Rich Men North of Richmond

Also: I don't know what your comment had to do with anything.

Is it because the singer is from the South?

You're admitting to bigotry.

It's not like the working class doesn't exist in northern states.

Such an excremental post.
With northern money I expect.

It's now Southern money.

See: Northern states, particularly NY and CA, scared their population away with COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates.

And states like FL and TX are reaping the results.

Kinda flips that whole "stupid southern redneck" stereotype on its head, huh?
If taxes were lower the southern shitholes would get less welfare.
It is true the older industrial or former industrial states were richer. Old money accumulates. They are also more prone to severe downturns as many are highly indebted and/or have cities that are. Covid transferred a lot of wealth from Prog states as they shut down. Progs are self-destructive. You can see why in human history despot politicians/royalty have caused much misery.
I think the what this guy has to say in his song transcends north or south, red or blue, black or white. It will get really popular when the people in power start to properly hate him and his song.
Virginia is a party state now that they just legalized cannabis last year. Just don't get caught driving to party pooper South Carolina where it's still completely illegal. Thanks Lindsey.
So much popular music today has repulsive or trendy and nonintellectual messages.

And many people associate a southern drawl with low intelligence.

Oliver Anthony is, as we say in Red Virginia, "wide open," and he pretty much sums up how America is in a downward spiral after just 2-1/2 years of the latest regime.

References to New World Order, Epstein Island and welfare abuse.

Gonna buy this song [99c @ amazon] and sing it loudly with him while commuting.

[Verse 1]
I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

[Verse 2]
I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare

[Verse 3]
Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down

Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
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So much popular music today has repulsive or trendy and nonintellectual messages.

And many people associate a southern drawl with low intelligence.

Oliver Anthony is, as we say in Red Virginia, "wide open," and pretty much sums up how America is in a downward spiral after just 2-1/2 years of the latest regime.

References to New World Order, Epstein Island and welfare abuse.

Gonna buy this song [99c @ amazon] and sing it loudly with him while commuting.

[Verse 1]
I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay
So I can sit out here and waste my life away
Drag back home and drown my troubles away

It's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

[Verse 2]
I wish politicians would look out for miners
And not just minors on an island somewhere
Lord, we got folks in the street, ain't got nothin' to eat
And the obese milkin' welfare

[Verse 3]
Well, God, if you're 5-foot-3 and you're 300 pounds
Taxes ought not to pay for your bags of fudge rounds
Young men are puttin' themselves six feet in the ground
'Cause all this damn country does is keep on kickin' them down

Lord, it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to
For people like me and people like you
Wish I could just wake up and it not be true
But it is, oh, it is

Livin' in the new world
With an old soul
These rich men north of Richmond
Lord knows they all just wanna have total control
Wanna know what you think, wanna know what you do
And they don't think you know, but I know that you do
'Cause your dollar ain't shit and it's taxed to no end
'Cause of rich men north of Richmond

I've been sellin' my soul, workin' all day
Overtime hours for bullshit pay

Can you remember the tune or the lyrics?
Can you remember the tune or the lyrics?

Well ya, kind of, but I heard his song for the first time last night on Fox.

What point are you trying to make? That he'll fade away back to his off-grid 90 acres in no time?

You might be right about that, but this is supposedly his first song recorded on a real mic and camera (as opposed to his cell phone). He explains his politics a bit here...

He writes his own songs in a genre which is part of his heritage. If you don't care for it, so be it.

Me, I prefer hard rock, but original real music with a message is great too.
Well ya, kind of, but I heard his song for the first time last night on Fox.

What point are you trying to make? That he'll fade away back to his off-grid 90 acres in no time?

You might be right about that, but this is supposedly his first song recorded on a real mic and camera (as opposed to his cell phone). He explains his politics a bit here...

He writes his own songs in a genre which is part of his heritage. If you don't care for it, so be it.

Me, I prefer hard rock, but original real music with a message is great too.

I get his political messages but the song is forgettable.
I get his political messages but the song is forgettable.

Honey, Bob Dylan sucks.

But he was part of a complete cultural revolution.

Welcome to your future. Now downvote this because you have nothing else to say: DO IT

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