REVEALED: Russia Has been Paying Taliban to Kill US Soldiers Since 2014 – During Obama Years

So Barry gave them uranium, Crimea, 2 years of unchallenged interference / hacking, & 2 years of killing US soldiers through bounties, & Putin gave Barry permission to invade Syria and propaganda to use in a failed coup attempt.

So Barry gave them uranium, Crimea, 2 years of unchallenged interference / hacking, & 2 years of killing US soldiers through bounties, & Putin gave Barry permission to invade Syria and propaganda to use in a failed coup attempt.
Utter stupidity. In particular, Crimea was never a legitimate historical part of Ukraine, and its overwhelmingly Russian-speaking population voted in referendum to leave the Ukraine and join the Russian Federation. Nobody could have prevented this without a Third World War. Putin was right. U.S. imperialism was wrong.
So Barry gave them uranium, Crimea, 2 years of unchallenged interference / hacking, & 2 years of killing US soldiers through bounties, & Putin gave Barry permission to invade Syria and propaganda to use in a failed coup attempt.
Utter stupidity. In particular, Crimea was never a legitimate historical part of Ukraine, and its overwhelmingly Russian-speaking population voted in referendum to leave the Ukraine and join the Russian Federation. Nobody could have prevented this without a Third World War. Putin was right. U.S. imperialism was wrong.

And, besides, NATO stood down.
This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

Another thing will be coming out to that's bound to shatter everything. Turns out, back in the 80's when Russia was in Afghanistan, the US give was giving the haji's stinger missiles, small arms and cash to kill Russian soldiers!
This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

Another thing will be coming out to that's bound to shatter everything. Turns out, back in the 80's when Russia was in Afghanistan, the US give was giving the haji's stinger missiles, small arms and cash to kill Russian soldiers!

Dimm's don't know history.
They're too busy trying to erase it!
This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

Another thing will be coming out to that's bound to shatter everything. Turns out, back in the 80's when Russia was in Afghanistan, the US give was giving the haji's stinger missiles, small arms and cash to kill Russian soldiers!
Dimm's don't know history. They're too busy trying to erase it!
Trump fanatics are among the world’s most historically ignorant Americans. Living in a fantasy world. Not that the Democrats are honest or scrupulous of course. In fact, while Carter began the assistance to the Mujahadin fighters in Afghanistan, it was Republican hero Ronald Reagan’s administration that provided billions of $ of arms, and all the stinger missiles to the “Islamic freedom fighters.”



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Is anyone really stupid enough to believe the Taliban needs to be paid to kill Americans?


How long have we been fighting and killing the Taliban?

How long have the Taliban - TERRORISTS -been fighting and killing American soldiers?

Over a decade...

And suddenly snowflakes are pissed because Trump has not bombed Russia because the proven Fake News media says the only reason the terrorist Taliban have been killing US soldiers is because Russia has been paying them to.

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This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

Another thing will be coming out to that's bound to shatter everything. Turns out, back in the 80's when Russia was in Afghanistan, the US give was giving the haji's stinger missiles, small arms and cash to kill Russian soldiers!
Dimm's don't know history. They're too busy trying to erase it!
Trump fanatics are among the world’s most historically ignorant Americans. Living in a fantasy world. Not that the Democrats are honest or scrupulous of course. In fact, while Carter began the assistance to the Mujahadin fighters in Afghanistan, it was Republican hero Ronald Reagan’s administration that provided billions of $ of arms, and all the stinger missiles to the “Islamic freedom fighters.”

Huh?! Pretty much exactly what I just said without all the faggy rabid sengrist crap designed to get thank your on USMB. It go's beyond that. See, waaaay back I. The olden days when wild men called Indians roamed the land it was common place to offer members of the fuckouwi tribe a few ounces of powder and some pretty glass beads for killing an English red coat, or some french trappers, or even cause some trouble for other tribes. What is alleged to have happened here is nothing that another govrement in the world has done or will do. Doesn't matter who does it. They all do it.
Is anyone really stupid enough to believe the Taliban needs to be paid to kill Americans?


How long have we been fighting and killing the Taliban?

How long have the Taliban - TERRORISTS -been fighting and killing American soldiers?

Over a decade...

And suddenly snowflakes are pissed because Trump has not bombed Russia because the proven Fake News media says the only reason the terrorist Taliban have been killing US soldiers is because Russia has been paying them to.


It's a thing. I mean, could it be considered "payment" if Russian small arms killed Americans? I'm not seeing the reason for all the outrage. This is what govrements do. I mean, we make movies about 12 CIA officers paying anti Taliban groups to kill pro Taliban groups. It's ugly, but it's how shit gets done
This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

I always know from the title of the thread when it's a Gateway Pundit blogger bullshit piece.
Fake News.
Good Lord you are such a dumbfuck. You didn't bother to even click the link, did ya asswipe?

If you had, you would see they relied on the lefty site Dailybeast and their story about it.

Try to think for once in your pathetic, loser life Blaine Sweeter

This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

First Trump denies it's happening ("Fake News"), and says he wasn't told because the "intel wasn't verified".

Now that it's been proven that (a) it's happening; (b) Trump was told; and (c) so was everyone else in the world, Trump goes to Plan B - It happened under Obama.

And of course, the Gateway Pundit is your source:

No fuckwit, the source is left wing DailyBeast.

This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

First Trump denies it's happening ("Fake News"), and says he wasn't told because the "intel wasn't verified".

Now that it's been proven that (a) it's happening; (b) Trump was told; and (c) so was everyone else in the world, Trump goes to Plan B - It happened under Obama.

And of course, the Gateway Pundit is your source:

Gateway Pundit was designed to attract the uneducated, semi-illiterate, frothing TrumpTards who like short sentences and monosyllabic words in articles of 500 words or less.
Um, left-wing DailyBeast actually has a source by NAME saying they were paid during the Barry Hussein regime.

The NYTs didn't have a source.

This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

First Trump denies it's happening ("Fake News"), and says he wasn't told because the "intel wasn't verified".

Now that it's been proven that (a) it's happening; (b) Trump was told; and (c) so was everyone else in the world, Trump goes to Plan B - It happened under Obama.

And of course, the Gateway Pundit is your source:

And what do you want to do about it if it was happening?
Nuke Russia, cooter?

No, you idiot. Call them on their bullshit. Sanction their asses. Ban them from athletic events. Shame the hell out of them. Pen them up at home so that every time one of these asshats leaves Moscow, they'll be arrested. Stop doing business with them.

Umm, everything you mentioned is what we've been doing.
Please resume your normal activities of supporting the eradication of history, especially since you know very little about it; history, that is!

No you haven't. Trump announces sanctions, but never imposes them. He believes Putin over his own security agencies. Last but not least, he parrots Russian propaganda and lies.
This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

First Trump denies it's happening ("Fake News"), and says he wasn't told because the "intel wasn't verified".

Now that it's been proven that (a) it's happening; (b) Trump was told; and (c) so was everyone else in the world, Trump goes to Plan B - It happened under Obama.

And of course, the Gateway Pundit is your source:

No fuckwit, the source is left wing DailyBeast.

The OP quoted the Gateway Pundit.
This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

First Trump denies it's happening ("Fake News"), and says he wasn't told because the "intel wasn't verified".

Now that it's been proven that (a) it's happening; (b) Trump was told; and (c) so was everyone else in the world, Trump goes to Plan B - It happened under Obama.

And of course, the Gateway Pundit is your source:

And what do you want to do about it if it was happening?
Nuke Russia, cooter?

No, you idiot. Call them on their bullshit. Sanction their asses. Ban them from athletic events. Shame the hell out of them. Pen them up at home so that every time one of these asshats leaves Moscow, they'll be arrested. Stop doing business with them.

Actually start a cyber war in Russia... Use Putin's methods against him...

Putin's main aim is to stay in power... Weaken his power base, flood Russian Media with anti-Putin stories (don't even have to be lies, the guy is corrupt to the core)...

Then go after all the money... Strengthen the Magnitsky Act... Ask Bill Bowder what to do there...

Get one of the big networks to make Red Notice (the movie or TV mini)...

Then figure how to get Europe off using Russia as a power source... Putin is heavily linked to gas and oil revenues, a 20% reduction would cause hell for him..

Go for Putin... Befriend the Russian People... Get them to get rid of Putin... When the heat get too high just offer him a deal to get out and then control the shift of power... Do that properly (and it is not without risk) you take the biggest bad actor off the stage and Russia and its block countries can start to progress...

The EU is vital in this... Putin hates the EU more than any other Organisation in the world. The EU is next door and they are rich and happy... Neighbouring countries like the Ukraine are want this too... They are looking to join the EU and reject Putin's thug ways... As those countries fall then the pressure mounts on Putin...

This involves chess, US allies are on board for this... No shots need to be fired...
This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

First Trump denies it's happening ("Fake News"), and says he wasn't told because the "intel wasn't verified".

Now that it's been proven that (a) it's happening; (b) Trump was told; and (c) so was everyone else in the world, Trump goes to Plan B - It happened under Obama.

And of course, the Gateway Pundit is your source:

And what do you want to do about it if it was happening?
Nuke Russia, cooter?

No, you idiot. Call them on their bullshit. Sanction their asses. Ban them from athletic events. Shame the hell out of them. Pen them up at home so that every time one of these asshats leaves Moscow, they'll be arrested. Stop doing business with them.

Umm, everything you mentioned is what we've been doing.
Please resume your normal activities of supporting the eradication of history, especially since you know very little about it; history, that is!

No you haven't. Trump announces sanctions, but never imposes them. He believes Putin over his own security agencies. Last but not least, he parrots Russian propaganda and lies.
Are you just a fucking brain dead moron, a congenital liar, or both?

My money is on both.

(this is where you piss and moan about the source proving you to by a lying POS)

Russia: Trump Has Sanctioned Us More in Three Years than Obama in Eight

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference on Tuesday that the Trump administration has made more sanctions decisions against Russia in three years than the Obama administration did in eight.

“I’ve lost count already, trying to sum up the number of decisions made by both the Obama and the Trump Administrations. The Trump Administration, by the way, has already long surpassed Obama’s by the sheer amount of persons and legal entities covered by these decisions,” said Lavrov, as quoted by Russia’s state-run Tass news agency.

Of course, Lavrov did not render this verdict in an approving manner. He grumbled that the United States has grown less interested in resolving international disputes through negotiations than Russia or China.

“Our American colleagues have basically long ago embarked on abandoning diplomacy as a method of conducting business at the international arena. Unless it is a very exotic diplomacy, comprised of primitive simple moves: a demand is put forth, and, unless the demand meets total capitulation, then sanctions are threatened, complete with an ultimatum terms, and, if there is again no capitulation, the US imposes those sanctions,” he complained.

This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

First Trump denies it's happening ("Fake News"), and says he wasn't told because the "intel wasn't verified".

Now that it's been proven that (a) it's happening; (b) Trump was told; and (c) so was everyone else in the world, Trump goes to Plan B - It happened under Obama.

And of course, the Gateway Pundit is your source:

No fuckwit, the source is left wing DailyBeast.

The OP quoted the Gateway Pundit.
And if you weren't such a lazy ass fuckwit and actually clicked on the link you would see the link to the DailyBeast in the article.

Does someone have to remind you to breathe?
This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

I always know from the title of the thread when it's a Gateway Pundit blogger bullshit piece.
Fake News.
Gateway Pundit is a beacon of truth. They expose the lying Jewish dominated mainstream media.

They're twisting an article first published by The Daily Beast. Or did you bother to drill down that far?
here's what we do know
Iran had a bounty on U.S. Troops in 2010 obama cowered
Iran captured the USS Anzio in 2016 obama cowered
obama gave Iran a planeload of money and he cowered to our enemy.
This would explain Obama's "Tell him (Putin) I'll have more flexibility after the election" comment to Medvedev on March 26, 2012.

First Trump denies it's happening ("Fake News"), and says he wasn't told because the "intel wasn't verified".

Now that it's been proven that (a) it's happening; (b) Trump was told; and (c) so was everyone else in the world, Trump goes to Plan B - It happened under Obama.

And of course, the Gateway Pundit is your source:

And what do you want to do about it if it was happening?
Nuke Russia, cooter?

No, you idiot. Call them on their bullshit. Sanction their asses. Ban them from athletic events. Shame the hell out of them. Pen them up at home so that every time one of these asshats leaves Moscow, they'll be arrested. Stop doing business with them.

Umm, everything you mentioned is what we've been doing.
Please resume your normal activities of supporting the eradication of history, especially since you know very little about it; history, that is!

No you haven't. Trump announces sanctions, but never imposes them. He believes Putin over his own security agencies. Last but not least, he parrots Russian propaganda and lies.
Are you just a fucking brain dead moron, a congenital liar, or both?

My money is on both.

(this is where you piss and moan about the source proving you to by a lying POS)

Russia: Trump Has Sanctioned Us More in Three Years than Obama in Eight

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said at a press conference on Tuesday that the Trump administration has made more sanctions decisions against Russia in three years than the Obama administration did in eight.

“I’ve lost count already, trying to sum up the number of decisions made by both the Obama and the Trump Administrations. The Trump Administration, by the way, has already long surpassed Obama’s by the sheer amount of persons and legal entities covered by these decisions,” said Lavrov, as quoted by Russia’s state-run Tass news agency.

Of course, Lavrov did not render this verdict in an approving manner. He grumbled that the United States has grown less interested in resolving international disputes through negotiations than Russia or China.

“Our American colleagues have basically long ago embarked on abandoning diplomacy as a method of conducting business at the international arena. Unless it is a very exotic diplomacy, comprised of primitive simple moves: a demand is put forth, and, unless the demand meets total capitulation, then sanctions are threatened, complete with an ultimatum terms, and, if there is again no capitulation, the US imposes those sanctions,” he complained.

She lives under a rock.
And has poor hygiene and hairy armpits.

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