RFK Jr. Campaign Releases Fantastic New Documentary


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
A few days ago, Bobby Kennedy released a truly fantastic and informative documentary on healing America's drug addiction crisis: Recovering America: A Film About Healing Our Addiction Crisis. Rarely has a political video inspired and encouraged me the way this 44-minute documentary has. Bobby hosts and narrates the video. It is a good example of his open-minded, innovative approach to tackling issues and of finding solutions that can appeal to both liberals and conservatives.

A few days ago, Bobby Kennedy released a truly fantastic and informative documentary on healing America's drug addiction crisis: Recovering America: A Film About Healing Our Addiction Crisis. Rarely has a political video inspired and encouraged me the way this 44-minute documentary has. Bobby hosts and narrates the video. It is a good example of his open-minded, innovative approach to tackling issues and of finding solutions that can appeal to both liberals and conservatives.

Brainworm Bobby needs to get back on his medications.

If he thinks Amsterdam is an example we need to follow, he's already crazier than I think he is.

AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - Long famed for its casual attitude to marijuana use, the Dutch capital Amsterdam says it now has a serious problem with hard drugs that has brought increased violence and corruption at the hands of "hustlers, parasites and extortionists".

Money from the lucrative trade in drugs such as cocaine and ecstasy as well as marijuana has also found its way in the city's flourishing real estate market, according to a city-commissioned report entitled "The Other Side of Amsterdam".

"Amsterdam has given free rein...to a motley crew of drugs criminals, a ring of hustlers and parasites, middle-men and extortionists, of dubious notaries and real estate agents," the report said.
At the top of the criminal chain are wealthy organised crime bosses who may not be physically located in Amsterdam, the report said.
At the bottom are "criminal lackeys such as scooter and taxi chauffeurs and even youthful messenger-boys set to follow quite a career path: offering murder as a service."

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Alcohol is definitely a big problem also

But its not as deadly as drugs

Alcohol kills more people than any other drug, not even close.

It is the best argument against legalizing any of the illicit drugs today.
A few days ago, Bobby Kennedy released a truly fantastic and informative documentary on healing America's drug addiction crisis: Recovering America: A Film About Healing Our Addiction Crisis. Rarely has a political video inspired and encouraged me the way this 44-minute documentary has. Bobby hosts and narrates the video. It is a good example of his open-minded, innovative approach to tackling issues and of finding solutions that can appeal to both liberals and conservatives.

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I know in the Far East they do better with tackling the drug problem

The rule is, drug dealers are dealt with harshly, sometimes just killed on the spot.

Those who do drugs get rehab with 3 strikes and you are out rule, as they imprison them afterwards.

What is harsher, that or watching about 200 people die a day from drugs coming across the border?

The US has an army of drones that could take out all the cartels tomorrow, but there is no political will to do it.
tell that to all the innocent people who have been killed by drunk drivers...
I just said its a serious problem

But I see reports of drunk drivers who have been caught numerous times before they finally kill someone

So it often comes back to lenient judges

Alcohol kills more people than any other drug, not even close.

It is the best argument against legalizing any of the illicit drugs today.
Thats because alcohol is still more widely used than drugs
I just said its a serious problem

But I see reports of drunk drivers who have been caught numerous times before they finally kill someone

So it often comes back to lenient judges
No, it comes back to you can't imprison your way to safety. We already lock up too many people, most of them for simple mistakes.

You could end the drunk driving very simply. Require every car to have a blow meter as standard equipment.

It could be done for about $200 per unit.
Thats because alcohol is still more widely used than drugs
And why is that?

Because it is not only legal, there are social expectations to drink, like at college.

People then think it is "safe".
No, it comes back to you can't imprison your way to safety. We already lock up too many people, most of them for simple mistakes.
Drunk driving is not a “simple mistake”

It should be dealt with severely

If that means tent cities where offenders sleep at night but get released to go to their jobs during the day thats how it must be
And why is that?

Because it is not only legal, there are social expectations to drink, like at college.

People then think it is "safe".
Yes, booze is an ancient part of our culture

Lets not add to our problem with drug abuse also

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