Results of the "Million Muslim March" and "2 Million Bikers" events in Wsh DC

3,446 blacks were lynched between 1882 and 1968.
How many whites have been murdered by blacks since then? Trends suggest that the figure is over 10 times that 3,446

What percentage of the cases were prosecuted?

I'm thinking that if the USDOJ knows that 14% of white murder victims were killed by a black, there's a good chance that those crimes were prosecuted as opposed to the cases where the perpetrator was unknown.

Or are you talking about the 3,400 lynchings? You were not clear.

How many were you involved in? :eusa_think:
Because (a) Bikers are usually associated with the Right Wing and because (b) anything Right Wing must be denigrated by the Left and (c) many Liberals do not want anyone waving flags unless it's under their control and under their terms and pertaining to topics that they approve of?
Because (d) the democrats did not get a sound bite to explain the march and they are subsequently confused.
But why would they NEED a sound bite to explain the march?

Are not the best people to explain the march, those who planned and participated in it, and who conjured-up the rationale for it?

And were those people not already heard?

Libs need a sound bite to explain everything. They can't even wipe their butts and flush properly without being given a set of sound bite instructions from their anointed leaders.
Is there a psychiatrist in the house?

No, but there is a medical professional that is "morally and intellectually superior to most here."

You mean the one with a law degree? ROFL hehe

Nope. The one who actually said what is in quotes above.

Maybe a few more memorable quotes and you'll figure it out.

The race card can only be played by whites.
I am morally and intellectually superior to most here.
Since I consider myself an elitist, an intellectual, and high class, it's a
foregone conclusion that I would always be caught in a "mixed" environment.
I am always right, until that rare moment when I'm wrong.
Is there a psychiatrist in the house?

I hope you're not talking about poet. I can't believe some of the horrible things said on this forum, nor can I blame someone like poet for getting sick of it and dishing some of it back.

I would certainly hope that no one in a position of authority on this forum is playing favorites.


Stupid Whiny Little Bitch (according to Sunshine)

I am not privy to such 'horrible things'.

It seems most unwise to repeatedly rise to the bait, however.

If your friend has problems with one or more of his colleagues he should probably seek assistance from the owner-operators or mods, yes?

You're not privy to such horrible things? How about his quote, it's from a thread right here in this "Current Events" section of the forum:

Three Feral Negroes Carjack 85 Year Old Grandmother, Rob Her, Then Burn Her Alive


How horrible. America has no place for this increasing violence by these black savages. When are people going to wake up and say enough is enough? Lately we are seeing savage brutal killings of elderly people by negroes existing in a feral nature. It is becoming two obvious that they are becoming more vicious as the Obama presidency continues. It's like they feel entitled to kill.

Now, how would you feel if you read that and you were black. How would you feel if your children, who were black, had to go out into the world, knowing that people who think like this are out there...people who are concerned about "feral negroes." Perhaps they'll mistake your son or daughter for one of these "feral negroes."

How would you feel? Because if that's not horrible, I don't know what is. The woman being burned alive was certainly horrible. But if people think white folks don't do just as evil of things, they're pretty deluded.

Yeah, I'm not easily shocked, but when I read that post, it raised my eyebows. Talk about crossing a line.
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I'm thinking that if the USDOJ knows that 14% of white murder victims were killed by a black, there's a good chance that those crimes were prosecuted as opposed to the cases where the perpetrator was unknown.

Or are you talking about the 3,400 lynchings? You were not clear.

How many were you involved in? :eusa_think:

None. When were you paroled?

Really? I asked you before numerous times to deny that you haven't been involved in murders or lynchings with your gang involvement and you refused to answer :eusa_think:
Because (d) the democrats did not get a sound bite to explain the march and they are subsequently confused.
But why would they NEED a sound bite to explain the march?

Are not the best people to explain the march, those who planned and participated in it, and who conjured-up the rationale for it?

And were those people not already heard?

Libs need a sound bite to explain everything. They can't even wipe their butts and flush properly without being given a set of sound bite instructions from their anointed leaders.
One sheet max.

Sheryl Crow said:
Although my ideas are in the earliest stages of development, they are, in my mind, worth investigating. One of my favorites is in the area of forest conservation which we heavily rely on for oxygen. I propose a limitation be put on how many squares of toilet paper can be used in any one sitting. Now, I don't want to rob any law-abiding American of his or her God-given rights, but I think we are an industrious enough people that we can make it work with only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where 2 to 3 could be required. When presenting this idea to my younger brother, who's judgment I trust implicitly, he proposed taking it one step further. I believe his quote was, "how bout just washing the one square out."
"...Libs need a sound bite to explain everything. They can't even wipe their butts and flush properly without being given a set of sound bite instructions from their anointed leaders."
Yer a funny guy. I misjudged you. I was wrong. Won't happen again.
I hope you're not talking about poet. I can't believe some of the horrible things said on this forum, nor can I blame someone like poet for getting sick of it and dishing some of it back.

I would certainly hope that no one in a position of authority on this forum is playing favorites.


Stupid Whiny Little Bitch (according to Sunshine)

I am not privy to such 'horrible things'.

It seems most unwise to repeatedly rise to the bait, however.

If your friend has problems with one or more of his colleagues he should probably seek assistance from the owner-operators or mods, yes?

You're not privy to such horrible things? How about his quote, it's from a threat right here in this "Current Events" section of the forum:

Three Feral Negroes Carjack 85 Year Old Grandmother, Rob Her, Then Burn Her Alive


How horrible. America has no place for this increasing violence by these black savages. When are people going to wake up and say enough is enough? Lately we are seeing savage brutal killings of elderly people by negroes existing in a feral nature. It is becoming two obvious that they are becoming more vicious as the Obama presidency continues. It's like they feel entitled to kill.

Now, how would you feel if you read that and you were black. How would you feel if your children, who were black, had to go out into the world, knowing that people who think like this are out there...people who are concerned about "feral negroes." Perhaps they'll mistake your son or daughter for one of these "feral negroes."

How would you feel? Because if that's not horrible, I don't know what is. The woman being burned alive was certainly horrible. But if people think white folks don't do just as evil of things, they're pretty deluded.

Yeah, I'm not easily shocked, but when I read that post, it raised my eyebows. Talk about crossing a line.

You got WAY to many letters in yo name when all you need is four---> KOOK...:lol:
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Okay, I'm a kook because I find it "eyebrow-raising" for someone to be discoursing about "feral negroes" on this forum.

Thanks for helping me to make my point, American_Jihad. Love your avatar, by the way.
I am not privy to such 'horrible things'.

It seems most unwise to repeatedly rise to the bait, however.

If your friend has problems with one or more of his colleagues he should probably seek assistance from the owner-operators or mods, yes?

You're not privy to such horrible things? How about his quote, it's from a threat right here in this "Current Events" section of the forum:

Three Feral Negroes Carjack 85 Year Old Grandmother, Rob Her, Then Burn Her Alive


How horrible. America has no place for this increasing violence by these black savages. When are people going to wake up and say enough is enough? Lately we are seeing savage brutal killings of elderly people by negroes existing in a feral nature. It is becoming two obvious that they are becoming more vicious as the Obama presidency continues. It's like they feel entitled to kill.

Now, how would you feel if you read that and you were black. How would you feel if your children, who were black, had to go out into the world, knowing that people who think like this are out there...people who are concerned about "feral negroes." Perhaps they'll mistake your son or daughter for one of these "feral negroes."

How would you feel? Because if that's not horrible, I don't know what is. The woman being burned alive was certainly horrible. But if people think white folks don't do just as evil of things, they're pretty deluded.

Yeah, I'm not easily shocked, but when I read that post, it raised my eyebows. Talk about crossing a line.

You got WAY to many letters in yo name when all you need is four---> KOOK...:lol:

You got that right!
I'm your worst nightmare. An educated negro, with command of the English language. You don't want to mess with me.

Fear???? Nope. Contempt is the word you were looking for.

All statements like that do is make me laugh. Until he opened his mouth about his race, I had absolutely no idea what it was, nor did I care.

And if the limit of his debating ability is to call people bitches and insult them, he did not get very much from all of that education he brags about.

And like you, I have contempt for his bullying tactics, or his constant throwing around of race. There is little that sickens me more then people playing the "oh pitty me cause I am XXXX" game. Yea, my ancestors were rounded up, many marched to their death, and sometimes killed for sport by the tens of thousands, but you will not hear me whining about it. That is over 100 years ago, life moves on.

So yes, I have contempt for such an individual. He needs to learn to grow up and approach things as an adult, not as a spoiled child full of arrogance.
The boston bombings wasn't religiously motivated, but if you want an example of right wing terrorism, look no further than the oklahoma city bombing.

The Boston bombings were not religiously motivated, despite the fact that the bombers said that was EXACTLY the motivation, ooooooooookkkkkkkkkkk.....................

You are not following the rules.
You said EVANGELICALS were just as bad as jihadists.
I challenged you to a game.
I gave you one Islamic terrorist attack.

I'm still waiting for the evangelical terror attack.
List one, then I will list another Islamic terror attack.
Tim mc V was a nut. He was a lunatic radical with as much in common with most conservatives as Maggie thatcher had with the IRA.
That being they were polar opposites!!

Google the "ku klux klan" and you will find 1000's of incidents of right wing christian lynchings, beatings, and murders going on for over 100 years,..

What the fuck does the KKK have to do with anything?..Other than what your jello spined liberalism tells you to think..
You are a racist puke. You're not even a human fucking being. You are a pile of grabastic amphibian shit.
I am still trying to figure out why so many in here are all bent out of shape over this.

Can somebody please explain to me why a bunch of bikers are such a threat to so many Liberals in here.

Because liberals are frightened and angered by people who are not like them, do not agree with their agenda and cannot be controlled by them.
And this is why you fail.

As for your history with Sunshine, I really could not care less. I have had several debates with her myself. Sometimes I agree with her, sometimes I disagree with her (and I am sure her opinion of our exchanges is the same).

However, I have always left each discussion stand or fall by their own merits, and do not carry animosity like this over from one thread into another. And my own opinion of her views does not give me some kind of right to start slinging around insults and this coprolite I am seeing coming from you.

This kind of behavior I see as being immature, and a sign of serious mental disorder from somebody who can't put a muzzle on their own feelings. I see somebody who is so locked into their ideological beliefs that they are completely blind to anything that challenges those preconceptions, and attacks anybody who dares to challenge them.

As for who am I? Well, I am a person with a sense of dignity, who does not like to see this kind of vile abuse thrown upon anybody. Republican or Democrat, male or female, Christian or Muslim, or whatever else you want to use as the two sides. And if some Conservative was throwing such vile coprolite at a Liberal, I would be stepping forward and saying the exact same thing.

One thing I do have is integrity, and I can't stand to see that kind of shit thrown against anybody. So you want to know who I am, that is who I am. So pontificate all you want, I still see nothing but an Internet bully who tries to shout down and insult people instead of sticking to the facts at hand.

And BTW Poet, I could not care less if my avatar impresses you or not. You know nothing of me, you are attacking for some strange reason because I threaten you and nothing else. If you want to engage me I suggest you loose the chip, grow up and learn how to discuss things like an adult.

Oh, and my wife of 28 years would find it funny that you think I would abuse minorities, as would our son. She was born and raised in South America you see, and the idea of me (a devout pacifist) attacking anybody would be funny to any of my friends.

So once again, you reveal your prejudices and lack of thought, simply attacking anybody who threatens your beliefs. Have a nice day.

He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put your brick down, and have a seat.
Again, you don't know me, and you can't tell whether or not I have my ideological beliefs "locked down", or that I'm blind to anything.
You have no idea as to the subterranean level of the discourse I've had to endure in this cesspool. They are so afraid of me, that they rush, to find any and all reasons to ban me, rather than to answer to the truth.
And BS. You're no Mother Theresa, or Second coming of Christ. Have a seat.
And you have me mistaken. I'm no bully, but I'll be goddamn if I let a low life white mf'er, male or female, talk to me like 1862. Lincoln freed the slaves, so that means I can cuss anyone of you mf'ers from an amazing grace to a floating opportunity. And your only recourse is to ban my ass. Like I give a fuck. Ask around. I have notches on my belt, as to the forums I've kicked ass in.
I don't care what your wife, your dog, or your cat finds funny. You'll not be condescending with me, and get away with it. I suggest you put me on ignore, lest you face further embarrassment.
I'm your worst nightmare. An educated negro, with command of the English language. You don't want to mess with me.

Fear???? Nope. Contempt is the word you were looking for.

And of course in due time, that racist prick got himself bounced out of here. Not once. But at least twice. The last for good..
What percentage of the cases were prosecuted?

I'm thinking that if the USDOJ knows that 14% of white murder victims were killed by a black, there's a good chance that those crimes were prosecuted as opposed to the cases where the perpetrator was unknown.

Or are you talking about the 3,400 lynchings? You were not clear.

How many were you involved in? :eusa_think:

Go wipe your sniveling face with a broken bottle.

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