Rice admits she (they) were wrong (lied) yet we're supposed to not care

Just understand that I will never SHUT UP. Obama will never silence me alive!!!

I know Rice lied and Obama did the same damn thing as they kissed the islamic worlds ass. I can't believe what a bunch of marxist cock suckers you leftist are.
You should about 1/1000th as much as you cared about being lied into the Iraq war.

The intelligence reports of OTHER countries came to the conclusion that WMD's existed.

If Bush lied about OUR reports...exactly how did he get the intelligence people of GB and Austrailia and other countries to lie on his behalf?


Wasn't Bush supposed to figure out that the intel was no good? Before he got 4000 Americans killed for nothing?

As opposed to what Susan Rice did? SHE"S the villain of the decade????

No one is saying she is the villian of the decade. We are simnply saying that her handling of the situation is such that she does not warrant consideration of SoS.

Ironically, folks on this board are saying "she is more than qualified for the position"....yet when asked what makes her qualified, no one has an answer.

Lets be real......no one even knew her name before this Benghazi situation.....but all of a sudden she is the end all of SoS candidates to the left.

Its a joke.

As for Bush...sure...it would have been great if he was able to realize that the intel was wrong....but there were WMD incidents with Hussein.....that was a smoking gun...there were other country intel reports of WMD's...that was a consideration....and then there was OUR intel.....What should he have done....hire a private investigator?
Just understand that I will never SHUT UP. Obama will never silence me alive!!!

Shut up, you won't do anything. I think all that pot smoke in Oregon is getting to your head.

I know Rice lied and Obama did the same damn thing as they kissed the islamic worlds ass. I can't believe what a bunch of marxist cock suckers you leftist are.

Got any proof that she said those things with INTENT to mislead?

Remember! Absence of evidence is not evidence.

Let me know when you find it..
Just understand that I will never SHUT UP. Obama will never silence me alive!!!

I know Rice lied and Obama did the same damn thing as they kissed the islamic worlds ass. I can't believe what a bunch of marxist cock suckers you leftist are.

When are you going to leap, froggy? You do lots of talking......when are we going to read about your heroism in the morning paper?

Fucking do-nothing blowhard.
I hope so too. The biggest lie in the whole cabal though was bamie saying he "learned about it the day AFTER the election." :mad: what an asswarp!

Like everything else Oblamer does, his lies are 'EVOLVING'. As Foxx and other Obamafiles are telling us Oblamer is a 'GOD'. He can do no wrong. If he's a 'God' I claim he's the anti-christ.
I hope so too. The biggest lie in the whole cabal though was bamie saying he "learned about it the day AFTER the election." :mad: what an asswarp!

Like everything else Oblamer does, his lies are 'EVOLVING'. As Foxx and other Obamafiles are telling us Oblamer is a 'GOD'. He can do no wrong. If he's a 'God' I claim he's the anti-christ.

Leave it to a Neocon to drag Jesus into this.

You so inept you can't even sense humor, you still think Foxx was being serious. :lol:
"Susan Rice should resign"

"Block her nomination!"

"They lied for political gain!"

More and more proof that the GOP and you Neocons only care about semantics and politics.

The GOP dug this hole so deep that they are not even trying to hide the political motivation anymore, America sees that.

It was never about the people, it was about Obama getting elected and the conjecture that Rice lied with INTENT to mislead.. Good luck proving that, cause there is no direct evidence.

lol...your postings are showing me more and more how naive you are as to how our government works.

One of the roles of congress is to ensure that the executive branch is on the up and up...a checks and balances if you will.

We have a situation here where our president, his press secretary and his Ambassador to the UN all gave out false information....they all claim it wasnt their fault...yet they have no one to point to. First the CIA said it was not their fault...then they said it was. First the intelligence community said they did not change the talking points...then they said they did....

All in all, someone is not telling the truth...and it is the job of congress to find out who AND why..

You should question why the democrats in congress are not interested in doing their job....yet instead you criticize the GOP who are insisiting on doing their job.
Of course we knew Saddam had chemical weapons- his pal Ronnie Rayguns helped him with them. The problem is Iraq's nonexistant "Mushroom clouds" Condie Rice etc etc.-
You should about 1/1000th as much as you cared about being lied into the Iraq war.

The intelligence reports of OTHER countries came to the conclusion that WMD's existed.

If Bush lied about OUR reports...exactly how did he get the intelligence people of GB and Austrailia and other countries to lie on his behalf?


Wasn't Bush supposed to figure out that the intel was no good? Before he got 4000 Americans killed for nothing?

As opposed to what Susan Rice did? SHE"S the villain of the decade????

Hmm.., is that why Oblamer is so concerned with the WMD that Syria has? Now, how did Syria get such large stockpile quanities of WMD? Could they have been a gift from Sadaam Hussein before the Gulf war?
But let's not detract from the primary post. Susan Rice is not a villian. She's a dyed in the wool Democrat and not a career diplomat. Therefore, parroting the Oblamer lie to Americans on 5 different TV stations is nothing new to logical individuals. Unlike you.
lol...your postings are showing me more and more how naive you are as to how our government works.

Really, you were able to tell that from my post?

You can probably draw blood from a stone too? Eh? :lol:

One of the roles of congress is to ensure that the executive branch is on the up and up...a checks and balances if you will.

There are multiple investigations.. What's your point?

We have a situation here where our president, his press secretary and his Ambassador to the UN all gave out false information....they all claim it wasnt their fault...yet they have no one to point to. First the CIA said it was not their fault...then they said it was. First the intelligence community said they did not change the talking points...then they said they did....

All in all, someone is not telling the truth...and it is the job of congress to find out who AND why..

Well, you almost sound reasonable there.. IF you go back and read all of the comments from your like minded cons (for which, I was aiming that at), you can see that they are all clearly claiming that Rice lied with INTENT, that is pure conjecture.. No evidence has been uncovered to show that.

Investigations will find who lied (if, at all), but the true intent of this is all about political gain at this point. It would be one thing if they (GOP) all acted accordingly and kept their mouth shut until the investigations concluded and clear information is provided to make conclusions, but, that is not the case it's has been nothing but grand standing and accusations from the right side of the congress on this issue.

You don't hear the GOP talking about the people that died anymore, or, what is going on with getting the people responsible... Just who may have lied, when the may have lied and why they may have lied.

You should question why the democrats in congress are not interested in doing their job....yet instead you criticize the GOP who are insisiting on doing their job.

In my opinion, the democrats are doing their job.. They are focused on more important issues.
lol...your postings are showing me more and more how naive you are as to how our government works.

Really, you were able to tell that from my post?

You can probably draw blood from a stone too? Eh? :lol:

One of the roles of congress is to ensure that the executive branch is on the up and up...a checks and balances if you will.

There are multiple investigations.. What's your point?

We have a situation here where our president, his press secretary and his Ambassador to the UN all gave out false information....they all claim it wasnt their fault...yet they have no one to point to. First the CIA said it was not their fault...then they said it was. First the intelligence community said they did not change the talking points...then they said they did....

All in all, someone is not telling the truth...and it is the job of congress to find out who AND why..

Well, you almost sound reasonable there.. IF you go back and read all of the comments from your like minded cons (for which, I was aiming that at), you can see that they are all clearly claiming that Rice lied with INTENT, that is pure conjecture.. No evidence has been uncovered to show that.

Investigations will find who lied (if, at all), but the true intent of this is all about political gain at this point. It would be one thing if they (GOP) all acted accordingly and kept their mouth shut until the investigations concluded and clear information is provided to make conclusions, but, that is not the case it's has been nothing but grand standing and accusations from the right side of the congress on this issue.

You don't hear the GOP talking about the people that died anymore, or, what is going on with getting the people responsible... Just who may have lied, when the may have lied and why they may have lied.

You should question why the democrats in congress are not interested in doing their job....yet instead you criticize the GOP who are insisiting on doing their job.

In my opinion, the democrats are doing their job.. They are focused on more important issues.

there is no more important issue than ensuring the integrity of the executive office.
Besides....they are more than capable of doing more than one thing at a time.

Many democrats are saying "this is a witch hunt".....seems to me they have made their decision without waiting for the results of the investigation.

You are criticizing posters on a forum for "jumping to conclusions"...and that is fine...

Yet you are not bothered that your elected reps are ALSO jumping to conclusions...and they are the ones we elect and pay to WAIT before passing judgement.

You see my point?
BBC News - US envoy Susan Rice admits Benghazi attack error

I just don't understand why someone so political should represent our nation. Someone so high up in our govt should be able to speak honestly and from her own mind not off of supplied talking points like an uninformed press secretary.

Why is it that posters on the internet knew they were full of shit on day one but it took the administration 3 fucking weeks to come clean?

It seems Obama is throwing rice at republicans to keep the heat off of him and republicans are falling for it.

If she is so gullible as to allow politics to dictate so called facts given to the public there is no way in hell she should be allowed to represent us to others. If she is so willing to lie to us who the hell knows what she would say to our enemies and allies

People are sometimes wrong. Especially when they rush to come up with reasons for something without waiting for all the evidence. I know. I know. It's a bombshell to admit that people are sometimes wrong. And sometimes.........they even admit they were wrong. Another bombshell!

She wasn't wrong, she knew that the intelligence indicated that it was a preplanned attack, and that there was no demonstration. She chose to go on the air and deny both of those things, and claim something else entirely.

the CIA told her what to say. Seriously we all have been overt this shit. Stop making shit up.
People are sometimes wrong. Especially when they rush to come up with reasons for something without waiting for all the evidence. I know. I know. It's a bombshell to admit that people are sometimes wrong. And sometimes.........they even admit they were wrong. Another bombshell!

She wasn't wrong, she knew that the intelligence indicated that it was a preplanned attack, and that there was no demonstration. She chose to go on the air and deny both of those things, and claim something else entirely.

the CIA told her what to say. Seriously we all have been overt this shit. Stop making shit up.

The CIA did not tell her what to say, that was settled weeks ago. Maybe if you caught up with current events you might be able to respond coherently when we talk about them.
I hope so too. The biggest lie in the whole cabal though was bamie saying he "learned about it the day AFTER the election." :mad: what an asswarp!

Like everything else Oblamer does, his lies are 'EVOLVING'. As Foxx and other Obamafiles are telling us Oblamer is a 'GOD'. He can do no wrong. If he's a 'God' I claim he's the anti-christ.

Leave it to a Neocon to drag Jesus into this.

You so inept you can't even sense humor, you still think Foxx was being serious. :lol:

Obama-Messiah Complex: Alive and Well at DNC​

by William Bigelow
3 Sep 2012

Are there still those who think Barack Obama is the Messiah? You bet there are - and they’re hawking their merchandise at the DNC.

The new 16-month “Keep the Dream” calendar by James Hickman features a picture of Obama’s birth certificate for August (Obama’s picture is August 4) with a specific piece of Scripture layered over it.

Read more:
Obama-Messiah Complex: Alive and Well at DNC
Then there's this little ditty from: Report: New book says Axelrod called Obama 'Black Jesus' due to messiah complex - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

President Obama "was supposedly known as ‘Black Jesus’ by his former senior campaign adviser David Axelrod because of his messiah complex."

A post at Breitbart.com cites page 59 of the book: “[Barack Obama] is the living, breathing apotheosis of the American melting pot,” Klein quotes Axelrod as saying.

Dictionary.com defines "apotheosis" as "the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a god."

On Friday, Breitbart.com added:
"Axelrod, as we know, isn’t alone. According to Klein, Micah Tillman, lecturer in philosophy at the Catholic University of America, called Obama “the Platonic philosopher king we’ve been looking for the past 2,400 years.” And no less an authority than Oprah has called him “The One.”
Rightwing lexicon additions:

Wrong = lied

Condemned = apologized

Fascinating stuff here.

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