Return to the normal form of thinking

Success in this world is facilitated more by your ability to capitalize on your social skills than your skill at tasks. How many brilliant people are working for idiot bosses?
This is a conscious leftist policy. A dumb manager follows the instructions of the center and does not ask unnecessary questions. He is not dangerous for the left.
That is a choice, not a measure of ability.
The ability to bullshit your way through life is far more crucial to survival than any actual skill. It absolutely sucks but that's how the world works. Social camouflage is like a tiger's stripes. They might be the most power predator on four feet but they can do nothing until they blend in.
This is a conscious leftist policy. A dumb manager follows the instructions of the center and does not ask unnecessary questions. He is not dangerous for the left.
People get promoted to the level of their incompetence and them devote most of their their energy to keeping the position.
The ability to bullshit your way through life is far more crucial to survival than any actual skill. It absolutely sucks but that's how the world works. Social camouflage is like a tiger's stripes. They might be the most power predator on four feet but they can do nothing until they blend in.
Imitation is a way of survival, like a chameleon or simply merging with the strong.

That is why stupid people always follow fashion. They catch the trend

This is a separate characteristic of the mentality, it is from birth, it is easily detected in children. The child usually says what others say, regardless of what he really sees, he gives the assessments that the majority gives. This is also a sign of low intelligence.
The ability to bullshit your way through life is far more crucial to survival than any actual skill. It absolutely sucks but that's how the world works. Social camouflage is like a tiger's stripes. They might be the most power predator on four feet but they can do nothing until they blend in.
Ah... but a good bullshitter requires intelligence.
Your other argument is a problem of society, again, not a measure of one's abilities.
I have faced this myself of course. The ladder climbers, the risk avoiders, ring grabbers - these leeches more times than not manage to bullshit their way into high positions.
Imitation is a way of survival, like a chameleon or simply merging with the strong.

That is why stupid people always follow fashion. They catch the trend

This is a separate characteristic of the mentality, it is from birth, it is easily detected in children. The child usually says what others say, regardless of what he really sees, he gives the assessments that the majority gives. This is also a sign of low intelligence.
Yeah I remember my early days feeling like I was better than the sheeple because I didn't participate in the boring social games they found so important. Turns out you have to play the game no matter what. Choosing to be a loser is by definition the worst strategy. Like a nerd I attacked this problem through study and observation. I learned the steady eye-gaze, the firm handshake, how to listen, body language, etiquette, seduction and gambling. I acted like the person I wanted to be and before long it was true.
Yeah I remember my early days feeling like I was better than the sheeple because I didn't participate in the boring social games they found so important. Turns out you have to play the game no matter what. Choosing to be a loser is by definition the worst strategy. Like a nerd I attacked this problem through study and observation. I learned the steady eye-gaze, the firm handshake, how to listen, body language, etiquette, seduction and gambling. I acted like the person I wanted to be and before long it was true.
Success is a false goal. Having independent thinking is still better, because trending behavior is a regression of the mind.
Ah... but a good bullshitter requires intelligence.
Your other argument is a problem of society, again, not a measure of one's abilities.
I have faced this myself of course. The ladder climbers, the risk avoiders, ring grabbers - these leeches more times than not manage to bullshit their way into high positions.
A good bullshitter knows a lot about how people tick and listens very attentively to them. With good people skills even a comparative moron can advance quite far in this life. Meanwhile trying to get by on skill alone is a lonely soul-sucking grind.
Yeah I remember my early days feeling like I was better than the sheeple because I didn't participate in the boring social games they found so important. Turns out you have to play the game no matter what. Choosing to be a loser is by definition the worst strategy. Like a nerd I attacked this problem through study and observation. I learned the steady eye-gaze, the firm handshake, how to listen, body language, etiquette, seduction and gambling. I acted like the person I wanted to be and before long it was true.
Now you are speaking my language.
And this is exactly why so many high IQ'ers are self employed and often not high achievers.
We see the world clearer, and thus see the foolishness and choose not to engage.
When I was a junior in high school, it was 1981-82. In schools across Indiana they gave all students a modified IQ test.
As it turned out, in time I finished first in the whole class of 602 students. And only one girl answered more correct than I did, but she was well down the line in speed. That summer, I got a call from a high school counselor who was trying hard to convince me to take certain courses, said I was wasting my talents. But I hated school. It was so boring and repetitive. I wanted nothing to do with taking these bullshit classes.
So yes, our society does a very -very poor job of identifying potentiality, and insist on measuring it by how well a student memorizes answers on repetitive testing that has nothing to do with abilities.
Now you are speaking my language.
And this is exactly why so many high IQ'ers are self employed and often not high achievers.
We see the world clearer, and thus see the foolishness and choose not to engage.
When I was a junior in high school, it was 1981-82. In schools across Indiana they gave all students a modified IQ test.
As it turned out, in time I finished first in the whole class of 602 students. And only one girl answered more correct than I did, but she was well down the line in speed. That summer, I got a call from a high school counselor who was trying hard to convince me to take certain courses, said I was wasting my talents. But I hated school. It was so boring and repetitive. I wanted nothing to do with taking these bullshit classes.
So yes, our society does a very -very poor job of identifying potentiality, and insist on measuring it by how well a student memorizes answers on repetitive testing that has nothing to do with abilities.
I think you are 3 years younger than me. I got thrown out of high school in 79, simply from boredom. Later I finished high school while in the Marine Corps, went to college after I got out of the service and was eventually invited to a Phd program. By that time I had small children so I declined. School was boring.
Success is a false goal. Having independent thinking is still better, because trending behavior is a regression of the mind.
Always having to go it alone in this life is no way to live. Playing the game means you get to have nice stuff and helpful people in your life. It's also the only satisfying way to get pussy.
I think you are 3 years younger than me. I got thrown out of high school in 79, simply from boredom. Later I finished high school while in the Marine Corps, went to college after I got out of the service and was eventually invited to a Phd program. By that time I had small children so I declined. School was boring.
Did the Marines have IQ testing? I heard that under Reagan, the average Marine Corps officer IQ was over 130.
I think you are 3 years younger than me. I got thrown out of high school in 79, simply from boredom. Later I finished high school while in the Marine Corps, went to college after I got out of the service and was eventually invited to a Phd program. By that time I had small children so I declined. School was boring.
Especially in Science.
I remember being in Freshman High School science, excited... thinking FINALLY we get to learn some real science. Only to see that it was just more repetitive "how a magnet works". I was bitterly disappointed. And didn't take anymore science classes.
Now you are speaking my language.
And this is exactly why so many high IQ'ers are self employed and often not high achievers.
We see the world clearer, and thus see the foolishness and choose not to engage.
When I was a junior in high school, it was 1981-82. In schools across Indiana they gave all students a modified IQ test.
As it turned out, in time I finished first in the whole class of 602 students. And only one girl answered more correct than I did, but she was well down the line in speed. That summer, I got a call from a high school counselor who was trying hard to convince me to take certain courses, said I was wasting my talents. But I hated school. It was so boring and repetitive. I wanted nothing to do with taking these bullshit classes.
So yes, our society does a very -very poor job of identifying potentiality, and insist on measuring it by how well a student memorizes answers on repetitive testing that has nothing to do with abilities.
They stuck me in a gifted program. Turned out to be cruelest thing any educator ever did to me. That includes the bitch that choked me and threw me down the stairs but that's a different story.
Did the Marines have IQ testing? I heard that under Reagan, the average Marine Corps officer was over 130.
We don't get much credit for being smart, but I know some guys couldn't get in because I think they called it GT (?) so they had to go Army. Hehe. I remember my CO making a big deal out of only one guy in the unit had a higher GT than me. But that has been many years ago, I don't distinctly remember an IQ test.
They stuck me in a gifted program. Turned out to be cruelest thing any educator ever did to me. That includes the bitch that choked me and threw me down the stairs but that's a different story.
That might make school more interesting.
They stuck me in a gifted program. Turned out to be cruelest thing any educator ever did to me. That includes the bitch that choked me and threw me down the stairs but that's a different story.
They stuck me in a gifted program

When will you post something to prove this?

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