Revealed; Four Supreme Court Justices Attend Right Wing Gala After Roe Decision

what the FF's were ,or were not is always debate hindsight TK

Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.

John Adams

Democracies have been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their death.

James Madison

It has been observed that a pure democracy if it were practicable would be the most perfect government. Experience has proved that no position is more false than this. The ancient democracies in which the people themselves deliberated never possessed one good feature of government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.

Alexander Hamilton

Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.

John Marshall

The experience of all former ages had shown that of all human governments, democracy was the most unstable, fluctuating and short-lived.

John Quincy Adams
The citizenry needs to vote on the issue, not have some bible thumper beholden legislature hold sway like in TX and OK.

That and the practice has been approved in the states that did allow a vote (3 or 4 this cycle) so that eliminates it as a issue for the dems in those states going forward.
Four U.S. Supreme Court justices attended the black-tie dinner gala at the first Federal Society convention since the court overturned Roe vs. Wade in its controversial Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health decision.

All credibility with the court is gone. It is now a majority of partisan perjurers. Any steps to needed to restore democracy hat credibility is now justified. Any steps.
What do you expect them to do, hang out with you DImmer wackos? These justices love America and support its laws, why would they want to be seen with your ilk??
Four U.S. Supreme Court justices attended the black-tie dinner gala at the first Federal Society convention since the court overturned Roe vs. Wade in its controversial Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health decision.

All credibility with the court is gone. It is now a majority of partisan perjurers. Any steps to needed to restore democracy hat credibility is now justified. Any steps.

So the progressive members of the court don't attend progressive events?
Four U.S. Supreme Court justices attended the black-tie dinner gala at the first Federal Society convention since the court overturned Roe vs. Wade in its controversial Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health decision.

All credibility with the court is gone. It is now a majority of partisan perjurers. Any steps to needed to restore democracy hat credibility is now justified. Any steps.
Raw story has no credibility, you have a real mainstream source to get a balanced look at the story or just your spin?
So you can't count on SCOTUS. Deal with it.

Frankly, the biggest mistake liberals have made was counting on the courts to protect reproductive choice. Instead, they let RW politicians pass goofy laws in the red states, thinking the court would never do anything so stupid as to overturn Roe.

Now they need to do what they did this year. Bring this issue to the forefront. Make the GOP defend these dumb laws.

Just wait until some woman in an "abortion at any time" State gets a headache and finds a doctor to sign off on the abortion 2 weeks before birth.
They aren't even trying to hide it any more. But here's the thing. Dems need to start their own long game movement to fight back against what the FS has done. Namely, infest the nation's courts with extremist conservatives.
Frankly, I don't think the Dems can pull it off. It takes the kind of devious, unscrupulous mind of singular focus Mitch McTreason has had over the years, stuffing the courts with radicals. We don't have anyone like that. Nor do we have someone like Leonard Leo, willing to put forth unqualified hacks to fill vacant seats on the bench. Not to mention that no series of Dem prez's would ever allow a radically leftist organization to pick nominees for them as Repub prez's have.

As I asked the OP, progressive Justices never go to events held by Progressive organizations?
Dems need to start their own long game movement to fight back

This is the way dems fight. They sucker punch -- or sucker kick -- WOMEN!

And they hide behind others while they bash with bike locks those they are too chickenshit to fairly fight.

Or confront a few people when they are a MUCH larger crowd.

Yeah, we're not really scared about fighting with dems.

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So you can't count on SCOTUS. Deal with it.

Frankly, the biggest mistake liberals have made was counting on the courts to protect reproductive choice. Instead, they let RW politicians pass goofy laws in the red states, thinking the court would never do anything so stupid as to overturn Roe.

Now they need to do what they did this year. Bring this issue to the forefront. Make the GOP defend these dumb laws.
Couple things to chew/suck on:

1) Even RBG thought RvW was crap, and she was right.

2) Democraps in Congress could protect choice, but choose not to for political reasons.
So the progressive members of the court don't attend progressive events?

That would be seen as an undue influence on their decisions. Which are supposed to be based on law, and not on associations.
In fact, any case to which a justice is linked to through that association is supposed to recuse themselves from the case.
Couple things to chew/suck on:

1) Even RBG thought RvW was crap, and she was right.

2) Democraps in Congress could protect choice, but choose not to for political reasons.
RBG thought no such thing.

She thought there were other stronger arguments to support it than the “privacy” one used in Roe

That would be seen as an undue influence on their decisions. Which are supposed to be based on law, and not on associations.
In fact, any case to which a justice is linked to through that association is supposed to recuse themselves from the case.

Bullshit. Kagan and the others attend and participate in panels and other things where they actually talk about their legal views, not just hang out at a party (I'm sure they hang out at parties as well, but again, only lefty hack sources like Rawstory pretend this isn't happening with both sides).

The only reason for recusal at the SC level is usually involvement on the case at a lower level of being a justice, or if you were part of one of the parties in question.

Elena Kagan on Principles & Values

Recused herself from 28 out of 75 cases in first term

Because one of her previous jobs made her a party to many of the cases going in front of the Supreme Court, not because of any other reason.

This is a perfect example of presenting actual facts in a way that implies something other than the truth behind them.
Four U.S. Supreme Court justices attended the black-tie dinner gala at the first Federal Society convention since the court overturned Roe vs. Wade in its controversial Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health decision.

All credibility with the court is gone. It is now a majority of partisan perjurers. Any steps to needed to restore democracy hat credibility is now justified. Any steps.
RBG thought no such thing.

She thought there were other stronger arguments to support it than the “privacy” one used in Roe
This is like the argument of what should a high speed aircraft be made from.
Stainless steel, like the MIG-25, B-70 etc.
Or go all out for titanium like the SR-71

The "privacy" was like the stainless steel argument, where Bader thought it would have been better to build it from titanium.

At the time, everybody thought stainless steel was good enough to withstand anything thrown at it. And for 50 years that was the case.
They aren't even trying to hide it any more. But here's the thing. Dems need to start their own long game movement to fight back against what the FS has done. Namely, infest the nation's courts with extremist conservatives.
Frankly, I don't think the Dems can pull it off. It takes the kind of devious, unscrupulous mind of singular focus Mitch McTreason has had over the years, stuffing the courts with radicals. We don't have anyone like that. Nor do we have someone like Leonard Leo, willing to put forth unqualified hacks to fill vacant seats on the bench. Not to mention that no series of Dem prez's would ever allow a radically leftist organization to pick nominees for them as Repub prez's have.
The level of borderline psychotic delusion here is epic.
Bullshit. Kagan and the others attend and participate in panels and other things where they actually talk about their legal views, not just hang out at a party ...
You think that legal forums are influential on their decisions? They are there to inform, not to be influenced.

Unlike as happens at events where the speakers try to indoctrinate the participants into their views. It would be like a supreme court justice attending a Trump political rally.

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