RFK Jr Wife Hangs Self

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s estranged wife, Mary, who battled her husband’s rumored philandering by turning to alcohol and prescription drugs, hanged herself in a barn on their Westchester estate yesterday, sources told The Post.

The 52-year-old mother of four — the latest victim of a family dynasty cursed with tragedies — may have taken her own life because she was haunted by her broken marriage, her friends lamented.

“She was deeply troubled, abusing alcohol and prescription meds,” a close family friend said. “She had cause. She was used up and tossed away by Bobby. That was awful.”

Read more: RFK Jr.’s wife, Mary, found dead at Westchester home in suspected suicide - NYPOST.com

She must have gotten weary trying to understand Bobbys alcohol induced slurred speech and brain damaged views....................

see the complete lack of any moral compunctions?
Look guys, the person who loves the Kennedy's is on here pretending to be a moralist.
She should have done a drug overdose, that could be expalined away as accuidental as many are done every day.
She must have been wanting to make a statement.

Not sure yet how this links into Briebarts death though....
She should have done a drug overdose, that could be expalined away as accuidental as many are done every day.
She must have been wanting to make a statement.

Yep. That's a pretty brutal way to go ..

a close family friend said. “She had cause. She was used up and tossed away by Bobby.

NO man is worth killing yourself.
Look at these assholes making HEY out of a body of a women before she is even room tempature
maybe you can have someone wire the dead body so you can listen to her family and gain some talking points.
Man Truth is pretending to really be offended, I'm expecting racial slurs to come out of her mouth again anytime now.
I sense you are a lying cheatin con like the rest of your band of fucking liars.

Maybe you can riffle through this dead womans pockets for loose change before her family comes
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s estranged wife, Mary, who battled her husband’s rumored philandering by turning to alcohol and prescription drugs, hanged herself in a barn on their Westchester estate yesterday, sources told The Post.

The 52-year-old mother of four — the latest victim of a family dynasty cursed with tragedies — may have taken her own life because she was haunted by her broken marriage, her friends lamented.

“She was deeply troubled, abusing alcohol and prescription meds,” a close family friend said. “She had cause. She was used up and tossed away by Bobby. That was awful.”

Read more: RFK Jr.’s wife, Mary, found dead at Westchester home in suspected suicide - NYPOST.com

She must have gotten weary trying to understand Bobbys alcohol induced slurred speech and brain damaged views....................

Im glad your not in the same state as the body, someone would have to stop you from raping her corpse before it got cold.
I will say what I said when Andrew Brietbart died. No matter what happened a family lost a mother, sister and daughter show some respect .

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