Revealed: Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died from COVID in the last 4 weeks

I have seen some information I consider a bit kooky, but, it has been documented by several different completely disparate and independent sources. They are unrelated to each other, and they back up what each other say.

Some of these "vaccine," makers, did indeed get research money from DARPA, I did a fact check on that, it was confirmed by a former congress woman and candidate for president. . .

I would tell what this research from these scientists are, but I don't want to alarm folks. Let's just say, the head of the New Normal agenda, had once openly admitted to wanting to hook humans up to the smart grid itself. It is something called the "Transhumanist" agenda.

I am still, a bit skeptical, but I have seen the research, and heard the utterances. It is so hard not to believe after all the crazy shit I have uncovered in my education and research.

". . Even if you lose everything, the only thing you have left is your independent thinking. If you want to have total power, you need to restrain external conditions and thoughts. It's here the transhuman agenda comes in. . . "

Humans would be no more than a biological, synthetic/digital computer terminal. Transhumanism is the technological means to connect the body/mind to artificial intelligence.

If people don't wake up, we will become synthetic no-sex non-human connected to A.I. All along, the plan has been to attach the human mind to the "A.I. cloud."

Stage one of the A.I. takeover is to get people addicted to smartphones and tablets


Interesting. Last I checked, the technological singularly was predicted for sometime in the 2030s-2040s. Of course, many smart people believe this is a simulation to begin with. Or, more accurately, a simulation within a simulation x infinitum.
And millions who got "the jab" haven't been infected, coward. "Lab rats"? What do you call people who haven't got the vaccine & are playing Russian Roulette with a deadly virus, moron? How's gullible, low I.Q. drama queens for starters?

I don't hear you MAGA hat wearing assclowns slamming your orange god for getting the vaxx, shit for brains.

You accused others of having low IQs and followed that up with but but but Trump got the vaccine.
You are missing a very important point.
Which is time.
How long does mRNA injection do any good?
Normal vaccine immunity is around 30 years or so, (shorter with pertussis and tetanus).
But it is the opinion of MOST experts, that mRNA injections do not confer ANY long term immunity, T-cell, memory.

How can an mRNA injection produce any immunity at all, when they do not contain any virus that you want the immune system to trigger on?
It does cause your own cells to start sprouting spike proteins, but you immune system can NOT be trained to trigger on spike proteins.
That is because our own exosome already have to use spike proteins in order to access the ACE2 receptors in our own cells.

So then what good does the mRNA injections do that cause the slight improved stats?
The mRNA injections do temporarily stimulate antibody production.
This can last as much as 6 months, and will help prevent the worst symptoms.
But it does not prevent infection or spread, and is not immunity in any way.

Well, here comes cray cray Rigby with his insane bullshit again.

What you've just claimed is in direct contradiction if facts. Influenza vaccine is seasonal, Vaccinated people IN FACT show Covid-19 antibody response and in fact we're 95%+ less likely to end up in a hospital compared to control group in medical studies.
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When people see what's happening on the ground you can't fool them anymore. IT is what it is.

And what it is here in Michigan is this: near 70% vax rate in my county yet cases exploding. I am a teacher so imagine how many of my coworkers are double vaxxed. Right, like everyone. Four that I know of for sure, double vaxxed, very ill with Covid. So people see that and what do they conclude? Right.
Because vaccine does not prevent all transmission and they abandoned their prior strict Covid tracking and prevention protocols.

Their daily death rate is about 14 people out of 6 million population.
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Regardless of skewed “facts” from England or wherever, IN THIS country well over 90% of those getting seriously sick and dying are unvaccinated

And sadly,cynically, most of those talking down the vaccination HAVE been vaccinated
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yanno what really worries me Mr every 'smart' piece of technology is smarter than i am......and usually has a way to tell me so......
I hear ya.

Looking into it, what scares me, is when the time comes in the future when they merge you with these technologies, and you won't know when it is an idea of a smart device. . . or one of your ideas. . . :ack-1:

At that point, the controllers of the cloud won't have to worry about free thinkers getting together and making discussion forums and posting threads like these . . .
Interesting. Last I checked, the technological singularly was predicted for sometime in the 2030s-2040s. Of course, many smart people believe this is a simulation to begin with. Or, more accurately, a simulation within a simulation x infinitum.

assimilate all the things.jpg
And millions who got "the jab" haven't been infected, coward. "Lab rats"? What do you call people who haven't got the vaccine & are playing Russian Roulette with a deadly virus, moron? How's gullible, low I.Q. drama queens for starters?

I don't hear you MAGA hat wearing assclowns slamming your orange god for getting the vaxx, shit for brains.
millions of unvaccinated aren't infected or dying. so what's your point?
It's happening alll over the world. The shots destroy the immune system. A simple cold will eventually take someone out as more booster shots are injected. Sad.
Can you explain how the covid shots destroy our immune system? What is the scientific process that occurs to do that...?
Unvaccinated people are at a far greater risk

Most un-jabbed folks would rather die, than live in this global totalitarian police state that the transhumanist technocratic oligarchs are constructing. . .

. . . for it will be a place of horror, slavery and misery.


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