Revenge Needed in the Justice System? Part I


We try that as well, and the people here dont seem to like it. How many times are people given rehab as a punishment instead of jail the first - thrid times they are caught with drugs?

Rehab is just not for rich people, there are plenty of court mandated programs out there.

We cannot compare our system to Europe.

Horseshit. Poor people usualy end up in prison on the first offense. Heck, there are people in prison because they won't rat out their boyfriends.

Again, the problem is, someone has figured out how to make money on prisons. It's the ultimate in Corporate Welfare. The taxpayers pay a bundle building the prisons, and big corporations make money off the cheap labor and services.

The problem is that we let the rich keep too much of their money and have too much influence in politics.

My brother is a DA, and someone regardless of social status is not going to jail the first time they get caught with a joint in thier pocket. The only time you get prison for the 1st offense is major trafficking, or there was a violent crime attached to said joint in the pocket.

and here we go with the communist rant, it all relates back to that doesnt it?
The only people who get actually get locked up for pot nowadays are those trafficking in it or selling it.
They are drug dealers, pure and simple, and thus not what I would call a "nothing" crime.

The whole war on drugs is an absolute absurdity, and the kind of big-government horseshit that "conservatives" should be against on principle.

It is a nothing crime. And drug offenses make up half the prison population.

But again, the goal is to create a powerless workforce that can be easily exploited, not actually doing the business of justice.

That makes your earlier statements bogus though.

The problem is not the prison system or that we need to change the way that we prosecute crime, you hit the real problem on the head with this post. We are prosecuting things that are not crimes, drug offenses being chief among those. We should end this silly war as soon as possible.
Actually the goal is to prevent some junkie from boosting my car stereo when he needs his fix.

We can scale back the drug war, but certain drugs need to remain illegal. Either that or the users have to agree to be placed in some isolated area and do the crap until they are dead.

Actually, we should do what the Europeans do. Treat drug addiction like a medical problem. Instead of locking up that junkie, we need to treat him.

Oh,wait. That's not the "conservative" way.

If you are a rich Junkie like Rush Limbaugh, or Cindy McCain, you get rehab and sweetheart deals from the courts.

If you are a poor junkie, you get prison time.

I don't know which I like more.....your campaigning for druggies or commies.....

Here is my solution to the drug problem:

1. Confiscation of drugs via police action.....

2. Adulteration of the drugs with a chemical which, over time, turns the skin green.

3. Recirculation....sell the drugs via undercover agents....the sale would support the program so drug users, rather than taxpayers, support it.

4. Arrest the green people.
Problem solved.

I may have to run the idea through the NAAGP....

Maybe you should replace your AVI from Supergirl to The Joker. Besides the fact that no such chemical exists, it sounds a bit inhumane.

I frankly have to ask, do you think it's right that some poor kid who smoke crack gets 10 years in prison, and Rush LImbaugh gets a pass?

Incidently, as much as I detest Limbaugh as a human being, I saw no justice in sending him to prison for his addiction.

And there's no justice in sending a kid from the ghetto there, either.

We try that as well, and the people here dont seem to like it. How many times are people given rehab as a punishment instead of jail the first - thrid times they are caught with drugs?

Rehab is just not for rich people, there are plenty of court mandated programs out there.

We cannot compare our system to Europe.

Horseshit. Poor people usualy end up in prison on the first offense. Heck, there are people in prison because they won't rat out their boyfriends.

Again, the problem is, someone has figured out how to make money on prisons. It's the ultimate in Corporate Welfare. The taxpayers pay a bundle building the prisons, and big corporations make money off the cheap labor and services.

The problem is that we let the rich keep too much of their money and have too much influence in politics.

My brother is a DA, and someone regardless of social status is not going to jail the first time they get caught with a joint in thier pocket. The only time you get prison for the 1st offense is major trafficking, or there was a violent crime attached to said joint in the pocket.

and here we go with the communist rant, it all relates back to that doesnt it?

Yawn. Yup, if you think the rich exploit the poor, you must be a communist.

Same question. Why didn't LImbaugh go to prison for his drug crimes, but a lot of poor kids did?
Horseshit. Poor people usualy end up in prison on the first offense. Heck, there are people in prison because they won't rat out their boyfriends.

Again, the problem is, someone has figured out how to make money on prisons. It's the ultimate in Corporate Welfare. The taxpayers pay a bundle building the prisons, and big corporations make money off the cheap labor and services.

The problem is that we let the rich keep too much of their money and have too much influence in politics.

My brother is a DA, and someone regardless of social status is not going to jail the first time they get caught with a joint in thier pocket. The only time you get prison for the 1st offense is major trafficking, or there was a violent crime attached to said joint in the pocket.

and here we go with the communist rant, it all relates back to that doesnt it?

Yawn. Yup, if you think the rich exploit the poor, you must be a communist.

Same question. Why didn't LImbaugh go to prison for his drug crimes, but a lot of poor kids did?

If Limbaugh should go to prison for doctor shopping,....

....does that mean you believe that Holder should go to prison for judge shopping?

"Holder DOJ Went Judge Shopping to Three Different Judges Armed With Criminal Warrants for James Rosen"
Breaking: Holder DOJ Went Judge Shopping to Three Different Judges Armed With Criminal Warrants for James Rosen | The Gateway Pundit

...and, which hurt America more?
My brother is a DA, and someone regardless of social status is not going to jail the first time they get caught with a joint in thier pocket. The only time you get prison for the 1st offense is major trafficking, or there was a violent crime attached to said joint in the pocket.

and here we go with the communist rant, it all relates back to that doesnt it?

Yawn. Yup, if you think the rich exploit the poor, you must be a communist.

Same question. Why didn't LImbaugh go to prison for his drug crimes, but a lot of poor kids did?

If Limbaugh should go to prison for doctor shopping,....

....does that mean you believe that Holder should go to prison for judge shopping?

...and, which hurt America more?

Why are you trying to change the subject?

As far as America, I could give a fuck about either.

But here's the thing. Limbaugh abused drugs. After years and years of calling drug addicts all sorts of horrible names, including Kurt Cobain after his death, the fat hypocrite became an addict himself, and apparently gained no interspection.

As for Holder, he did EXACTLY what Congress told him to do. Find the source of that leak.

Not seeing what your problem here is, other than "the Black Guy Did It".
Yawn. Yup, if you think the rich exploit the poor, you must be a communist.

Same question. Why didn't LImbaugh go to prison for his drug crimes, but a lot of poor kids did?

If Limbaugh should go to prison for doctor shopping,....

....does that mean you believe that Holder should go to prison for judge shopping?

...and, which hurt America more?

Why are you trying to change the subject?

As far as America, I could give a fuck about either.

But here's the thing. Limbaugh abused drugs. After years and years of calling drug addicts all sorts of horrible names, including Kurt Cobain after his death, the fat hypocrite became an addict himself, and apparently gained no interspection.

As for Holder, he did EXACTLY what Congress told him to do. Find the source of that leak.

Not seeing what your problem here is, other than "the Black Guy Did It".

1. "Why are you trying to change the subject?"

Who was the dope who brought up Limbaugh? did.
So...that was the subject, wasn't it.

2. "...Limbaugh abused drugs. After years and years of calling drug addicts all sorts of horrible names, including Kurt Cobain after his death, the fat hypocrite became an addict himself, and apparently gained no interspection (sic)."

So....hypocrisy is the subject?


What could be more hypocritical than the chief of the Department of Justice lying, and refusing to enforce laws unless the victim belonged to a 'protected' class?

Holder is pretty much the personification of hypocrisy.
Glad you brought it up.

3. "Not seeing what your problem here is, other than "the Black Guy Did It".

Shocking! Erroneous Joe now has a new incarnation …race card croupier…

You don't really believe that that charge frightened you?
If so, you show worse judgment that Rudolph Hess parachuting into Scotland.

1. "Why are you trying to change the subject?"

Who was the dope who brought up Limbaugh? did.
So...that was the subject, wasn't it.

The subject was how we should punish people instead of trying to reform them. Unless you want to carve an exception out fat radio hosts.

Limbaugh illegally acquired drugs to get high. Why does he get a lesser sentence than the crackhead on the corner?

2. "...Limbaugh abused drugs. After years and years of calling drug addicts all sorts of horrible names, including Kurt Cobain after his death, the fat hypocrite became an addict himself, and apparently gained no interspection (sic)."

So....hypocrisy is the subject?


What could be more hypocritical than the chief of the Department of Justice lying, and refusing to enforce laws unless the victim belonged to a 'protected' class?

Holder is pretty much the personification of hypocrisy.
Glad you brought it up.

I don't did anything wrong. Why are you even defending Fox News. They put American intelligence assets in danger and weakened national security. Or that would be your story if it was Bush and Ashcroft tapping phone lines of reporters to find out who exposed a security source. But the black guy did it.

3. "Not seeing what your problem here is, other than "the Black Guy Did It".

Shocking! Erroneous Joe now has a new incarnation …race card croupier…

You don't really believe that that charge frightened you?
If so, you show worse judgment that Rudolph Hess parachuting into Scotland.

No, I think you are WAAAAAAYYYYY to stupid and deluded too figure out what a dupe you are.

If you ain't making 7 figures, they don't give a fuck about you or your concerns, really.
No I disagree. Justice means a Fair Trial.

Vengeance is running the Guilty through a Wood Chipper, which I have no problem doing in some cases.

I think where people go wrong is that they confuse "Justice", "Punishment", Law and Order" and "Torture" and mix them all up.

There's a reason that the Trial and Sentencing phases are separated.

The whole idea of a criminal legal system is to remove the criminal act from being against a person to being against the people as a whole. That is why criminal prosecution is State v. criminal not Victim v. criminal.

That being said, the system only works if the victims or victim's relatives in the case of death are satisfied that "justice" is done. Punishment will always include a portion of vengence as the people hurt by the criminal need to accept that the punishment meted out to the criminal meets thier need for closure.

If the victims side is not adequately placated on a consistent basis, then you get the possibility of vigilante justice.

1. "The whole idea of a criminal legal system is to remove the criminal act from being against a person to being against the people as a whole."

Actually, Prosecutor Hogan, one of the panelists, says quite the opposite.

She claims that she is the voice of the injured individual, and she is the one who suggested that statutes stand in the way of allowing her to bring the system closer to the wishes of the victim.

2. "If the victims side is not adequately placated on a consistent basis, then you get the possibility of vigilante justice."

Lot of truth there.

The system is too criminal-centered, and should be more victim-centered.

She can claim anything she wants, doesn't make it true.

A prosecutor represents the state. The real victim in a murder case is the murdered person, not friends and family. These people need to use civil courts and get the heck out of the criminal courts.
He is the author of The Myth of Moral Justice: Why Our Legal System Fails to Do What’s Right (Harper Collins 2004), which was selected by the San Francisco Chronicle as one of the Best Books of 2004. His most recent book is an anthology entitled, Law Lit, From Atticus Finch to "The Practice": A Collection of Great Writing About the Law (The New Press 2007).
Thane Rosenbaum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


fails to do what is right? fucking religious assholes

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