Rick Perry: Debunking the lie.

The failed Governor of Texas did not create a single job. More jobs would have been created without his interference

Perrys record as a failed Governor

Jobs- FAIL
Education- FAIL
Social Services- FAIL
Environment- FAIL

Executions- Leads the nation

Then why hasn't the failed president stopped interfering so that jobs could be created in the rest of the country?

Your Messiah®'s record as a failed president:

Jobs - 9.2% unemployment, abysmal failure
Economy - 3rd year of no growth, in the second recession of the failed sack of shit's term
Closing Gitmo - FAIL
Leaving Iraq - FAIL
Trying to pass of another failed Governor from Texas is not going to bode well with the American public. Perrys miserable record as an executive highlight that he is incapable of holding higher office

Even Governor Sarah Palin mocks the failed Governor from Texas for his poor leadership skills
Something Perry is not a failure at....


Deep Throating a Corn Dog

Looks like he has had practice

Republicans trying to pass off another failed Governor from Texas is not going to fool anyone

The only difference is that Bush was the more intellectual of the two

Must be nice living in Bizarro World.

A governor of a state with no income tax, that created more jobs than the other 49 states combined AND has a $6 billion dollar surplus in their rainy day fund you consider a failure.

While President Obama, who has overseen the loss of 2.3 million jobs nationwide, who's only major accomplishment with a super majority was an Obamacare entitlement that he's embarrassed to even mention in public, and he spent $7 TRILLION in the last two years, (that's almost half of the entire national debt)... by you and most liberals is considered a success?

Only in Bizarro World.

Like I said...if this is the new liberal plan...good luck making it stick.

You'll need it.

The failed Governor of Texas did not create a single job. More jobs would have been created without his interference

Perrys record as a failed Governor

Jobs- FAIL
Education- FAIL
Social Services- FAIL
Environment- FAIL

Executions- Leads the nation

I had this all lined up for you...from Politifact:

Gov. Rick Perry says Texas has created more than 850,000 jobs, more than the other states combined


Texas, the second-largest state, has created more jobs than any other state in Perry's time as governor. Arizona created the second-most jobs, 132,700, followed by Utah with 113,200.

Twenty states and the District of Columbia have enjoyed a net job gain during Perry's tenure, while California, the most populous state, has lost the most jobs: 827,800. Michigan lost the second most, 755,900, followed by Ohio, at 557,300.

Excluding Texas and including the District of Columbia, which had a net gain of 59,100 jobs, all the states combined had a net job loss of 3,185,000 from January 2001 to June 2010.

Cheryl Abbot, an economist at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in Dallas, confirmed that Perry is correct in saying that Texas added more jobs than all the other states combined. "Texas was one of the very few who even added jobs over that time," she said.



I totally understand why you feel the need to lie...it's all you've got.
A Tribute to the Failed Governor from Texas


Is this what we want for the whole country?
Symbol of the Perry campaign


Must be nice living in Bizarro World.

A governor of a state with no income tax, that created more jobs than the other 49 states combined AND has a $6 billion dollar surplus in their rainy day fund you consider a failure.

While President Obama, who has overseen the loss of 2.3 million jobs nationwide, who's only major accomplishment with a super majority was an Obamacare entitlement that he's embarrassed to even mention in public, and he spent $7 TRILLION in the last two years, (that's almost half of the entire national debt)... by you and most liberals is considered a success?

Only in Bizarro World.

Like I said...if this is the new liberal plan...good luck making it stick.

You'll need it.

#1: “What Recession?”
#2: Perry: A Bad Prescription for Children’s Health
#3: Perry’s Political Cover-Up Compromises Texas Criminal Justice System
#4: Perry Education Report Card: F
#5: Perry’s Stimulus Hypocrisy Costs Texans
#6: Perry Prices Texans Out of a College Education
#7: Perry Taking a Toll on Texans
#8: Utility Rates Out of Control
#9: Homeowners Insurance Rates Skyrocket During Perry’s Tenure
#10: Health Insurance Premiums Increase 91.6%
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President Obama Job Approval

Polling Data

.......Poll....................Date........Approve... Disapprove Spread
RCP Average......8/17 - 8/29..........-43.0.........53.2 ......-10.2

$7 trillion spent in 2 years.

2.2 million jobs lost.


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Under Perry, 43% of all jobs in America were added in Texas last year.

Under Perry, more jobs were add than all the other states combined.

Under Perry, $9 billion surplus, no state income tax.

Under Perry, $6 billion remain in the states rainy day fund.


Under Perry, 43% of all jobs in America were added in Texas last year.

Under Perry, more jobs were add than all the other states combined.

Under Perry, $9 billion surplus, no state income tax.

Under Perry, $6 billion remain in the states rainy day fund.


The Failed Governor from Texas did not add a single job. In fact, he cost Texas jobs by spending stimulus money meant for job creation to artificailly balance his budget


Under Perry, 43% of all jobs in America were added in Texas last year.

Under Perry, more jobs were add than all the other states combined.

Under Perry, $9 billion surplus, no state income tax.

Under Perry, $6 billion remain in the states rainy day fund.


The Failed Governor from Texas did not add a single job. In fact, he cost Texas jobs by spending stimulus money meant for job creation to artificailly balance his budget


Think Progress must love the hell out of ya', RW.....You spew their phoney propoganda like a master.

Christ man, what goes on in that head of yours?

I'll tell ya' what goes on in that head:

"animal crackers in my soup. Lions and tigers loopedy loop":cuckoo:
Trying to pass of another failed Governor from Texas is not going to bode well with the American public.

Trying to pass off another failed Messiah® from Chicago hasn't done real well for the American public, that's for sure.

Perrys miserable record as an executive highlight that he is incapable of holding higher office

Even Governor Sarah Palin mocks the failed Governor from Texas for his poor leadership skills

Perry's record is actually pretty good, as you know.

Lying about Perry won't do anything about Obama's miserable record.

Under Perry, 43% of all jobs in America were added in Texas last year.

Under Perry, more jobs were add than all the other states combined.

Under Perry, $9 billion surplus, no state income tax.

Under Perry, $6 billion remain in the states rainy day fund.


The Failed Governor from Texas did not add a single job. In fact, he cost Texas jobs by spending stimulus money meant for job creation to artificailly balance his budget


Think Progress must love the hell out of ya', RW.....You spew their phoney propoganda like a master.

Christ man, what goes on in that head of yours?

I'll tell ya' what goes on in that head:

"animal crackers in my soup. Lions and tigers loopedy loop":cuckoo:

Deflection does not save the failed governorship of Rick Perry

Under his guidance the state has abandoned education, accelerated minimum wage jobs, cut healthcare, destroyed the environment and advocated secession from the very union that Perry hopes to lead

The only thing Perry has been successful at is ordering executions

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