Revealed: Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks

Revealed: Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks

Connor Parker

Thu, November 11, 2021, 2:05 PM·3 min read

More than 2,500 fully vaccinated over 50s have died from COVID-19 in the past month in England, new data shows.

In a report published by the UK Health Security Agency analysis revealed 2,683 fully vaccinated over 50s have died within 28 days of positive COVID test in the last four weeks.

Don't worry lab rats. The rushed vaccines that are being tested and pushed by espn, Hollywood and cnn types on the public lab rats are really really safe. Not for the dogs they are pissed they are being tested on, but on the public.


The Joe Rogans are morons. Just ask espn types.
And millions who got "the jab" haven't been infected, coward. "Lab rats"? What do you call people who haven't got the vaccine & are playing Russian Roulette with a deadly virus, moron? How's gullible, low I.Q. drama queens for starters?

I don't hear you MAGA hat wearing assclowns slamming your orange god for getting the vaxx, shit for brains.
Revealed: Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks

Connor Parker

Thu, November 11, 2021, 2:05 PM·3 min read

More than 2,500 fully vaccinated over 50s have died from COVID-19 in the past month in England, new data shows.

In a report published by the UK Health Security Agency analysis revealed 2,683 fully vaccinated over 50s have died within 28 days of positive COVID test in the last four weeks.

Don't worry lab rats. The rushed vaccines that are being tested and pushed by espn, Hollywood and cnn types on the public lab rats are really really safe. Not for the dogs they are pissed they are being tested on, but on the public.


The Joe Rogans are morons. Just ask espn types.
Before the vaccine it was tens of thousands every few weeks.

This....In a report published by the UK Health Security Agency analysis revealed 2,683 fully vaccinated over 50s have died within 28 days of positive COVID test in the last four weeks.

does not equal

Died of COVID
When people see what's happening on the ground you can't fool them anymore. IT is what it is.

And what it is here in Michigan is this: near 70% vax rate in my county yet cases exploding. I am a teacher so imagine how many of my coworkers are double vaxxed. Right, like everyone. Four that I know of for sure, double vaxxed, very ill with Covid. So people see that and what do they conclude? Right.
.....Did I not just explained that your numbers are bullshit and that using total population statistic makes no fucking sense? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you LIKE misinforming people?



I don't know what part of that simple fact, which I've just carefully explained you don't fucking get.

It's happening alll over the world. The shots destroy the immune system. A simple cold will eventually take someone out as more booster shots are injected. Sad.
When people see what's happening on the ground you can't fool them anymore. IT is what it is.

And what it is here in Michigan is this: near 70% vax rate in my county yet cases exploding. I am a teacher so imagine how many of my coworkers are double vaxxed. Right, like everyone. Four that I know of for sure, double vaxxed, very ill with Covid. So people see that and what do they conclude? Right.

They can only keep up the lies and deception for so long. Eventually, the truth comes out.

(New Normal) Winter is Coming​

"Winter is coming … and you know what that means.

That’s right, it’s nearly time once again for the global-capitalist ruling classes to whip the New Normal masses into a state of mindless mass hysteria over an imaginary apocalyptic virus. the same imaginary apocalyptic virus that they have whipped the New Normal masses into a state of mass hysteria over throughout the Winter for the last two years. . . . "


". . . Or … all right, sure, the most brainwashed would, but they represent a small minority. Most New Normals are not fanatical totalitarians. They’re just people looking out for themselves, people who will go along with almost anything to avoid being ostracized and punished. But, believe it or not, there is a limit to the level of absurdity they’re prepared to accept, and the level and duration of relentless stress and cognitive dissonance they are prepared to accept.

Most of them have reached that limit. They have done their part, followed orders, worn the masks, got the “vaccinations,” and are happy to present their “obedience papers” to anyone who demands to see them. Now, they want to go back to “normal.” But they can’t, because … well, because of us.

See, GloboCap can’t let them return to “normal” (i.e., the new totalitarian version of “normal”) until everyone (i.e., everyone who matters) has submitted to being “vaccinated” and is walking around with a scanable certificate of ideological conformity in their smartphones. They would probably even waive the “vaccination” requirement if we would just bend the knee and pledge our allegiance to the WEF, or BlackRock, or Vanguard, or whoever, and carry around a QR code confirming that we believe in “Science,” the “Covidian Creed,” and whatever other ecumenical corporatist dogma.

Seriously, the point of this entire exercise (or at least this phase of this entire exercise) is to radically, irrevocably, transform society into a monolithic corporate campus where everyone has to scan their IDs at every turn of an endless maze of perpetually monitored, eco-friendly, gender-fluid, ideologically uniform, non-smoking, totally meat-free “safe spaces” owned and operated by GloboCap, or one of its agents, subsidiaries, and assigns.

The global-capitalist ruling classes are determined to transform the planet into this fascistic Woke Utopia and enforce unwavering conformity to its valueless values, no matter the cost, and we, “the Unvaccinated,” are standing in their way.. . . "

^ Balls-deep brilliant.
It's happening alll over the world. The shots destroy the immune system. A simple cold will eventually take someone out as more booster shots are injected. Sad.
Idiots like you, who are spreading crazy, counterfactual lies about vaccines are the sad ones.

Get your head out of your ass.
Revealed: Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks

Connor Parker

Thu, November 11, 2021, 2:05 PM·3 min read

More than 2,500 fully vaccinated over 50s have died from COVID-19 in the past month in England, new data shows.

In a report published by the UK Health Security Agency analysis revealed 2,683 fully vaccinated over 50s have died within 28 days of positive COVID test in the last four weeks.

Don't worry lab rats. The rushed vaccines that are being tested and pushed by espn, Hollywood and cnn types on the public lab rats are really really safe. Not for the dogs they are pissed they are being tested on, but on the public.


The Joe Rogans are morons. Just ask espn types.

You, nor I are going to convince them that these injections are dangerous. It's easier to fool someone than it is to convince someone that they have been fooled.
Go ahead and be their LAB RATS..........your choice.......Order me to do it.

I'll shove that damned needle up your ass.............maybe not. Leftist enjoy that crap.

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.....Did I not just explained that your numbers are bullshit and that using total population statistic makes no fucking sense? What the hell is wrong with you? Do you LIKE misinforming people?



I don't know what part of that simple fact, which I've just carefully explained you don't fucking get.

You are missing a very important point.
Which is time.
How long does mRNA injection do any good?
Normal vaccine immunity is around 30 years or so, (shorter with pertussis and tetanus).
But it is the opinion of MOST experts, that mRNA injections do not confer ANY long term immunity, T-cell, memory.

How can an mRNA injection produce any immunity at all, when they do not contain any virus that you want the immune system to trigger on?
It does cause your own cells to start sprouting spike proteins, but you immune system can NOT be trained to trigger on spike proteins.
That is because our own exosome already have to use spike proteins in order to access the ACE2 receptors in our own cells.

So then what good does the mRNA injections do that cause the slight improved stats?
The mRNA injections do temporarily stimulate antibody production.
This can last as much as 6 months, and will help prevent the worst symptoms.
But it does not prevent infection or spread, and is not immunity in any way.
You are missing a very important point.
Which is time.
How long does mRNA injection do any good?
Normal vaccine immunity is around 30 years or so, (shorter with pertussis and tetanus).
But it is the opinion of MOST experts, that mRNA injections do not confer ANY long term immunity, T-cell, memory.

How can an mRNA injection produce any immunity at all, when they do not contain any virus that you want the immune system to trigger on?
It does cause your own cells to start sprouting spike proteins, but you immune system can NOT be trained to trigger on spike proteins.
That is because our own exosome already have to use spike proteins in order to access the ACE2 receptors in our own cells.

So then what good does the mRNA injections do that cause the slight improved stats?
The mRNA injections do temporarily stimulate antibody production.
This can last as much as 6 months, and will help prevent the worst symptoms.
But it does not prevent infection or spread, and is not immunity in any way.
Damn someone finally gets it right.

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