Revisiting "Et in Arcadia Ego" due to CURSE OF OAK ISLAND theories


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
They brought it up recently and keep coming back to the eye of the "incomplete" (seperate not yet part of the whole)capstone area of the swamp in various theories and discoveries.
1) whenever symbolism is used it's done in secret, but also to keep focus on what it reveals, for the time it's revealed.
That not yet "Shalem" (complete or whole or stable) symbol of the seperated capstone is on our dollar to signify our colonies were not yet complete and whole (Shalem).
It would not surprise anyone if they would use that focus to secret where they hid riches or texts or even relics, after all the symbol came after the structures on oak Island.
But these symbols secret the spiritual secrets to be understood in it's appointed time. Like I said before, the radiant capstone with the eye of the watcher, eye of the father (arch Kohanim=head priest)in the Olam Habah secrets that arch malakh's first and last name.
What makes the capstone radiant was Mica (Mike) which protected it from the burning heat and decay, thus a great symbol for the
Arch Malakh Michael.
The not yet Shalem capstone is the name in the Holy city which secrets "the name" (HaShem) in it's original Canaanite transliteration.
-(1 Kings 11:36 &in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75)
Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11)THAT THE NAME WOULD BE IN THE HOLY 'CITY' ('yeru') (of) Shalem.

Now revisit the spiritual aspects of the symbolism in Poussin's
Et in Arcadia Ego.
itself says it all just like the Cliff notes in the name of YeruShalem acts like cliff notes to everything (the name of the holy city Even secrets both first and last name).
Redis-le-Chateau =(Return of residence of the lord [master]of the manor) or in Hebrew
HaShev adhon Mikdash secrets first and last name as well.
The name of the Head of the Kohanim must be in the Temple (Mikdash)-
Melakim {I Kings8:43}(2Chronicles6)
Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”
Therefore it carries the arch malakhs name while the French city of the mystery secrets the first and last name of HaMoshiach too.

enormous natural stone horse-head in the region of Rennes-le-Chateau which also secrets many parchment.

Reading Between The Lines: The Parchments of
Rennes-le-Chateau lead to a clue about something being secreted "where he lies dead"=a tomb. At the tomb is a complex code,
The final process of that code is most interesting. The letters are written onto two grids of "64" squares (8 by 8) which are laid out like chessboards. The letters are then read out in a sequence determined by what is known as a 'knight's tour'. In this, a knight is moved around the board in such a way as to touch every square on the board once, and no square twice. There are several versions of the knight's tour, the one used here being a variation of that devised by de Moivre.
In the final decoding mentions Poussin, who painted the
"Et in Arcadia Ego" where shepherds are pointing to
"the shadow reflective image" on the tomb.
The translation reads:
Shepherdess no temptation. That Poussin [and] Teniers guard/ keep/ or hold the key of this horse of God,
who finishes off this guardian demon at midday.
"Shepherdess" and "Poussin", as we know, refer to Poussin's painting, The Shepherds of Arcadia("Et in Arcadia Ego" ).
But unless you know that secret name, you never notice that it's hidden in the towns name just as you never noticed it in the Holy city's name due to translation and transliteration changes.
Researchers say Rennes is derived from the old name what was once called "Rhedis", "Redis", or "Rhedae." Meanwhile, "Rennes" means "reins" as the horse would have.
But "reddis" is also a Latin word meaning "you return" or "you restore"(in Hebrew=HaShev) from which the French "rendre" and the English "render" are derived. "Regis" means "royal, "Cellis" means "a basement or cave", and "Arcis" means the same thing as "Arx": a fortress, or an "ark", in the sense of a box or enclosure.
Thus the statement being made here is "Return to (or Restore) the Cave of the Royal Ark." The words at the bottom of the stone, "Prae-Cum ", imply the notion of "the time before "
as in restoring it to how it was before when the authority was at the Mikdash(temple).

The "key" that Poussin has embedded into this painting is the imagery of the tomb and Arcadia, coupled with the landscape that clearly matches that of Arques, near Rennes-le-Chateau. So the painting is telling us that the sacred "Arka", the box of a long-lost god, is located near Arques.
Midday, in the religious life of man the term Day is mistaken for a thousand years, but Day meant ages/eras=mid era.
*source scroll
The Ages of The World 4Q180-181

Knowing what Redis means,
We know "Redis Bles Solis Sacerdotibus" could be translated
"Return the wheat solely to the priesthood"
Remember dosh means thresher, the act of removing the chaff from the wheat, which is why the Temple (Mikdash) is also called Mikdosh after Michael the Thresher.
Remember the Torah says the same thing that I recently posted:
Numbers/Korach 17:25
Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe
HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot
livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before
the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel.
This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."

enormous natural stone horse-head in the region of Rennes-le-Chateau &
"Et in Arcadia Ego" portrait
Once belonged to the "Knights" Templars.
THIS HORSE OF GOD is shown to be of the greatest importance. It is our guide and companion through the labyrinth and leads us to
the FINAL revelation of the riddle. And we find it too, cleverly hidden by Poussin in his painting.
Lurking in the shadow of his Master, immortalised for ever in a famous picture.
They always see it as a CHESS BOARD: Horse of God=kNIGHT
MICHAEL IS THE patron saint of kNights and Biblically revealed as the Horse of God.
Targum of JOB IIQ10 & 4 Q157 XXXIII
(20) talks about The messenger/Angel of the Lord/the sharp sword (Michael) as The Horse of God.
So there might be physical treasure but deep rooted in it's layers is the spiritual revelation that will come out especially if the ark of the covenant were to be found.
Treasure is the heavenly design leading to everything we ever wanted.

Coming on a white horse=White kNight
Bible says : He had a name written, that no man knew, but He himself
X=sign of archangel Michael
PAINTING SHOWS THE HEART SYMBOL just as the EWTN's own Church of the Archangel Michael uses "Blessed" Heart eucharist vessel whereby 'BLESSED' is the Greek "makarios" which means literally "Happy" Heart.

blue apples, are a reference to the garden of Eden and Genesis, which Michael is the one who is in the oral commentaries of
Genesis about removing the serpent (the demon guardian-Ezekiel 28).
Genesis tie in where it reveals the treasure is the garden of eden
(perfected state & time on earth).

Rennes(Redis)-le-Chateau (Return of residence of the lord of the manor)
is not a literal doorway to another dimension, but to the world to come, for you see it to be the vision into the Olam Habah whereby the future meets the past revealing what is meant to be, what will be.

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They brought it up recently and keep coming back to the eye of the "incomplete" (seperate not yet part of the whole)capstone area of the swamp in various theories and discoveries.
1) whenever symbolism is used it's done in secret, but also to keep focus on what it reveals, for the time it's revealed.
That not yet "Shalem" (complete or whole or stable) symbol of the seperated capstone is on our dollar to signify our colonies were not yet complete and whole (Shalem).
It would not surprise anyone if they would use that focus to secret where they hid riches or texts or even relics, after all the symbol came after the structures on oak Island.
But these symbols secret the spiritual secrets to be understood in it's appointed time. Like I said before, the radiant capstone with the eye of the watcher, eye of the father (arch Kohanim=head priest)in the Olam Habah secrets that arch malakh's first and last name.
What makes the capstone radiant was Mica (Mike) which protected it from the burning heat and decay, thus a great symbol for the
Arch Malakh Michael.
The not yet Shalem capstone is the name in the Holy city which secrets "the name" (HaShem) in it's original Canaanite transliteration.
-(1 Kings 11:36 &in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75)
Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11)THAT THE NAME WOULD BE IN THE HOLY 'CITY' ('yeru') (of) Shalem.

Now revisit the spiritual aspects of the symbolism in Poussin's
Et in Arcadia Ego.
itself says it all just like the Cliff notes in the name of YeruShalem acts like cliff notes to everything (the name of the holy city Even secrets both first and last name).
Redis-le-Chateau =(Return of residence of the lord [master]of the manor) or in Hebrew
HaShev adhon Mikdash secrets first and last name as well.
The name of the Head of the Kohanim must be in the Temple (Mikdash)-
Melakim {I Kings8:43}(2Chronicles6)
Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”
Therefore it carries the arch malakhs name while the French city of the mystery secrets the first and last name of HaMoshiach too.

enormous natural stone horse-head in the region of Rennes-le-Chateau which also secrets many parchment.

Reading Between The Lines: The Parchments of
Rennes-le-Chateau lead to a clue about something being secreted "where he lies dead"=a tomb. At the tomb is a complex code,
The final process of that code is most interesting. The letters are written onto two grids of "64" squares (8 by 8) which are laid out like chessboards. The letters are then read out in a sequence determined by what is known as a 'knight's tour'. In this, a knight is moved around the board in such a way as to touch every square on the board once, and no square twice. There are several versions of the knight's tour, the one used here being a variation of that devised by de Moivre.
In the final decoding mentions Poussin, who painted the
"Et in Arcadia Ego" where shepherds are pointing to
"the shadow reflective image" on the tomb.
The translation reads:
Shepherdess no temptation. That Poussin [and] Teniers guard/ keep/ or hold the key of this horse of God,
who finishes off this guardian demon at midday.
"Shepherdess" and "Poussin", as we know, refer to Poussin's painting, The Shepherds of Arcadia("Et in Arcadia Ego" ).
But unless you know that secret name, you never notice that it's hidden in the towns name just as you never noticed it in the Holy city's name due to translation and transliteration changes.
Researchers say Rennes is derived from the old name what was once called "Rhedis", "Redis", or "Rhedae." Meanwhile, "Rennes" means "reins" as the horse would have.
But "reddis" is also a Latin word meaning "you return" or "you restore"(in Hebrew=HaShev) from which the French "rendre" and the English "render" are derived. "Regis" means "royal, "Cellis" means "a basement or cave", and "Arcis" means the same thing as "Arx": a fortress, or an "ark", in the sense of a box or enclosure.
Thus the statement being made here is "Return to (or Restore) the Cave of the Royal Ark." The words at the bottom of the stone, "Prae-Cum ", imply the notion of "the time before "
as in restoring it to how it was before when the authority was at the Mikdash(temple).

The "key" that Poussin has embedded into this painting is the imagery of the tomb and Arcadia, coupled with the landscape that clearly matches that of Arques, near Rennes-le-Chateau. So the painting is telling us that the sacred "Arka", the box of a long-lost god, is located near Arques.
Midday, in the religious life of man the term Day is mistaken for a thousand years, but Day meant ages/eras=mid era.
*source scroll
The Ages of The World 4Q180-181

Knowing what Redis means,
We know "Redis Bles Solis Sacerdotibus" could be translated
"Return the wheat solely to the priesthood"
Remember dosh means thresher, the act of removing the chaff from the wheat, which is why the Temple (Mikdash) is also called Mikdosh after Michael the Thresher.
Remember the Torah says the same thing that I recently posted:
Numbers/Korach 17:25
Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe
HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot
livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before
the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel.
This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."

enormous natural stone horse-head in the region of Rennes-le-Chateau &
"Et in Arcadia Ego" portrait
Once belonged to the "Knights" Templars.
THIS HORSE OF GOD is shown to be of the greatest importance. It is our guide and companion through the labyrinth and leads us to
the FINAL revelation of the riddle. And we find it too, cleverly hidden by Poussin in his painting.
Lurking in the shadow of his Master, immortalised for ever in a famous picture.
They always see it as a CHESS BOARD: Horse of God=kNIGHT
MICHAEL IS THE patron saint of kNights and Biblically revealed as the Horse of God.
Targum of JOB IIQ10 & 4 Q157 XXXIII
(20) talks about The messenger/Angel of the Lord/the sharp sword (Michael) as The Horse of God.
So there might be physical treasure but deep rooted in it's layers is the spiritual revelation that will come out especially if the ark of the covenant were to be found.
Treasure is the heavenly design leading to everything we ever wanted.

Coming on a white horse=White kNight
Bible says : He had a name written, that no man knew, but He himself
X=sign of archangel Michael
PAINTING SHOWS THE HEART SYMBOL just as the EWTN's own Church of the Archangel Michael uses "Blessed" Heart eucharist vessel whereby 'BLESSED' is the Greek "makarios" which means literally "Happy" Heart.

blue apples, are a reference to the garden of Eden and Genesis, which Michael is the one who is in the oral commentaries of
Genesis about removing the serpent (the demon guardian-Ezekiel 28).
Genesis tie in where it reveals the treasure is the garden of eden
(perfected state & time on earth).

Rennes(Redis)-le-Chateau (Return of residence of the lord of the manor)
is not a literal doorway to another dimension, but to the world to come, for you see it to be the vision into the Olam Habah whereby the future meets the past revealing what is meant to be, what will be.

Very Interesting and fascinating Michael and enlightening as well..It figures that they would leave certain clues amongst the “Oaks as well” Oaks are fascinating trees they are not only strong and sturdy but they can be constantly cut down to a mere stump or twig only to stubbornly regrow and regenerate into a new strong and viable tree... Now it is true that pagan worship is associated with these trees but probably the deeper meaning is that even though these trees are uprooted, cutdown, burnt basically tarnished in every way out of a stump will sprout the way out of the curse... Something like Isaiah 11 sprouts to mind...Now we have discussed many times in the past and on this board( no pun that Hebrew is a poetic toungue and that symbols such as trees, clouds, stars, waters etc etc are used by the hebrews to convey messages and themes unfortunately because we do not have a central authority or platform such as a temple to convey these messages and themes in their proper understandings many misunderstandings and mistakes have been made over the course of many years to these simple messages That is why we need a capstone on top of the other stones not to keep control or to have power over the other stones but to hold the other stones in place and to strengthen those stones in their diverse places so that the “ whole” structure can become strong and “ united” as one and it can no longer be moved easily from its place and can stand firm together once and for all and nothing can shake its foundations ever again...
They brought it up recently and keep coming back to the eye of the "incomplete" (seperate not yet part of the whole)capstone area of the swamp in various theories and discoveries.
1) whenever symbolism is used it's done in secret, but also to keep focus on what it reveals, for the time it's revealed.
That not yet "Shalem" (complete or whole or stable) symbol of the seperated capstone is on our dollar to signify our colonies were not yet complete and whole (Shalem).
It would not surprise anyone if they would use that focus to secret where they hid riches or texts or even relics, after all the symbol came after the structures on oak Island.
But these symbols secret the spiritual secrets to be understood in it's appointed time. Like I said before, the radiant capstone with the eye of the watcher, eye of the father (arch Kohanim=head priest)in the Olam Habah secrets that arch malakh's first and last name.
What makes the capstone radiant was Mica (Mike) which protected it from the burning heat and decay, thus a great symbol for the
Arch Malakh Michael.
The not yet Shalem capstone is the name in the Holy city which secrets "the name" (HaShem) in it's original Canaanite transliteration.
-(1 Kings 11:36 &in dead sea scrolls: Words of the Archangel Michael scroll 4Q529, 6Q23)
The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75)
Sefer D’varim (12:5, 11, 14, 18, 21; 14:23,24, 25; 15:20; 16:2, 6, 7, 11, 15, 16; 17:8, 10; 18:6; 26:2; 31:11)THAT THE NAME WOULD BE IN THE HOLY 'CITY' ('yeru') (of) Shalem.

Now revisit the spiritual aspects of the symbolism in Poussin's
Et in Arcadia Ego.
itself says it all just like the Cliff notes in the name of YeruShalem acts like cliff notes to everything (the name of the holy city Even secrets both first and last name).
Redis-le-Chateau =(Return of residence of the lord [master]of the manor) or in Hebrew
HaShev adhon Mikdash secrets first and last name as well.
The name of the Head of the Kohanim must be in the Temple (Mikdash)-
Melakim {I Kings8:43}(2Chronicles6)
Ma'aser Sheni in the Torah says
About tithing the produced food and eating it at the Temple:
“at the site that He shall choose to place His Name”
Therefore it carries the arch malakhs name while the French city of the mystery secrets the first and last name of HaMoshiach too.

enormous natural stone horse-head in the region of Rennes-le-Chateau which also secrets many parchment.

Reading Between The Lines: The Parchments of
Rennes-le-Chateau lead to a clue about something being secreted "where he lies dead"=a tomb. At the tomb is a complex code,
The final process of that code is most interesting. The letters are written onto two grids of "64" squares (8 by 8) which are laid out like chessboards. The letters are then read out in a sequence determined by what is known as a 'knight's tour'. In this, a knight is moved around the board in such a way as to touch every square on the board once, and no square twice. There are several versions of the knight's tour, the one used here being a variation of that devised by de Moivre.
In the final decoding mentions Poussin, who painted the
"Et in Arcadia Ego" where shepherds are pointing to
"the shadow reflective image" on the tomb.
The translation reads:
Shepherdess no temptation. That Poussin [and] Teniers guard/ keep/ or hold the key of this horse of God,

who finishes off this guardian demon at midday.
"Shepherdess" and "Poussin", as we know, refer to Poussin's painting, The Shepherds of Arcadia("Et in Arcadia Ego" ).
But unless you know that secret name, you never notice that it's hidden in the towns name just as you never noticed it in the Holy city's name due to translation and transliteration changes.
Researchers say Rennes is derived from the old name what was once called "Rhedis", "Redis", or "Rhedae." Meanwhile, "Rennes" means "reins" as the horse would have.
But "reddis" is also a Latin word meaning "you return" or "you restore"(in Hebrew=HaShev) from which the French "rendre" and the English "render" are derived. "Regis" means "royal, "Cellis" means "a basement or cave", and "Arcis" means the same thing as "Arx": a fortress, or an "ark", in the sense of a box or enclosure.
Thus the statement being made here is "Return to (or Restore) the Cave of the Royal Ark." The words at the bottom of the stone, "Prae-Cum ", imply the notion of "the time before "
as in restoring it to how it was before when the authority was at the Mikdash(temple).

The "key" that Poussin has embedded into this painting is the imagery of the tomb and Arcadia, coupled with the landscape that clearly matches that of Arques, near Rennes-le-Chateau. So the painting is telling us that the sacred "Arka", the box of a long-lost god, is located near Arques.
Midday, in the religious life of man the term Day is mistaken for a thousand years, but Day meant ages/eras=mid era.
*source scroll

The Ages of The World 4Q180-181

Knowing what Redis means,
We know "Redis Bles Solis Sacerdotibus" could be translated
"Return the wheat solely to the priesthood"
Remember dosh means thresher, the act of removing the chaff from the wheat, which is why the Temple (Mikdash) is also called Mikdosh after Michael the Thresher.
Remember the Torah says the same thing that I recently posted:
Numbers/Korach 17:25
Vayomer Adonay el-Moshe
HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot
livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before
the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel.
This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."

enormous natural stone horse-head in the region of Rennes-le-Chateau &
"Et in Arcadia Ego" portrait
Once belonged to the "Knights" Templars.
THIS HORSE OF GOD is shown to be of the greatest importance. It is our guide and companion through the labyrinth and leads us to

the FINAL revelation of the riddle. And we find it too, cleverly hidden by Poussin in his painting.
Lurking in the shadow of his Master, immortalised for ever in a famous picture.
They always see it as a CHESS BOARD: Horse of God=kNIGHT
MICHAEL IS THE patron saint of kNights and Biblically revealed as the Horse of God.
Targum of JOB IIQ10 & 4 Q157 XXXIII
(20) talks about The messenger/Angel of the Lord/the sharp sword (Michael) as The Horse of God.
So there might be physical treasure but deep rooted in it's layers is the spiritual revelation that will come out especially if the ark of the covenant were to be found.
Treasure is the heavenly design leading to everything we ever wanted.

Coming on a white horse=White kNight
Bible says : He had a name written, that no man knew, but He himself
X=sign of archangel Michael
PAINTING SHOWS THE HEART SYMBOL just as the EWTN's own Church of the Archangel Michael uses "Blessed" Heart eucharist vessel whereby 'BLESSED' is the Greek "makarios" which means literally "Happy" Heart.

blue apples, are a reference to the garden of Eden and Genesis, which Michael is the one who is in the oral commentaries of
Genesis about removing the serpent (the demon guardian-Ezekiel 28).
Genesis tie in where it reveals the treasure is the garden of eden
(perfected state & time on earth).

Rennes(Redis)-le-Chateau (Return of residence of the lord of the manor)

is not a literal doorway to another dimension, but to the world to come, for you see it to be the vision into the Olam Habah whereby the future meets the past revealing what is meant to be, what will be.

Money did not come from the mind of God, period. God who made free needs to be in our mind, making us to be like Jesus. Jesus controls himself in what he does, and says, to have pure undefiled religon, that is not vain. The church trembles when I say the truth.
Satan is not a demon guardian. Satan is a destroyer of eternal stars, and a bringer of death on this planet, and everywhere else in the universe. Saved will be given a white stone with a name on it that no one knows, exist he that has the stone.

Tithing: bring into the store house had nothing to do with money in the begginning.
Yes I mentioned the food sacrifice in my long piece.
Read: "Daniel and the priests of Baal" story from the scrolls, it's the story of Daniel cleverly catching the priests using the food offerings for themselves and their family while saying it was an offering to their harvest god.
Today the offering is money and it's the same tale of using offerings to their son of baal =the morning star (Jesus rev 22:16) as an excuse to steal those offerings for themselves and their families.

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