Return of Bretton Woods System

We need to bring common sense to the Federal Government. We need to pay off our debt by making tough, economic choices. But who am I kidding?
How much of the debt would you like to see paid off and in what timeframe?

Remember when Trump said he would eliminate the debt in 8 years?! Haha
The US is becoming more and more of a "hands off" nation where foreign policy is concerned. As it should be.
This is the influence of Eurocentric traitors in the government.
Ultimately, this will destroy all of America, not only US.
We need to bring back the Bretton Woods system. The rise of Europe threatens the US. Europe should finance the US budget, the dollar should cover European currencies.
This is in the interests of protecting freedom. This is not contrary to international law to contain Pan-Germanism and Eurocentrism, and it is not contrary to the Monroe Doctrine.

We need a Bretton Woods system. Then also the US Army will be financed from outside.

Terrible idea.
How much of the debt would you like to see paid off and in what timeframe?

Remember when Trump said he would eliminate the debt in 8 years?! Haha
Nothing needs to be repaid, this is an endless source of funding, and there are no obligations on these debts.
How much of the debt would you like to see paid off and in what timeframe?

Remember when Trump said he would eliminate the debt in 8 years?! Haha

I don't expect the debt to be paid off all at once.

But a good start would be not spending more than we take in.
Are you joking?
No. This is international law. The country is not liable for public debt.

normally, the debt will be partially refinanced and grow; in case of bankruptcy, it is simply written off
Nothing needs to be repaid, this is an endless source of funding, and there are no obligations on these debts.
I hear these people demanding the debt be paid and I’m curious what they mean exactly. Or if they even understand what the debt is
I don't expect the debt to be paid off all at once.

But a good start would be not spending more than we take in.
If the debt could be paid off all at once or let’s say in 10 years. Would you think that’s a good idea and support it?
No. This is international law. The country is not liable for public debt.

normally, the debt will be partially refinanced and grow; in case of bankruptcy, it is simply written off

The country is not liable for public debt.

Who is liable for public debt?
The governments of "developed" countries are financed by the governments of "developing" economies. If Europe starts paying America to issue its currency, Germany will again have plants and factories instead of brothels and pedophiles, and this is good for everyone.
interest rates are low in treasuries. If there is nothing to pay, no one has the right to demand

interest rates are low in treasuries.

The one-month is about 5.123%.
The 5-year is about 4%. How are those low?

If there is nothing to pay, no one has the right to demand

There is plenty to pay.
How much of the debt would you like to see paid off and in what timeframe?

Remember when Trump said he would eliminate the debt in 8 years?! Haha
His 2nd four years were stolen. Kinda hard to do something in 8 years when you only have 4 years to do it in.
The one-month is about 5.123%.
The 5-year is about 4%. How are those low?
US debt has been the lowest-interest paper ever. Now, apparently, they have risen due to the fact that the United States has become unstable, worms are in the government and the United States is preparing for death. This is just a good reason to shut up the European mouth.

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