Results of the "Million Muslim March" and "2 Million Bikers" events in Wsh DC

I am not privy to such 'horrible things'.

It seems most unwise to repeatedly rise to the bait, however.

If your friend has problems with one or more of his colleagues he should probably seek assistance from the owner-operators or mods, yes?

You're not privy to such horrible things? How about his quote, it's from a thread right here in this "Current Events" section of the forum:

Three Feral Negroes Carjack 85 Year Old Grandmother, Rob Her, Then Burn Her Alive


How horrible. America has no place for this increasing violence by these black savages. When are people going to wake up and say enough is enough? Lately we are seeing savage brutal killings of elderly people by negroes existing in a feral nature. It is becoming two obvious that they are becoming more vicious as the Obama presidency continues. It's like they feel entitled to kill.

Now, how would you feel if you read that and you were black. How would you feel if your children, who were black, had to go out into the world, knowing that people who think like this are out there...people who are concerned about "feral negroes." Perhaps they'll mistake your son or daughter for one of these "feral negroes."

How would you feel? Because if that's not horrible, I don't know what is. The woman being burned alive was certainly horrible. But if people think white folks don't do just as evil of things, they're pretty deluded.

Yeah, I'm not easily shocked, but when I read that post, it raised my eyebows. Talk about crossing a line.

You are not only a stupid whiney bitch, you are a lying sack of shit. Below is the thread you supposedly quote from, and not only did I not say that as you claim, I didn't even post in it. There are 22 replies, none of them are mine. If you want any credibility on a forum, you have to BE credible.


How do you figure I was attributing that quote to you? Try some reading comprehension, why don't you. The only thing I attributed to you was that you called me a stupid whiny bitch. Which you did.

I had to come back and edit this post because I was originally speaking to you the way you speak to others, calling names, etc. And I'll be damned if I'm going to let you drag me down to your level. I'm just not angry and unhappy enough to lash out at people that way, not as full of hate, as you apparently are.
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Well, they do get reported and some get removed. Law enforcement is what is missing.

Not to blame the victim here, ... but ever wonder why so many people get banned from this forum after a thread or two of chatting with you? Put another way, is this what they taught you in psych class for your nursing job? To elicit violent aggressive behavior? Just sayin,.. Just to be clear I don't mean this to threaten you in any way.

<--- Runs and ducks for cover :)

Yes, we are taught to gently provoke the patient. If he can't handle our gentle provocation, then he is not ready to handle the not so gentle provocation of life.

Now, you can just shove it. I am not responsible for the behavior of others on this forum. If they can't handle the discussion, they don't belong on a forum. They need to curl up in the corner and suck their thumbs. Like you, no doubt, do on a daily basis.
lol keep trying Sunshine. You'll get no rise out of me.
None of these events required streets to be closed or caused traffic problems other than increased volume during the assembling and disbursement of the event. Marchs usually occur on Constitution Ave. between the Capitol and the Lincoln Memorial. Constitution Ave is a wide boulevard. Parking in not permitted during rush hour traffic. When rush hour is over it is used for parking mostly by tourist as workers know the risk of getting towed if they are even a few minutes late getting back to their car. Otherwise it is a hit or miss thing for the workers. When a march is going to take place they put up no parking signs on the side that adjoins the Mall. Police cars and motorcycles close off lanes as needed, forming a barriar between the marchers and traffic. If more than the parking lane and one or two regular lanes are needed, the marchers will spread the march onto the Mall and march in the grass and the park sidewalks. Even if the all lanes have to be closed and the entire avenue dedicated to marchers, traffic can be deverted to parallel streets without great difficulty.

Once again, bullshit, and I call you on it.

The "Veterans in support of Ron Paul" (2012) was a motorized event, including a large parade through the streets. Part of this was former military vehicles carrying WWII veterans.

My god, do you even bother to do any research at all, or just kneejerk reject anything said simply out of principal? Stop coming off like an idiot and try to do at least a little research before you say such things, eh?


Because trust me, I do not just pull these things out of my butthole. I research almost everything I say, even if I do not put up constant references because it would make my posts look absolutely retarded if I did. But to give an idea, it takes me an average of 10 minutes to make most of my posts, because I actually do research, not just make thing up.

You are just making excuses for the Government. And how can you explain this against the other "marches", which claimed they would have "a million people", but fell far short? I have been on the Mall myself, any event that draws 1 million people will cause a headache, but they are prepared for it. And they approved the "Million Muslim March" (which had less then 300 people appear), but denied this one.

Sorry, you are just an apologist with no facts, simply denying anything you do not like. Better luck next time buddy.

Oh please, I'm not making excuses for the government. OK, I was wrong that "NO" streets had to be closed for the Ron Paul event.One intersection on Constitution Ave was closed for a short period as the marchers crossed from the Washington Monument grounds on the Mall and several blocks of one street were closed as the marchers continued to the White House. Traffic was easily deverted or sat in place as the march went by. The same occured when the event was finished at the White House and the march returned to the Mall. It was a foot march and just because several vehiclals were allowed for the transport of disabled vet's doesn't make it a "motorized march" or parade.
The promoters are just trying to play victims of some kind of government conspiricy to deny them the right to free speech and assembly. Reality is that they did not plan or prepare properly and did not make their application far enough in advance to give authorities time to plan and prepare for public saftey concerns as well as concerns about how such an event would disrupt normal business in the nations capitol. DC authorities don't give a crap about what people demonstrate or march for. The entire process is regulated by a long list of court decisions made years age. They follow the "book" and the process is routine. They know in advance approximately how many participants are going to show up for any given event. They know better than the organizers. There are methods to ascertain this information. Some of those methods are very simple. Making calls to area motels and hotels to see if there is any significant increase in reservations, checking in with AMTRAK, buses and airlines leading up to the event and on the day of the event keeping tabs on public transportation, particularly the commuter train service. Thousands of first responders, law enforcement from multiple agencys and departments might have to be placed on standby or activated when these events occur, which in DC means all the time. For an event that promoters claim will bring hundreds of thousands or a millions people into the city, great logistical considerations have to be made. It cost tons of tax payer money. The promoters of this event were asking the authorities to prepare for a huge event but did not give authorities time to prepare for such an event or investigate the possibilty that the promoters where realistic or accurate about the number of participants expected to attend the event. Even with the short time notice, DC authorities were probably able to figue out the event would only bring a few thousand riders. All they would have to do is contact some of the bikers they have been working with for over 25 years with other motorcycle related events and they would get a pretty good feel about who was and was not planning to participate. The intel system for the muslim event was most certainly already in place.
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I have zero basis in fact for saying this, and I could very well be wrong, but my own half-assed Spidey-Sense tells me that - regardless of the official rationale that was publicly communicated - somebody or another in the DC municipal government chickened-out at the prospect of having both a Muslim 9-11 Observance AND a Biker's 9-11 Observance anywhere within 100,000 miles of each other... some politically-correct, clock-watching, pension-sniffing, timid, gutless, nutless civil service slug...
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I am still trying to figure out why so many in here are all bent out of shape over this.

Can somebody please explain to me why a bunch of bikers are such a threat to so many Liberals in here.

They’re not, it has nothing to do with ‘bikers.’

They are expressing an appropriate concern that some on the right advocate disallowing American Muslims, citizens of the United States, observing 9/11 solely because of their faith, predicated on the idiotic notion that America was ‘attacked by Muslims.’

American Muslims were as much victims of 9/11 as any other American, of any other faith.

Had the Million Muslim March originally named their protest the Million American March Against Fear...they would have gotten a lot more than 25 people. The truth is that it was Islamic fanatics that took down the World Trade Center. It's in extreamly bad taste for the Muslims to march on 9/11 and obviously, most of them know that or there would have been more than 25 of them. There are 365 days of the year and they chose that one? They were idiots. What's worse is that our Parks department gave them a permit but refused to give the Bikers a permit. Can you imagine a Million Caucasian March against Washington on the anniversary of Martin Luther King's march for freedom? Crying that not all Whites were responsible for the Jim Crow laws? Can you imagine the government giving them a permit but not giving a permit to the Americans of all races who wanted to March for Freedom?

I'll say this for the Bikers. They gave me hope. I didn't have that before. But if over a million people can gather together and march on Washington with 2 weeks notice, just to show support for our military and our dead, then there is still hope that America is breathing.

Good post.
Not to blame the victim here, ... but ever wonder why so many people get banned from this forum after a thread or two of chatting with you? Put another way, is this what they taught you in psych class for your nursing job? To elicit violent aggressive behavior? Just sayin,.. Just to be clear I don't mean this to threaten you in any way.

<--- Runs and ducks for cover :)

Yes, we are taught to gently provoke the patient. If he can't handle our gentle provocation, then he is not ready to handle the not so gentle provocation of life.

Now, you can just shove it. I am not responsible for the behavior of others on this forum. If they can't handle the discussion, they don't belong on a forum. They need to curl up in the corner and suck their thumbs. Like you, no doubt, do on a daily basis.

Didn't you start a thread about the intolerance of liberals?

RKM Brown claims these days not to be a liberal. But he behaves as badly as the libs on here behave, so I am in serious doubt of his claims to that effect.
There is something rather unsurprising going on here.

For several pages now I have been trying to ask those in here who are so vocal against the march why.

I have gotten that it wastes gas, that it would have snarled traffic, even that the bikers were all Nazi racists.

If those are the only things that you all can come up with, that is really really sad.
Yes, we are taught to gently provoke the patient. If he can't handle our gentle provocation, then he is not ready to handle the not so gentle provocation of life.

Now, you can just shove it. I am not responsible for the behavior of others on this forum. If they can't handle the discussion, they don't belong on a forum. They need to curl up in the corner and suck their thumbs. Like you, no doubt, do on a daily basis.

Didn't you start a thread about the intolerance of liberals?

RKM Brown claims these days not to be a liberal. But he behaves as badly as the libs on here behave, so I am in serious doubt of his claims to that effect.
What? Are you not entertained?
There is something rather unsurprising going on here.

For several pages now I have been trying to ask those in here who are so vocal against the march why.

I have gotten that it wastes gas, that it would have snarled traffic, even that the bikers were all Nazi racists.

If those are the only things that you all can come up with, that is really really sad.
....................................^^^^ It contributed to global warming. .. :cool:
There is something rather unsurprising going on here.

For several pages now I have been trying to ask those in here who are so vocal against the march why.

I have gotten that it wastes gas, that it would have snarled traffic, even that the bikers were all Nazi racists.

If those are the only things that you all can come up with, that is really really sad.

You are right. All they did was to ride through the city obeying all the traffic laws. They made no threats or hostile statements to anyone. There is no limit on how much gas anyone can buy, and obeying the traffic laws are no more likely to snarl traffic than on any other day. Of course they play the Nazi card. That is Godwin's Law in practice.

It was disrespectful for muslims to choose that day and I'm really glad the bikers did the ride.
There is something rather unsurprising going on here.

For several pages now I have been trying to ask those in here who are so vocal against the march why.

I have gotten that it wastes gas, that it would have snarled traffic, even that the bikers were all Nazi racists.

If those are the only things that you all can come up with, that is really really sad.
....................................^^^^ It contributed to global warming. .. :cool:

So do cow farts!
I have zero basis in fact for saying this, and I could very well be wrong, but my own half-assed Spidey-Sense tells me that - regardless of the official rationale that was publicly communicated - somebody or another in the DC municipal government chickened-out at the prospect of having both a Muslim 9-11 Observance AND a Biker's 9-11 Observance anywhere within 100,000 miles of each other... some politically-correct, clock-watching, pension-sniffing, timid, gutless, nutless civil service slug...

Bikers and vet's are on the authorities list of favorite demonstrators. They never cause problems and are always cooperative and well behaved. Cops are bikers too. They have their own clubs and other than the patch they wear you wouldn't know the difference. During the Memorial Weekend motorcycle run you will see well known elected officials, members of the Joint Chiefs of staff, active duty biker clubs and veteran clubs.
If a confrontation began to occur between the bikers and anyone, someone would have to confront the police separating the groups. The bikers would not confront the police. They would control any misbehaving bikers themselves and be on the side of the police. None of it means anything however. The muslims were on the Mall. The bikers would have had to park and leave their bikes to get close to the muslims. Only a small amount would find parking spots anyplace close. The whole confrontation thing is in people's imagination. DC authorityies know crowd control. They are experts at it. Promoters of both of these events had political agenda's that did not match up with participants. In the case of the muslims, the muslims did't show up. In the case of the bikers, they were there to support troops and remember the fallen. Did some show up to counter the muslims, sure, some did. Some showed up just to be in a good run for the sake of a bike run and to show off their bikes to other riders and to see other riders bikes.
It was disrespectful for muslims to choose that day and I'm really glad the bikers did the ride.

I can't honestly say that.

September 11th is not a Holy Day, nor is it a holiday. So as far as I am concerned, it is just another day legally.

And personally, if some Muslims want to have a rally on that day, they are welcome to do so as far as I am concerned.

I think the problem here was the group that wanted a rally, and what was made public about it.

I think if the Rally was a Non-denominational event, that was organized by a Muslim group but invited in all religions to have an event for brotherhood and unity, and to an end to violence of all kinds against other religions, they would have had a lot of support.

I do not think this "counter protest" had anything to do with the fact that these were Muslims, but it was a fringe agitator group, the American Muslim Political Action Committee.

A group that even the Council on American-Islamic Relations considers "fringe", and condemned their "march".

A group which holds a distinct Truther mindset, claiming that it was really "Zionists and Israel" that brought down the WTC.

A group that tried to invite both Louis Farrakhan and Ron Paul as guest speakers, but both turned them down as being to extremist.

To me, it is not about it being "Muslims" at all, but this group of Muslims. And I myself agree it was wrong, kind of like the KKK getting a permit to hold a rally on the Mall on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. As much as I believe in freedom of speech, there is also something that should simply be common sense and respect.
............................................^^^^ Best post on the entire thread!! .. :clap2: :clap2:
The muslims were on the Mall. The bikers would have had to park and leave their bikes to get close to the muslims. Only a small amount would find parking spots anyplace close. The whole confrontation thing is in people's imagination. DC authorityies know crowd control. They are experts at it. Promoters of both of these events had political agenda's that did not match up with participants. In the case of the muslims, the muslims did't show up. In the case of the bikers, they were there to support troops and remember the fallen. Did some show up to counter the muslims, sure, some did. Some showed up just to be in a good run for the sake of a bike run and to show off their bikes to other riders and to see other riders bikes.

The Bikers did not even request a permit to use the Mall. They simply requested a "No Stop" permit. There was no confrontation, the two groups would not have been anywhere near each other.

And logically, permitting the "No Stop" would have ensured that they stayed away from each other, since the planned route not near the Million Muslim March.

The proposal had the bikers following a common march route, coming in on 395, turning West on Constitution Avenue, then continuing along the North side of The Mall before getting on 66 and departing the city for Virginia.

And a "No Stop" permit means exactly that, no stop. Drive in, drive through, depart. The Million Muslim March location was on Independence Avenue, roughly where the 2 is on this map:


As you can see, the two groups were not going to meet if the original request was approved. The Muslims on the South side of the Mall, the Bikers driving the North Side. And Law Enforcement could have arrested anybody that stopped for violating the "No Stop" part of the permit.
It was disrespectful for muslims to choose that day and I'm really glad the bikers did the ride.

I can't honestly say that.

September 11th is not a Holy Day, nor is it a holiday. So as far as I am concerned, it is just another day legally.

And personally, if some Muslims want to have a rally on that day, they are welcome to do so as far as I am concerned.

I think the problem here was the group that wanted a rally, and what was made public about it.

I think if the Rally was a Non-denominational event, that was organized by a Muslim group but invited in all religions to have an event for brotherhood and unity, and to an end to violence of all kinds against other religions, they would have had a lot of support.

I do not think this "counter protest" had anything to do with the fact that these were Muslims, but it was a fringe agitator group, the American Muslim Political Action Committee.

A group that even the Council on American-Islamic Relations considers "fringe", and condemned their "march".

A group which holds a distinct Truther mindset, claiming that it was really "Zionists and Israel" that brought down the WTC.

A group that tried to invite both Louis Farrakhan and Ron Paul as guest speakers, but both turned them down as being to extremist.

To me, it is not about it being "Muslims" at all, but this group of Muslims. And I myself agree it was wrong, kind of like the KKK getting a permit to hold a rally on the Mall on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. As much as I believe in freedom of speech, there is also something that should simply be common sense and respect.

I can't agree. I think it was in about the same bad taste for muslims to have a rally on September 11 as it would be for the KKK to have one on August 8.
all this really showed was that the Muslims who support groups like al-qaeda and Hamas and make no mistake that's the kind of people were at this March are cowards
It was disrespectful for muslims to choose that day and I'm really glad the bikers did the ride.

I can't honestly say that.

September 11th is not a Holy Day, nor is it a holiday. So as far as I am concerned, it is just another day legally.

And personally, if some Muslims want to have a rally on that day, they are welcome to do so as far as I am concerned.

I think the problem here was the group that wanted a rally, and what was made public about it.

I think if the Rally was a Non-denominational event, that was organized by a Muslim group but invited in all religions to have an event for brotherhood and unity, and to an end to violence of all kinds against other religions, they would have had a lot of support.

I do not think this "counter protest" had anything to do with the fact that these were Muslims, but it was a fringe agitator group, the American Muslim Political Action Committee.

A group that even the Council on American-Islamic Relations considers "fringe", and condemned their "march".

A group which holds a distinct Truther mindset, claiming that it was really "Zionists and Israel" that brought down the WTC.

A group that tried to invite both Louis Farrakhan and Ron Paul as guest speakers, but both turned them down as being to extremist.

To me, it is not about it being "Muslims" at all, but this group of Muslims. And I myself agree it was wrong, kind of like the KKK getting a permit to hold a rally on the Mall on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. As much as I believe in freedom of speech, there is also something that should simply be common sense and respect.

I can't agree. I think it was in about the same bad taste for muslims to have a rally on September 11 as it would be for the KKK to have one on August 8.

Or June 19th.
I can't honestly say that.

September 11th is not a Holy Day, nor is it a holiday. So as far as I am concerned, it is just another day legally.

And personally, if some Muslims want to have a rally on that day, they are welcome to do so as far as I am concerned.

I think the problem here was the group that wanted a rally, and what was made public about it.

I think if the Rally was a Non-denominational event, that was organized by a Muslim group but invited in all religions to have an event for brotherhood and unity, and to an end to violence of all kinds against other religions, they would have had a lot of support.

I do not think this "counter protest" had anything to do with the fact that these were Muslims, but it was a fringe agitator group, the American Muslim Political Action Committee.

A group that even the Council on American-Islamic Relations considers "fringe", and condemned their "march".

A group which holds a distinct Truther mindset, claiming that it was really "Zionists and Israel" that brought down the WTC.

A group that tried to invite both Louis Farrakhan and Ron Paul as guest speakers, but both turned them down as being to extremist.

To me, it is not about it being "Muslims" at all, but this group of Muslims. And I myself agree it was wrong, kind of like the KKK getting a permit to hold a rally on the Mall on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. As much as I believe in freedom of speech, there is also something that should simply be common sense and respect.

I can't agree. I think it was in about the same bad taste for muslims to have a rally on September 11 as it would be for the KKK to have one on August 8.

Or June 19th.

That too.

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