RICE, BAKER, SHULTZ & KISSINGER: Romney for recovery Strong America, peaceful world


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
Ringing endorsement of Romney...

RICE, BAKER, SHULTZ & KISSINGER: Romney for recovery - Washington Times

American leadership remains critical to global peace and prosperity. No other country has used its resources to accomplish so many positive changes around the world. From the Cold War to the collapse of the Soviet challenge, from Bretton Woods to NAFTA, from NATO to the free-trade agreements with Korea and Colombia, America has promoted democratic values and vindicated our interests in global security.

But we cannot be strong militarily, politically or diplomatically unless we are strong economically. These past few years, we have experienced an anemic economic recovery, one that has weakened our influence in the world and shaken the confidence of our friends and allies. We need pro-growth strategies that will renew our ailing economy, just as they did when Ronald Reagan took over in 1980. If the U.S. economy continues to stagnate, then predictions of an American retreat from greatness could come true.

That is why we have endorsed Mitt Romney for president. He has the experience, strategy and temperament to lead a robust economic recovery and rein in the mounting federal debt that threatens our future. And he fully understands that our prosperity at home is inextricably linked to our influence abroad.

So...the people who lied to us about WMD and dragged the US into countless wars back Romney for a peaceful America?

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