RFK Jr. Shares His Own Mugshot and Says Trump’s “Mugshot Worked Very Well for Him”

Right on que with the establishment narrative straight from MSNBC.

Except this isn't the "establishment narrative". This is the real world and real life.

I started following Donald Trump's career in the late 1970's when I was a banker, and reading the financial section before the sports section every morning, to prep for the morning management meeting. Young, rich and handsome, he looked to be the "next big thing" in New York real estate.

By the time he went bankrupt the first time, I had written him off completely. His behaviour in trying to develop the Rail Yards was dreadful. He tried to bully that project through, pay bribes left and right, and wanting to use "eminent domain" to confiscate the properties of lifelong residents. Jerry Nadlin and the entire community opposed the development, and it's the basis of Trump's hatred of Nadlin.

The guy had a super rich Daddy covering his losses, but his business skills were laughable. When he put out his book "The Art of the Deal" we laughed and laughed at the idiocy of a guy who "never prepared, and just went with his gut instincts".

That's how he went bankrupt 7 times, and nearly destroyed the US economy. He knows nothing, never prepares and goes with his gut. He thinks he has good instincts. 7 bankruptcies and billions of dollars lost, says otherwise.

And RFK is insane, yes, we know, everyone that challenges the Crusty cridders in the Swamp DNC is either a criminal or insane.

Anyone who can't distinguish the real from a conspiracy theory, isn't playing with a full deck. That includes your favourite candidate, and it includes YOU.

Please tell us about Trump's efforts to "drain the Swamp". Because I can't think of a single thing Trump did to end the bribery or corruption in Washington, but I can give you a really long list on how Donald Trump and members of his family, personally profitted from kickbacks, bribery and "pay for play", throughout his entire Presidency - none of which any of them have been charged with.

Trump didn't "challenge the Crusty cridders in the Swamp DNC". He embraced them completely, encouraging the greatest level of open bribery and corruption ever seen in Washington history. His Chief Advisor, and his Chief of Staff both HUGE payments from the Saudis to ease their way into retirement - Jared got $2 billion. Trump got the PGA Tour, back at his properties, and Meadows received $1 million from Trump the week the January 6th Commission was announced.

Trump took $11 million out of a secret bank account in China early in his Presidency, and crickets from you. Trump's $100 million Inauguration Fund disappeared without a trace, and crickets from you. Trump doubled initiation fees at his East Coast golf clubs, and doled out over 200 untendered government contracks to those who were members of his clubs, or who booked major events at his golf clubs or Washington hotel and crickets from you. Trump barred the American press from the Oval Office, but invited the Russian press in while he gave Classified Information to the Russian Ambassador. Crickets from you.

It doesn't appear that the bribe worked since Meadows is now rumoured to have 'flipped" and will be testifying against Trump in the Jack Smith prosecutions.

ALL of the witnesses against Donald Trump at all of his criminal trials will be former members of his staff, his lawyers and advisors, Republicans all. They're the ones who have accused him, who have provided the evidence, and will be providing the testimony to send their former boss to jail.

REPUBLICANS. Not Democrats.
It says that the left isn't promoting candidates who are the mentally ill or the unqualified for office.

You're only supporting the the stroked-out, brain damaged candidates like Biden and Fetterman, right? :21:
You're only supporting the the stroked-out, brain damaged candidates like Biden and Fetterman, right? :21:

You do know that a stroke doesn't affect cognitive ability don't you. It affects your ability to talk and communicate, but it doesn't affect your ability to think.

Stroke does not affect someone’s intelligence.

A stroke is a “brain attack” that deprives different areas of the brain of oxygen-rich blood. The damage left behind can impair different skills, like language and speaking.

This does not mean the person has lost intelligence. Rather, it means they might need more time to find the right words.

And Biden isn't "brain damaged" either. He's a lifelong stutterer, which means his process for speaking is different than yours, and he stumbles over words often.

For a guy who doesn't know what day it is, he sure dismantled MTG's heckling at the SOU Address, and he's run circles around what passes for GOP Leadership these days.

But keep posting and proving how ill-informed and completely stupid you are. It' demonostrates why nation is in such a mess - fools who believe so much that isn't true.
Except this isn't the "establishment narrative". This is the real world and real life.

I started following Donald Trump's career in the late 1970's when I was a banker, and reading the financial section before the sports section every morning, to prep for the morning management meeting. Young, rich and handsome, he looked to be the "next big thing" in New York real estate.

By the time he went bankrupt the first time, I had written him off completely. His behaviour in trying to develop the Rail Yards was dreadful. He tried to bully that project through, pay bribes left and right, and wanting to use "eminent domain" to confiscate the properties of lifelong residents. Jerry Nadlin and the entire community opposed the development, and it's the basis of Trump's hatred of Nadlin.

The guy had a super rich Daddy covering his losses, but his business skills were laughable. When he put out his book "The Art of the Deal" we laughed and laughed at the idiocy of a guy who "never prepared, and just went with his gut instincts".

That's how he went bankrupt 7 times, and nearly destroyed the US economy. He knows nothing, never prepares and goes with his gut. He thinks he has good instincts. 7 bankruptcies and billions of dollars lost, says otherwise.

Anyone who can't distinguish the real from a conspiracy theory, isn't playing with a full deck. That includes your favourite candidate, and it includes YOU.

Please tell us about Trump's efforts to "drain the Swamp". Because I can't think of a single thing Trump did to end the bribery or corruption in Washington, but I can give you a really long list on how Donald Trump and members of his family, personally profitted from kickbacks, bribery and "pay for play", throughout his entire Presidency - none of which any of them have been charged with.

Trump didn't "challenge the Crusty cridders in the Swamp DNC". He embraced them completely, encouraging the greatest level of open bribery and corruption ever seen in Washington history. His Chief Advisor, and his Chief of Staff both HUGE payments from the Saudis to ease their way into retirement - Jared got $2 billion. Trump got the PGA Tour, back at his properties, and Meadows received $1 million from Trump the week the January 6th Commission was announced.

Trump took $11 million out of a secret bank account in China early in his Presidency, and crickets from you. Trump's $100 million Inauguration Fund disappeared without a trace, and crickets from you. Trump doubled initiation fees at his East Coast golf clubs, and doled out over 200 untendered government contracks to those who were members of his clubs, or who booked major events at his golf clubs or Washington hotel and crickets from you. Trump barred the American press from the Oval Office, but invited the Russian press in while he gave Classified Information to the Russian Ambassador. Crickets from you.

It doesn't appear that the bribe worked since Meadows is now rumoured to have 'flipped" and will be testifying against Trump in the Jack Smith prosecutions.

ALL of the witnesses against Donald Trump at all of his criminal trials will be former members of his staff, his lawyers and advisors, Republicans all. They're the ones who have accused him, who have provided the evidence, and will be providing the testimony to send their former boss to jail.

REPUBLICANS. Not Democrats.
They will arrest Trump and thrown him in prison, while they lock away RFK in a mental institution.

The lesson is, if you are not part of the DNC cult, you must either be insane or corrupt.
RFK, Jr. is as part of the DNC cult as it gets.

His campaign web site says he would ban mining, drilling, and logging.

It does not get more whacked than that.

It is hilarious the way Trumptards find themselves admiring politicians they know fuck-all about.

Just like with socialist Tulsi Gabbard.
Finally, we will protect wild lands from further development, by curbing mining, logging, oil drilling, and suburban sprawl.

Clean it Up
The only president impeached twice. An attempted coup. The only former president indicted, and not just once but FOUR times.

That is all future Americans will know about this pig.

If and when he is convicted, that will be added to the list of all they know about him.

To future Americans, that thug stare in that context will only confirm what an asshole he must have been.
MDMA making Dems a minority again. :muahaha:
I honestly do not understand why you cucks stick to this loser.

The only president since Hoover to lose the House, the Senate, and the White House. It probably isn't a coincidence they were both businessman presidents with little to no experience.

Trump's highest approval rating was 49 percent. The lowest high in history.

He lost the popular vote TWICE.

The list of incumbents who have lost re-election is very short, and Trump's on it.

He hired the biggest crowd of crooks since Harding. He overflowed the swamp with indictments, disbarments, convictions, scandals, and embarrassments.

If it was up to this idiot, we'd all be injecting ourselves with bleach.

His approval rating for his presidency was an average of 41 percent.

And ever since he lost re-election, he's attempted a coup, whines and lies, and whines and lies, and whines and lies.

He convinced the rubes to give money for a non-existent election defense fund and then distributed the monies to his friends and himself.

Trump is the biggest sore loser baby. Ever.

And then there is all his personal baggage which has come to light. Paying off mistresses. Stealing from the elderly at his fake university. Stealing from cancer kids. Tax fraud. Insurance fraud. Election fraud.

Seriously. Why would anyone in their right mind want anything more to do with this total disaster?

You'd have to be one of the most submissive cucks in the history of mankind to idolize this loser.

And on top of it all, you think his mug shot is a PLUS!!! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

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