Revealed at Last!


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Hillary Dropping Out of the Race No Longer a Fantasy
You won't be laughing when the black helicopters take you to the FEMA camps where they're hiding Tupac.
The funny thing is, if that passer by hadn't caught her on video we would be hearing "Everything is fine! I feel great!" Just like her tenure as Secretary of State, her email server, and now her crippling health problems everything is about stonewalling, lying and deception. She needs to go to an old folks home where she can terrorize the staff to her heart's delight.
I wouldn't put too much stock in the OP's post. I saw that thing today at the grocery store checkout line ... cover for the National Enquirer or whatever the hell that tabloid is called. Why people buy these rags, let alone actually believe anything printed in them, is just beyond me.
Oh good, another link from infowars! I can't wait to read it!

Well then maybe you can pull something together from watching TV?

Why is she in a fog so often?

She wasn't "in a fog" there, moron. She didn't know if there was a real threat happening in the audience or not. Secret service jumped in for a reason -- idiot.


Needs a handler to tell her to "keep talking" twice because she cannot process how strange she is coming off.

Still waiting for one of you to admit they are all covering for a very sick woman and this is a serious problem.
Oh good, another link from infowars! I can't wait to read it!

Well then maybe you can pull something together from watching TV?

Why is she in a fog so often?

She wasn't "in a fog" there, moron. She didn't know if there was a real threat happening in the audience or not. Secret service jumped in for a reason -- idiot.


Needs a handler to tell her to "keep talking" twice because she cannot process how strange she is coming off.

Still waiting for one of you to admit they are all covering for a very sick woman and this is a serious problem.

Those aren't "handlers," perpetually confused one. They're secret service. Yes, she is sick. She has pneumonia.
Oh good, another link from infowars! I can't wait to read it!

Well then maybe you can pull something together from watching TV?

Why is she in a fog so often?

She wasn't "in a fog" there, moron. She didn't know if there was a real threat happening in the audience or not. Secret service jumped in for a reason -- idiot.


Needs a handler to tell her to "keep talking" twice because she cannot process how strange she is coming off.

Still waiting for one of you to admit they are all covering for a very sick woman and this is a serious problem.

Those aren't "handlers," perpetually confused one. They're secret service. Yes, she is sick. She has pneumonia.

That event was a month ago in Las Vegas. Long pneumonia.

Hillary’s secret service agents can be heard saying…

“You’re okay.”
“Keep talking.”
“We’ll handle it. We’re not going anywhere.”
“Keep talking.”

Clinton finally snapped out of her state of fear, saying…

“Okay, we’ll keep talking.”

So now let's send her out for a major, major 9/11 event with obama, trump, et al. present for a several hour occasion now that she has been sick with pneumonia for who knows how long? Would not have canceling and telling the nation because of pneumonia made better sense? Heat stroke my foot. She could not stand on her own for two seconds.

I wonder what is this lesion on her tongue? I don't want her to waste away, I just want to know is our next president fit to be, or are we really voting for Kaine?

Hole In Hillary’s Tongue Prompts Hashtag, Speculation On Twitter
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I wouldn't put too much stock in the OP's post. I saw that thing today at the grocery store checkout line ... cover for the National Enquirer or whatever the hell that tabloid is called. Why people buy these rags, let alone actually believe anything printed in them, is just beyond me.
At least they are open about being absurd.
NE sells almost all of its print issues to les deplorables of let Alt Right.
NE sells almost all of its print issues to les deplorables of let Alt Right.

Count me in.

I mean I was somewhere in Timbuktu recently and I was looking for news about America.

All I could find in English was a New York Times and a National Enquirer. It was a no-brainer.
I wouldn't put too much stock in the OP's post. I saw that thing today at the grocery store checkout line ... cover for the National Enquirer or whatever the hell that tabloid is called. Why people buy these rags, let alone actually believe anything printed in them, is just beyond me.

Look here dumbell.....The National Enquirer now has better journalists than the mainstream media....which is not saying a whole lot however. Your local H.S. newspaper no doubt has bettern journalism than the mainstream go along to get along press corp.
Oh good, another link from infowars! I can't wait to read it!

Well then maybe you can pull something together from watching TV?

Why is she in a fog so often?

She wasn't "in a fog" there, moron. She didn't know if there was a real threat happening in the audience or not. Secret service jumped in for a reason -- idiot.


Needs a handler to tell her to "keep talking" twice because she cannot process how strange she is coming off.

Still waiting for one of you to admit they are all covering for a very sick woman and this is a serious problem.

Those aren't "handlers," perpetually confused one. They're secret service. Yes, she is sick. She has pneumonia.

Why did she lie about it?...oh my bad...that is always her first inclination.

Could be just another lie anyhow.....might be something much more serious than pneumonia...though pneumonia kills a lot of old folks.
"The National Enquirer now has better journalists than the mainstream media" is the dumbest statement of the day.

And of course it is from an Alt Right deplorable.

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