Review: VICE; Dick Cheney


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
I have been toying with watching this film or not, knowing full well it was going to be bias.
Last night we decided to watch it.
If you would like to see a film to see how far out there Hollywood will go to portray Republicans as evil bastards - this is it.
Holy Cow. It is hilarious.
The message of the film is basically - anything you can think of that is wrong with America since the late 1960's... anything... Dick Cheney is the cause, or at the very least a major player.
They very quickly skip over the fact that the actual majority of those years Cheney wasn't even in Washington, or was a very-very low level staffer.
Forget that... they build a story that even when he was a nobody, he was at the root of everything.
That. Is not how Washington works.
The once he became the VP - he was essentially the King of America. He had absolute authority over everything that happened for those 8 years. Congress/Senate/SCOTUS.... they essentially were p[owerless against his supremacy.
Just flat out hilarious.
Two things I know about Dick Cheney:

1. He's the only one who knows the location of the secret Halliburton Weather Machine, that caused Hurricane Katrina.

2. Don't go bird-hunting with him. He'll shoot you in the face.
I heard that he likes to dress up in a Darth Vader outfit to watch Star Wars.
Dick Cheney was certainly no beacon of virtue, and was corrupt.
I would never say anything other than that.
However... to show that he caused the mortgage crises is downright hilarious. As if magically the build up of the crises occurred in just a few years.
It is also funny how they gloss over Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter. As if their Presidencies didn't even happen.
Who knew that Cheney completely orchestrated the Iraq war, they only show a 2 second clip of Hillary Clinton supporting it. As if King Cheney did it all and the two houses and all foreign governments went along with it because they couldn't resist his will and superior power...all groveled at his feet hoping to please him. HAHAHA

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