Revolt Within FBI / DOJ: Career Agents/Attorneys UNANIMOUSLY Believed Hillary Should Be CHARGED

This is what the race is really about. We can waste time about bimbo shit but it doesn't really affect much.

Justice under W and O has been completely sold out. Hillary will continue to sell it out and then some. Trump will put the big crooks on trial, starting with Hillary, Ryan, and W....
Unless you disagree with separation of powers, I don't see how Trump would be able to do any of that, in the off chance he becomes president. So my question would be. Do you think America should become a dictatorship?

How does appointing a special prosecutor violate separation of powers?


Oh OK, it's you that doesn't even understand separation of powers. First there are three branches of government, legislative, executive and judicial. Congress writes laws, the executive enforces and prosecutes violation of the laws, and the judicial oversees the prosecution to insure proper prosecution procedures and individual rights. Again, since prosecution of crimes falls under the executive branch, how does Trump assigning a special prosecutor violate the separation of powers?

a potus doesnt tell his AG to prosecute his opponent ....

So once again you demonstrate your lack of understanding of our system. Appointing a special prosecutor is not "telling anyone to prosecute a person". The job of a special prosecutor is to look at evidence to determine if a prosecution is warranted, if they believe it is, they present that evidence to a grand jury to seek an indictment. If and only if the grand jury agrees there is sufficient evidence, they hand down an indictment outlining the charges that should be brought according to the law. Only then does the prosecution go forward and the final decision of guilt is left in the hands of a jury or a judge, which is the defendants option.

So now, you can't claim ignorance, feel free to continue to push your bullshit propaganda.
I'm sure it's comforting to the "lock her up crowd" to read that article. It validates what they think about the matter. What apparently nary a one of them realize is that the FBI isn't run by the underlings who work there. That's no different than any other hierarchical organization. The decisions and beliefs of the "worker bees" there, while comforting to other "worker bee" types, are no matter for the FBI is not a democracy. The people who work for Dir. Comey can disagree with his decisions, but the fact is that he, not they, was responsible for making the decision about whether to recommend a trial.

As for Dir. Comey's decision, I wonder how many folks have read the one Supreme Court decision pertaining to statue 793(f) and the matter of whether there were sufficient grounds to prosecute? I have yet to find so much as one attorney, never mind one who asserts they are a legal scholar or jurist, from the "peanut gallery" here on USMB who opposes Dir. Comey's decision present their analysis of that case and its applications to Mrs. Clinton's email matter.

As goes the claim in this thread's title whereby it is claimed that "career agents/attorneys UNANIMOUSLY believed Hillary should be CHARGED [sic]," bothering to read the article would show that indeed that is not the case.

A high-ranking FBI official told Fox News that while it might not have been a unanimous decision, “It was unanimous that we all wanted her [Clinton’s] security clearance yanked.”
I suppose, however, that reading that far into the article was "too much" for the OP to do given that the article's sensational headline -- hardly surprising for Fox News -- said all s/he wants to know. Accordingly, I suspect too that s/he (1) hasn't read the Gorin decision or any of the legal writings about mens rea and its applicability and (2) hasn't read anything about whether anyone has ever been under 793(f) prosecuted for a similar act. Whether the individual has not done so, I cannot say, nor can I say why they would refrain from doing so. I can only say that doing so forces one to understand and realize the legal correctness of Dir. Comey's decision, and that understanding certainly will not align with their disdain for Mrs. Clinton.
We all know the investigation was rigged. Trump was right that anyone else would be in jail. Just look at the many military people who are serving time for much, much less. Only with Hillary did the subject of intent enter into the decision.

It never mattered before whether someone intended to risk security. There have always been strict rules to follow and any rational person knows damn well that failure to follow said rules poses a huge risk.

Does Hillary possess enough common sense to know that her actions made it easy for hackers? I would hope so. Comey said there was no intent so no charges. Never made any sense. If you play fast and loose with security, you should know the information is not safe. If you continue to do it, even after knowing you were hacked, how does that not indicate intent? You know you're risking security and you continue. That means you made a decision to transmit information despite knowing it would likely be hacked. Doing it anyway proves you didn't care about security. That is called intentionally risking national security.

But, again, intent was never an issue before yet was cited as the reason for not indicting Hillary. There was intent no matter how you look at it, so she still should have been charged. Just the fact that a person took actions that were against the rules and failed to safeguard classified information is a crime in and of itself.

Either Hillary was more concerned about her own ass than she was about national security or she is just that fucking stupid. Doesn't even matter which is true, she should not be trusted to lead the country.

Again, because clearly you people are not getting this.

Email is not and has never been a form of secure communication. No one, including the State Department, sends truly sensitive information via email. So no highly sensitive information was never on Hillary's server.

When you send something via email, you have no idea who will intercept it, receive it, or view it. That's why you don't send top secret information via email. Clinton sent a handful of emails which were not classified when she sent them. She did not have any Top Secret materials on her server.

Hillary's server was NEVER HACKED. Unlike the servers at the State Department, or even the Pentagon. Email is never a secure form of communication. Many offices have systems whereby secretaries or assistants receive, print or respond to email, and those same secretaries or assistants also have the ability to change or amend the original email before forwarding it to anyone of their choosing.

As a law clerk, I received copies of the emails related to the files assigned to me, whether or not I was a party to the email, which meant that my assistant also had access to those emails. If I had chosen to pass these on to family or friends for their own amusement, I would be free to do so, although I would likely lose my job if my employer found out.

Most of the most outrageous beliefs of right-wingers in regards to these emails, has no basis in the reality of what those emails contained. And now because of idiots like you - all 55,000 pages of Hillary's emails are now on WikiLeaks, all due to a Freedom of Information request.

They reveal a hard working candidate, both caring and knowledgeable. But politics in the United States has always been a dirty business, but with the impeachment of Richard Nixon, the Republican Party lost its mind, and collectively refused to have any further bi-partisan dealings with Democrats. They've been demonizing Democrats ever since.

The mainstream media, in fact the Washington Post brought down Richard Nixon. This is why Republicans mistrust the mainstream media and claim they're biased. In reality, the Washington Post uncovered High Crimes and Misdemeanors by Richard Nixon, and his entire inner circle, all of whom ended up in jail, except Nixon who retired in disgrace and was pardoned by Gerard Ford.

Since that time Democrats and the mainstream media have been the enemies of the Republican Party, and they have attacked at every turn, but offered little in the way of sound economic policies, or sound governance at home. Business has been allowed to run amok, and then after they nearly destroyed the world economy with their greed, the business class has the balls to complain about being regulated to keep them from doing it again.

The tax code needs to be re-written to stop the ongoing damage of the Reagan Tax Code. Business has to accept a higher minimum wage, which will reduce the outrageous profits we've been seeing, and I would like to see anti-trust legislation, gutted by Reagan, re-introduced, to break up these huge price gouging monopolies, like big pharma. Trump isn't going to do any of that.

I suppose it's your words vs Comey's:

Funny, how it seems like you have drank the full CNN kool-aid.

No, I haven't drunk the kool-aid, but you have.

You link to a highly edited tape. There are good and valid reasons why Comey also said that Hillary did not lie.

It should also be pointed out that Hillary Clinton didn't delete anything. She didn't maintain her servers, she didn't know what was deleted or what was turned over. She relied upon the people she hired to manage her IT and her lawyers to comply with the supeona so really, unless you have proof that she ordered them to do these things, you don't have a case.
The Alt Right antiAmerican proRussian threads and talk show very clearly who is going to be investigated next year after Trump's defeat.
Outstanding, considering how these Red sympathizers accuse him of being the most lawless ever, while claiming we are a Banana Repbulic.

Tough to have a scandal when the leftist media protects him at every turn, like the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Ah yes, the leftist media, which loves to dig into scandals. The problem being that when you dig into the rumours of scandal around the Clintons, they all end up being rumours started by Republicans without evidence or witnesses. When investigated, these "scandals" quickly fall apart.

What about the 50,000 emails that Cheney and Bush deleted from the private servers they installed in the White House. They had private email servers too. And Dick Cheney had them wiped clean. Nothing was turned over. Shouldn't the FBI investigate?
It's amazing how every career member of the FBI is coming out and saying Justice was Perverted, Hillary should have been indicted, yet 3 people in the entire united States prevented it from happening: Barry, Lynch, & Comey.


Really - name ONE! There isn't a single person named or quoted in that entire story. As usual, it's "sources say", or "sources inside the FBI or the DOJ". Not one person with the courage of their convictions to openly say it?

Maybe this is just another false FOX News hysteria, like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, where 7 investigations showed that not a single thing that FOX News has been saying about Benghazi for the past 5 years was ever true.
Did you even read the OP or immediately start bashing trump? GTFO
Outstanding, considering how these Red sympathizers accuse him of being the most lawless ever, while claiming we are a Banana Repbulic.

Tough to have a scandal when the leftist media protects him at every turn, like the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Ah yes, the leftist media, which loves to dig into scandals. The problem being that when you dig into the rumours of scandal around the Clintons, they all end up being rumours started by Republicans without evidence or witnesses. When investigated, these "scandals" quickly fall apart.

What about the 50,000 emails that Cheney and Bush deleted from the private servers they installed in the White House. They had private email servers too. And Dick Cheney had them wiped clean. Nothing was turned over. Shouldn't the FBI investigate?
It wasn't 50k and they found them depotoo
It's amazing how every career member of the FBI is coming out and saying Justice was Perverted, Hillary should have been indicted, yet 3 people in the entire united States prevented it from happening: Barry, Lynch, & Comey.


Really - name ONE! There isn't a single person named or quoted in that entire story. As usual, it's "sources say", or "sources inside the FBI or the DOJ". Not one person with the courage of their convictions to openly say it?

Maybe this is just another false FOX News hysteria, like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, where 7 investigations showed that not a single thing that FOX News has been saying about Benghazi for the past 5 years was ever true.
Did you even read the OP or immediately start bashing trump? GTFO

Where in my post did I bash Trump?

Yeah, I read the OP, and I read the POS FOX opinion piece that contains no piece of verifiable fact. It quoted unnamed "sources", which is what bullshit phony news organizations are prone to doing. It's what fuelled 5 years of lie-filled Benghazi coverage.
It's amazing how every career member of the FBI is coming out and saying Justice was Perverted, Hillary should have been indicted, yet 3 people in the entire united States prevented it from happening: Barry, Lynch, & Comey.


Really - name ONE! There isn't a single person named or quoted in that entire story. As usual, it's "sources say", or "sources inside the FBI or the DOJ". Not one person with the courage of their convictions to openly say it?

Maybe this is just another false FOX News hysteria, like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, where 7 investigations showed that not a single thing that FOX News has been saying about Benghazi for the past 5 years was ever true.
Did you even read the OP or immediately start bashing trump? GTFO

Where in my post did I bash Trump?

Yeah, I read the OP, and I read the POS FOX opinion piece that contains no piece of verifiable fact. It quoted unnamed "sources", which is what bullshit phony news organizations are prone to doing. It's what fuelled 5 years of lie-filled Benghazi coverage.
The OP mentioned a name and position..
Yeah, I am sure all you liberals know better / more than the Majority of FBI Agents and that your opinions are more factual.

Comey himself told how Hillary LIED / PERJURED herself, how she used more than one devixe, did send /receive classified, & did break the law.

The FBI Agents were / are right - after Comey even testified she broke the law she should have been indicted.
Yeah, I am sure all you liberals know better / more than the Majority of FBI Agents and that your opinions are more factual.

Comey himself told how Hillary LIED / PERJURED herself, how she used more than one devixe, did send /receive classified, & did break the law.

The FBI Agents were / are right - after Comey even testified she broke the law she should have been indicted.

The lib media reports that the FBI didn't indict and that means Hillary didn't do anything wrong. They don't cover the details, like when Comey admitted that Hillary made false statements regarding the multiple devices and the number of classified emails. The lib media doesn't dwell on Bill Clinton's meeting with Lynch just before the decision came down. They don't discuss how most of the FBI agents saw ample evidence to press charges. They don't talk about the difference in how virtually every other similar case was handled, and continues to be handled. Everyone else gets charged for even the most minor breach of security because the rules are the rules.

No question that special treatment was given to Hillary and the criteria for pressing charges was changed to let her off the hook.

She should have been charged and if the rules applied to her like they do everyone else, she would be facing trial.
You really need to question your sources or did you just make all that up?
The Bush missing emails were never missing. They were in the archives, mislabeled, none deleted, etc., etc., etc. And available for viewing.

WHITE HOUSE COMPUTERtechnicians have found 22 million e-mails that were believed to have been lost during President George W. Bush’s administration, according to the Associated Press.

The discovery was announced Monday by the National Security Archive and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, which filed lawsuits against the Executive Office of the President, or EOP, over the e-mails in 2007...

The newly discovered e-mails were apparently mislabeledand were recently uncovered by contractors hired by the White House. The e-mails will eventually be made available to the public, after they are archived through the National Archives and Records Administration.

22 Million E-Mails Missing From Bush White House Found

Outstanding, considering how these Red sympathizers accuse him of being the most lawless ever, while claiming we are a Banana Repbulic.

Tough to have a scandal when the leftist media protects him at every turn, like the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Ah yes, the leftist media, which loves to dig into scandals. The problem being that when you dig into the rumours of scandal around the Clintons, they all end up being rumours started by Republicans without evidence or witnesses. When investigated, these "scandals" quickly fall apart.

What about the 50,000 emails that Cheney and Bush deleted from the private servers they installed in the White House. They had private email servers too. And Dick Cheney had them wiped clean. Nothing was turned over. Shouldn't the FBI investigate?
You really need to question your sources or did you just make all that up?
The Bush missing emails were never missing. They were in the archives, mislabeled, none deleted, etc., etc., etc. And available for viewing.

WHITE HOUSE COMPUTERtechnicians have found 22 million e-mails that were believed to have been lost during President George W. Bush’s administration, according to the Associated Press.

The discovery was announced Monday by the National Security Archive and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, which filed lawsuits against the Executive Office of the President, or EOP, over the e-mails in 2007...

The newly discovered e-mails were apparently mislabeledand were recently uncovered by contractors hired by the White House. The e-mails will eventually be made available to the public, after they are archived through the National Archives and Records Administration.

22 Million E-Mails Missing From Bush White House Found

Outstanding, considering how these Red sympathizers accuse him of being the most lawless ever, while claiming we are a Banana Repbulic.

Tough to have a scandal when the leftist media protects him at every turn, like the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Ah yes, the leftist media, which loves to dig into scandals. The problem being that when you dig into the rumours of scandal around the Clintons, they all end up being rumours started by Republicans without evidence or witnesses. When investigated, these "scandals" quickly fall apart.

What about the 50,000 emails that Cheney and Bush deleted from the private servers they installed in the White House. They had private email servers too. And Dick Cheney had them wiped clean. Nothing was turned over. Shouldn't the FBI investigate?

Sure is a shame that MSNBC, CNN and the other Clinton mouthpieces won't inform the public that it was a lie that emails were deleted by Bush. This kind of information upsets them.
'Gag' order: FBI confirms special secrecy agreements for agents in Clinton email probe
I guess you think the msn is a pos, too? They reported on the gag order

It's amazing how every career member of the FBI is coming out and saying Justice was Perverted, Hillary should have been indicted, yet 3 people in the entire united States prevented it from happening: Barry, Lynch, & Comey.


Really - name ONE! There isn't a single person named or quoted in that entire story. As usual, it's "sources say", or "sources inside the FBI or the DOJ". Not one person with the courage of their convictions to openly say it?

Maybe this is just another false FOX News hysteria, like Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi, where 7 investigations showed that not a single thing that FOX News has been saying about Benghazi for the past 5 years was ever true.
Did you even read the OP or immediately start bashing trump? GTFO

Where in my post did I bash Trump?

Yeah, I read the OP, and I read the POS FOX opinion piece that contains no piece of verifiable fact. It quoted unnamed "sources", which is what bullshit phony news organizations are prone to doing. It's what fuelled 5 years of lie-filled Benghazi coverage.
It would ruin their agenda. Truth doesn't matter to them. They are neither legitimate journalists, reporters or a legitimate news source.
You really need to question your sources or did you just make all that up?
The Bush missing emails were never missing. They were in the archives, mislabeled, none deleted, etc., etc., etc. And available for viewing.

WHITE HOUSE COMPUTERtechnicians have found 22 million e-mails that were believed to have been lost during President George W. Bush’s administration, according to the Associated Press.

The discovery was announced Monday by the National Security Archive and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, or CREW, which filed lawsuits against the Executive Office of the President, or EOP, over the e-mails in 2007...

The newly discovered e-mails were apparently mislabeledand were recently uncovered by contractors hired by the White House. The e-mails will eventually be made available to the public, after they are archived through the National Archives and Records Administration.

22 Million E-Mails Missing From Bush White House Found

Outstanding, considering how these Red sympathizers accuse him of being the most lawless ever, while claiming we are a Banana Repbulic.

Tough to have a scandal when the leftist media protects him at every turn, like the NYT, CNN, MSNBC, etc.

Ah yes, the leftist media, which loves to dig into scandals. The problem being that when you dig into the rumours of scandal around the Clintons, they all end up being rumours started by Republicans without evidence or witnesses. When investigated, these "scandals" quickly fall apart.

What about the 50,000 emails that Cheney and Bush deleted from the private servers they installed in the White House. They had private email servers too. And Dick Cheney had them wiped clean. Nothing was turned over. Shouldn't the FBI investigate?

Sure is a shame that MSNBC, CNN and the other Clinton mouthpieces won't inform the public that it was a lie that emails were deleted by Bush. This kind of information upsets them.
'Gag' order: FBI confirms special secrecy agreements for agents in Clinton email probe
I guess you think the msn is a pos, too? They reported on the gag order

I've had to sign agreements not to even say the name of a file in an office hallway because someone might overhear. That's in addition to the non-disclosure agreement and insider trading agreement I signed when I was hired. Such additional non-disclosure agreements are common in such sensitive cases.

There is nothing remotely unique or unusual about this. I would be more surprised if they hadn't been subject to such an order, especially given the nature of this case, which is why it's difficult to believe the FOX story.

If case officers involved are not allowed to speak to the media at all, who's leaking the story that the case officers disagree with the outcome? If it's officers who didn't even work on the file, and who were not subject to the gag order, then they don't have sufficient information on which to make this judgement.

If it's officers who did work on the file, they are in violation of the terms of their employment and should be fired.
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I've had to sign agreements not to even say the name of a file in an office hallway because someone might overhear. That's in addition to the non-disclosure agreement and insider trading agreement I signed when I was hired. Such additional non-disclosure agreements are common in such sensitive cases.
I have also - I still do; however, the difference between THOSE instances and the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton is that Hillary's investigation is NOT classified. If anything it should be HIGHLY TRANSPARENT to the American people, even possibly, dare I say, 'the most transparent evuh'?!

The reason there is a gag order in this case is NOT because the information and details are 'sensitive' or 'classified' - IT'S BECAUSE THE SOBs WHO IGNORED THE LAW TO PROTECT HILLARY DON'T WANT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE TO KNOW THAT'S WHAT THEY DID.

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