Richard Nixon - the last pres libs didnt call stupid

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Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
they may have called him a crook - but nobody ever called him stupid.

They called Reagan stupid.
If you're a republican and you're not being called stupid by the left, you're not a threat to them, or a useful idiot.

Nixon gave them the EPA, took us off bimetallism, opened trade with china, stopped the war in vietnam, invented "shuttle diplomacy" with Kissinger, Clean Air and water acts, helped ban DDT...

What was not to like?
If you're a republican and you're not being called stupid by the left, you're not a threat to them, or a useful idiot.

Nixon gave them the EPA, took us off bimetallism, opened trade with china, stopped the war in vietnam, invented "shuttle diplomacy" with Kissinger, Clean Air and water acts, helped ban DDT...

What was not to like?
The hard left never got over Alger Hiss.

Besides that, you can give the dummycrats everything they want and they'll still hate you if you have the temerity to carry that (R) by your name.
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Nixon flamed out over a second rate burglary that was bungled. No one is calling this shithead a genius.

He wasn't a genius...(see Haldeman) but he wasn't stupid either. He was just really paranoid.
If you're a republican and you're not being called stupid by the left, you're not a threat to them, or a useful idiot.

Nixon gave them the EPA, took us off bimetallism, opened trade with china, stopped the war in vietnam, invented "shuttle diplomacy" with Kissinger, Clean Air and water acts, helped ban DDT...

What was not to like?
The hard left never got over Alger Hiss.

Besides that, you can give the dummycrats everything they want and they'll still hate you if you have the temerity to carry that (R) by your name.
They still haven't. Or Joe McCarthy, or Jules and Ethel Rosenberg. 1 demon and 3 angels.
If you're a republican and you're not being called stupid by the left, you're not a threat to them, or a useful idiot.

Nixon gave them the EPA, took us off bimetallism, opened trade with china, stopped the war in vietnam, invented "shuttle diplomacy" with Kissinger, Clean Air and water acts, helped ban DDT...

What was not to like?
The hard left never got over Alger Hiss.

Besides that, you can give the dummycrats everything they want and they'll still hate you if you have the temerity to carry that (R) by your name.
They still haven't. Or Joe McCarthy, or Jules and Ethel Rosenberg. 1 demon and 3 angels.

you convinced they were traitors?
If you're just talking about brute IQ, than Carter has Reagan beat.
Presidential IQ's

But if you expand your measurement to include the effective marriage of thought and action (which is a better metric), than Reagan was brilliant and Carter was a poo bandit. Pure IQ is very limited.

Calling the gipper stupid is just silly. He was the most effective politician in the last 1/2 century. His skill-set was gargantuan. [At most, he was ethically deficient if you consider the October Surprise, the selling of weapons to terrorists, and the brutal undermining of the middle class]

He was a socially liberal Hollywood actor who, as governor of California, signed the nation's most liberal abortion policy. He let homosexuals sleep together at the White House. He never stepped foot in the church (and his soul mate was a notoriously anti-religious astrology freak). Yet, he had the intelligence to recognize that the ascendancy of movement conservatism was dependent on converting [mostly Southern and Western] Biblicalism into an electoral coalition equal to FDR's New Deal Coalition. Granted, this is Machiavellian, but it also reflects a highly evolved intelligence.

Though his father Jack was rescued by a New Deal work program, Reagan single-handledly dismantled New Deal progressivism, and shrunk government's long-standing investment in the middle class in order to deliver massive amounts of wealth and political power to America's wealthiest individuals.

The man was not stupid. The last 30 years are his, just as the Postwar years were FDR's. If you want to know how this country was able to remove Glass-Stegall, thus freeing financial-service-conglomerates to plunge the world into a deep global recession, you must look not to Phil Gramm, Alan Greenspan, Richard Rubin, or Bill Clinton -- nope, they were pawns of Reagan's deregulatory movement. It was Reagan's goal to move government regulators away from the energy, financial, and health insurance markets. It was Reagan's goal to let rational self-interested buyers and sellers price their own risk, and determine their own levels of leverage, and invent innovative financial products like Derivatives and Swaps, unencumbered by bureaucrats and rules. He cut food programs for schoolchildren in order to pursue things like Star Wars, and he increased Cold War spending at the end of his presidency despite Gorby's unwinding of the curtain -- deficits be damned! [What a salesman! Talk about intelligence. He sold an entire nation on a vision of the world that made McCarthy's paranoia seem small and benign] It was Reagan's goal to create what he called a "Permanent Pentagon" with an ever expanding budget. It was Reagan's goal to replace the power of organized labor with corporate lobbying. It was Reagan's goal to give capital cheap Mexican Labor -- to open all borders so capital could flow to the cheapest resources and operating conditions anywhere in the globe. [He gave the globe to capital] It was Reagan's role to get rid of alternative energy and conservation in favor of middle eastern oil. It was Reagan's goal to create a globe of American bases so Washington could centrally control not only this country, but the entire global market system.

Reagan achieved all his goals. He is easily one of the most effective politicians in word history. Love him or hate him -- the one thing he isn't is stupid. I'll take Reagan and Bush's decisive criminal bravado over Obama's meek centrism any day of the week.
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Remember how UNFUNNY comedian Chevy Chase made fun of war hero/All American center at Michigan Gerald Ford????

SNL really took off after he left...................
you convinced they were traitors?
Hiss and the Rosenbergs? Hell yeah.

Hiss was for sure. Just not sure about rosenbergs.

I think, according to the Venona project, Hiss got their paperwork. It is a while since I read that book.

Reason Hiss was up and out of Government service when the thing blew up on him was we were reading his love letters to Moscow.
Remember how UNFUNNY comedian Chevy Chase made fun of war hero/All American center at Michigan Gerald Ford????

SNL really took off after he left...................

Yeah, whatever happened to that guy? His career really went in the toilet after that.
Reagan, Bush I, and Bush II haven't exactly been the brainyist kids on block, but being smart has never been a qualification for being president.
Nixon was paranoid but understood the system both at home and abroad.

Ford was not intellectual but was merely holding the office

Reagan had a keen understanding of the American people but was intellectually incurious

Daddy Bush was probably the best Republican president since Eisenhower

Baby Bush was just plain stupid
Richard Nixon - the last pres libs didnt call stupid
'Tis true!!!

Nixon was an average, ordinary, garden-variety paranoid.

March 21, 2002

"Lumping marijuana, homosexuality, Jews and Commies into one grand conspiracy, a paranoid Richard Nixon launched America's "war on pot" 30 years ago."
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