Retirees must love Biden

Groper Joe has shut down any new explore and development of domestic petroleum and carbon fuel resources.
Brandon has also presented the largest Federal Deficit to date with his 'unmake America' agenda.
Joe has also allowed for more money to be printed = inflation and devalue of currency.
He's just starting on the list of his 'degenerate USA and make it a second world nation' agenda.
No he hasn't....and the oil companies are shutting down wells on their own.....I haven't received loyalty checks (which happen when the oil company is pumping) since the beginning of the year.
I'd like to see some better documentation and qualification of your link.

Technically it tends to be the Congress in power at the time.
POTUS either signs off on and accepts (under duress), or declines/rejects and you have a guv'mint shutdown.

If we want to hang "the buck stops here" on POTUSs, than Obamay might get that tag;

Factoring in inflation, Trump and the Congress he got stuck with, come in at a close match;

Biden is too early to finalize, but "his" trend doesn't look positive for halt/decline;
  • Record gas prices
  • Increased food costs
  • Stock market crashing (401Ks impacted)

Many live on a fixed income

Let's Go Brandon!

View attachment 647310
Xiden and the dems, building America back poorer
I'd like to see some better documentation and qualification of your link.

Technically it tends to be the Congress in power at the time.
POTUS either signs off on and accepts (under duress), or declines/rejects and you have a guv'mint shutdown.

If we want to hang "the buck stops here" on POTUSs, than Obamay might get that tag;

Factoring in inflation, Trump and the Congress he got stuck with, come in at a close match;

Biden is too early to finalize, but "his" trend doesn't look positive for halt/decline;
you called the deficts the potus's, dude. Grow a pair.
No he hasn't....and the oil companies are shutting down wells on their own.....I haven't received loyalty checks (which happen when the oil company is pumping) since the beginning of the year.
A bit more complicated, but Biden hasn't helped the situation;

What Is Holding Back U.S. Oil Production?​

5.9 percent Cost of Living Adjustment
Projected 8 percent next year

Record Real Estate prices

Yeah...real estate is getting ready to hit the shitter with high interest rates.
On the plus side it's great for our bank stocks,but not so much for the middle class and the poor.
Retirees must love Biden

Nobody loves Biden, even his own party wants to dump him.

Yeah, that increase our SS benefits is going to help, but it ain't going to outweigh the higher cost of food and heat this winter.
No he hasn't....and the oil companies are shutting down wells on their own.....I haven't received loyalty checks (which happen when the oil company is pumping) since the beginning of the year.
Why would they invest and pump when at any time Green New Deal Biden can shut em down via an EO and cause them to lose billions?
My wife and I are retired.

We have fixed our income to be comfortable.

Recently we have had to increase our income to make up for the massive Biden inflation.

Fortunately we have the investment funds to do that. Many retirees don't.

However, what Biden is doing with his gross mismanagement of the economy is stealing money from our kids and grandkids that will inherit our remaining wealth after we pass.

Anybody that voted for Biden is an idiot. We warned them that Biden was going to be a disaster.
The plunge protection team will probably show up and inject some cash to bring it up.

But what little I know I have noticed lower highs this year. Each high is a little lower than the previous one. So it goes up to let's just say 100 then drops down, then it comes back up to 99 and goes back down, then comes back up to 98.
Its all relative..

I’m retired

Things like 401k and Real Estate are wealth
My 401k is down about $70k…..OUCH
My homes are up about $220k…..CHEERS

Pension and SS are income
My pension and SS went up $550 a month in Jan…..CHEERS
Gas, food, restaurants increases ate up most of that….OUCH

In total, I am slightly better off since January
You are one of those in the minority with a cushy, generous government pension.

Most people have no pension and, if responsible, have financed their own retirement support through four decades of savings. Seeing one’s purchasing power erode by close to 10% via inflation, while one’s nest egg drops by close to 20%, thus far, is a calamity for retirees who have no way to make that back up.

As far as real estate prices, my house went up as well. All that means is that I am going to see a big hike in my property tax so my liberal county can waste more money.
On a totally non-partisan note, I remember going to the investment "guy" when my MIL was in "the home" (dementia) and my FIL had passed, when interest rates got "real low." Around the W years, and man there were some hurting retirees who were into bonds. Now it's just the opposite.
It is what it is.....

Con-nect the dots for us how this is Biden's doing and what he can do to fix it (but isn't).

That is easy.
It was the economic sanctions against Russia that cut Russian oil supplies, that caused world wide inflation.
Oil is fungible so increases the cost of everything everywhere.
Economic sanctions are strictly illegal war crimes according to the 1906 Geneva Convention.
They are targeting civilians, and that is illegal.
You are one of those in the minority with a cushy, generous government pension.

Most people have no pension and, if responsible, have financed their own retirement support through four decades of savings. Seeing one’s purchasing power erode by close to 10% via inflation, while one’s nest egg drops by close to 20%, thus far, is a calamity for retirees who have no way to make that back up.

As far as real estate prices, my house went up as well. All that means is that I am going to see a big hike in my property tax so my liberal county can waste more money.

Responsible retirees have a well endowed 401k, a paid off mortgage and max Social Security

They will ride out this recession, as will I

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