Rhode Island sues the oil industry for climate change damages.


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
The companies named in the Rhode Island complaint include Chevron, Exxon Mobil, BP PLC, Shell, Citgo, ConocoPhillips, Marathon Oil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Lindsey de la Torre, executive director of the manufacturing accountability project at the National Association of Manufacturers, called for politicians and lawyers to “put an end to this frivolous litigation” and pointed out that no such climate nuisance claims have ever succeeded.

The Oil Corps. should force the crazy Left Wingers to prove that there is manmade global warming.

Manmade global warming doesn’t even rise to the level of a scientific hypothesis.

BTW, what will RI do if the Oil Corps. decide to stop selling their products in the liberal crackpot states?

Rhode Island sues oil industry over climate change
Stop ALL gas sales to those states. Let them gnaw on that bone a while.
Stop fossil fuel energy to that state this winter and the people will be burning down the doors to the state Capitol offices!!:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:. By November!

Morons in that state are aplenty.
The city of San Francisco tried the same thing, suing the big oil companies for damages from climate change. The judge threw out the case as bullshit, which it was. The Rhode Island case is the same thing, nothing more than political posturing to appease the base.
The companies named in the Rhode Island complaint include Chevron, Exxon Mobil, BP PLC, Shell, Citgo, ConocoPhillips, Marathon Oil and Royal Dutch Shell.

Lindsey de la Torre, executive director of the manufacturing accountability project at the National Association of Manufacturers, called for politicians and lawyers to “put an end to this frivolous litigation” and pointed out that no such climate nuisance claims have ever succeeded.

The Oil Corps. should force the crazy Left Wingers to prove that there is manmade global warming.

Manmade global warming doesn’t even rise to the level of a scientific hypothesis.

BTW, what will RI do if the Oil Corps. decide to stop selling their products in the liberal crackpot states?

Rhode Island sues oil industry over climate change

It'll end up the same way this one did. Completely dismissed.

Judge boots global warming cases of San Francisco, Oakland against oil industry | Legal Newsline

WHY? Because they complainers are citing things like the Exxon internal research on GW in the 80s and SUGGESTING that EXXON was knowingly hiding the damages from their product. Not a chance that's a case. For one thing, the EXXON internal report now released was FAR MORE ACCURATE in it's 1980s projections than James Hansen or the IPCC.

But ALL internal research is Intellectual Property and hidden unless the company wants publicity.

And the dismissed case above charged the companies with PUBLIC NUISANCE which the judge tore apart by questioning the USEFULLNESS of their products.

Lawyers looking for deep pockets and politicians looking for battle ribbons.
Sadly they picked a state with an activist judge (one in my opinion should be disbarred and removed for his activist and non law based decisions). It will probably have to be a court of appeals that strikes it down.

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