Revolt Of The Generals On Obama's I S I S Strategy

It's nice to have a cerebral president who isn't an idiot warmonger. Obama is trying to force others to do any necessary bootwork.
Laugh my fucking ass off

At first, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. However, I now fully realize that you're just a typical NaziCon warmonger.
Actually nooo, she is a typical American citizen who knows the prez is leaderless and weak and our nation is at risk from peril due to it's open borders and the virtual welcome sign the president has put up for all armed terrorists and drug dealers.

What a guy, that Barry. His goal to cripple America economically and militarily is working. Two more years will bring him plenty of time to put the isis-ing on his proverbial cake and declare his imperialistic self -leader of the free...:lol: world. Nineteen eight four.
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Good morning, a conservative here. I'd like to clarify and suggest a few things.

1. What exactly is our national security risk in Iraq and Syria right now?

2. Did we not increase US troops by 400 some odd troops in the last week? How does that not count as additional boots on the ground?

3. Are we going to count "imbedded troops" as boots on the ground?

4. Does anyone believe an air assault without US troops is going to be a successful strategy?

5. Have you considered most of the local troops are over a year out on training? Will ISIS just sit and wait until they are ready?
The generals are saying what is obvious: air power does not win wars. This is an upgrade of Bill Clinton's strategy to lob a few cruise missiles at a target and declare victory. And it will be about as effective.
Obama has no will or interest in fighting and beating ISIS. His only concern is to knock this issue off the front page in time for the election.
All you who don't like the cic don't have to vote for him next time.

The far right and libertarians have lost the last two times because the GOP let them mess up the message and goals.

So we will have to muddle with Obama: thanks, guys.
"Revolt Of The Generals On Obama's I S I S Strategy"

This fails as a straw man fallacy, as you seek to contrive and propagate a lie that misrepresents your opponents' position.

There is no 'revolt,' this is ridiculous partisan demagoguery.

I can't help your pathetic lack of military or State Dept experience renders your opinions flaky and uninformed.
It's nice to have a cerebral president who isn't an idiot warmonger. Obama is trying to force others to do any necessary bootwork.
Laugh my fucking ass off

At first, I gave you the benefit of the doubt. However, I now fully realize that you're just a typical NaziCon warmonger.
Actually nooo, she is a typical American citizen who knows the prez is leaderless and weak and our nation is at risk from peril due to it's open borders and the virtual welcome sign the president has put up for all armed terrorists and drug dealers.

What a guy, that Barry. His goal to cripple America economically and militarily is working. Two more years will bring him plenty of time to put the isis-ing on his proverbial cake and declare his imperialistic self -leader of the free...:lol: world. Nineteen eight four.

Thanks, AquaAthena. Long time no see. One of these days we'll do drinks in the Saloon and catch up. :)
ec who does not know a thing "blah blah blah"

yeah, we know you are lost

If I were a know-nothing, pummeled coward like you, I'd probably post something dumb like that too. Not to mention you break the forum rules almost every time your fat fingers post.

Since I'm used to briefing the Joint Chiefs and you're not, any body can see I know the topic and you don't know shit.

As usual. LOL

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