Rick Perry: Debunking the lie.

Bush did everythig but give him a handjob

You DO understand that the Obama bow wasn't a Photoshop job, right?

No, of course not. Just like you can't discern the difference between Tina Fey in an SNL skit and Sarah Palin.

You don't know the difference between fantasy and reality - which is why you are a leftist.


Bush gave the guy tongue and tried to get to third base

Prove it!
You DO understand that the Obama bow wasn't a Photoshop job, right?

No, of course not. Just like you can't discern the difference between Tina Fey in an SNL skit and Sarah Palin.

You don't know the difference between fantasy and reality - which is why you are a leftist.


Bush gave the guy tongue and tried to get to third base

Prove it!

Unsubstantiated sources have stated that Bush was last seen entering a mensroom stall with the Saudi Prince


Bush and Saudi Prince headed for secret rendevoux. Sky rockets in flight....
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And Rick Perry (aka Ricardo Perez) is an illegal Mexican immigrant

That sounds like a fun rumor. I think I shall run with it.

Has anybody seen his birth certificate? The original, I mean.


Its all over the interweb.......so it must be true

Rick Perry was born Ricardo Perez in Juarez Mexico to an American Mother and Mexican father. Unreliable sources say he was smuggled into the US and given a fake US birth certificate
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And Rick Perry (aka Ricardo Perez) is an illegal Mexican immigrant

Hey, if you want to demand that Photoshop jobs "ARE TOOO REALLY REAL," I can find plenty to post.

If you want to stick to the truth, well - you'd have to switch parties, but if you want to stop posting fraud and stick with reality, we can do that as well.
This is it. This is what they've got.

It's gonna be a tough year to be a liberal.

You have to underatnd Missourian, they HATE not just Perry but what he has done or will do. And they hate most all the fact that people would if given a chance prefer to do bus. in Texas or some other right to work red state then the rambling wrecks of other states whom dispense the gov. manna…… kowtow to unions etc etc …

And, heres the kicker; it burns their ass that people don’t feel the way they do, take greenbeard, I always thought he was a bloodless gov. drone, but he has a heart and the one thing his heart hates most of all is anyone who doesn’t buy the nanny state rap, if Texas provided less in the way of safety net or living standards and people choose to stay or go there, to them that’s an anathema, they cannot even wrap their heads around the fact that people would rather suffer a bit to go it alone, stand on their own 2 feet come hell or high water, to be left alone by the nanny state then accept the strings attached manna….

In their feeble minds they will run around and tell anyone that will listen, “don’t you understand this guy is evil he wants you to work and do it on your own, how can you buy that”!!!!”You need to be coddled and fed gov. cheese….”!!!!

Its a bitch when people don't act like the blocks of wood they would prefer them to and just swallow the progressive line.

That's it. For all the yammering of Progressives that they are for the working man, the working man ain't having any of it. This drives them nuts. Their explanations are:
1) The working man is too stupid to know what's good for him.
2) The working man is suffering from ignorance as to his own miserable condition
3) The working man is being used by those rich millionaires and billionaires in the GOP, like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates. (wait a minute!).

emphasized for truth.
I just found this little op-ed on Rick the Dick to be interesting
Robert Scheer: The Biggest Little Hypocrite in Texas - Robert Scheer's Columns - Truthdig
The Biggest Little Hypocrite in Texas

"To begin with, Texas is not and never will be a model for the nation unless the other states discover similarly rich deposits of oil and natural gas that account for one-third of jobs and supply 40 percent of tax revenues within those states. If Texas energy receipts and jobs helped float Gov. Bush’s reputation, they have been nothing short of miraculous for Perry’s tenure."

"In addition, thanks to breakthroughs in oil field technology that Perry had nothing to do with, there have been controversial new drilling techniques that have vastly expanded the exploitation of gas and oil reserves, producing many of the new jobs that the Texas governor claims. For a relatively ineffectual governor, in a state in which the part-time Legislature holds the power, to take credit for this job boom is as ludicrous as a Saudi prince bragging of his entrepreneurial skills as the source of royal wealth."

"There is, however, something very important in the Texas experience that could serve as a model for the nation, and that is the state’s success in avoiding the worst effects of the housing crash. Texas has not suffered anything like the crushing foreclosure crisis that is the main source of joblessness in states from Florida to California. But Perry surely will not dwell on the reasons for Texas having escaped that fate, because his mantra of less government regulation doesn’t work in this instance. If lax environmental and zoning codes were the secret, neighboring Arizona and Nevada would not be the housing basket cases that they are. The difference for Texas is one that most free-market conservatives ignore: It was precisely the tight government regulation of the housing market that spared Texas a similar fate."

:lol:critical thinking is not your friend, those tight gov. standards , which had been in existence for decades that got laid low driving the blow up, ala money down, appropriate fica scores and risk evaluation, fully documented loans etc....yup, thats the ticket, so everyone else seemed to deep six them Texas didn't and? thats now a bad thing?....slice that bologna a little thinner.
People who decide elections, independents, won't vote for Perry :eusa_pray:

Independents won't vote for Obama.
Nobody considered sane will vote for Obama.

How did Perry do in the debate? :confused:
The debate has not yet begun. Obama has not mastered the use of tele-promptors yet.

You liberals will have to do better than this nonsense if you expect your man Obama to win in 2012.

Lord knows he can't win on his record.
That's no brag...just fact. Obama's record SUCKS!!...and he knows it!
People who decide elections, independents, won't vote for Perry :eusa_pray:

Independents won't vote for Obama.
Nobody considered sane will vote for Obama.

How did Perry do in the debate? :confused:
The debate has not yet begun. Obama has not mastered the use of tele-promptors yet.

You liberals will have to do better than this nonsense if you expect your man Obama to win in 2012.

Lord knows he can't win on his record.
That's no brag...just fact. Obama's record SUCKS!!...and he knows it!

So, Asshole-Itis........who do you think is the strongest GOP candidate to beat Obama and why?

(Lame ass insults and bullshit not allowed, link to FACTS please).
I hear the same crap...lie after lie told about Rick Perry.

So here is the compendium so far.

Every lie debunked and sourced.

1. The lie - Rick Perry threatened to secede.
The Truth - Politifact says "FALSE"

2. The lie - Economic job growth in Texas was dependent on stimulus money and defense contracts...IOW Government Spending.
The Truth - Texas has created more jobs in the last year than the other 49 states combined.

They all got stimulus money.

They all receive a share of defense spending.

When you look at the last government report on the subject of Federal Government spending by state...the Consolidated Federal Funds Report for Fiscal Year 2009, which is the most recent report that the Census Bureau has released...

Texas is close to the bottom...like 42 out of 50.

Here is the source: The States Where America Spends The Most (And The Least) Per Person - 24/7 Wall St.

3. The misleading statement - Rick Perry raised taxes.

The Truth - Texas has no income tax. Zero. Zip. Zilch.
The taxes that were raised:

The Legislature added a 2% tax on the retail sale of fireworks.

The Legislature added a tax of 1% on the purchase or rental of diesel equipment.

The Legislature made "tweaks" in the emissions reduction fund to bring in more money. (nothing about a tax)

There was a net tax decrease in 2006, where some taxes were raised and others lowered.

And some other mamby pamby stuff.

Politifact is the source: PolitiFact Texas | Gov. Rick Perry says he has a track record of not raising taxes

4. The misleading statement - Perry doubled the debt in Texas.

The truth - While technically true...the reason for the increase in debt makes the statement missleading. According to Politifact:
"It turns out that transportation is responsible for most of the added debt load under Perry, increasing from basically nothing in 2000 to $11.8 billion outstanding as of Aug. 31 2009.

That's because before 2001, the Texas Department of Transportation lacked the authority to borrow money to pay for road projects. Voters gave it that power in 2001 when they approved a constitutional amendment that Perry supported."
5. The lie - Rick Perry executed an innocent man
The truth - The most cursory investigation proves Rick Perry COULD NOT POSSIBLY have commuted Willingham's death sentence.​

Cameron Todd Willingham was a Texas man whose three young children died in a 1991 fire at the family home in Corsicana, Texas. Willingham, accused of having set the fire, was convicted of murder and was executed in 2004. Shortly before the execution and after several years of unsuccessful appeals, an arson expert, Gerald Hurst, filed a report advising the 7-member Board of Pardons and Paroles that the investigation of the case had not been based on good science and that there was no proof of arson, but the Board of Pardons and Paroles declined to recommend clemency to the governor.

Board of Pardons and Paroles

In addition, a defendant may also appeal to the Texas Board of Pardons and Paroles (a division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice) for commutation of the [death] sentence.

The Board, after hearing testimony, decides whether or not to recommend commutation to the Governor of Texas. The Governor can accept or reject a positive recommendation of commutation, but has no power to override a negative recommendation.


6. The lie - Rick Perry doesn't believe in global warming science.
The Truth - Rick Perry doesn't believe MAN MADE global warming is proven science.
"We're seeing it almost weekly or almost daily, scientists who are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change," the Texas governor added.

This thread got off track in a hurry...deflecting for the OP after the first page.

Funny that.
The failed Governor from Texas will see his poll numbers come crashing down when he actually needs to defend his horrific record as Governor.

Hard to believe he could be a worse governor than his predecessor and we saw what happened to this great country when we let him run it
The failed Governor from Texas will see his poll numbers come crashing down when he actually needs to defend his horrific record as Governor.

Hard to believe he could be a worse governor than his predecessor and we saw what happened to this great country when we let him run it

Is this the new talking point spoon fed from HuffPo? :lol:

Well I guess you've got to say something.

Good luck with that.
The failed Governor from Texas will see his poll numbers come crashing down when he actually needs to defend his horrific record as Governor.

Hard to believe he could be a worse governor than his predecessor and we saw what happened to this great country when we let him run it

Is this the new talking point spoon fed from HuffPo? :lol:

Well I guess you've got to say something.

Good luck with that.


Republicans trying to pass off another failed Governor from Texas is not going to fool anyone

The only difference is that Bush was the more intellectual of the two
The failed Governor from Texas will see his poll numbers come crashing down when he actually needs to defend his horrific record as Governor.

Hard to believe he could be a worse governor than his predecessor and we saw what happened to this great country when we let him run it

Is this the new talking point spoon fed from HuffPo? :lol:

Well I guess you've got to say something.

Good luck with that.


Republicans trying to pass off another failed Governor from Texas is not going to fool anyone

The only difference is that Bush was the more intellectual of the two

Must be nice living in Bizarro World.

A governor of a state with no income tax, that created more jobs than the other 49 states combined AND has a $6 billion dollar surplus in their rainy day fund you consider a failure.

While President Obama, who has overseen the loss of 2.3 million jobs nationwide, who's only major accomplishment with a super majority was an Obamacare entitlement that he's embarrassed to even mention in public, and he spent $7 TRILLION in the last two years, (that's almost half of the entire national debt)... by you and most liberals is considered a success?

Only in Bizarro World.

Like I said...if this is the new liberal plan...good luck making it stick.

You'll need it.
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Here's the Factcheck.org link to my numbers above.

It’s true that the federal government has spent about $7 trillion over the past two fiscal years: $3.5 trillion in fiscal year 2010 and an estimated $3.8 trillion in the current fiscal year, as Table 1.1 of the president’s latest budget proposal shows. (It’s not exactly "the last two years," since the current fiscal year doesn’t end until Sept. 30, but it’s close enough.)


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, total nonfarm employment (the standard for measuring jobs) decreased by 3.24 million in Obama&#8217;s first two years in office, from January 2009 through January 2011. The job loss is even less if you look at "the last two years" &#8212; that is, the most recent 24-month period, from February 2009 through February 2011. By that measure, the job loss was 2.32 million jobs.

Is this the new talking point spoon fed from HuffPo? :lol:

Well I guess you've got to say something.

Good luck with that.


Republicans trying to pass off another failed Governor from Texas is not going to fool anyone

The only difference is that Bush was the more intellectual of the two

Must be nice living in Bizarro World.

A governor of a state with no income tax, that created more jobs than the other 49 states combined AND has a $6 billion dollar surplus in their rainy day fund you consider a failure.

While President Obama, who has overseen the loss of 2.3 million jobs nationwide, who's only major accomplishment with a super majority was an Obamacare entitlement that he's embarrassed to even mention in public, and he spent $7 TRILLION in the last two years, (that's almost half of the entire national debt)... by you and most liberals is considered a success?

Only in Bizarro World.

Like I said...if this is the new liberal plan...good luck making it stick.

You'll need it.

The failed Governor of Texas did not create a single job. More jobs would have been created without his interference

Perrys record as a failed Governor

Jobs- FAIL
Education- FAIL
Social Services- FAIL
Environment- FAIL

Executions- Leads the nation

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