Results of the "Million Muslim March" and "2 Million Bikers" events in Wsh DC

I hope you're not talking about poet. I can't believe some of the horrible things said on this forum, nor can I blame someone like poet for getting sick of it and dishing some of it back.

I would certainly hope that no one in a position of authority on this forum is playing favorites.


Stupid Whiny Little Bitch (according to Sunshine)

I am not privy to such 'horrible things'.

It seems most unwise to repeatedly rise to the bait, however.

If your friend has problems with one or more of his colleagues he should probably seek assistance from the owner-operators or mods, yes?

You're not privy to such horrible things? How about his quote, it's from a thread right here in this "Current Events" section of the forum:

Three Feral Negroes Carjack 85 Year Old Grandmother, Rob Her, Then Burn Her Alive


How horrible. America has no place for this increasing violence by these black savages. When are people going to wake up and say enough is enough? Lately we are seeing savage brutal killings of elderly people by negroes existing in a feral nature. It is becoming two obvious that they are becoming more vicious as the Obama presidency continues. It's like they feel entitled to kill.

Now, how would you feel if you read that and you were black. How would you feel if your children, who were black, had to go out into the world, knowing that people who think like this are out there...people who are concerned about "feral negroes." Perhaps they'll mistake your son or daughter for one of these "feral negroes."

How would you feel? Because if that's not horrible, I don't know what is. The woman being burned alive was certainly horrible. But if people think white folks don't do just as evil of things, they're pretty deluded.

Yeah, I'm not easily shocked, but when I read that post, it raised my eyebows. Talk about crossing a line.

You are not only a stupid whiney bitch, you are a lying sack of shit. Below is the thread you supposedly quote from, and not only did I not say that as you claim, I didn't even post in it. There are 22 replies, none of them are mine. If you want any credibility on a forum, you have to BE credible.

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I'm your worst nightmare. An educated negro, with command of the English language. You don't want to mess with me.

Fear???? Nope. Contempt is the word you were looking for.

All statements like that do is make me laugh. Until he opened his mouth about his race, I had absolutely no idea what it was, nor did I care.

And if the limit of his debating ability is to call people bitches and insult them, he did not get very much from all of that education he brags about.

And like you, I have contempt for his bullying tactics, or his constant throwing around of race. There is little that sickens me more then people playing the "oh pitty me cause I am XXXX" game. Yea, my ancestors were rounded up, many marched to their death, and sometimes killed for sport by the tens of thousands, but you will not hear me whining about it. That is over 100 years ago, life moves on.

So yes, I have contempt for such an individual. He needs to learn to grow up and approach things as an adult, not as a spoiled child full of arrogance.


That is not the limit of his debating ability. He has made multiple death threats to me.
50 years ago

Now the cuddle up with Republicans


The dems are no different than they were 50 years ago.

Yes, stupid bitch, they are. The racist Democrats of yesteryear are presently known as Republicans and Tea Partiers. Look it up

I am still trying to figure out why so many in here are all bent out of shape over this.

Can somebody please explain to me why a bunch of bikers are such a threat to so many Liberals in here.

They’re not, it has nothing to do with ‘bikers.’

They are expressing an appropriate concern that some on the right advocate disallowing American Muslims, citizens of the United States, observing 9/11 solely because of their faith, predicated on the idiotic notion that America was ‘attacked by Muslims.’

American Muslims were as much victims of 9/11 as any other American, of any other faith.
Poet. It's fun to watch their panties all atwist over you. :D

It is no surprise that you would side with that vile little cretin. You had already lost all my respect and that of many others a long time ago. But siding with this abusive, loathsome piece of shit really frames who and what you are.


Darling...My bet is that I will be here, long after you're gone the way of dinosaurs. Hopefully, in short order. No one likes you anymore than they like me. They just dislike me a little bit more.

I think it hails back to the days when the Hell's Angels first formed. They had a reputation for breaking the law, speeding, terrorizing people, raping women, dealing drugs, beating up hippies, etc. Law enforcement perceived them as a problem.

I have actually belonged to 2 motorcycle groups.

One is the Gold Wing Road Riders Association, and the average membership is I think in it's 50's. We just get together once a month to ride around for an hour or so.

The other was a Military Motorcycle Club. All bikes welcome, just vets getting together.

People with that kind of attitude is among the ultimate in prejudices and ignorance. And if they have that kind of attitude towards one thing, they likely have it towards all things, they just hide it better.

Yes, I wear a black leather jacket that is festooned with patches. But the one in the center of the back has unquestionably gotten the most attention. I even had a Mongol once ask me what colors I was flying (which I know means what club I was associated with), and I simply smiled and said "Scarlet and Gold". I could tell from the look on his face he was totally confused - until I turned around and showed him the EGA proudly displayed on the back.

He just laughed and said "I ain't got no troubles with that group" and walked away.
"...He has made multiple death threats to me."
Who? Poet? Really?

Call me anachronistic and chauvinistic if you like, but a man's perception of the reality of a threat is oftentimes different than a woman's perception of the reality of a threat...

When he-she-it wrote such threatening remarks, were you left with the impression that it was merely a blowhard bully-bitch -type mouthing-off, or did you sense it was a bit more real than that?

I can understand not reporting it if you thought it was just some asswipe blowing off steam...

But if you think it was more real than that, I, too, would suggest that you consider reporting such posts, with respect to Rules Violations and with an eye towards law enforcement..
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I am still trying to figure out why so many in here are all bent out of shape over this.

Can somebody please explain to me why a bunch of bikers are such a threat to so many Liberals in here.

They’re not, it has nothing to do with ‘bikers.’

They are expressing an appropriate concern that some on the right advocate disallowing American Muslims, citizens of the United States, observing 9/11 solely because of their faith, predicated on the idiotic notion that America was ‘attacked by Muslims.’

American Muslims were as much victims of 9/11 as any other American, of any other faith.

And that is all bullshit.

I am a "Conservative", a member of the military, and I do not hide it at all.

Yet I am sure that 1 or 2 in here can attest that I have stop up in here without reservation to defend the rights of Muslims. And if anybody even hints that they should be treated as anything but Americans, I will call them a racist douchebag right to their face and tell them that they are the ones that should have their rights taken away.

And as an FYI, remember all the hubbub over the "WTC Mosque" a while back? I watched that and saw a lot of very prominent Democrats standing up and saying that should not happen.

Even Harry Reid said it should not be built.

Funny though how if I had said something like that people would be screaming I was a Fascist, yet when it is a Liberal the silence is deafening.

So no, it is not an "appropriate concern". It is nothing but bullshit that is wrapped up around something political to try and make it acceptable to the braindead ones.

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I am still trying to figure out why so many in here are all bent out of shape over this.

Can somebody please explain to me why a bunch of bikers are such a threat to so many Liberals in here.

They’re not, it has nothing to do with ‘bikers.’

They are expressing an appropriate concern that some on the right advocate disallowing American Muslims, citizens of the United States, observing 9/11 solely because of their faith, predicated on the idiotic notion that America was ‘attacked by Muslims.’

American Muslims were as much victims of 9/11 as any other American, of any other faith.
It is easy enough to perceive your desire to defend 'Islam as no different than any other religious belief-system' and therefore to attempt to calm anxieties over its manifestations.

I believe that this will continue to be a 'Tough Sell' in this country for generations to come, due - to some exent or another - to some of the following factors:

1. The US is a Christian-leaning Secular Polity; it separates Religion from Government better than most, but it is governed and populated largely by people deeply steeped in Christianity; by practice, exposure, history and upbringing. Even your average American atheist or agnostic most likely springs from a centuries-long family legacy of Christian beliefs and teachings and traditions; the 10,000-pound elephant in the room that cannot be ignored, even if it is obliged to remain transparent in matters at-law.

2. Islam is a Newcomer to these shores (at least with respect to immigration and interaction with this largely Christian-leaning nation) to any noticeable and appreciable extent. Muslims have been coming to these shores since before there was a United States, but only in infinitesimal and entirely unnoticeable numbers; and, of course, 9-11 put it on our Collective Scope as has nothing that transpired beforehand. For all practical purposes it is a new and foreign thing that has a reputation for violence and contempt for outsiders.

3. Islam contains an excessive and atypically large and detailed wealth of currently-extant and operative permissions granted by its godhead and its founder, to engage in religious warfare and to kill and to die in the name of the godhead or while defending co-religionists or advancing the cause of the faith. That belief-system also grants permission to lie-to and deceive nonbelievers, as well as according women different and inferior rights to those granted to men, and giving men dominion over them; partially de jure, partially de facto, through interpretation and spin-doctoring. It also carries the infection of still-operative canon (Sharia) law embedded deeply within most of of the polities in which it is dominant, and following in the wake of its emigres. All in all, it is perceived as a stagnant, intractable, inflexible and medieval throwback that is largely incompatible with both The West (its culture, mores, history, beliefs and social evolution) and the general progress of Mankind, to an extent far greater than that which may reasonably be attributed to other mainstream belief systems.

4. It is these differences (3) which trigger rejection and near-revulsion on the part of a very large percentage of mainstream Americans, although, being good people, most of those folks struggle with but successfully extend parity or near-parity to such practitioners at-law.

5. The Biker Ride was not an erzatz protest against the right of freedom of religious expression or the right to assemble on the part of a foreign and only marginally-trusted belief system - it was a Loud Protest against the swine-iish contempt demonstrated for American sensibilities over 9-11; a contempt that was manifested within the boundaries of The Law but FAR BEYOND the boundaries of Good Taste, Common Sense, and Sensitivity to the Grief of the American People on that particular day.

This is not about Legal Rights... it is about Ethics and Sensibilities and Common Sense, or lack thereof, on the part of that Muslim Activist Group... just because they COULD do such a thing does not mean that they SHOULD have done such a thing.

And, if you cannot buy into (5) as the most likely explanation for the Biker Ride, then, you may be too far gone down the road of Moral-Relativity-Disguised-as-Tolerance-Advocacy in order to stand and be counted alongside most of your fellow countrymen on this subject.

But that's just one man's opinion, and I could be wrong.
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One thing that is lost in this is the fact that we are talking about bikers.

We love to ride, period. Poker run, toy drive, toy delivery, parade, any reason or no reason at all. Last year I took a week and drove to Seattle, just because.
Call me anachronistic and chauvinistic if you like, but a man's perception of the reality of a threat is oftentimes different than a woman's perception of the reality of a threat...

When he-she-it wrote such threatening remarks, were you left with the impression that it was merely a blowhard bully-bitch -type mouthing-off, or did you sense it was a bit more real than that?

I can understand not reporting it if you thought it was just some asswipe blowing off steam...

But if you think it was more real than that, I, too, would suggest that you consider reporting such posts, with respect to Rules Violations and with an eye towards law enforcement..

I concur.
But why would they NEED a sound bite to explain the march?

Are not the best people to explain the march, those who planned and participated in it, and who conjured-up the rationale for it?

And were those people not already heard?

Libs need a sound bite to explain everything. They can't even wipe their butts and flush properly without being given a set of sound bite instructions from their anointed leaders.

I wish you would figure out which wall you are going to bounce off of. You came on here as a flaming liberal, and now you want us to believe you are a staid conservative? I call bullshit on you.

Wrong. You assumed that because I was not in your love party for Zimmerman that I'm a flaming liberal. I'm a constitutional conservative who believes, for example, that kids should be free to walk to and from a 711 to get a bag of skittles without being pretty much stalked by a guy in a truck, then chased on foot, then shot for winning a fist fight.
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Call me anachronistic and chauvinistic if you like, but a man's perception of the reality of a threat is oftentimes different than a woman's perception of the reality of a threat...

When he-she-it wrote such threatening remarks, were you left with the impression that it was merely a blowhard bully-bitch -type mouthing-off, or did you sense it was a bit more real than that?

I can understand not reporting it if you thought it was just some asswipe blowing off steam...

But if you think it was more real than that, I, too, would suggest that you consider reporting such posts, with respect to Rules Violations and with an eye towards law enforcement..

Well, they do get reported and some get removed. Law enforcement is what is missing.

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