
Revelations are self debunking not only by their content, but by the way they're written.
Belgian priest, Fr. Georges Lemaitre. Lemaitre trained as a Jesuit priest came up with the Big Bang Theory years before Einstein.

Einstein did not come up with anything original despite the hype. Sorry neocon idiot zionists!

What are you talking about? Who then came up with the theory of relativity then?

As for Einstein, he is human just as we are. In fact, he gave into scientific peer pressure that caused him to forsake science and the truth.

In 1917, Albert Einstein inserted a term called the cosmological constant into his theory of general relativity to force the equations to predict a stationary universe in keeping with physicists' thinking at the time. When it became clear that the universe wasn't actually static, but was expanding instead, Einstein abandoned the constant, calling it the '"biggest blunder" of his life.

He later called it the biggest blunder of his career. That's what happens when people feel they have been given a revelation about something but are afraid to share it because it might cause people to think ill of you.
From the book "Genesis and the Big Bang" by Gerald Schroeder.

"When the writers of the Cosmos series claimed that without the modern equipment available to those involved in cosmic research we would not suspect that the universe is expanding, that we would have no inkling that the universe probably expanded from a primordial state of high density, that is, we would not have discovered the phenomena of the Big Bang -- they were, of course, correct. Discovering the phenomena related to the original Big Bang required sophisticated radio waves and optical telescopes and all technology related to high-energy particle accelerators. These became available only in the last 50 years or so.

Now consider the writings of Nahmanide who lived from 1194 to 1270 C. E.

He writes, "At the briefest instant following creation all the matter of the universe was concentrated in a very small place, no larger than a grain of mustard. The matter at this time was so thin, so intangible, that it did not have real substance. It did have, however, a potential to gain substance and form and to become tangible matter. From the initial concentration of this intangible substance in its minute location, the substance expanded, expanding the universe as it did so. As the expansion progressed, a change in the substance occurred. This initially thin noncorporeal substance took on the tangible aspects of matter as we know it. From this initial act of creation, from this ethereally thin pseudosubstance, everything that has existed, or will ever exist, was, is, and will be formed."

So did God give him a revelation or was it just a really lucky guess?

Neither.....he was an extremely intelligent man with the ability to calculate and extrapolate.

What he extrapolated from was Genesis. God said we should be able to understand the creation of all of this by reading Genesis. Nahmanide proved it. All these theories and laws, and dimensions scientists are discovering, are the laws God used TO create.
It takes 6 dimensions to appear out of seemingly nowhere, like Christ did in His glorified body. Hawking just found it.
Revelations are self debunking not only by their content, but by the way they're written.

You have 0 understanding of the Book. I know that by the "s" you put on the end of the word. Although the end time prophesies in Revelation are dead on, as are the ones from Daniel, and other prophets, the Book is the revealing of one thing. The revealing of Christ. That is the singular big reveal. The rest is just setting the stage.

There is a blessing attached to Revelation. I believe the blessing is understanding what we are seeing come to fruition in our time. A world government, beheadings, Israel..You can watch Revelation unfold on the nightly news.
From the book "Genesis and the Big Bang" by Gerald Schroeder.

"When the writers of the Cosmos series claimed that without the modern equipment available to those involved in cosmic research we would not suspect that the universe is expanding, that we would have no inkling that the universe probably expanded from a primordial state of high density, that is, we would not have discovered the phenomena of the Big Bang -- they were, of course, correct. Discovering the phenomena related to the original Big Bang required sophisticated radio waves and optical telescopes and all technology related to high-energy particle accelerators. These became available only in the last 50 years or so.

Now consider the writings of Nahmanide who lived from 1194 to 1270 C. E.

He writes, "At the briefest instant following creation all the matter of the universe was concentrated in a very small place, no larger than a grain of mustard. The matter at this time was so thin, so intangible, that it did not have real substance. It did have, however, a potential to gain substance and form and to become tangible matter. From the initial concentration of this intangible substance in its minute location, the substance expanded, expanding the universe as it did so. As the expansion progressed, a change in the substance occurred. This initially thin noncorporeal substance took on the tangible aspects of matter as we know it. From this initial act of creation, from this ethereally thin pseudosubstance, everything that has existed, or will ever exist, was, is, and will be formed."

So did God give him a revelation or was it just a really lucky guess?

Learn and read the first 10 verses of the Torah in Hebrew word by word, phrase by phrase, sentence by sentence, and that's what you come up with.
You can't surmise this from the King James Version.
Maimonides (1135-1234), wrote in his book "The Guide for the Perplexed", that Adam coexisted with animals that appeared as humans in shape and also in intelligence but lacked the "image" that makes man uniquely different from other animals, being as the image of God.

He states that Adam only became human once God breathed "neshamah" into him, or spirit.

How could Maimonides come to such a conclusion, especially since it was not yet known that Homosapiens roamed the earth for some 300,000 years before Adam walked the earth?

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