Revisionist History...America is not founded upon Christian values

So you like todays society?

Children killing each other over tennis shoes?
Children killing eachother because they are black or gay

Huge gangs killing each other and innocents
Gangs of KKK pulling people out of their beds and lynching them

Having to have bars on your windows and surveillance camera's
Having bricks thrown through your window because you were an upity black

Everyone cheating on one another
Hasn't changed

Companies ripping off the American people
Companies openly dumping toxic chemicals in our rivers and air

Children who can't trick or treat because of razor blades in their candy
Children who couldn't trick or treat if they went to the wrong neighborhood
Well I see that you do not understand the difference between bigoted,biased opinion and morals.
[ame=]YouTube - ‪Ancient Mystery School Symbols of the Illuminati and the New World Order‬‏[/ame]
Despite the words of the FF to the contrary, despite the fact that almost every state constitution refers to God, despite the fact that our Declaration refers to God, the revisionists want to say that we were not founded upon Christian values.

You're confusing God with religion. They are two very very different things.
No, I'm not confusing either. The revisionists are. They think that founding upon Christian principle is the same thing as establishing a theocracy.

It's not. It's a fundamental lack of reading comprehension.

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