Retired Navy SEAL Comes Out


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Transgender Navy SEAL 'Warrior Princess' Comes Out

A former member of the elite U.S. Navy SEALs has come out to say she's now a woman.

Kristin Beck, formerly Chris, served 20 years as a SEAL and fought on some of the most dangerous battlefields in the world, but after she left the service she realized she wasn't living the life she wanted.

"Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood," said Anne Speckhard, co-author of Beck's biography "Warrior Princess," which was published over the weekend. Speckhard told ABC News Beck suppressed that secret for decades, however, through the trials of SEAL training and the harrowing missions that followed, growing a burly beard as she fought on the front lines of American special operations.

Beck was reportedly awarded the Purple Heart and a Bronze Star.


His/her story, Warrior Princess, is an actual book: [ame=]Warrior Princess: A U.S. Navy SEAL's Journey to Coming out Transgender[/ame]

I guess they didn't ask, and he didn't tell. Until now...
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I think that kind of life would mess with anyone's head.

I see. You just can't accept homosexuality is not a learned behavior, and so you can only conclude being a SEAL turns you gay, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Geez, the lengths homophobes will go to...

I guess you missed the part that says, "Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood".
I think that kind of life would mess with anyone's head.

I see. You just can't accept homosexuality is not a learned behavior, and so you can only conclude being a SEAL turns you gay, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Geez, the lengths homophobes will go to...

I guess you missed the part that says, "Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood".

Wow, that's not distortion of what I wrote.
No, wanting to become a woman is not normal. Acting on it is even less so. Nothing "homophobic" about it so you can put your smirking outrage where it belongs.
I think that kind of life would mess with anyone's head.

I see. You just can't accept homosexuality is not a learned behavior, and so you can only conclude being a SEAL turns you gay, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Geez, the lengths homophobes will go to...

I guess you missed the part that says, "Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood".

You have given The Rabbi a reason to support the repeal of DADT. Why keep gays out of the military if it will turn them gay anyways? :tongue:
I think that kind of life would mess with anyone's head.

I see. You just can't accept homosexuality is not a learned behavior, and so you can only conclude being a SEAL turns you gay, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Geez, the lengths homophobes will go to...

I guess you missed the part that says, "Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood".

Wow, that's not distortion of what I wrote.
No, wanting to become a woman is not normal. Acting on it is even less so. Nothing "homophobic" about it so you can put your smirking outrage where it belongs.

"Not normal" =/= "wrong".
I think that kind of life would mess with anyone's head.

I see. You just can't accept homosexuality is not a learned behavior, and so you can only conclude being a SEAL turns you gay, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Geez, the lengths homophobes will go to...

I guess you missed the part that says, "Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood".

Wow, that's not distortion of what I wrote.
No, wanting to become a woman is not normal. Acting on it is even less so. Nothing "homophobic" about it so you can put your smirking outrage where it belongs.

Do you think that this dude was transgendered before he joined the military. Or do you think his experience in the military led him to become transgendered?

Simple question. Can you provide a simple answer?
I think that kind of life would mess with anyone's head.

I see. You just can't accept homosexuality is not a learned behavior, and so you can only conclude being a SEAL turns you gay, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Geez, the lengths homophobes will go to...

I guess you missed the part that says, "Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood".

Maybe the Rabbi meant the life of a SEAL would mess with anyone's head.
I see. You just can't accept homosexuality is not a learned behavior, and so you can only conclude being a SEAL turns you gay, eh? BWA-HA-HA-HA!

Geez, the lengths homophobes will go to...

I guess you missed the part that says, "Chris really wanted to be a girl and felt that she was a girl and consolidated that identity very early on in childhood".

Wow, that's not distortion of what I wrote.
No, wanting to become a woman is not normal. Acting on it is even less so. Nothing "homophobic" about it so you can put your smirking outrage where it belongs.

"Not normal" =/= "wrong".
I dont recall using the word "wrong" anywhere.
This isn't homosexual behavior or transgendered behavior. This is coping behavior.
I've seen it before.
This isn't homosexual behavior or transgendered behavior. This is coping behavior.
I've seen it before.

You have seen war veterans change genders before due to PTSD? Well there you go kids best argument for not serving in the military, getting shot at might make you want to change genders.
This isn't homosexual behavior or transgendered behavior. This is coping behavior.
I've seen it before.

"Being a Navy SEAL will make you gay!"

You homophobes crack me up.
What is it with people nowadays that they have to air all their personal issues to the world?

Why this urge to have to share everything particularly if it's of a sexual nature!

Don't misunderstand me.... I wish him? her? happiness....but in all honesty....who gives a fig!
What is it with people nowadays that they have to air all their personal issues to the world?

Why this urge to have to share everything particularly if it's of a sexual nature!

Don't misunderstand me.... I wish him? her? happiness....but in all honesty....who gives a fig!

Other people who are afraid to come out for fear of repercussions from the kind of homophobes who make themselves evident in every topic about homosexuals.

That's who.

And people who are sick and tired of racists and bigots getting what they want.

That's who.

As long as there are assholes who hate others just because they are different from them, there will always be a need for those different people to make a public stand.
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What is it with people nowadays that they have to air all their personal issues to the world?

Why this urge to have to share everything particularly if it's of a sexual nature!

Don't misunderstand me.... I wish him? her? happiness....but in all honesty....who gives a fig!

I would say the teen boy experiencing this kind of confusion about his life who may be considering suicide because of such feelings now has a hell of a role model to look at to realize there are other people out there like him and they can be productive good people might give a fig.

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