Restoring Love Rally


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
The events for the Restoring Love Rally this week start Thursday.

Freedom Works is going to be focused on Restoring Freedom Thursday night

Friday night is the Religious Leadership Conference featuring the Black Robe Regiment.

Saturday is the main event plus Women's conference.

Should be an amazing weekend if you catch any of it.
Would be fun to go....

He will be having something like 30 million dollars worth of American historical items on display on the stage with artists and speakers Saturday.

Is anyone here at USMB going to get to go?
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Would be fun to go....

He will be having something like 30 million dollars worth of American historical items on display on the stage with artists and speakers Saturday.

Is anyone here at USMB going to get to go?

I have neither the money nor the vacation time to go now. Alas...
Would be fun to go....

He will be having something like 30 million dollars worth of American historical items on display on the stage with artists and speakers Saturday.

Is anyone here at USMB going to get to go?

I have neither the money nor the vacation time to go now. Alas... too

Just started a new job and have no time off for a while.

Guess I will watch the Hi-lites on his websites.

Going to be a historic weekend :clap2:
You have to be kidding. You think going to a "rally" is going to make it possible for you all to "restore the love"?

If you do not know what love is by never will. You have been reading all about it since you were children in your bibles.... In what you believe are GODS WORDS no less and now all of a sudden that psycho Beck is gonna splain it to you?

I wouldn't let that mental basket case "explain" to me what time it was.

Is this the kind of group brain washing you Mormans are all about?

It is really too bad that you guys are so mind fucked that you cannot see how bogus an idea this is.

Love is something you learn by yourself. If you don't have or know love by the time you are 5 years old or earlier then there is something seriously wrong with you. Clinically it is called being a sociopath. The lack of empathy(love) for others. Technically a human being learns empathy at around 1 1/2 - 2 years old. Guess what? If you didn't learn it then you NEVER will. That is because you have been faking it the whole time since then and developed a personality that has been fooling those around you so you can get by. You cannot "undo" that much learned behavior.

Example: Ted Bundy was brought up in a good home but never learned empathy. He was popular and a good student and a good republican so on and so forth. Now I'm not suggesting that your lack of empathy is as strong as Bundy's because everyones developement is unique. But it is clear that from your desire to "restore" love you never knew love in the first place and do not understand that you never will.

Let me explain to you why Glenn Beck is a sociopath and why he is the last person/personality you should go to to "restore" love.

Glenn Beck tried to kill himself before he left my state. He failed. Someone that hates themself so much and hates thier environment so much and hates thier family so much that they would seriously attempt to kill themself lacks empathy for themself..thier environment and thier family. Glenn Beck is psycologically damaged. You couldn't find a worse candidate to teach love if you tried.
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You can't learn love by yourself. You need someone else to love in order to learn it.

So if you are so confident, watch it for yourself and see what you think.
You can't learn love by yourself. You need someone else to love in order to learn it.

So if you are so confident, watch it for yourself and see what you think.

I don't mean to drive this into the dirt but you are wrong. Not entirely..but essentially.

Babies cry because that is how they get attention..meaning ATTENDED to. Not the same as "look at me" ...simply "I need". ...which could be any number of things they may or may not understand yet, but want or don't want. Then somewhere along the line they develope empathy. They pet animals..They share things they value. They may even try to comfort another human they might notice is in some form of distress or discomfort. They may start thinking to "help" another with no expectation of reward. The young human starts to feel good about themself when they see themself being kind and caring about another humans condition. THEN somewhere a little further in developement the child sees another person displaying the same behavior they have learned to enjoy about thier own behavior and a bond is formed with that human that shares these newly aquired values. THAT is the birth of LOVE in this young child.

Sadly the lessons I described above don't occur or "take" in everyone. If it does not happen a person can mimick the behavior because it has rewards. "good boy"...whatever and that child can get by without understanding love. The child learns "if I act this way and not THAT way" my life is less complicated. The child learns to seek APPROVAL for mimicking good deeds. In my experience through observation it is not only possible for someone to go through life without love ..if the person does not know what love is at a very early is common. And as far as I can tell is not reversable.
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And you are free think that. But that doesn't make it true.

Love can and is learned at all ages of one's life. You are right, some never learn it. Many of the posters here on both sides dont understand love in the smallest amount.

But love can be learned. My own experience learning it better says so.
HUGGY obviously is a bitter guy...

I am in no way asking Glenn or anyone else to teach me how to "love" :rolleyes:

What is going on in Dallas is more of a revival... a revival for the spirit of love in America.

Americans have lost that love for the fellow man as well as a love for their country, and this event is intended to try and "restore" it.

Nearly one million meals have been made available to give out to the homeless this Friday, and there will be over 35,000 volunteers serving in 300 community organizations.

Beck said this and I like it......
“If we believe in small government, then we have to roll up our sleeves and do the work.”

He is right!
beck and freedomworks? let's see...IMO Beck could very well be the false prophet that Revelations speaks of and Palin could be the harlot.

tie that in with FreedomWorks, founded by the Koch boys to do Daddy's John Birch Society works.

I'll wouldn't be surprised if God doesn't rain down fiery hail and a plague of frogs and locusts on the crowd.

I'll pass...I prefer to preserve my soul...not corrupt it.
HUGGY obviously is a bitter guy...

I am in no way asking Glenn or anyone else to teach me how to "love" :rolleyes:

What is going on in Dallas is more of a revival... a revival for the spirit of love in America.

Americans have lost that love for the fellow man as well as a love for their country, and this event is intended to try and "restore" it.

Nearly one million meals have been made available to give out to the homeless this Friday, and there will be over 35,000 volunteers serving in 300 community organizations.

Beck said this and I like it......
“If we believe in small government, then we have to roll up our sleeves and do the work.”

He is right!

"HUGGY obviously is a bitter guy..."

:lol: You are SOOOoo...wrong it isn't funny :lol: Since Gates used my blinds as the back drop for his nationally televised CBS interview the other day I'm as happy as a pig in shit! Couldn't be happier! Ecstatic! Grinnin from ear to ear!

True Story!
Is that not the event Glenn Beck is advertising.

I listen to G Beck to. Beck is insane, but this event does look like fun!!
It would be pretty cool to go. Unfortunately, I cannot.

Just watched it live on

The historic artifacts displayed and discussed was simply outstanding...

He had the helmet that was actually worn by Eisenhower on D-Day, a duplicate of the Liberty Bell, that was rang several times duing show, and there was even both copies of The Prayer at Valley Forge by Arnold Friberg.. soooo beatiful!

Awesome event
. :clap2:
Freedom Works is going to be focused on Restoring Freedom Thursday night.

This makes no sense. Americans enjoy greater freedom now than any time in our Nation’s history, particularly women, African Americans, and other minorities.

There is no freedom which needs to be ‘restored.’

There are, however, citizens with their rights denied, such as same-sex couples’ access to marriage; if Freedom Works is truly interested in freedom, they may devote themselves to ensuring all Americans enjoy equal protection of the law.

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