Results of the "Million Muslim March" and "2 Million Bikers" events in Wsh DC

You are a racist puke. You're not even a human fucking being. You are a pile of grabastic amphibian shit.

As an Amphibian, I take offense to that comparison!

I stole that line...From here...
Enjoy...[ame=]Full Metal Jacket Monologue - YouTube[/ame]

Oh yea, I got that. I even have the Gunny on my desk at this moment.


Wore that uniform proudly for 10 years, and as such I take offense at somebody with that kind of mindset being compared to a proud Amphibian such as myself.
He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put your brick down, and have a seat.
Again, you don't know me, and you can't tell whether or not I have my ideological beliefs "locked down", or that I'm blind to anything.
You have no idea as to the subterranean level of the discourse I've had to endure in this cesspool. They are so afraid of me, that they rush, to find any and all reasons to ban me, rather than to answer to the truth.
And BS. You're no Mother Theresa, or Second coming of Christ. Have a seat.
And you have me mistaken. I'm no bully, but I'll be goddamn if I let a low life white mf'er, male or female, talk to me like 1862. Lincoln freed the slaves, so that means I can cuss anyone of you mf'ers from an amazing grace to a floating opportunity. And your only recourse is to ban my ass. Like I give a fuck. Ask around. I have notches on my belt, as to the forums I've kicked ass in.
I don't care what your wife, your dog, or your cat finds funny. You'll not be condescending with me, and get away with it. I suggest you put me on ignore, lest you face further embarrassment.

Sorry, Monty Python did a much better job.


And once again, all I see is a child acting like a child.

WTF is this, "notches in my belt"? Talk about a massive inferiority complex! These are debates my friend, not life and death struggles. To you everything is emotion and beliefs and struggle, and that is why you only get notches in your own mind.

You can't even stick to the facts or behave as an adult without acting like a spoiled child bringing up race and insults. ANd you actually think you win something? You accuse me of being a fascist, without knowing a single thing about me, only lashing out because I am in the military.

But I am curious, why would a bunch of bikers make you so nervous? Is it simply because it is a large group that is not supporting something you believe in, and nothing else. I bet if it was thousands of bikers supporting gay rights, or OWS or one of 100 Liberal causes, you would be trumpeting it from the rooftops. But it is apparently something you disagree with therefore you attack.

I do not need to know anything else about you. You are a Kneejerk Liberal, no different then 100 more I have met, or the Kneejerk Republicans, or Kneejerk Libertarians, or any of the other Kneejerk individuals I have met in decades of debates like this. You are hardly the first I have met, and will not be the last. Let me call you Kneejerk of the Week.

These are not debates. Are you insane? You obviously don't understand what constitutes "debate". All we have here are ad hominem attacks and orgasms over race and ideologies. And you can drop the condescension. I don't know you well enough to engage you, other than to tell you, go your own way, and stay out of my business. I don't know who you think you are, or why you believe you can talk to me like an authoritarian to a child, but I'm not the one. And since we've reached conclusions about each other, there is no further reason to engage any further. Placing you on ignore.
He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put your brick down, and have a seat.
Again, you don't know me, and you can't tell whether or not I have my ideological beliefs "locked down", or that I'm blind to anything.
You have no idea as to the subterranean level of the discourse I've had to endure in this cesspool. They are so afraid of me, that they rush, to find any and all reasons to ban me, rather than to answer to the truth.
And BS. You're no Mother Theresa, or Second coming of Christ. Have a seat.
And you have me mistaken. I'm no bully, but I'll be goddamn if I let a low life white mf'er, male or female, talk to me like 1862. Lincoln freed the slaves, so that means I can cuss anyone of you mf'ers from an amazing grace to a floating opportunity. And your only recourse is to ban my ass. Like I give a fuck. Ask around. I have notches on my belt, as to the forums I've kicked ass in.
I don't care what your wife, your dog, or your cat finds funny. You'll not be condescending with me, and get away with it. I suggest you put me on ignore, lest you face further embarrassment.

Sorry, Monty Python did a much better job.


And once again, all I see is a child acting like a child.

WTF is this, "notches in my belt"? Talk about a massive inferiority complex! These are debates my friend, not life and death struggles. To you everything is emotion and beliefs and struggle, and that is why you only get notches in your own mind.

You can't even stick to the facts or behave as an adult without acting like a spoiled child bringing up race and insults. ANd you actually think you win something? You accuse me of being a fascist, without knowing a single thing about me, only lashing out because I am in the military.

But I am curious, why would a bunch of bikers make you so nervous? Is it simply because it is a large group that is not supporting something you believe in, and nothing else. I bet if it was thousands of bikers supporting gay rights, or OWS or one of 100 Liberal causes, you would be trumpeting it from the rooftops. But it is apparently something you disagree with therefore you attack.

I do not need to know anything else about you. You are a Kneejerk Liberal, no different then 100 more I have met, or the Kneejerk Republicans, or Kneejerk Libertarians, or any of the other Kneejerk individuals I have met in decades of debates like this. You are hardly the first I have met, and will not be the last. Let me call you Kneejerk of the Week.

These are not debates. Are you insane? You obviously don't understand what constitutes "debate". All we have here are ad hominem attacks and orgasms over race and ideologies. And you can drop the condescension. I don't know you well enough to engage you, other than to tell you, go your own way, and stay out of my business. I don't know who you think you are, or why you believe you can talk to me like an authoritarian to a child, but I'm not the one. And since we've reached conclusions about each other, there is no further reason to engage any further. Placing you on ignore.

LMAO...fuck off pissant.
You are the WORST ideologue on the rump ranging parasite.

You put your business all over a thread and then cry like a little kid.
These are not debates. Are you insane? You obviously don't understand what constitutes "debate". All we have here are ad hominem attacks and orgasms over race and ideologies. And you can drop the condescension. I don't know you well enough to engage you, other than to tell you, go your own way, and stay out of my business. I don't know who you think you are, or why you believe you can talk to me like an authoritarian to a child, but I'm not the one. And since we've reached conclusions about each other, there is no further reason to engage any further. Placing you on ignore.

To myself and many others, these indeed are debates. A place to exchange concepts and opinions, and most of us manage to do it in a civil manner.

I can't help it if to you this is nothing but a "my wanger is bigger then your wanger" pecker contest, that is your problem.

However, it is not my problem. I simply dismiss such infantile attitudes and everything associated with them.

As far as who I am, I do know who I am. And as for talking to you like a child, that is how you are behaving. And trust me, I have had a lot of experience in that, not only raising my own but in handling hundreds of "young boots" since long before you were born I am sure.

Forgive me, but you are acting like an arrogant sod, and I have little use for such attitudes. It does not impress me one bit, it only affirms your own lack of worth every time you feel the need to do it.

And trust me, I have no interest to "get in your business". But if you attack somebody as I have seen you do, I will step in and make it my business. Not because I am any kind of moderator, but because I am a decent and responsible human being, who will do so at any time whenever I see anybody step over the line.

And have fun with that ignore, that is what my son used to do - when he was 2 years old. So thank you for affirming my opinion of you.

Have a nice day.
These are not debates. Are you insane? You obviously don't understand what constitutes "debate". All we have here are ad hominem attacks and orgasms over race and ideologies. And you can drop the condescension. I don't know you well enough to engage you, other than to tell you, go your own way, and stay out of my business. I don't know who you think you are, or why you believe you can talk to me like an authoritarian to a child, but I'm not the one. And since we've reached conclusions about each other, there is no further reason to engage any further. Placing you on ignore.

To myself and many others, these indeed are debates. A place to exchange concepts and opinions, and most of us manage to do it in a civil manner.

I can't help it if to you this is nothing but a "my wanger is bigger then your wanger" pecker contest, that is your problem.

However, it is not my problem. I simply dismiss such infantile attitudes and everything associated with them.

As far as who I am, I do know who I am. And as for talking to you like a child, that is how you are behaving. And trust me, I have had a lot of experience in that, not only raising my own but in handling hundreds of "young boots" since long before you were born I am sure.

Forgive me, but you are acting like an arrogant sod, and I have little use for such attitudes. It does not impress me one bit, it only affirms your own lack of worth every time you feel the need to do it.

And trust me, I have no interest to "get in your business". But if you attack somebody as I have seen you do, I will step in and make it my business. Not because I am any kind of moderator, but because I am a decent and responsible human being, who will do so at any time whenever I see anybody step over the line.

And have fun with that ignore, that is what my son used to do - when he was 2 years old. So thank you for affirming my opinion of you.

Have a nice day.

Poet is a dyed in the wool racist.
He hates whitey with a passion, you are wasting your time.
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Excuse me??? Who are you, that you would come into the conversation, "clueless", as to the history of Sunshine and myself? She is a lowlife racist bitch, that has had me falsely banned and infracted over the course of months, because I railed against "white privilege" and called out lowlife racist bitches on their shit. And she posted "The dems are no different than they were 50 years ago."
Anyone with half a brain, knows that the parties "switched" ideologies and loyalties, from the late 60's through 1980, and that the KKK, now votes, overwhelmingly "Republican and Tea Party", but she would post nonsense like the aforementioned.
And because I don't bite my tongue where racist white whores and lowlifes are concerned, her panties are in a permanent, urine-stained wad.
You don't know don't assume anything. Ask questions, you may find the answers.
Right side? Sez who?

And this is why you fail.

As for your history with Sunshine, I really could not care less. I have had several debates with her myself. Sometimes I agree with her, sometimes I disagree with her (and I am sure her opinion of our exchanges is the same).

However, I have always left each discussion stand or fall by their own merits, and do not carry animosity like this over from one thread into another. And my own opinion of her views does not give me some kind of right to start slinging around insults and this coprolite I am seeing coming from you.

This kind of behavior I see as being immature, and a sign of serious mental disorder from somebody who can't put a muzzle on their own feelings. I see somebody who is so locked into their ideological beliefs that they are completely blind to anything that challenges those preconceptions, and attacks anybody who dares to challenge them.

As for who am I? Well, I am a person with a sense of dignity, who does not like to see this kind of vile abuse thrown upon anybody. Republican or Democrat, male or female, Christian or Muslim, or whatever else you want to use as the two sides. And if some Conservative was throwing such vile coprolite at a Liberal, I would be stepping forward and saying the exact same thing.

One thing I do have is integrity, and I can't stand to see that kind of shit thrown against anybody. So you want to know who I am, that is who I am. So pontificate all you want, I still see nothing but an Internet bully who tries to shout down and insult people instead of sticking to the facts at hand.

And BTW Poet, I could not care less if my avatar impresses you or not. You know nothing of me, you are attacking for some strange reason because I threaten you and nothing else. If you want to engage me I suggest you loose the chip, grow up and learn how to discuss things like an adult.

Oh, and my wife of 28 years would find it funny that you think I would abuse minorities, as would our son. She was born and raised in South America you see, and the idea of me (a devout pacifist) attacking anybody would be funny to any of my friends.

So once again, you reveal your prejudices and lack of thought, simply attacking anybody who threatens your beliefs. Have a nice day.

He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put your brick down, and have a seat.
Again, you don't know me, and you can't tell whether or not I have my ideological beliefs "locked down", or that I'm blind to anything.
You have no idea as to the subterranean level of the discourse I've had to endure in this cesspool. They are so afraid of me, that they rush, to find any and all reasons to ban me, rather than to answer to the truth.
And BS. You're no Mother Theresa, or Second coming of Christ. Have a seat.
And you have me mistaken. I'm no bully, but I'll be goddamn if I let a low life white mf'er, male or female, talk to me like 1862. Lincoln freed the slaves, so that means I can cuss anyone of you mf'ers from an amazing grace to a floating opportunity. And your only recourse is to ban my ass. Like I give a fuck. Ask around. I have notches on my belt, as to the forums I've kicked ass in.
I don't care what your wife, your dog, or your cat finds funny. You'll not be condescending with me, and get away with it. I suggest you put me on ignore, lest you face further embarrassment.
I'm your worst nightmare. An educated negro, with command of the English language. You don't want to mess with me.

You seem to be having delusions of grandeur.

Actually, it's more like delusions of adequacy...
"That is completely retarded. If they think bikers are 'Right Wing', then I invite them to come out here and watch the various groups in the Castro..."

Fortunately, for me, I did not use the phrase "All bikers are Right Wing..."; rather, I used the phrase '...Because (a) Bikers are usually associated with the Right Wing...' - which is an entirely differently animal...

And, I believe, the stereotypically correct perception, nationwide; at least outside the domain of the Land of Fruits and Nuts; the People's Socialist Democratic Republic of Kalifornia.

From a colleague in the People's Socialist Democratic Republic of Illinois... the Home of the Most Corrupt Democratic Party Politicians in the Union.
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As an Amphibian, I take offense to that comparison!

I stole that line...From here...
Enjoy...[ame=]Full Metal Jacket Monologue - YouTube[/ame]

Oh yea, I got that. I even have the Gunny on my desk at this moment.


Wore that uniform proudly for 10 years, and as such I take offense at somebody with that kind of mindset being compared to a proud Amphibian such as myself.

He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put your brick down, and have a seat.
Again, you don't know me, and you can't tell whether or not I have my ideological beliefs "locked down", or that I'm blind to anything.
You have no idea as to the subterranean level of the discourse I've had to endure in this cesspool. They are so afraid of me, that they rush, to find any and all reasons to ban me, rather than to answer to the truth.
And BS. You're no Mother Theresa, or Second coming of Christ. Have a seat.
And you have me mistaken. I'm no bully, but I'll be goddamn if I let a low life white mf'er, male or female, talk to me like 1862. Lincoln freed the slaves, so that means I can cuss anyone of you mf'ers from an amazing grace to a floating opportunity. And your only recourse is to ban my ass. Like I give a fuck. Ask around. I have notches on my belt, as to the forums I've kicked ass in.
I don't care what your wife, your dog, or your cat finds funny. You'll not be condescending with me, and get away with it. I suggest you put me on ignore, lest you face further embarrassment.

Sorry, Monty Python did a much better job.


And once again, all I see is a child acting like a child.

WTF is this, "notches in my belt"? Talk about a massive inferiority complex! These are debates my friend, not life and death struggles. To you everything is emotion and beliefs and struggle, and that is why you only get notches in your own mind.

You can't even stick to the facts or behave as an adult without acting like a spoiled child bringing up race and insults. ANd you actually think you win something? You accuse me of being a fascist, without knowing a single thing about me, only lashing out because I am in the military.

But I am curious, why would a bunch of bikers make you so nervous? Is it simply because it is a large group that is not supporting something you believe in, and nothing else. I bet if it was thousands of bikers supporting gay rights, or OWS or one of 100 Liberal causes, you would be trumpeting it from the rooftops. But it is apparently something you disagree with therefore you attack.

I do not need to know anything else about you. You are a Kneejerk Liberal, no different then 100 more I have met, or the Kneejerk Republicans, or Kneejerk Libertarians, or any of the other Kneejerk individuals I have met in decades of debates like this. You are hardly the first I have met, and will not be the last. Let me call you Kneejerk of the Week.

These are not debates. Are you insane? You obviously don't understand what constitutes "debate". All we have here are ad hominem attacks and orgasms over race and ideologies. And you can drop the condescension. I don't know you well enough to engage you, other than to tell you, go your own way, and stay out of my business. I don't know who you think you are, or why you believe you can talk to me like an authoritarian to a child, but I'm not the one. And since we've reached conclusions about each other, there is no further reason to engage any further. Placing you on ignore.

Whe rattled your cage.
If your opinion is needed, it will be beaten out of you.
Go get kicked out of here again.
Sorry, Monty Python did a much better job.


And once again, all I see is a child acting like a child.

WTF is this, "notches in my belt"? Talk about a massive inferiority complex! These are debates my friend, not life and death struggles. To you everything is emotion and beliefs and struggle, and that is why you only get notches in your own mind.

You can't even stick to the facts or behave as an adult without acting like a spoiled child bringing up race and insults. ANd you actually think you win something? You accuse me of being a fascist, without knowing a single thing about me, only lashing out because I am in the military.

But I am curious, why would a bunch of bikers make you so nervous? Is it simply because it is a large group that is not supporting something you believe in, and nothing else. I bet if it was thousands of bikers supporting gay rights, or OWS or one of 100 Liberal causes, you would be trumpeting it from the rooftops. But it is apparently something you disagree with therefore you attack.

I do not need to know anything else about you. You are a Kneejerk Liberal, no different then 100 more I have met, or the Kneejerk Republicans, or Kneejerk Libertarians, or any of the other Kneejerk individuals I have met in decades of debates like this. You are hardly the first I have met, and will not be the last. Let me call you Kneejerk of the Week.

These are not debates. Are you insane? You obviously don't understand what constitutes "debate". All we have here are ad hominem attacks and orgasms over race and ideologies. And you can drop the condescension. I don't know you well enough to engage you, other than to tell you, go your own way, and stay out of my business. I don't know who you think you are, or why you believe you can talk to me like an authoritarian to a child, but I'm not the one. And since we've reached conclusions about each other, there is no further reason to engage any further. Placing you on ignore.

LMAO...fuck off pissant.
You are the WORST ideologue on the rump ranging parasite.

You put your business all over a thread and then cry like a little kid.

And anyone who dares disagree with 'he is not poet' is placed on his ignore-ance list..
Poopet..has more posters on ignore than there are total Electoral Votes.
I am still trying to figure out why so many in here are all bent out of shape over this.

Can somebody please explain to me why a bunch of bikers are such a threat to so many Liberals in here.

Because liberals are frightened and angered by people who are not like them, do not agree with their agenda and cannot be controlled by them.

Actually, I can't speak for liberals, or conservatives either for that matter, but I have a theory why some people feel threatened by bikers.

I think it hails back to the days when the Hell's Angels first formed. They had a reputation for breaking the law, speeding, terrorizing people, raping women, dealing drugs, beating up hippies, etc. Law enforcement perceived them as a problem.

Now, personally, I've never had a problem with bikers, although I can remember as a teenager, Hell's Angels were scary. There is a Hell's Angels clubhouse right here in my neighborhood, everyone seems to get along with them just fine. I get along with them fine. They're kind of sexy, actually, if I weren't married I might bring them some home-baked cookies or something. I've pondered it many times at Christmas. :)

In general, I think men riding big motorcyles are hot, although there are some exceptions, for sure. :)

I seem to be digressing. :redface: Anyway, my point was simply that I think the Hell's Angels and other biker groups have had a bad reputation in the past, and that kind of filters out to all bikers. And there may even be some legitimacy to that sometimes. But I've always kind of liked "bad" boys. Oops, there I go again. :redface:
"...Given the current demographics and blue state/red state alignments it could be decades before we see another Republican President..."

The campaign-management staff of every loser in a general election scratches their heads and bemoans the fact that the demographics should have supported their candidate.

"...Their current hold on the House reflects gerrymandering not public support"

Another old, shopworn excuse that has been used by the short-changed side as needed for the past century and more, since the days of Tammany and the Chicago Machine and the like.

People often do not understand why impoverished southern states are red states. I can tell you. They want jobs in those states, industry, businesses, places they can work. They vote red because that is the side that will bring them the opportunity to earn a good living wage.
Excuse me??? Who are you, that you would come into the conversation, "clueless", as to the history of Sunshine and myself? She is a lowlife racist bitch, that has had me falsely banned and infracted over the course of months, because I railed against "white privilege" and called out lowlife racist bitches on their shit. And she posted "The dems are no different than they were 50 years ago."
Anyone with half a brain, knows that the parties "switched" ideologies and loyalties, from the late 60's through 1980, and that the KKK, now votes, overwhelmingly "Republican and Tea Party", but she would post nonsense like the aforementioned.
And because I don't bite my tongue where racist white whores and lowlifes are concerned, her panties are in a permanent, urine-stained wad.
You don't know don't assume anything. Ask questions, you may find the answers.
Right side? Sez who?

And this is why you fail.

As for your history with Sunshine, I really could not care less. I have had several debates with her myself. Sometimes I agree with her, sometimes I disagree with her (and I am sure her opinion of our exchanges is the same).

However, I have always left each discussion stand or fall by their own merits, and do not carry animosity like this over from one thread into another. And my own opinion of her views does not give me some kind of right to start slinging around insults and this coprolite I am seeing coming from you.

This kind of behavior I see as being immature, and a sign of serious mental disorder from somebody who can't put a muzzle on their own feelings. I see somebody who is so locked into their ideological beliefs that they are completely blind to anything that challenges those preconceptions, and attacks anybody who dares to challenge them.

As for who am I? Well, I am a person with a sense of dignity, who does not like to see this kind of vile abuse thrown upon anybody. Republican or Democrat, male or female, Christian or Muslim, or whatever else you want to use as the two sides. And if some Conservative was throwing such vile coprolite at a Liberal, I would be stepping forward and saying the exact same thing.

One thing I do have is integrity, and I can't stand to see that kind of shit thrown against anybody. So you want to know who I am, that is who I am. So pontificate all you want, I still see nothing but an Internet bully who tries to shout down and insult people instead of sticking to the facts at hand.

And BTW Poet, I could not care less if my avatar impresses you or not. You know nothing of me, you are attacking for some strange reason because I threaten you and nothing else. If you want to engage me I suggest you loose the chip, grow up and learn how to discuss things like an adult.

Oh, and my wife of 28 years would find it funny that you think I would abuse minorities, as would our son. She was born and raised in South America you see, and the idea of me (a devout pacifist) attacking anybody would be funny to any of my friends.

So once again, you reveal your prejudices and lack of thought, simply attacking anybody who threatens your beliefs. Have a nice day.

He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put your brick down, and have a seat.
Again, you don't know me, and you can't tell whether or not I have my ideological beliefs "locked down", or that I'm blind to anything.
You have no idea as to the subterranean level of the discourse I've had to endure in this cesspool. They are so afraid of me, that they rush, to find any and all reasons to ban me, rather than to answer to the truth.
And BS. You're no Mother Theresa, or Second coming of Christ. Have a seat.
And you have me mistaken. I'm no bully, but I'll be goddamn if I let a low life white mf'er, male or female, talk to me like 1862. Lincoln freed the slaves, so that means I can cuss anyone of you mf'ers from an amazing grace to a floating opportunity. And your only recourse is to ban my ass. Like I give a fuck. Ask around. I have notches on my belt, as to the forums I've kicked ass in.
I don't care what your wife, your dog, or your cat finds funny. You'll not be condescending with me, and get away with it. I suggest you put me on ignore, lest you face further embarrassment.
I'm your worst nightmare. An educated negro, with command of the English language. You don't want to mess with me.

The only floating opportunity you will ever have is the piece of shit in your bathtub.

'Don't want to mess with me.' WTF are you threatening now? That's all you can do is make threats. You have no more education than my cat. And if others haven't figured it out I have you pegged. You lost your job because you were abusive to the patients. No one can be as abusive as you are here and not be that way IRL.
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Million Muslim March vs. 2 Million Biker march Scorecard...

MMM - $248

2MBM - $1,845,693 (not including the 32k the "organizers" extorted from well intentioned donors)

Who got the better PR bang for their buck?


But Alfalfa, Buckwheat said YOU are full of shit...:eek:

The horror.......the horror, lol I see they are going to do this every 9/11, ah just another day for the left to get all WEE WEED UP...:lol:



You left wingers can donate to --> Dykes on Bikes so you don't feel left out...:eusa_drool:


I may just buy me a hog and get in on the next one. Before I retired, I wanted to be a hospital clown and ride a gold Harley trike around to hospitals visiting children's wards. Now, I really can't do that. But a ride through DC on 9-11. Yeah, I could do that!
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I am still trying to figure out why so many in here are all bent out of shape over this.

Can somebody please explain to me why a bunch of bikers are such a threat to so many Liberals in here.


Because bikers nowadays are mostly veterans, retirees, people who have worked, fought or otherwise invested in the system, unlike these lazy libs who sit on here day after day drawing their welfare and grinding out their venom. They can't stand people who have actually contributed to the American way of life.
Because (d) the democrats did not get a sound bite to explain the march and they are subsequently confused.
But why would they NEED a sound bite to explain the march?

Are not the best people to explain the march, those who planned and participated in it, and who conjured-up the rationale for it?

And were those people not already heard?

Libs need a sound bite to explain everything. They can't even wipe their butts and flush properly without being given a set of sound bite instructions from their anointed leaders.

I wish you would figure out which wall you are going to bounce off of. You came on here as a flaming liberal, and now you want us to believe you are a staid conservative? I call bullshit on you.

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