Richard Burr demands assurance that Senators working from home will still get insider stock tips!


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2016
Central Oregon Coast

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Amid speculation that United States senators might soon be working remotely, Senator Richard Burr on Friday demanded guarantees that senators working from home will still have access to insider-trading tips.

Speaking from the well of the Senate, an impassioned Burr, a Republican from North Carolina, said that a “system needs to be put in place—not tomorrow, not next week, but today—to ensure that senators receive the insider-trading information that is both our lifeblood and our birthright.”

Burr blasted the Obama Administration for not establishing contingency plans to safeguard the steady flow of stock tips to U.S. senators in the event of a pandemic, nuclear war, or asteroid strike.

“The fact that we will soon be isolated in our homes, forced to seek out stock tips through e-mails, text messages, and what have you is, to put it mildly, unconscionable,” Burr, his voice quavering with anger, told his colleagues.

The North Carolina lawmaker urged the Senate to appropriate one and a half billion dollars immediately to fund the construction of a secure portal to provide real-time insider stock tips.

Moments after his speech, it was revealed that Burr yesterday invested in SecurePortalTek, a company that builds secure portals to provide real-time insider tips.​

Richard Burr Demands Assurance That Senators Working from Home Will Still Get Stock Tips
He was pretty good in Perry Mason.

Nice catch PUPPS - I had no idea they were brothers of a different mother!! ;) :D

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I am a Republican and this piece of shit BURR needs to be gone tomorrow....and investigated....put Mueller's corrupt Democrat henchmen on him.

Same for that horrid old harridan Feinstein. She got inside info, but didn't act on it. Claims she can't control her husband selling his stock. What horseshit. What do you think they talked about over wine and dinner after she got her inside info. She needs to be gone too.

Fuck these disgusting people cashing out while America is suffering so.

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