Richard Dawkins declares there are only two sexes as matter of science: 'That's all there is to it'

Has anyone argued there are more than 2 sexes? I thought the argument was over how many genders, not how many sexes there are.
The 4th post on this thread calls Dawkins “a rabid transphobe.”

BTW, Dawkins is wrong - again - and so are you. There are male, female and intersex, so that’s at least three. He’s also wrong as a person of science to say “that’s all there is to it.” In science there is never “that’s all there is to it.”

Dawkins is the “scientist” who, unable to explain how life sprang from non-life, offered the possibility of space aliens “seeding“ the earth. The interviewer did not press him on how life would have begun for the space aliens.
I do agree that gender has nothing to do with science.
Sometimes you make sense, I'm beginning to rethink if you are really a shill for Boss Biden or just come here to be an agi-gator. Either way you are often entertaining, so there is that.
Not surprising. He is an expert in biology. As it turns out, psychology is also a science, though. I will seek my opinions on psychology from psychologists.
Psychology is a psuedo-science at best filled with subjective voodoo nonsense that cannot be repeated across the spectrum. Send a patient to four psychologists, get four different diagnoses, that's not science, it's garbage.
Psychology is a psuedo-science at best filled with subjective voodoo nonsense that cannot be repeated across the spectrum. Send a patient to four psychologists, get four different diagnoses, that's not science, it's garbage.
Nah, that's nonsense. It's ad hoc bullshit from someone who knows less than nothing about psychology, contrived because psychology doesn't show any deference to your personal fetishes.
Nah, that's nonsense. It's ad hoc bullshit from someone who knows less than nothing about psychology, contrived because psychology doesn't show any deference to your personal fetishes.

Psychology is just a business, not really a "science" at all. The reason why homosexuality is no longer a psychological "disease" is because the psychologists had a popular vote which de-diseased the activity.

What real science votes on their theorems and binds its member scientists to the decision of the vote?
He's a militant atheist, so he's a hero to the left in that respect, but what will they say now about him?

Sex is different than gender. No one is denying anything biological. But that expression of gender does not always align with the sex of the individual.
And if you have a vagina and xy chromosones then what Sassy? 😄

That would be highly unlikely, but would make you an extreme medical curiosity who could probably make a good living going to various medical schools to be interviewed by brainiac doctors and shrinks.
Nah, that's nonsense. It's ad hoc bullshit from someone who knows less than nothing about psychology, contrived because psychology doesn't show any deference to your personal fetishes.
Hardly. One need only look at any court case in which there are differing opinions on defendants. If it was real science there would be no questions at all. Save your defense of voodoo science for someone naive enough to buy into that nonsense.
That would be highly unlikely, but would make you an extreme medical curiosity who could probably make a good living going to various medical schools to be interviewed by brainiac doctors and shrinks.
Or it would make you Olympic runner Caster Semenya. Unlikely however doesn't mean non existent. The fact that the intersexed make up a tiny minority of the population doesn't mean you can just dismiss them as if they don't exist. People seem to have a misunderstanding of what biology is. There are the molecules, proteins, hormones and chemical reactions that comprise life and then there's the terminology we use to catalogue and group these observations into categories and lists that have contextual meaning. Nature itself doesn't care what we call someone with XX chromosones compared to someone with XY chromosones. It doesn't decide that only people with XX chromosones, a vagina, a uterus and ova is a female and nothing else. What about people with XX chromosones, a vagina but no womb? A percentage of females (non intersexed) are born without wombs. About 1 in 5,000. Do they not to get to be real women? Chemical reactions are one thing but the naratives we form around these reactions is less objective science and more subjective sociology.
Or it would make you Olympic runner Caster Semenya. Unlikely however doesn't mean non existent. The fact that the intersexed make up a tiny minority of the population doesn't mean you can just dismiss them as if they don't exist. People seem to have a misunderstanding of what biology is. There are the molecules, proteins, hormones and chemical reactions that comprise life and then there's the terminology we use to catalogue and group these observations into categories and lists that have contextual meaning. Nature itself doesn't care what we call someone with XX chromosones compared to someone with XY chromosones. It doesn't decide that only people with XX chromosones, a vagina, a uterus and ova is a female and nothing else. What about people with XX chromosones, a vagina but no womb? A percentage of females (non intersexed) are born without wombs. About 1 in 5,000. Do they not to get to be real women? Chemical reactions are one thing but the naratives we form around these reactions is less objective science and more subjective sociology.

Cut the bullshit, CG

This isn't about the tiny number of hermaphrodites and "intersex" curiosities. That's a very wee number of cross dressers, and a different circumstance entirely.

The entire Tranny Craze is about mostly physically normal men who go around wearing ladies' clothes and say they are "broads". In extreme cases, they get some quack to physically mutilate them.
Dawkins may be a militant atheist, but he's also a rabid transphobe.

His reaction when he found out that Mrs. Garrison had a sex change operation shows where he is coming from.

Well for starters. It's southpark so trying to use southpark as documentary footage is just baffling and beyond dumb. You might as well say "yes Robert Smith really can turn into a 100ft moth man because he did on southpark".

And he isn't a transphobe. He posed a question is all and was demonized for it.

He isn't a transphobe. He states the factual truth that if a man decides to say he is a woman is a lie because he isn't a woman.

So you're wrong on multiple fronts.
Cut the bullshit, CG

This isn't about the tiny number of hermaphrodites and "intersex" curiosities. That's a very wee number of cross dressers, and a different circumstance entirely.

The entire Tranny Craze is about mostly physically normal men who go around wearing ladies' clothes and say they are "broads". In extreme cases, they get some quack to physically mutilate them.
Sure thing bigot.

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