Rhetorical questions that illustrate why the left should be ignored


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Here are some things I don't get. You guys believe whole heartedly in humans contributions to climate change.

How is it that someone like al gore is not called out for his ginormous carbon footprint? How does he get away with that?

Why isn't it an issue with you all how wealthy he became by selling those carbon credits?

Why, if the sea levels are rising at such a rate and we will all be gone in 10 years (aoc said 12 years two years ago) why aren't their mass movements away from the coasts?

Why are banks still giving out 30 year and 50 year loans to homes at sea level along coastal regions?

How are billionaire and millionaire leftists able to convince the masses that they are not in the 1 percent? I mean really, how does hollywood get away with that?

How is that done?

why doesn't anyone research Bernie Sanders background and see what he is all about?

Are there actual leftists here that yell to get rid of all fossil fuels? If so, then what is stopping the left from just stopping using them?

Are leftists who shout for that aware that is the stone age? Can any leftist posting here, live by stone age standards? Do you know what that means? Means no clothes manufactured or delivered using fossil fuels. No more medicines, nothing.

Why do so many leftists feel they are perfectly fine living behind gated walls with armed security but shout that others cannot have that?

Why do leftists shout that Kaepernick should be able to wear a fidel castro shirt cause of freedom of speech and some white guy who wears a Confederate flag should be shunned?

Why don't we ever learn about those Native American tribes who owned slaves and fought for the confederacy? At least 10 tribes, including the Cherokee.

Why are these questions offensive to so many? Are they legit questions?
Not sure what some of this has to do with "the left" but randomly, Al Gore has been raked over the coals on sites like this for decades, Bernie Sanders' background is already well known again after four decades in offices, and Native Americans were involved in both sides of the Civil War (including the Cherokee), largely depending on where they lived and thus which army controlled the territory and the food supplies.

Lotta topics there Pilgrim. Pick one.
Go ahead and ignore the Left. In fact, no need for con-servatives to vote....

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