Retail theft uptick force store closures

Compulsory means they don't have a choice. They go to a secure treatment facility for a certain length of time.
Yes. It's called prison. Although the Chinese use treatment and medical care with highly successful results.

No lawyers, no courts. Test positive and into medical rehab you go. Two years in a Chinese megafactory. No appeal. No pay. It's rehab. An individual can get two trys. Testing positive a third time and it's medical care for life.

That's why Chinese factories have suicide nets. Is this the solution you have in toys.
Sounds good. Anything to get them off the streets.
And possibly save some lives. Repeat ED patients (called 'frequent flyers') are at higher risk of fatal overdosing. The longer they remain in treatment the better their survival chances. It also greatly reduces the amount of money flowing to the drug cartels.
And possibly save some lives. Repeat ED patients (called 'frequent flyers') are at higher risk of fatal overdosing.
Oh. They can't be helped. They will od the first chance they get. Lock them up for 10 years, they will od their first day out. Have you ever heard of anyone quitting after an overdose? No. You won't either. Some have overdosed multiple times. They will od until it works.
Oh. They can't be helped. They will od the first chance they get. Lock them up for 10 years, they will od their first day out. Have you ever heard of anyone quitting after an overdose? No. You won't either. Some have overdosed multiple times. They will od until it works.
Many are a lost cause but keeping them in a secure treatment facility helps to reduce the income of the cartels. Addicts and users spend huge amounts of money on their habit, often committing crimes to support it as well. Drug dealers kill each other as well as innocents competing for the business.

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