

Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
I have noticed that the topic of Revisionism seems to be extremely political(@ least to me). The very subject of Revisionism appears to me to revolve on a "sort of power struggle" between pro/anti warring factions. The anti revisionist seems to hold a defensive posture & then counters sharply when the pro revisionist goes on the attack with both trading hotly contested verbal blows until one gets the better of the other, with the one taking the most hits opening up the distance of engagement in an attempt to assess the overall situation before engaging again(endless!). These pro/anti Revision engagements remind me of the other pro/anti topics that are designed to "never end"(gun control/enviro/abortion etc). I have engaged in many of these pro/anti(established vs revised) engagements, Native American relocation(America's own holocaust), Constitution vs anti Constitution, European persecutions(religous wars like Jewish holocaust) & MANY more, Spanish/Peruvian nightmare, etc). I am generally on the "established historical side" in these contested debates & from my position in these debates I have noticed what I term as a common thread or abberation in the revisionists. The revisionists I have encountered seem "out to prove a point" predominantly. The revisionists seem to me to exhibit a STRONG NARCISSISTIC personality. This being my observation I also notice in revisionists that when they get trapped on the ropes they BECOME EXTREMELY EMOTIONAL which is a MAJOR symtom of narcissitic behavior in individuals, ESPECIALLY in individuals that have been diagnosed as NPD positive(Narcissistic Personality Disorder/exhibiting @ least 5 or more of the 9 symptoms of narcissism). Has anyone else noticed narcissistic symptoms in any debates with rivisionists??? I am NOT saying I am correct in by evaluation here, for I am simply asking if anyone else has noticed this type of personality traits when debating a revisionist?
We've been raising children in the west with no "rod", and constantly telegraphing to them that their emotions are always valid. We've moved more and more toward shielding them from the potentially upsetting revelations of being subjected to competitive atmospheres, eliminated the unsupervised playtime wherein kids used to learn how to negotiate disagreements with their peers, and basically rounded off all the sharp corners of the world to cushion them from any negative consequences whatsoever.

Now we've got adults moving into positions of power who have been shielded from adversity and treated like little perfect little princes and princesses all throughout their upbringing. Of COURSE you're observing symptoms of narcissism in people you're talking to about revisionism. Our culture has actively fed and encouraged narcissism in young people for some 30 years plus.
Revisionism? We grew up being taught revised history. What most people call revision is a correction to more accurately portray our history.
Revisionism? We grew up being taught revised history. What most people call revision is a correction to more accurately portray our history.

Not all historical revision is an attempt to set the record straight.

We've been raising children in the west with no "rod", and constantly telegraphing to them that their emotions are always valid. We've moved more and more toward shielding them from the potentially upsetting revelations of being subjected to competitive atmospheres, eliminated the unsupervised playtime wherein kids used to learn how to negotiate disagreements with their peers, and basically rounded off all the sharp corners of the world to cushion them from any negative consequences whatsoever.

Now we've got adults moving into positions of power who have been shielded from adversity and treated like little perfect little princes and princesses all throughout their upbringing. Of COURSE you're observing symptoms of narcissism in people you're talking to about revisionism. Our culture has actively fed and encouraged narcissism in young people for some 30 years plus
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