you're scared. we're smarter and better shots than you evil fucks. But you're going to have to pick up a rifle. You're right to be afraid. But you're party is more than willing to sacrifice your life for their power...

Actually, I regularly qualified as Expert in the military, but if the day ever comes that you gun nuts became a real danger to law and order, the government has tanks...

You lose.
He's repeatedly condemned the Constitution as a whole, as the work of “slave rapers”. I don't think there's any part of it that he wouldn't be glad to abolish, if he could.

One has to wonder why someone who so deeply hates this country, who so deeply hates the principles on which it was founded, and for which it stands, doesn't just leave. Surely, he'd be much happier in some place like Cuba or China or Venezuela; and this country would be better off without him.

America isn't it's constitution, it's her people... Most of whom are pretty decent.

Nonsense. The constitutional rule of law defines the nation. Half the people are fucked in the head at any given moment.

The Constitution, of course, is deeply flawed, and the Slave Rapists would probably wonder why we didn't draft a new one every fifty years instead of continuing to make the flawed one we have work.

It works great. Get used to it. Or, you are free to go.

Do you really think the Founders wanted Adam Lanza to have a machine gun? Yes or no?

The Founders felt it more important to guarantee individual and national defense against common criminals, usurpers, and traitors as well as foreign entities.

Stalin, you demand that people submit to violence. because you are a thug and a coward. BUT the right to defend ourselves and our families is THE most fundamental of all rights.

A gun in the home is 42 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy, Derp...

The solution is much worse than the problem.

If you had a rabid pit bull that mauled the neighborhood kids, the argument you "need it for protection" would be laughable.

Look, you want absolute power. The ONLY way you will get that is in battle. I get that you're scared. we're smarter and better shots than you evil fucks. But you're going to have to pick up a rifle. You're right to be afraid. But you're party is more than willing to sacrifice your life for their power...

Actually, I regularly qualified as Expert in the military, but if the day ever comes that you gun nuts became a real danger to law and order, the government has tanks...

You lose.

You assume the government tanks would be on your side. Better think again.

Stalin, you demand that people submit to violence. because you are a thug and a coward. BUT the right to defend ourselves and our families is THE most fundamental of all rights.

A gun in the home is 42 times more likely to kill a family member than a bad guy, Derp...

The solution is much worse than the problem.

If you had a rabid pit bull that mauled the neighborhood kids, the argument you "need it for protection" would be laughable.

Look, you want absolute power. The ONLY way you will get that is in battle. I get that you're scared. we're smarter and better shots than you evil fucks. But you're going to have to pick up a rifle. You're right to be afraid. But you're party is more than willing to sacrifice your life for their power...

Actually, I regularly qualified as Expert in the military, but if the day ever comes that you gun nuts became a real danger to law and order, the government has tanks...

You lose.

So let's see a pic of your expert pin + plus a piece of paper that says "JoeB131" right next to it.


Because I don't believe you.
No free man should be kept disarmed.

If we can not trust him in public with a tool, keep him in prison.

You lose.

You assume the government tanks would be on your side. Better think again.

In that bed wetter's case, better think for the first time ever, because 2/3 of the military leans conservative and most military people support the 2nd Amendment specifically to keep government in check. The people with the keys to the tanks, and know how to drive them, are not bed wetters who look forward to purging millions of disarmed peasants opposed to collectivization. It may have worked for the bolsheviks in russia, it won't happen here.
Opioid overdoses ending in death in the U.S. per year: 72,000 +

Firearms (all categories): 33,000

That is just ONE category of drug. Nope. You got nothing there.

1) Link?
2) We actually control the distribution of Opiods, and are taking measures to combat the epidemic.
3) Opiods have a legitimate use. Guns really don't.

1) Overdose Death Rates

2) The United States controls the distribution of firearms - even though they should not

3) The biggest purpose opioids serve is to keep the government, doctors and Big Pharma rolling in the dough. Notice that when people show up on the Dr. Phil Show, they have tried all kinds of drugs. Yet Phil starts over again, from the start, and puts people in treatment centers where drugs are the LAST option, not the first. Even the tv docs are telling you that

4) Guns don't serve a purpose? A lady in my own neighborhood could factually argue that point with you:

Video shows woman shoot at burglars in home invasion - CNN Video

I've used my firearm to acquire meat to feed myself with. I've used it to defend myself against multiple attackers. As one guy was once reputed to have said, the greatest reason to retain the Right to keep and bear Arms is, as a last resort, to prevent tyranny in government.
He's repeatedly condemned the Constitution as a whole, as the work of “slave rapers”. I don't think there's any part of it that he wouldn't be glad to abolish, if he could.

One has to wonder why someone who so deeply hates this country, who so deeply hates the principles on which it was founded, and for which it stands, doesn't just leave. Surely, he'd be much happier in some place like Cuba or China or Venezuela; and this country would be better off without him.

America isn't it's constitution, it's her people... Most of whom are pretty decent.

The Constitution, of course, is deeply flawed, and the Slave Rapists would probably wonder why we didn't draft a new one every fifty years instead of continuing to make the flawed one we have work.

Do you really think the Founders wanted Adam Lanza to have a machine gun? Yes or no?

1) You claim that most Americans are decent people. Then you have negative things to say about gun owners. You say they are decent people then insult them. What's up with that?

2) America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. If it ain't froke, don't bix it. What you suggest is the way France operates. Perhaps you should pack your rags and go there

3) Adam Lanza was on SSRIs. ALL mass shooters are on either SSRIs or they are political jihadists. Maybe if we did not prescribe a pill every time a kid says they don't feel good, they would not have homicidal and suicidal tendencies.

MAYBE the answer is to require people to go to counseling and then maybe live in one of those places where people work on a ranch and / or garden and go to workshops to see if they cannot be helped that way before giving them dangerous drugs. Did you ever think that might be an answer?

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