Reviewing or Rewriting Biden's History


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
When Joe Biden stepped down from the VP suite it did not appear that he had any further political aspirations. He was old, tired, and wanted to capitalize (cash in) on his ex officio status. And the record shows that he did just that. A book deal, ginormous speaking fees, and so on.

But his beloved Democrat Party had a problem. It had accumulated a large group of Presidential aspirants, and they were all terrible candidates for national office. None of them had a snowball's chance in hell of beating The Donald in 2020. Each had a few things that could be said in their behalf, but one or more huge flaws or drawbacks that nullified their positives. Not that being a hoe-moe-sexual is a disqualification, mind you.

So they "drafted" Uncle Joe. Only he or Al Gore would have any chance of winning in 2020, and Gore rejected them out of hand. He was at first reluctant, but they prevailed on him because they were desperate, and they reminded him of how desperately he wanted to be President in so many elections past. Finally, his vanity won out, and he told them that he would "run" for President, albeit at a very relaxed pace. And he's doing just that.

Should he win this election, it will be the "Sleepy Joe" that Trump has derisively called him from Day One. He will merely be keeping the seat warm for Kammy for a few months or years.

Neither he nor the Democrats expect him to serve out even a single four-year term.

These revelations of the past few weeks may push him into a quick abdication. The Media do us no favors by trying to pretend that they don't exist or are a "Russian disinformation campaign."

This scenario also supports the machinations made by his son to enrich the bastard over the few coming years, surreptitiously.
When Joe Biden stepped down from the VP suite it did not appear that he had any further political aspirations. He was old, tired, and wanted to capitalize (cash in) on his ex officio status. And the record shows that he did just that. A book deal, ginormous speaking fees, and so on.

But his beloved Democrat Party had a problem. It had accumulated a large group of Presidential aspirants, and they were all terrible candidates for national office. None of them had a snowball's chance in hell of beating The Donald in 2020. Each had a few things that could be said in their behalf, but one or more huge flaws or drawbacks that nullified their positives. Not that being a hoe-moe-sexual is a disqualification, mind you.

So they "drafted" Uncle Joe. Only he or Al Gore would have any chance of winning in 2020, and Gore rejected them out of hand. He was at first reluctant, but they prevailed on him because they were desperate, and they reminded him of how desperately he wanted to be President in so many elections past. Finally, his vanity won out, and he told them that he would "run" for President, albeit at a very relaxed pace. And he's doing just that.

Should he win this election, it will be the "Sleepy Joe" that Trump has derisively called him from Day One. He will merely be keeping the seat warm for Kammy for a few months or years.

Neither he nor the Democrats expect him to serve out even a single four-year term.

These revelations of the past few weeks may push him into a quick abdication. The Media do us no favors by trying to pretend that they don't exist or are a "Russian disinformation campaign."

This scenario also supports the machinations made by his son to enrich the bastard over the few coming years, surreptitiously.
What friggin BS. All Democrats expect Biden to serve out his term. What makes your post absolutely ludicrous is the continuous lie about Biden and his financial affairs.

What is not a lie is Trump’s secret Chinese bank account,the millions that the Chinese have spent in Trump properties since Trump has become president, the favors given by the Chinese to Trump family members, the tens of millions taxpayers have paid to Trump businesses, and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Save us anymore these lies about Biden.
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When Joe Biden stepped down from the VP suite it did not appear that he had any further political aspirations. He was old, tired, and wanted to capitalize (cash in) on his ex officio status. And the record shows that he did just that. A book deal, ginormous speaking fees, and so on.

But his beloved Democrat Party had a problem. It had accumulated a large group of Presidential aspirants, and they were all terrible candidates for national office. None of them had a snowball's chance in hell of beating The Donald in 2020. Each had a few things that could be said in their behalf, but one or more huge flaws or drawbacks that nullified their positives. Not that being a hoe-moe-sexual is a disqualification, mind you.

So they "drafted" Uncle Joe. Only he or Al Gore would have any chance of winning in 2020, and Gore rejected them out of hand. He was at first reluctant, but they prevailed on him because they were desperate, and they reminded him of how desperately he wanted to be President in so many elections past. Finally, his vanity won out, and he told them that he would "run" for President, albeit at a very relaxed pace. And he's doing just that.

Should he win this election, it will be the "Sleepy Joe" that Trump has derisively called him from Day One. He will merely be keeping the seat warm for Kammy for a few months or years.

Neither he nor the Democrats expect him to serve out even a single four-year term.

These revelations of the past few weeks may push him into a quick abdication. The Media do us no favors by trying to pretend that they don't exist or are a "Russian disinformation campaign."

This scenario also supports the machinations made by his son to enrich the bastard over the few coming years, surreptitiously.
What friggin BS. All Democrats expect Biden to serve out his term. What makes your post absolutely ludicrous is the continuous lie about Biden and his financial affairs.

What is not a lie is Trump’s secret Chinese bank account,the millions that the Chinese have spent in Trump properties since Trump has become president, the favors given by the Chinese to Trump family members, the tens of millions taxpayers have paid to Trump businesses, and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Save us anymore this stupidity about Biden.

C'mon.....Frackless Fingering Quid Pro Joe is as corrupt as they come and you know it.
C'mon.....Frackless Fingering Quid Pro Joe is as corrupt as they come and you know it.

We know with 100% certainty you're lying about that, because that's what the facts show. You can only fool your fellow cult morons.

And we know you push the stupid lies because you're a Useful Idiot for your authoritarian cult.
What friggin BS. All Democrats expect Biden to serve out his term. What makes your post absolutely ludicrous is the continuous lie about Biden and his financial affairs.

What is not a lie is Trump’s secret Chinese bank account,the millions that the Chinese have spent in Trump properties since Trump has become president, the favors given by the Chinese to Trump family members, the tens of millions taxpayers have paid to Trump businesses, and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Save us anymore these lies about Biden.

Comrade Traitor - nothing secret about the bank acount of the Trump corporation that pays the taxes on Trump Tower Shanghai.

Nothing secret, illegal, untoward, or relevant. The hate sites have put out hating points to use this as a red herring fallacy to distract from the massive Biden corruption.

And I get that you are in a total panic, as well you should be. The corruption of Biden dwarfs the Bernie Maddoff scandal. Quid Pro has spent 47 years selling America down the river to the highest bidder.

You have to lie, cheat, and steal to distract from the facts, Party media is covering it all up, but Fox isn't playing ball. No matter HOW hard you lie, the truth keeps getting out. Facetwat censored it and attacked freedom of the press to keep a lid on the laptop story, but nothing the little Goebbels do keeps the truth from finding it's way out.

If you can't lie this out into the cornfield, it will sink not only Xi's man, but the downstream Communists in the House.

Truth is your enemy, but you can't seem to stop it.
When Joe Biden stepped down from the VP suite it did not appear that he had any further political aspirations. He was old, tired, and wanted to capitalize (cash in) on his ex officio status. And the record shows that he did just that. A book deal, ginormous speaking fees, and so on.

But his beloved Democrat Party had a problem. It had accumulated a large group of Presidential aspirants, and they were all terrible candidates for national office. None of them had a snowball's chance in hell of beating The Donald in 2020. Each had a few things that could be said in their behalf, but one or more huge flaws or drawbacks that nullified their positives. Not that being a hoe-moe-sexual is a disqualification, mind you.

So they "drafted" Uncle Joe. Only he or Al Gore would have any chance of winning in 2020, and Gore rejected them out of hand. He was at first reluctant, but they prevailed on him because they were desperate, and they reminded him of how desperately he wanted to be President in so many elections past. Finally, his vanity won out, and he told them that he would "run" for President, albeit at a very relaxed pace. And he's doing just that.

Should he win this election, it will be the "Sleepy Joe" that Trump has derisively called him from Day One. He will merely be keeping the seat warm for Kammy for a few months or years.

Neither he nor the Democrats expect him to serve out even a single four-year term.

These revelations of the past few weeks may push him into a quick abdication. The Media do us no favors by trying to pretend that they don't exist or are a "Russian disinformation campaign."

This scenario also supports the machinations made by his son to enrich the bastard over the few coming years, surreptitiously.
What friggin BS. All Democrats expect Biden to serve out his term. What makes your post absolutely ludicrous is the continuous lie about Biden and his financial affairs.

What is not a lie is Trump’s secret Chinese bank account,the millions that the Chinese have spent in Trump properties since Trump has become president, the favors given by the Chinese to Trump family members, the tens of millions taxpayers have paid to Trump businesses, and that is only the tip of the iceberg. Save us anymore these lies about Biden.

President Trump never had "secret" Chinese bank accounts at all. A number of years ago, he had a Properly Reported account in Red China but it was closed a while back.

You may or may not realize it, but US citizens are required to make a treasury report to the Federal Government if they keep money in foreign banks.
We know with 100% certainty you're lying about that, because that's what the facts show. You can only fool your fellow cult morons.

And we know you push the stupid lies because you're a Useful Idiot for your authoritarian cult.

Facts are your greatest enemy, Herr Himmler.


Fox News obtained text messages from Tony Bobulinski, a retired lieutenant in the U.S. Navy, and the former CEO of SinoHawk Holdings, which he said was the partnership between the CEFC/ Chairman Ye and the two Biden family members.

The messages seem to indicate that a meeting took place, though it's unclear what the substance of the meeting may have been. They are unrelated to the laptop or hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden, the former vice president's son.

“Mrng plse let me knw if we will do early dinner w your Uncle & dad and where, also for document translation do you want it simple Chinese or traditional?” Bobulinski texted Hunter Biden on May 2, 2017.


Pathological democrats (redundant) are doing all they can to lie this away, but the story keeps growing despite the pathological lies that democrats tell.
As bad as this Biden corruption thing is, if the Democrats run the table on "November 3," it will all be forgotten forever within a few days.

The FBI and CIA have proven themselves to be totally compromised, and a powerless Republican faction in Congress will have no way of effectively keeping the investigations alive.

Anyone failing to see how feeble Joe Biden is, is being willfully blind.

And my theory on the reason for Biden's candidacy remains valid. The Democrats were desperate because they knew that no one in the Clown Car had any chance of beating Trump.

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