Rham Emanuel tackles the teachers unions/ where are the demands for a recall electio?

IF the left is honest and really believes that public union members should do better than the average person, I expect bus loads of hired thugs to show up and protest. If they don't, we'll know they are full of shit.

I am betting that Emanuel realizes that the majority of people are behind Walker and he wants to get re-elected, so this is to please most voters. He's doing it for himself. And he won't be met with the same crap that Walker endured for months.
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Public unions are bankrupting local municipalities. I am stunned that Emanuel didn't try to raise funds elsewhere to cover the shortfall.
Chris will be all over Rahm... just watch.

Any time now.

Here he comes, to rip Rahm a new one.

Yup, the Chris thread on Rahm's recall should be along momentarily.


then again, maybe not.
Well Christie has them trained in NJ now. And with Walker putting the beatdown on unions, it's awesome.
Emanuel allies stand in for mayor in union battle - chicagotribune.com

Big letter (D) got your tongue lefties? Especially you Chris.

The effort is just the latest example of Emanuel allies doing the heavy lifting of public-relations work while the mayor seeks to stay above the fray on a contentious issue. The ads are sponsored by an affiliate of Democrats for Education Reform, an organization that has supported Emanuel's push for a longer school day and more charter schools and also has implored the Chicago Teachers Union to negotiate with the mayor's administration on a new contract.


When did dems start supporting the evils of charter schools?

Is this another "the cool kids are doing it" thing?
Along with stabilizing city finances and controlling crime, school reform was one of the three pillars of Emanuel's campaign platform. He has pushed for a longer school day and linking pay for teachers to student performance. He also lobbied successfully for a new state law that required the teachers union to get the support of 75 percent of its membership before it could strike

ohh this is just Two much. It's like he's reading the cool kids journals!
Where is Rahm taking away their collective bargaining rights? This is your lame excuse for a comparison? A contract dispute? Keep spinning boys....batshit crazy suits you.
Really? You start a thread at3:21AM, then try to call out Dems for not responding...

Then you try to equate tough negotiations with removing collective bargaining. You are the DJ here, not me.
Really? You start a thread at3:21AM, then try to call out Dems for not responding...

Then you try to equate tough negotiations with removing collective bargaining. You are the DJ here, not me.

It's the definition of right wing trolling at it's finest. I'm glad I'm not a right right winger, being that stupid would be embarrassing.
Chris will be all over Rahm... just watch.

Any time now.

Here he comes, to rip Rahm a new one.

Yup, the Chris thread on Rahm's recall should be along momentarily.


then again, maybe not.

I wouldn't hold my breath waiting:lol:

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