Results of the "Million Muslim March" and "2 Million Bikers" events in Wsh DC

Call me anachronistic and chauvinistic if you like, but a man's perception of the reality of a threat is oftentimes different than a woman's perception of the reality of a threat...

When he-she-it wrote such threatening remarks, were you left with the impression that it was merely a blowhard bully-bitch -type mouthing-off, or did you sense it was a bit more real than that?

I can understand not reporting it if you thought it was just some asswipe blowing off steam...

But if you think it was more real than that, I, too, would suggest that you consider reporting such posts, with respect to Rules Violations and with an eye towards law enforcement..

Well, they do get reported and some get removed. Law enforcement is what is missing.

Not to blame the victim here, ... but ever wonder why so many people get banned from this forum after a thread or two of chatting with you? Put another way, is this what they taught you in psych class for your nursing job? To elicit violent aggressive behavior? Just sayin,.. Just to be clear I don't mean this to threaten you in any way.

<--- Runs and ducks for cover :)
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Looks like a bout between the "truthers" and the "birthers". A moderate muslim is simply a quiet muslim; we know who they're cheering for and it ain't us.
Call me anachronistic and chauvinistic if you like, but a man's perception of the reality of a threat is oftentimes different than a woman's perception of the reality of a threat...

When he-she-it wrote such threatening remarks, were you left with the impression that it was merely a blowhard bully-bitch -type mouthing-off, or did you sense it was a bit more real than that?

I can understand not reporting it if you thought it was just some asswipe blowing off steam...

But if you think it was more real than that, I, too, would suggest that you consider reporting such posts, with respect to Rules Violations and with an eye towards law enforcement..

Well, they do get reported and some get removed. Law enforcement is what is missing.

Not to blame the victim here, ... but ever wonder why so many people get banned from this forum after a thread or two of chatting with you? Put another way, is this what they taught you in psych class for your nursing job? To elicit violent aggressive behavior? Just sayin,.. Just to be clear I don't mean this to threaten you in any way.

<--- Runs and ducks for cover :)

Yes, we are taught to gently provoke the patient. If he can't handle our gentle provocation, then he is not ready to handle the not so gentle provocation of life.

Now, you can just shove it. I am not responsible for the behavior of others on this forum. If they can't handle the discussion, they don't belong on a forum. They need to curl up in the corner and suck their thumbs. Like you, no doubt, do on a daily basis.
I am still trying to figure out why so many in here are all bent out of shape over this.

Can somebody please explain to me why a bunch of bikers are such a threat to so many Liberals in here.

They’re not, it has nothing to do with ‘bikers.’

They are expressing an appropriate concern that some on the right advocate disallowing American Muslims, citizens of the United States, observing 9/11 solely because of their faith, predicated on the idiotic notion that America was ‘attacked by Muslims.’

American Muslims were as much victims of 9/11 as any other American, of any other faith.

Had the Million Muslim March originally named their protest the Million American March Against Fear...they would have gotten a lot more than 25 people. The truth is that it was Islamic fanatics that took down the World Trade Center. It's in extreamly bad taste for the Muslims to march on 9/11 and obviously, most of them know that or there would have been more than 25 of them. There are 365 days of the year and they chose that one? They were idiots. What's worse is that our Parks department gave them a permit but refused to give the Bikers a permit. Can you imagine a Million Caucasian March against Washington on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's march for freedom? Crying that not all Whites were responsible for the Jim Crow laws? Can you imagine the government giving them a permit but not giving a permit to the Americans of all races who wanted to March for Freedom?

I'll say this for the Bikers. They gave me hope. I didn't have that before. But if over a million people can gather together and march on Washington with 2 weeks notice, just to show support for our military and our dead, then there is still hope that America is breathing.
We made the Greek newspapers...

????????? ???? ???? ???...!!! 800.000 AME?IKANOI ??????????????? ????? ??????? ?? ?????? ????? ??????? ???????? ??? ?????...!!!! ~ ????????? "??????" - Stoxos newspaper
Just goes to show the black corruption in D.C. city government didn't end when Marion Berry smoked his crack somewhere but the mayor's office. Not giving the bikers a license to assemble is an outrage.
Well, they do get reported and some get removed. Law enforcement is what is missing.

Not to blame the victim here, ... but ever wonder why so many people get banned from this forum after a thread or two of chatting with you? Put another way, is this what they taught you in psych class for your nursing job? To elicit violent aggressive behavior? Just sayin,.. Just to be clear I don't mean this to threaten you in any way.

<--- Runs and ducks for cover :)

Yes, we are taught to gently provoke the patient. If he can't handle our gentle provocation, then he is not ready to handle the not so gentle provocation of life.

Now, you can just shove it. I am not responsible for the behavior of others on this forum. If they can't handle the discussion, they don't belong on a forum. They need to curl up in the corner and suck their thumbs. Like you, no doubt, do on a daily basis.

Didn't you start a thread about the intolerance of liberals?
Just goes to show the black corruption in D.C. city government didn't end when Marion Berry smoked his crack somewhere but the mayor's office. Not giving the bikers a license to assemble is an outrage.

Why? Did they apply at a reasonable time frame?
Just goes to show the black corruption in D.C. city government didn't end when Marion Berry smoked his crack somewhere but the mayor's office. Not giving the bikers a license to assemble is an outrage.

Why? Did they apply at a reasonable time frame?

Since they were turned down because the Parks department decided it was a weekday and would interfere with traffic, seems to me, time wasn't and issue at all. But hey, that was a nice try.
Just goes to show the black corruption in D.C. city government didn't end when Marion Berry smoked his crack somewhere but the mayor's office. Not giving the bikers a license to assemble is an outrage.

Why? Did they apply at a reasonable time frame?

Since they were turned down because the Parks department decided it was a weekday and would interfere with traffic, seems to me, time wasn't and issue at all. But hey, that was a nice try.

Really? So...when DID they apply?
Since they were turned down because the Parks department decided it was a weekday and would interfere with traffic, seems to me, time wasn't and issue at all. But hey, that was a nice try.

Sorry, this simply does not pass the smell test. And let me explain why.

About 2 decades ago, they passed a permit for the "Million Man March", which was organized by Louis Farrakhan. The date of this massive march and rally was 16 October 1995.

Go ahead and look it up, it was a Monday.

And the famous "March On Washington"? We just celebrated it's anniversary, 28 August 1963.

A Wednesday.

And I can list event after event that fell during the week, including the famous one against the Vietnam War on 15 October 1969, a Wednesday.

And it is not even "old history". Last year the March to close Gitmo was on 11 January, a Wednesday. And the Veterans in support of Ron Paul last year was on February 20, a Wednesday.

As I said, fails the smell test, because they often authorize such events on weekdays. I might accept that argument, if they have had a history of turning down such events on weekdays, but they do not.
And this is why you fail.

As for your history with Sunshine, I really could not care less. I have had several debates with her myself. Sometimes I agree with her, sometimes I disagree with her (and I am sure her opinion of our exchanges is the same).

However, I have always left each discussion stand or fall by their own merits, and do not carry animosity like this over from one thread into another. And my own opinion of her views does not give me some kind of right to start slinging around insults and this coprolite I am seeing coming from you.

This kind of behavior I see as being immature, and a sign of serious mental disorder from somebody who can't put a muzzle on their own feelings. I see somebody who is so locked into their ideological beliefs that they are completely blind to anything that challenges those preconceptions, and attacks anybody who dares to challenge them.

As for who am I? Well, I am a person with a sense of dignity, who does not like to see this kind of vile abuse thrown upon anybody. Republican or Democrat, male or female, Christian or Muslim, or whatever else you want to use as the two sides. And if some Conservative was throwing such vile coprolite at a Liberal, I would be stepping forward and saying the exact same thing.

One thing I do have is integrity, and I can't stand to see that kind of shit thrown against anybody. So you want to know who I am, that is who I am. So pontificate all you want, I still see nothing but an Internet bully who tries to shout down and insult people instead of sticking to the facts at hand.

And BTW Poet, I could not care less if my avatar impresses you or not. You know nothing of me, you are attacking for some strange reason because I threaten you and nothing else. If you want to engage me I suggest you loose the chip, grow up and learn how to discuss things like an adult.

Oh, and my wife of 28 years would find it funny that you think I would abuse minorities, as would our son. She was born and raised in South America you see, and the idea of me (a devout pacifist) attacking anybody would be funny to any of my friends.

So once again, you reveal your prejudices and lack of thought, simply attacking anybody who threatens your beliefs. Have a nice day.

He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put your brick down, and have a seat.
Again, you don't know me, and you can't tell whether or not I have my ideological beliefs "locked down", or that I'm blind to anything.
You have no idea as to the subterranean level of the discourse I've had to endure in this cesspool. They are so afraid of me, that they rush, to find any and all reasons to ban me, rather than to answer to the truth.
And BS. You're no Mother Theresa, or Second coming of Christ. Have a seat.
And you have me mistaken. I'm no bully, but I'll be goddamn if I let a low life white mf'er, male or female, talk to me like 1862. Lincoln freed the slaves, so that means I can cuss anyone of you mf'ers from an amazing grace to a floating opportunity. And your only recourse is to ban my ass. Like I give a fuck. Ask around. I have notches on my belt, as to the forums I've kicked ass in.
I don't care what your wife, your dog, or your cat finds funny. You'll not be condescending with me, and get away with it. I suggest you put me on ignore, lest you face further embarrassment.
I'm your worst nightmare. An educated negro, with command of the English language. You don't want to mess with me.

The only floating opportunity you will ever have is the piece of shit in your bathtub.

'Don't want to mess with me.' WTF are you threatening now? That's all you can do is make threats. You have no more education than my cat. And if others haven't figured it out I have you pegged. You lost your job because you were abusive to the patients. No one can be as abusive as you are here and not be that way IRL.

You owe your cat an apology.
He who is without sin, cast the first stone. Put your brick down, and have a seat.
Again, you don't know me, and you can't tell whether or not I have my ideological beliefs "locked down", or that I'm blind to anything.
You have no idea as to the subterranean level of the discourse I've had to endure in this cesspool. They are so afraid of me, that they rush, to find any and all reasons to ban me, rather than to answer to the truth.
And BS. You're no Mother Theresa, or Second coming of Christ. Have a seat.
And you have me mistaken. I'm no bully, but I'll be goddamn if I let a low life white mf'er, male or female, talk to me like 1862. Lincoln freed the slaves, so that means I can cuss anyone of you mf'ers from an amazing grace to a floating opportunity. And your only recourse is to ban my ass. Like I give a fuck. Ask around. I have notches on my belt, as to the forums I've kicked ass in.
I don't care what your wife, your dog, or your cat finds funny. You'll not be condescending with me, and get away with it. I suggest you put me on ignore, lest you face further embarrassment.
I'm your worst nightmare. An educated negro, with command of the English language. You don't want to mess with me.

The only floating opportunity you will ever have is the piece of shit in your bathtub.

'Don't want to mess with me.' WTF are you threatening now? That's all you can do is make threats. You have no more education than my cat. And if others haven't figured it out I have you pegged. You lost your job because you were abusive to the patients. No one can be as abusive as you are here and not be that way IRL.

You owe your cat an apology.

Said apology to my cat has been given. :D
I am still trying to figure out why so many in here are all bent out of shape over this.

Can somebody please explain to me why a bunch of bikers are such a threat to so many Liberals in here.

They’re not, it has nothing to do with ‘bikers.’

They are expressing an appropriate concern that some on the right advocate disallowing American Muslims, citizens of the United States, observing 9/11 solely because of their faith, predicated on the idiotic notion that America was ‘attacked by Muslims.’

American Muslims were as much victims of 9/11 as any other American, of any other faith.
You keep telling yourself that. Doesn't make it true.
You libs are a miracle.
When one of your PC protected classes stages a counter protest, you call it progress.
When non libs stage a counter protest, you call it bigotry.
Once again, the lib double standard is exposed.
I am still trying to figure out why so many in here are all bent out of shape over this.

Can somebody please explain to me why a bunch of bikers are such a threat to so many Liberals in here.

They’re not, it has nothing to do with ‘bikers.’

They are expressing an appropriate concern that some on the right advocate disallowing American Muslims, citizens of the United States, observing 9/11 solely because of their faith, predicated on the idiotic notion that America was ‘attacked by Muslims.’

American Muslims were as much victims of 9/11 as any other American, of any other faith.
You keep telling yourself that. Doesn't make it true.
You libs are a miracle.
When one of your PC protected classes stages a counter protest, you call it progress.
When non libs stage a counter protest, you call it bigotry.
Once again, the lib double standard is exposed.

Lib's standard is anything goes, theft, murder, rape, ... whatever it takes, ends justify the means. Therefore they are in fact following their standard, thus it's not a double standard
Since they were turned down because the Parks department decided it was a weekday and would interfere with traffic, seems to me, time wasn't and issue at all. But hey, that was a nice try.

Sorry, this simply does not pass the smell test. And let me explain why.

About 2 decades ago, they passed a permit for the "Million Man March", which was organized by Louis Farrakhan. The date of this massive march and rally was 16 October 1995.

Go ahead and look it up, it was a Monday.

And the famous "March On Washington"? We just celebrated it's anniversary, 28 August 1963.

A Wednesday.

And I can list event after event that fell during the week, including the famous one against the Vietnam War on 15 October 1969, a Wednesday.

And it is not even "old history". Last year the March to close Gitmo was on 11 January, a Wednesday. And the Veterans in support of Ron Paul last year was on February 20, a Wednesday.

As I said, fails the smell test, because they often authorize such events on weekdays. I might accept that argument, if they have had a history of turning down such events on weekdays, but they do not.

None of these events required streets to be closed or caused traffic problems other than increased volume during the assembling and disbursement of the event. Marchs usually occur on Constitution Ave. between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. Constitution Ave is a wide boulevard. Parking in not permitted during rush hour traffic. When rush hour is over it is used for parking mostly by tourist as workers know the risk of getting towed if they are even a few minutes late getting back to their car. Otherwise it is a hit or miss thing for the workers. When a march is going to take place they put up no parking signs on the side that adjoins the Mall. Police cars and motorcycles close off lanes as needed, forming a barriar between the marchers and traffic. If more than the parking lane and one or two regular lanes are needed, the marchers will spread the march onto the Mall and march in the grass and the park sidewalks. Even if the all lanes have to be closed and the entire avenue dedicated to marchers, traffic can be deverted to parallel streets without great difficulty.
And I can list event after event that fell during the week, including the famous one against the Vietnam War on 15 October 1969, a Wednesday.

Ooh that's when Forrest and Jenny met in the middle of the Reflecting Pool!
None of these events required streets to be closed or caused traffic problems other than increased volume during the assembling and disbursement of the event. Marchs usually occur on Constitution Ave. between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. Constitution Ave is a wide boulevard. Parking in not permitted during rush hour traffic. When rush hour is over it is used for parking mostly by tourist as workers know the risk of getting towed if they are even a few minutes late getting back to their car. Otherwise it is a hit or miss thing for the workers. When a march is going to take place they put up no parking signs on the side that adjoins the Mall. Police cars and motorcycles close off lanes as needed, forming a barriar between the marchers and traffic. If more than the parking lane and one or two regular lanes are needed, the marchers will spread the march onto the Mall and march in the grass and the park sidewalks. Even if the all lanes have to be closed and the entire avenue dedicated to marchers, traffic can be deverted to parallel streets without great difficulty.

Once again, bullshit, and I call you on it.

The "Veterans in support of Ron Paul" (2012) was a motorized event, including a large parade through the streets. Part of this was former military vehicles carrying WWII veterans.

My god, do you even bother to do any research at all, or just kneejerk reject anything said simply out of principal? Stop coming off like an idiot and try to do at least a little research before you say such things, eh?


Because trust me, I do not just pull these things out of my butthole. I research almost everything I say, even if I do not put up constant references because it would make my posts look absolutely retarded if I did. But to give an idea, it takes me an average of 10 minutes to make most of my posts, because I actually do research, not just make thing up.

You are just making excuses for the Government. And how can you explain this against the other "marches", which claimed they would have "a million people", but fell far short? I have been on the Mall myself, any event that draws 1 million people will cause a headache, but they are prepared for it. And they approved the "Million Muslim March" (which had less then 300 people appear), but denied this one.

Sorry, you are just an apologist with no facts, simply denying anything you do not like. Better luck next time buddy.
And I can list event after event that fell during the week, including the famous one against the Vietnam War on 15 October 1969, a Wednesday.

Ooh that's when Forrest and Jenny met in the middle of the Reflecting Pool!

Yes it is. And it was on a Wednesday.

I bet if a similar protest was made next week for 2 million people to protest the Republicans in Congress, it would be approved quickly. And does anybody honestly think I am wrong?

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