Revolt Within FBI / DOJ: Career Agents/Attorneys UNANIMOUSLY Believed Hillary Should Be CHARGED

I personally know FBI agents, and this is true - they wanted to prosecute her, and the leadership said not to.


Sorry jackass, but you're not getting that information. But suffice to say, my reputation here is more than enough to defend my claim.

FBI agents are ready to revolt over the cozy Clinton probe | New York Post

"The immunity agreements came with outrageous side deals, including preventing agents from searching for any documents on a Dell laptop owned by former Clinton chief of staff Cheryl Mills generated after Jan. 31, 2015, when she communicated with the server administrator who destroyed subpoenaed emails.

Comey also agreed to have Mills’ laptop destroyed after the restricted search, denying Congress the chance to look at it and making the FBI an accomplice to the destruction of evidence.

Comey’s immunized witnesses nonetheless suffered chronic lapses in memory, made unsubstantiated claims of attorney-client privilege upon tougher questioning and at least two gave demonstrably false statements. And yet Comey indulged it all."


"Each month for 27 years, I received oral and computer admonishments concerning the proper protocol for handling top secret and other classified material, and was informed of the harsh penalties, to include prosecution and incarceration,” for mishandling such material, he pointed out. “Had myself or my colleagues engaged in behavior of the magnitude of Hillary Clinton, as described by Comey, we would be serving time in Leavenworth.”
Again, because clearly you people are not getting this.

Email is not and has never been a form of secure communication. No one, including the State Department, sends truly sensitive information via email. So no highly sensitive information was never on Hillary's server.

When you send something via email, you have no idea who will intercept it, receive it, or view it. That's why you don't send top secret information via email. Clinton sent a handful of emails which were not classified when she sent them. She did not have any Top Secret materials on her server.

Hillary's server was NEVER HACKED. Unlike the servers at the State Department, or even the Pentagon. Email is never a secure form of communication. Many offices have systems whereby secretaries or assistants receive, print or respond to email, and those same secretaries or assistants also have the ability to change or amend the original email before forwarding it to anyone of their choosing.

So you think you know more than all of the agents and attorneys who worked on the case? Stop trying to excuse Clinton's clearly illegal behavior.
Hey Jake Starkey, was Building 7 subjected to controlled demolition, or did it fall from damage from the Towers falling???

Asshole, you are way off topic and in lunatic conspiracy theory territory. Take a fucking hike, idiot.
Really - name ONE! There isn't a single person named or quoted in that entire story. As usual, it's "sources say", or "sources inside the FBI or the DOJ". Not one person with the courage of their convictions to openly say it?

Maybe this is just another false FOX News hysteria, like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, where 7 investigations showed that not a single thing that FOX News has been saying about Benghazi for the past 5 years was ever true.

See my post above, dimwit.
My my, can you establish a criminal record for the people you are referring to? Or are you just of the opinion that someone who disagrees with you deserves jail? That would establish, that a dictatorship is the end goal.

Let's start with the endless lies and secret side agreements related to the lunatic iran deal, including the ransom payments and pallets of cash sent on unmarked flights. Enabling the worst scum of the earth like iran, one of the US' most hideous enemies is an indictable offense for treason. Second would be HRC should lose her security clearance for using a private server for top secret emails.
So the answer would be. No I can't establish a criminal record. The US made an agreement preventing at least for the time being the proliferation of nuclear weapons. In your head the deal wasn't good because the Iranians got something out of it. But you jump not to the deal wasn't good. No you say it is treason. For Hilary you say lose her security clearance yet the actual criminal justice system has said they wouldn't prosecute. Tis brings me to my point. The only reason I can see you feel is necessary for people to go to jail, is that they disagree with you.
This is 3rd World Dictator, Banana Republic shit. Once the Rule of law is gone, once people are willing to accept dictatorial rule than existing law as established it is pretty much all over.

this is the most lawless administration and 'ruler' in our nation's history. If America tolerates this and embraces it instead of punishing it then the country is truly lost.

With crime rate at near historic lows, why do you think the rule of law is going to go somewhere?

Red rover Red rover let the Ruskies come over.

Not only is the crime rate at historic lows, but the Obama Administration hasn't had a single scandal where senior members of the administration were charged with crimes. That's another outstanding achievement for President Obama.

Outstanding, considering how these Red sympathizers accuse him of being the most lawless ever, while claiming we are a Banana Repbulic.
Again, because clearly you people are not getting this.

Email is not and has never been a form of secure communication. No one, including the State Department, sends truly sensitive information via email. So no highly sensitive information was never on Hillary's server.

When you send something via email, you have no idea who will intercept it, receive it, or view it. That's why you don't send top secret information via email. Clinton sent a handful of emails which were not classified when she sent them. She did not have any Top Secret materials on her server.

Hillary's server was NEVER HACKED. Unlike the servers at the State Department, or even the Pentagon. Email is never a secure form of communication. Many offices have systems whereby secretaries or assistants receive, print or respond to email, and those same secretaries or assistants also have the ability to change or amend the original email before forwarding it to anyone of their choosing.

As a law clerk, I received copies of the emails related to the files assigned to me, whether or not I was a party to the email, which meant that my assistant also had access to those emails. If I had chosen to pass these on to family or friends for their own amusement, I would be free to do so, although I would likely lose my job if my employer found out.

Most of the most outrageous beliefs of right-wingers in regards to these emails, has no basis in the reality of what those emails contained. And now because of idiots like you - all 55,000 pages of Hillary's emails are now on WikiLeaks, all due to a Freedom of Information request.

They reveal a hard working candidate, both caring and knowledgeable. But politics in the United States has always been a dirty business, but with the impeachment of Richard Nixon, the Republican Party lost its mind, and collectively refused to have any further bi-partisan dealings with Democrats. They've been demonizing Democrats ever since.

The mainstream media, in fact the Washington Post brought down Richard Nixon. This is why Republicans mistrust the mainstream media and claim they're biased. In reality, the Washington Post uncovered High Crimes and Misdemeanors by Richard Nixon, and his entire inner circle, all of whom ended up in jail, except Nixon who retired in disgrace and was pardoned by Gerard Ford.

Since that time Democrats and the mainstream media have been the enemies of the Republican Party, and they have attacked at every turn, but offered little in the way of sound economic policies, or sound governance at home. Business has been allowed to run amok, and then after they nearly destroyed the world economy with their greed, the business class has the balls to complain about being regulated to keep them from doing it again.

The tax code needs to be re-written to stop the ongoing damage of the Reagan Tax Code. Business has to accept a higher minimum wage, which will reduce the outrageous profits we've been seeing, and I would like to see anti-trust legislation, gutted by Reagan, re-introduced, to break up these huge price gouging monopolies, like big pharma. Trump isn't going to do any of that.

No one sane can believe this stupidity, did you write this or was this picked up from one of Soros' blogs?
Not only is the crime rate at historic lows, but the Obama Administration hasn't had a single scandal where senior members of the administration were charged with crimes. That's another outstanding achievement for President Obama.

"Historic lows"? The blacks in Ferguson and NC might disagree with you.

Dueling Claims on Crime Trend

"But Trump pointed to a New York Times story on an uptick in 2015 in the number of murders in several cities, including Dallas, as compared with 2014. The Times report showed a 17 percent increase in murders (an increase of 12 murders) in Dallas for January through August 2015 compared with the same time period for 2014."

As for obama, the overall trends long precede him in office.
This is what the race is really about. We can waste time about bimbo shit but it doesn't really affect much.

Justice under W and O has been completely sold out. Hillary will continue to sell it out and then some. Trump will put the big crooks on trial, starting with Hillary, Ryan, and W....
Unless you disagree with separation of powers, I don't see how Trump would be able to do any of that, in the off chance he becomes president. So my question would be. Do you think America should become a dictatorship?

How does appointing a special prosecutor violate separation of powers?
This is what the race is really about. We can waste time about bimbo shit but it doesn't really affect much.

Justice under W and O has been completely sold out. Hillary will continue to sell it out and then some. Trump will put the big crooks on trial, starting with Hillary, Ryan, and W....
Unless you disagree with separation of powers, I don't see how Trump would be able to do any of that, in the off chance he becomes president. So my question would be. Do you think America should become a dictatorship?

How does appointing a special prosecutor violate separation of powers?



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This is what the race is really about. We can waste time about bimbo shit but it doesn't really affect much.

Justice under W and O has been completely sold out. Hillary will continue to sell it out and then some. Trump will put the big crooks on trial, starting with Hillary, Ryan, and W....
Unless you disagree with separation of powers, I don't see how Trump would be able to do any of that, in the off chance he becomes president. So my question would be. Do you think America should become a dictatorship?
It already has...
The US made an agreement preventing

Again, multiple secret side agreements were made which obama/kerry/rhodes lied about.

In your head the deal wasn't good because the Iranians got something out of it.

The deal was bad because it legitimized iran's illegal program, and their even more hideous behavior recently proves they have pocketed this deal as a victory.

If the arrangement was so reasonable - why did obama need to hide all of these side deals, including having iran "self-confirm" it was complying with its provisions?

For Hilary you say lose her security clearance yet the actual criminal justice system has said they wouldn't prosecute.

Idiot, WHO is the head of the criminal justice system?

Why aren't democraps calling for an independent investigation separate from the DoJ that would be binding on it?

The only reason I can see you feel is necessary for people to go to jail, is that they disagree with you.

What's clear is that morons like you will excuse the behavior of their party affiliates no matter what they do, and will never accept they have committed a crime.
Outstanding, considering how these Red sympathizers accuse him of being the most lawless ever, while claiming we are a Banana Repbulic.

Tough to have a scandal when the leftist media protects him at every turn, like the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc.
This is what the race is really about. We can waste time about bimbo shit but it doesn't really affect much.

Justice under W and O has been completely sold out. Hillary will continue to sell it out and then some. Trump will put the big crooks on trial, starting with Hillary, Ryan, and W....
Unless you disagree with separation of powers, I don't see how Trump would be able to do any of that, in the off chance he becomes president. So my question would be. Do you think America should become a dictatorship?

How does appointing a special prosecutor violate separation of powers?


third world country dictators prosecute their opponents ....

sounds right for Trump.
This is what the race is really about. We can waste time about bimbo shit but it doesn't really affect much.

Justice under W and O has been completely sold out. Hillary will continue to sell it out and then some. Trump will put the big crooks on trial, starting with Hillary, Ryan, and W....
Unless you disagree with separation of powers, I don't see how Trump would be able to do any of that, in the off chance he becomes president. So my question would be. Do you think America should become a dictatorship?

How does appointing a special prosecutor violate separation of powers?


Oh OK, it's you that doesn't even understand separation of powers. First there are three branches of government, legislative, executive and judicial. Congress writes laws, the executive enforces and prosecutes violation of the laws, and the judicial oversees the prosecution to insure proper prosecution procedures and individual rights. Again, since prosecution of crimes falls under the executive branch, how does Trump assigning a special prosecutor violate the separation of powers?
This is what the race is really about. We can waste time about bimbo shit but it doesn't really affect much.

Justice under W and O has been completely sold out. Hillary will continue to sell it out and then some. Trump will put the big crooks on trial, starting with Hillary, Ryan, and W....
Unless you disagree with separation of powers, I don't see how Trump would be able to do any of that, in the off chance he becomes president. So my question would be. Do you think America should become a dictatorship?

How does appointing a special prosecutor violate separation of powers?


Oh OK, it's you that doesn't even understand separation of powers. First there are three branches of government, legislative, executive and judicial. Congress writes laws, the executive enforces and prosecutes violation of the laws, and the judicial oversees the prosecution to insure proper prosecution procedures and individual rights. Again, since prosecution of crimes falls under the executive branch, how does Trump assigning a special prosecutor violate the separation of powers?

a potus doesnt tell his AG to prosecute his opponent ....
This is what the race is really about. We can waste time about bimbo shit but it doesn't really affect much.

Justice under W and O has been completely sold out. Hillary will continue to sell it out and then some. Trump will put the big crooks on trial, starting with Hillary, Ryan, and W....
Unless you disagree with separation of powers, I don't see how Trump would be able to do any of that, in the off chance he becomes president. So my question would be. Do you think America should become a dictatorship?

How does appointing a special prosecutor violate separation of powers?


Oh OK, it's you that doesn't even understand separation of powers. First there are three branches of government, legislative, executive and judicial. Congress writes laws, the executive enforces and prosecutes violation of the laws, and the judicial oversees the prosecution to insure proper prosecution procedures and individual rights. Again, since prosecution of crimes falls under the executive branch, how does Trump assigning a special prosecutor violate the separation of powers?

a potus doesnt tell his AG to prosecute his opponent ....



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